THE UNIVERSITY 01L MICHIGAN DAILYA. 1898 - - Spring Novelties --1898 Negligee Shirts, Madras, Percale and Cheviots. Finest line of Spring Neckwear in city. Gloves, Golf Hose, Fancy Half Hose. Compares with others. Money saved is money made. Men's Fur nishing sI OUR GOODS GUARANTEED We Buy The Best. r KINDERGlARlTENl (NEW QUARTERS) ~ AII DSE fIIF . R~ iI1U. CHAFINGE DIoHEE.!HuronSt. FULLER w BERAlNEKI1 JUST OUT I Call and See Us, " 5 10K. TA L R CTOEIPHO1TOGRCAPHERETEA KETTLES. ( leaning, Pressing ad anRepairng. FOR BAN JO RENTSCHLER _ThE-PHOTOGRAPHERWork called for gand -Y S dTC ''.o e ivoered Mel Gllspe. Telephone 0 . AN N ARBOR t W &- z . LADwING Ph one No. ;i.34 New State. PRC 5.GRANGER'S SCHOOL, OF DANCING -am 0. M. IVARTIN, ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO. 0 Embamig Sealty. 205-207 E. Washington St. o Saturday E.uVe11ngS NO.Q09 1"OUTII7H A TNR - Ambulance night or day. Adlvanced Program Class for L.adies and. Gentle men-other classes Moo- itesidence, 302 tFith Avenue. 7 ay aiid 'Thursday evening's and Saturday all da ANNj ARBOR GRANGER'S ACADEMY. CAN FUR NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS Time Table, Sunday, Sept, a. 1S3:)7. Odnes.etor all erdterity atiesclub T511E TABLE: I At the Theatre. b;ahassrp'assted llen itiselfin i te real- Music Co. er as tieidenc,1710 tiddesavae Trains leave Ana Arboe by Central Standard i~t' stage ef'eitst wtttti t 'iu b it this 11,S. - Will take pupils on Pianto and is Time.It .' a.~~l~. ts5115'sightltrteading a rc stntmed Pltacs. 5t55T. SO~a. -it ofash t terest ins "A Itecay sstc istis itn ch'al'acter, Salts si thle'A .o n t n 8:43 a, ti.ns. 11:25 a' m. i ate; shrsatl esst t th tc b itt- ctlc als ittetca'tthettt g I 'tate at's *22iOa. m. 11:50a. m. '1Ti actee aa,"tttdawhich'.ttacsaa.willlis'ssslbe11 ta'li- Io haig.arosmndBthRom 44p.i.Ann Arbor and Toiesdosnd ' Een S. QILMORE, Agens ~ tt itt~tt b te ttttts. nn; , I ttstaIlr~.I tsl '.1 '.s .1 0 O~ TT TET B. H BENNETT G0 P. A. Tniedso rstts.. Oit.tacaig' . j ~c~m tet'tthtattts, it'thatewre titiy ltttI- Lad irs' artistic5 hair iDrsi)1gu a ir w.citr of t'oug oleg s.tetttl s 'h tattt'tc'ls ih. A le Old friends tall agato. Wetweiacuwee 1at e pursuletl ala 1ot o t own a t'cl s ofIlte fth actIt, tshe1curtaitn aen,'Itones. J. It. TtIIOJA ViOWvfIII Mijjg IGAN D NTALthstthek'girl hitloves casitt'neilita1ke- uptlf att ozn time oilttrs tema ita't- P<)R .r_ The Niagara Falu outc ' wse t ail -lto beIttentlart ' Itt,' stat .'Chitolateh Uentrai tauntard Time. oi eopiatosily grw 0ut o a. rieshil, prve'anxcepiollly Lwe's.J aooa T RAIN S AT ANN ARBOR. ttsssl f btg.i ettt.11ltr lidaw einarat'.tho11 XV W.dre-(TUTO--,-- st Pit. A t seen,. tW .'iof 'c se, 'whethebs av i et aittla' meritsacoedl's'. (s Mdaiiand Ex...... 3A47 BN. YCi----..812 tt't'tttapsettadvsatttagt (. 5 Lc .sav i I tate'lt iiil tlt LLE RE IS, if you wish. N. Y. Sped' 1...0 5 filait.............918 i5EGRS N.lo S.amtd.. O i ~ s...i Il ltottgethser t' i ofittheu( tlo. a tte .Ateseta' l ody pil4 Eastern EMa------- 9 47 r. M. -.-- - - --- A. N. Western Es"'.' 