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March 22, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-22

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W. J. BOOTH, Prey. W. ARNOLD, 1st Vice-pres
J. V. SHEERIAN, 2d Vice-pres.
JON C. W'A. Asst.. Cashier.
State - Savious - Bank.
Transacts a general Banking busi
~Ajiirmn~ .i~rr~nzr~rm

513 East Liberty St.



Phone los


IjOS U~'~T IE or. Alaenand fluron Sres
J O S W . K L L A V F +Capital, $50,0010. Surplus, $3,00. Transact a
general banking business.
RIt ptmr Pres. C. E. CReF.NE, Vice-Pres
Ol*A PhFEp. H. PusSER Cashier.
Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,S00.
113 E. WASIiINGTIIN ST. AnnAbr ib Resources, $1,100,000S.
ArborRS Organzed under the General Banking Laws
af thin State. tReceives deposits, bays and
sells exchange on the principal cities of the
United States. Drafts cashed upun proper
I identification. Safety deposit bsses ts real.
IOFFCR:iPO!D I K R O F EHrriman os: nChristian Mach Pros.; W. I,
HO R N E S O O F EHriaVice-Pres.; Chas 1J. Hiscock,
' Cashier; Al. .J, Fritz Assistant Cashier.
Pleans s& Co.'s Blended Coffee is thse result of thirty years experience FIS NTOALBN of Aon Arbor
FIRS NATONALBA i KOrganioed 1803
{ ill roatstinigrollee, sod prodocee, in the cuIp a beverage of golden Capital, 8100,000. Surplus and Profits, 540,000
cislor' aiid tisurpassing flievor. We sell this cofifee at 25c per poun~d Transacts a general banking business.
anid venlture the statemfent th01t1no belier or m-ore delicious coffee' Forelgn eschsnge bought and sold. Furnish
russ be had at anly timeC. letters of credit.
E. 1). KINNE, Pros. HiARISON SOUl.,
Vice Pres
214 South Main Street. rDHAMAJORM&ACO.
CI. ff. M JR& .
Athletic Note. aga0 in erIo-rciscll illsn helimi mThe Artistic deorators
05is Ph 1is 1or: oni.sted 1 istoils I Have a complete line of


1111esniety-nlie 1100' teamll s 1111n-
We IBIO bercevding g1 1110011ill 1he1900 tieis illtheir
have Jus1ree1 Pa rcceo. Surdy nigiht. Thy csime
large shipment of Iltst no stoick pllalssed bNlthlY 511
is ,' of the 1900. ets soa s ruiresi. lhe
Sopihomoesonheot li her hand1,cli
WRIGHT; PETERS & GO. ha hileth idntpasteSic
wassasse ssy'sch ssssnes' "snsl that 1it

C EEB .dAT E D.lil

New shapes inl Vesting Tops,
H$3.00, $4 00, $5.00.

mnilounsetIstheisisame thin'. iThe A.5I1.
lets ic isisil 51will sle at erlii 1111s 111111
tise1hi1s weal:.
Osi iile s' onighstsr the fist.ltimeliu l
its his~toriy, '98lfailedtgti a 010init
in the ' sss'-ityindoi imee55t0. TreS-lhs-
sisosis ofilistplaceith o iiintsl,
19 secondst with 1140111115, '01 ;hirdl withI
1;, poinsi0 l dl.isorthsrsswith 8hf
,pintis , '98 beels fifthswithises'-poinits,
andss'00 lTaws sixthoith Itposntso. rho
'slay racsi., hsiisig, rfses osandsrest-
ling (ints arse lust incsluded's in this.
Anotsssher roundllinlethe hasndbasll tiournl-
aiment for lisoublees wassplayed OSster-
slay moisng. 'Tho e sulsifolslow: w y0-
erssnd bLetz on truss Beath anti
B ssty, 15-t, 15-:3; MleaseanidDavs'h
sonsefrom NilessansilHlarlan,.*1-.5, 15-3;

