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March 23, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-23

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, ' . l .

VOL. VIII. No. 124.




A W id sLECTURES ON THE DEITY. itence of any force which caniinfldnence Whist Club at Ypsilanti.
Caru 1 Men need not think that thence' The U. of mI. Whist (Ctab lid not
Spring, selections just arrived D)r. Carus Treats the Subject concetption of fGnd, wicis o erming toiiian welt ao was expected at the ment-
frmteEs aladPoon Ilvy he fett more and none, witl necessarity ttg of the Central Ditvision of the State
from__thot eatt.w ttttelotddean whih in inWhittLIeague hntttit Yttitantt tast
ovrho h~*odieswihIinspect our ....
itranraudience. thtit cnmpletely filied {thne been tear to thnem. Byotetecti 0tet ie-ni ia wep asanfor
Suitings, Trouserings, tie'tapran Stall lectire roomtet eee t ittinit line hintther ideas for throe lesstimscit fotir; the higthest Michigan
T op Coats. itPaut Catusttntihis eture iofnTe idc e vfl etnicayae' rat nore rmean-reamcn warafour th, Ypilanti hli-gone
treltiidraticof lot 'tat ti~er.~ in aitdlimpotriritreftorvery ne im tanteam i it la ice antdlJatckonicin-
"0O 10 .WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN IiCtnonieice-i tnteheian;er. He in the the "'Allhalee ofret"- inge"the serondlacud lit iplceo.
ofhsteetire, the addtrenssniar nt niliertellco. Torrrow',night the' clubitnullco-
itet i reun neraltir Icenrn titeir i I Icr. Cres nwill le''ctr I in rioen'lf- ieie c e o h ite cri i
the lireoblemrn rfCccii rasnoti a ircfiicr t rernir at 3i crlock elfrore 'rce'- silatiis expetednastc sorl.:>oerrit rii-
A I Iegretti 's one. Ilitsn deeper innificaicce the ideai 'n c, _in Etics '' A ('entie I gentm ee ilj be t~n tori3n
Ohoco I ates.... ,r dru nedrAtO teoi ilcoilcii ciicii e'r- -'es. 'The Dcliit ell ee'rcr Pien hem
c.-ri uniein dangerous,a coteerenetsoit cut. Iemceed toi litii .thci lcoer atn'the- club
Frenle evey week. sI. ite rh prbemsnhalctolvedlaelacuru-1 Bestowal of tne Laetare Medal. relgy eaichIiweei.
Only pond ptcae-- c-itstothre' caittgraineeottruith tiertte, Tennis Prospects.
Lowney's if yonu uwhoel'-fjeee,-'mi.imothly iE. Iliwere, 'if Shecitli
prefer. i{ cndIii ndianar i tlef justtc iic fte' Sic- 'he'tencns i-rieieoc in lmoitI e rc'acnt
tcit;eul ciisnoreelto efea tre.'fThe
t flot nehru ieeitcecrc insrift entc clfir lpr'me Court rf Indlianca, ni n oredlccii eculaitilciion i lreadylnrifeea tic tie
P ALMERS' PHARMACY, flcric te most bigoecrocsrvnative. Sundaylerbten ei'ng lpeetedewiith Lae- iproble utco iime-of ref lcihrim niirh
'tcacirt t venl n m cen;e re i' leer e petal 1by- tie i'niicreinrtyNof ' playr r-erI eli rs c cr t
_' °'° T s nuysllcefil, ertip errcia iind i rime, The iehonr 5c onei-i'ferreld c c'-t iin et e a.tl near a'cecil i seiin p'ule
-PIP S S '"7...1 S « itI h Xic ciinisalnways toe le cogntitlioen citpecoalortelh creeltcc- 1cctler plat 'in thinsolerict;. 'heuetea-
FORti\<lt' ('"ct i w~ :<g(dfor frontecrictit coesenni-c-ering afidelityt- lic'ioni, i'rliii-eiIt c diii'e i ocilticwil lbe' en~al
lairt recerive reilsh 'I rnieofAllerettiandsi gea. n h aw obfl
Williams ad Weisers Choclates. Lana it usie rn h rciollit
iluhes.Th aseto adieaoallhsjJug owr asbr bourrm Tee ilprbby en. tme
Runhe at alhus.t teet len.rend -iscaturael, a clecceoirc-ri en t- ruer Achierbr-, eral ncurwas ei(Ad ie tt ithle fiagrcciiind lie-Irigi-a illtine-
. e.J .. ^y .sZe & 0.ciiiio. ndyet lieeidec ofret cciti- h'pnilantri, the' t'rin-erniln- cit \lrhigei ierrlln-agiente r the' infrer alug-
.1)1SothStteStet. tin ltit lio e cornidlre rer ie ri nd Nicre Dince. He isn'owc i'serviig ei' eiorcnmentl, wichlirerrorbii-
erie-h imrtcnceri-, fir cafter all there' in lilssecici erm asricacijudg 'etfthe' Sir- crill le'heldt in Chiricg o ri-)411,canc-es
a ccperrnee wh- rlich lraincl i tti- ire-ice'Cortcitwinini there 'caccc' c-ry 1rericlt r nciit
Mi rrjfofs. grislabcire ntire concepteione retditter- 'lhe lbentowinlt citthe iLae'Ita riedil iweciulirbe a istoakc'erotticge'idioer
Ieret peopilesndcreltimes. Ti-en-ftivei an uaererr~l reventof nactioner-it ere-nt men. "dManaeger I-I errie-ckwil e ti-'hi'
Ihnde yearrrlr' retefctre tiehe wn tacit- tee peope iniothe religteioucicndedcica- ectsre'adyn'for retay irescioon asthe'
Noih kn otigonte ae-iltheir rmonoee-theitriccoincetioni, lire tioere nal lcsretlife. Itecipriernsref this wecrther permrits.
Not te kinl tohauw nn t egypnticainsand the flesaiiotaetain cad hcern iith" epant trace been: ruhe lilt-,