3 tstats' cat, lthpilec is saild toing 111Calendar, 5 e L4tcAI DNErrs..50Ci&i.aAtlantic Ma...10 WChi. St. EMa...... , 7uponl isthe tie agr 'eat IttlI ~wle,---5 p r en GoM Earh.I 5I a vste maids hilts lItiI l litttill llat . Airc nd J.It. 0-i o=, DISCOUNT' ON ALL Norta habre Linmited is tsn estra gale traisn "i lof.t uati in Su. L. Cetrc totbe a a c of 5"'ttso Netw Yorik than us:i tlissho ihtve tett broutght IsigtlellfolithIte . - other train.o. M "91 0...lUtGLES,, 11. W. I I AYSa firtttimeatint "A BreecnyTitt."I r tTO tA'1 II 11'..17". C. P. & T. Agrt,Chicago. Act.. Ann Arbaor ttts gIeat051.B 11/ tt it ( s' ils Teath'h Ageonlosestfilll ou Qipal__anion___their__are__E._E.__I"_itstitt', allyclosei tsstm tuc. TBE BUCKEYE ROUTE. asell knotst aval vytweight st ill l tis n t t'.cislcl'at onci'tl 0 Cicgo f l. S 'T.A . B I-.i R, EOLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEYAD TOLNDO RAILWAY iKatlttyti Oeibstes', ait ihbrtte b. 0aa5his a idaateis maae.. t4;ttt V1159VV. shi~ngton Stret. 1Pon11 Is the only line rom the Toiedo Union lat 51alitl ote tsi, ell t i slter.NO I(_. r1 111111 1)1 11111111tit OFAriiLT Station to Uuumbus' arnupoints beotnd, AN .55' Y.tli T , IAE NDUtIO using tUnionl depot terminlstat (otuto "- talssidatle f e tar n's5 blls lt a..rlll I15Nit01101iti~v btss and runs roar tast xpes Gtain'.s'etla 'i 5 Ii~lail115 l la~ .ltls'ly5 ~ 'kEElt "0ont imeto of Sy:i A. . P DN & BROSJ. tihem in thleun-precedentedntimeof tihree Itt"t'Iacnde terase t 'its l'tFrdaly at 4 Ip. nit.'bNaeisCurtc" hours. itarleornrsots uay trainsseas2te Doe.a a- Te a eteGurne. ctents du.mas prng nungualed ais sti nir atital prs'entatio oallIs Wh.'Aieelingai tl- 'TO '1'i'Atf'i'tS. Official Outfitters tn the Leading College,At. Stdns (srig ueqae fcltisnltic Club and School Teets nf tue U. S. are invited to use the u saeye Eutte and I5once at tlb' llnlsOp~lea Hose Lsal 'thseas'-tso wishto 1t li'.t' xt eartit can obtain fulli particuiare onaptlpliation shltstdi slIsen otih' AlbeIrt &_ C i Every Requisite for Base hil, " to locai ticket agents. illight. It 15511taittaleos settaattial fta Athletic Sports anitiPastiiies. 1. It. 7DAVIDSON, t t sosaa ttitsitJ 'l'tl5 etlt' A ly 'lI1111tlili~~ The Spalding Official League Ball t~re tan ny f incln . artr's Cia igot, ftheIbir 1I9; yasr booktl, thich Dist. Pass. Agrni, Toledol 0g1sifrato f\au bool hi dptdb ainl Mnr olg n .II. 081~t . P. and T.1'. itnstlot iostbut a ics scitit all dBla ilork isinspatingts tber'ttl'. ''TiteenthiSclo iegr Coluimibu, Giio. oratscen5 ics' slimielt.IndeeC' rt, Intl'yetc. 143 Bane iBall il'iorms, Bats, (-.loves, Mit, U Chet i'.-tsern, 'Shoen, Etc. THEl SPALDING CHAINLESS BICYCLES Till SPAILDINC BLUEl RACER sChain) au% I unvesy S h o f D icu THE SPAU)INGSROADWHEL 4 L ULS c tAEr ch o o an ig Send frr Ilustrated Catalogue of alt d Ath~ens u'AOi Thetattitre hi~diN.Athletic Splorts, $4UTI AY1t,2LESSONS PER WEEK. A. G. SPALOING & BROS., -Now York Philadelphia 0 .r/'' " G PormpryeevStra vninitht orcihesttrimusic. Chicago Washington 1. 0Q h G~ rgsmpst vr Stra vnn OF'EE:422 ''hoinlnoo ?t. 1i ! A LA ROE AND FINE AS-O-T--E-T-O - FITZ -& WEBSTER # N 1"t:LW , s ErIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTO; Calls Attended Daynor Night,. ----IN -'-No. 161 East Liberty Street: Resid ec, 5131 $A BE Y TIE $South, Fourth Ave. Phone 129. SRANDALL, THE PBQTOGIRAPHER. . i,. . . .-o. -... . WASHINGTON BLOCK ANN ARBOR I Guitars, Mandolins, Banjos0 and Metronomes 4 fat an per cent nif rrom our usual sotr. h price-this month. Theee Goods are all gu~aranteed. 4. SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE 1, 114 Went Liberly st., Ann Arbnr. Oniy 3 doors West or Main at. .sl.