huniting sssslisscatcinletIics. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
0 " Shades, Room Mbouldings, Etc.
Thes Isoeis cadi'dates1551 5rltit-l'ilSpecialty of fine interior decorating
ystoerdaiy isns Iso lsetsyillnslsrsisisiil. painiting, frescoing, tintinganid paper
Ursev,- neei were out1. Isanging. Only the best of workmene
. emlployed. Work guaranteed.
11I' l xie \e 11 Lutz,0win0)r 211heC. 1.MAJOR & CO.,
1.1 islss~l555r55510011, lii iI~The Artistic Decortor.
of iise Oil nb.atis1 I a sl______beauty._________________
Ill'MVIaslier, Princetone's tless I d is t- 1 1
basll iitri'ner llor seesal 1ses st#K
wil ranMineot': tac tamthsLADIES' ANO GENTLEMEN'S
(_oro Cake rohe f l("ians TAILOR
110011, 15111be thicago':; iii Ils in
its'11 Ibotis year' Latent Novelties in Winter
I -- and S3pring Garments.
Hasrry'1'. Marsh, '99, has retuirned _____
Pf1o.1 the Sousth tosIl hissoe in Ilsowg- COR.WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
Iis', selldswriteo that liseswill ssss'sive in soe block west of University.
.A11n Arborseabousst April 1st .an1( begin .. . OHIO..
tralining iai lisle. He expecIs I to tt
the :seon111 the iig n icu11t, entral Linese
sns ir be shows 0u15 sell msy joinlts
na~tiol sircuit wheso iitrches th hi- T. As 0. C. IBy. 71... I1. thy.
The Only Sleeping Car Line between
Rtsosel lbhopss00beein electedl cap- ~Toledo and Columbus.
taie if 111e'99 baoe ball 1t150. A meeit- The Only Sleeping or Drawing Boom
isig oP candidoteo will tie held this Car Line between Toledo, Coluns-
weelk. bts, and Marletta.

t .. --

Isoffmnnd shi losp 1A011 fromelIMceridle .A.meetin~g 1f rrsenstatives frosm
Ne 3Stap sa sosnd Mitchell, 15-11, 15-10; iHoffmn asssndTa le, Haroard, Prinetoss,(solunsbia,

$1.037 $1.60,1$2.00.
Our entire stock of
winter shoes at a
Shoe Department.
Bear 1st Floor.

Bdoisopswon fro's;m imeins :ntMiller,!CsrellIand11IlthUiv'ersityo'fsiPe~nn yl
15.7, 15-2. The nexlt'rasil sill be conia, will ssoobe heldl in1Nesw Tosrs'
pllayeti next Sastusrday~.
City for the purpose or organ~iing 10
The Bay City leans si the ichigan interrollegiale gee clsub shoot. Wills
State League, swhich will ploy a oerieo thse winninig, by Princetoin lasitfail, vof
osf prartice gamles here wi10 tile 'Var- the shooeting an~d fshiI~g ecup, thse forml-
oily team, prolbably comemencing April er treaty tiled eul, sled negotiaions
lot, is managed sod captainled by Lio-
ney, Michigan's cracktosrt slop iof two sre pend~ing tos form a nest assoociation
yours ago, anid it is expectedl lhot he among the colleges mentionedl above,
will asosist nullhing te nfieilre while ansd to mole it permasnent. Tihe meet-'
lonwllprsbably he held thse latter
rise foot bsall casddtes were sout R part if this oveeks.
For Forty Years
Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER
as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe.

The Only Drawing Boom Car Line
between Toledo, Colunibus and
Charleston, W. Va.
Pullman Sleepers between Colonm.
bus and Chicago.
The Only Line with 4 trainls each
way daily between Toleda and
The Only Line with 3 trains each
way on Sundays between Toledo
and Columbus.
The Only Line with 5 trains eachl
way daily between Toledo, Bowl-
ing Green and Findlay.
The Only Line with 2 trains each
was, daily between Toledo and
Charleston, W. Va.
The Only Direct Line between Tole-
do and the Virginias.
The popular line between Toledo,
Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and
E+ull infornmation relative to rules, timne of
trains, etc., will be cheerfully furnished Toy
any agent of the Ohio Central Lines.A.
Moulton Houk, G. P. A.,
Toledo, Ohio.

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