THE UNIVE 6ITY0 F MICHIGAN DAILY, day at the University 'of Minnesota; 'fUPa~m n spoigavlabehl nlvl eoe . Y u oiping batsmen. The new baseball rage INSl 3PECT THE WORK ..AT. .. Publieheq Daily (Sunaays excepted) during the College Year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. iliricEns Torn building, 29 S. M5ain St. be- tween Liberty and William Sts. MfANA$51NGaEDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 100 L. BUISINESS 1MANAGER U. iH.mANSs, '00 L. EDITORS 11, B. SKILLMAN, '08 L., Athletics. E. L. GnIsssna, '08 L. G. D. HDserv. '00. BUTLE LAwn, '55. '..R. WonODOW, '50 T. g. CAMrPBELL, '00. Allan CAsirnoL, '55 P". ENGELARDn, '9d. 0. D. L' AxAx, '05 The subscription price og the Daily is $2.50 for the college year, with a regular delivery brtore ease each day. Notices. communica- tIons, and other matter Intended tar publics- sian must he handed In at the Daily office be- foie S p. in., or mailed to Sloe editor betore 3 P. in., at the day previous to thut on sshich they are expected to appear. Subscriptions may be lefts at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stoffet's Newstand, or with Business Manager. Subcribers will can- fer a tavor by reporting promptly at this tires one tailure at carriers to deliver paper Yale Frolics. 5(fContinuoed fronm irst. page.) tse Yale students indulge is is play- inginarbles. The sedateo sllprotes- )rs, wso in their early dlays sad as rncheliftn with thseir 10001.5aindl mar- b leo sad lops as do the youthfut gen- eratios cow undler thour gardiasiship, watcb the bosys (durinig tiheee afternoons id iihscsi soly enjoy the etactiOle. A fewsiofthoe more resttirosome 'Yile bay so'so or thre-years agos tundertooki lto iiitroducr( ite lyil. s sansaddsed amuseenot.for itarchi. 1itwsa ogreat opirt for thoseowsosengaged ini it. ands it was thoughtcli that it woulid soonssbe- liornl solulr owithsthse 'fsle buys, bist samesowio sr oilier this sstfamusse- mnst failseditos becoesspelattr, ansi the flyinig'of itesshlos boe risoippedfrml tse tist if tsadlitionasillisisoelials thsit ian lie echargedl ti the Yale mass-\Es s Yourks 'fias. Among the Collagen. The Yale stirinsg fosotbsall 'rasticer wil hein shsosrtly sfter the Easter vacations, aspesacial sattentionii will betiaidetothets ciwopiiiini5of mnssbackh sitthe liner. It. C. Lehomana, apstsin of thse Mesan- deres, sails for 'she U~nited States oni iiarels 30ts, ti coachlinte Haraard bast cens. Thesnesv 1Harward eight-oaredi shell is lyig at the Meander boat house irtasty far tiackings. 'fle eistosssry Amincasn seals are arrangedin s a lise taosested by Professor Hintoin is prov- ing an eintire success. Massager Sechmelz, of the Misnneapolis traainid other baseball experts, iroinounce it a vssluable insnsovation ini baaebtall trails- iog' A slab has beein torsoed at Cornsell t'nivrsity of'fate meiowosare ran- neced there axasdergradaates sir as moembslers of the facsulty. The clab started sith a nesmbership sf teoeot- two, sohichisncludes seoeral graduates if 'fatewso reside in Ittlira. Theif s~f eers are hissen frosm the eight 'fsle' omensobsare pursing roises ist study iso Coinseli. t The U. f M. Calendars for 1398 nayi still be obtaisned at the folslonglacos: Wshr's, Waltons't'sior issLoellc, tail Ei. Liberty' t. 121 Alt cassiisates for t9t4 basebasl ltesim repr Isssat gym'sssaiumnfor tpracticsdaily'. 1to ttary candiidates epecially soanted. Wits. ~T'AISIAN. To stickt Rubber nsec MAJOR'S tRUB-J BERE CEMIENT. :Beware ?l! ' ios't takso a substitute. I10 YOU WA NT TilE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, 1 BADGES OR PINS I Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 237,. 239. 24t Wootdsrd Ave.. Detroit. i iiV 16V i i G&dMAW&& The Berryman Studio (Successor to Gibeon & Clark) 112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor., .................................FINE TAILORING.. Our line of Spring Woolens is now complete, embracing all the swell- eat and most exclusive isovelties. (Our garmsents wherever seen will be appreciated and proinounced ly' enitire as strictly correct. We respectfully inovite your inquiry. We do only a fine trade. We carry but one patterr of a novelty iii stock. Garments bearing our label pressed gratis. BURCHIFIELD, New Phone 43. 106 East Huron Street k~ 4 ~ ~~ IQel USICAL ! 0 MeCillespie, teacher atflMandolin, Bano and Guitar. tnstructor in the University School oatMsic, as years experience as a teacher. (lull at Ann Arbor Micsl Co's. Store to arrange tar hours,. Fine Confections MONE Y LOANE+D Bon Bons and On Watches, Diamonds, Wheels ao lier Pet- Chocolats.00ouI Property. Chocoates.WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. Ofiat reis' idlene, tE .i sberty St.,Acn Ar 15 issinistmicsssiilseloislwrb200 EAST WASHINGTON STREET.torMichs. Alhooinexsse0sdrsiOssl. ous, Desigs an estmate furishedon al wok , to 1:30a.m. and Itotio nd 7'7to ipn. B 7 8 ! 316 SOUTH STATE STREET. ma ins in Second-hahd \athesndDia- ]E -SPRIG VACATION is coming INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME. soon. Don't go home with a big C T E L 1 O A D trunk, but boy your Dress Suit 1case, O T E L 8 N .RD Valis,'Telescope or Travelling Bag. a 412-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. _ Talsers at theCAS asnd nowes, to tUniversssit of ichigsan, A. TEUFULSylvania, iHarvard, Yale,.iPrinceton, Colusmbian, OWilliams, 30 1i T1MAIN 5'frtEE.'1 tWellesley, iBrynslMaswr, etc. Fine Line of Gooeds and Lose Pricea.a Class contatss a specialty. Prompt action is necessary on the part of every one desiring a set of at the present LOW PRICE. iii sloe soiddic leote tbost. o h ~ Mit. Retru lssoe, soshias beenssic- ON'LY a fe'w o h sets re livrig . eresofletuesatJchas rouU'JUUI price and the special HoipisoYale asnd tiaroas iso go big .-orisree of lectures it Cislumbia this possible fox, many to purchase ti N ech. Ylesterday he ssinalyad- sressed the sttidents in the advanitages :A C T ot Paris tsr Amsericansittidents.A C 'fle 'fale Atltis' Assoition ass s gatdthe pirivilege sit seaing the Delayr means a failure t secu. Usiserait "Yf" Is the membelors 0l' the'Dto incllgate golf team. positively be closed in TEN D1 The University of Nebrash 5 is adsvi-J rating tracIk oeete at the Tris-Itis-OF C sissippi expositison which xiii be opened F I Jane 1st. The University of Kansas has H us o6p n spoksen in favor of it, so that the scheme is liksely to be carried sut. O N Y -* B N The baseball gunp is being uned every O L E served for U. of Al. remain. The ioxv in-. rate offered to students have made it his splendid work. XT ONCE o " 0 0 ire the present price, as the office will ANS. E, 318 South State Street. DAYS LEFT!T