wall, but the indispensible oval
Haud-Mirrorn. There is hardly
a size or shape that we do not
have. White, hlack antI natu-
ral wvoods.
The prices tire the squick sale

inc rriratcd the saerieconac-eptioni erinrmay Shieai, the hintoeiricn; Patrrick r lo a~eg
praners ntiusngn. Reeler, lire architectret chnic-Ic eificen; ('ref.t'clteegtll, i -chairmair rf Ire-
We iersistfaicethe fact that thre Eizc o AaiAlten Starr, famorus ccstletrer coadiinistraltionrhoard, ditd-eenwhether
cc i-.inidifference hetwee the symhbol 4and crtint; General John 'Newtn.irorf err not delinqunrt strideets nhcall he cent

and reality, hetiween the mnth and ltre
tfict. tf mcodernirnece in opinetgthe
i-ye-noret nntirethe realizaticerthait
iwhat they-oice cnidoeredra ccfento
new ai mynh err cesyncbhel, it nthoucldt re
tier thatitreasoen teerriicisedl but mcan
ashourtl frinkcly ademitthat lire' ccc ee-
tirn cit God circe chancge an ririliza-

nilitary' renownc; P. V. Hickcey, iehoe
editorilpen wan aliways nelisted.inir
dlefe-ne tint furtherance ref faith, edue-
cationri andelmoraln; Mes n, aiRrs anonr
Doersey, iwhoen ame shinres brightly in
C'athorlic litercature; William J. flreclin,
Dianriel Dougherty, the icral ; ,eajoir
-eery F. Bronivson, snc-ier and,,cheil-


- - ~i on advanc-es. :ten eheoald enearrerar; Pateirk thonahue, the neterane ed-
tir developcconecrcetiocnutf" the (iner" itoic; ,AuegusneDcaly, the' celcerted te-
W f and riot of "ca Godr." flints hculd nert atricaul mtanager; the late tieneral Will-
he cocnideredl an a parent, a judge, a hiam Stance lRsecrans, then, Sadler arid
3 O O H ST O0 P ~ taw-giver oercaerier in the coiccepcm tonDr'Thomas Arddis Ercret.
mdci ed fodi i it-u a High School Debate,
NEW AND SECOND-HAND Thin idea of (lit an a comumanuder to I The lang-talked-of dehate at Detroit
ansufouctnate one. The forceo, lawn Fideay' piglet betwveen representatives
eI X t B ook s ~I (taedtrefpeorf this niei-rse were iftLyc'etum No. 1, Anne Aeboerhigh
never previonsly ordained, neither are schocol, and tire House of Repreiensta-
veForevery department inMeia the Uni- s then' aecidenti, hat they are simluy ne- l ives oflire Detroit high schone is stil
specialty. We can supply all your c'essities. A mcan does ight errnrg- the subject of mteeh discussion at the
needs for the Second Semester at feer limesame reas oo ht a stonre foliosihigh schrol. The Ann Arbor debatern,
lowest prices. o hmcl ntnml. ~csiy ess rmlHlitr np n
Second-hand Books Bought, Soldcurhmaiuntnmleehiy heseTrbeHleeKapad
and Exchanged. The idea of God inoleave any powver nr Gay opeeak in high praise of the recep-
Best Lineni Writing Paper 15c and mneaning meet not be based uepone by- tione tendered them and the kindnes
-2,5c per pound.
The A. A. Waterman Solid osd Fountain potheses; it most be a development showtn them. They are still a trifle sore
Pens for $.25. frniemoer experience. God erust bein i at having been defeated, the judges by
uif he is to mreans anything to uis. a vote of I to 1 giving the deeision
W AUR' 8100K STOIRE This fact makes the philosophy of Ag- to the Detroit debatersUpeonth
Ip Tows Dawn Town nosticism weorthless. Toetinic of a God whole, however, the affairs evas quite
S. State st. Opposite Cetirtll e
Ann Arbor. Main t. outside of ourselves is to deny the ex- succeessftil.

homee. Wrinckle pincureri hint en en nice-
tertof infcnti, and rune dcay thiosnneeke he
receti e <nanonymocusn letter wivh0,
ii minut, recrlacnnfollowso:
nect are aretmii s -nmean aciynici-r
b e, The re ivere tplentiy 'if steuents
ivorse thcnr Iiiansloot ymculet thom
stay and tired mrice rincaueyu iconit
ire for nie"
'She student ends I-y callingca rmes
crnch aihing the prmofeesoc ten "heraldlia
Iroed."Prouf. Pattengitlidllemoften-
ticnn in tie'nlnct.-Detrit tEveing
Comedy Club.
Manager Weistein announces that
ntanding roome will he at a premium at
lire performance of the Comedy Clueb
the night of Maerche 25. The club will
tpresent eaeh persomnlpresent with a
beautifol souvenir program, surpassing
tin design and technical nicety any pro-
gram given at a performance is the
Athens Theatre.
3 An enterprising young man kept
rtrack of the pedestrians who went
iround the boulevard Sunday from 7e:ts
a. m. until 6:30, and found that 792
made the journey, This speols well
for the boulevard as a pleasure resort.


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