-Addho ASL U416 of.. s J I d, I TESDAY, MARCH 22, 1898. PRICE-3 CENV. VOL. VIII. No. 123. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TIU 1 At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our.. Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. 'NO, 108 E. WASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packa;es- 60c a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY, PuR E S ALE!S 10OR THE NEXT WEEK.5 JI receveda fresh sulpply of Allegetti, and Wllames and Werners Chocolates. Largest line in the city. Lunchoes at all hours. E'. E. JOLLI1Y & CO. Z308 South State Street. Mirrors. Not the kind to hang, on the wall, but the indispensible oval Hand-Mirrors. There is hardly a size or shape that we do not have. White, hlack andl natu- ral goods. The prices are the quick sale kind. CALKINS' PHARMACY. NEW AND SECOND-HAND 'Text Books!I For every department in the Uni- versity. Law and Medical Books a specialty. We can supply all your nteeds for the Second Semester at lowest prices. Second-hand Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Best Linen Writing Paper 15c and 25,ec par pound. The A. A. Waterman Solid Gold Fountain Pens for $1.25. 1HILOSOPHICAL MEETING. Prof. Carus, Editor of the Monist, will- Address tile Assembly To-Night. The Philosophical Society will hold its firlstmeeting this semester tonight, at h o'clocko in the 'Tap pan Halt lecture owm. Prof. Paul Carus, edto oihe hissost, one of the several pulications of the Uicersity Press Divisio f the Uirsrity of Chicago, still reasd a pap1- irontoe"Concetptioot Cod." The itois is ao cknowtledged isti e the leadt- ig philosophic'a1 joucnal of thees un-j tiry, anoliti is duargetly to the effo'tu it fProf. Caruts that it hats reaced its 1} ' t '1,cs tatsscrittett seteralcsidli- o ophies I aod theological twocks, tnd't i 11 Is 15111u ~ h a conttrotversy' sith some t'lc,'ttthetologians otrethe itdeas lti'(eFe inl thestehbooks ttat hs leId M~r. i'll 11 tillprepacettt thpaiterswhitch lie stilt recttontiighti e intendsto;li go1 5 to =rmeaity nestmnth10toipeptite- for thte pttblictttion111f anothecrht'btottn 1o ntudy ses'ei'alif the present thteoloig- ical problems snittybeing iscuissed there. Thse society has pre pai'ed qitetaIt'lo)- plete urtgramto tr the rest tt the sem- eter. Professors Wenley, Wtlter and Scottth'tie heen secetr edtottreadt papers hefore thtesociety, aitd several prom)- snent 1men0frotm otside thte stilteimay puosihly or secutredstottdeliver let)ures during April, May aiid Juite.Jsint meetings hetwveen Ptse philossohical, sc'i- entitic, senetit' and germsanic dip art- mensoar's alsotteing arrang'd. tPa- pers are heitng prepiaredt by several itinibers itt the society swhich wiltl he l ct-si at the students' meeting. icroscopic Photography, Sirce the beginnig oftthue present year the ncienltie departmnot haissit- tired a fheist ittworkt 1s5yet buttitutile developted. Microsctipic photsgraphoy hais until the psast test yearn hern a fielid entered hy a 'comp arati, ely sllt ntimber st scientists, 'The instueont used, ini its coplete firm, is made tip of three parts, cam- cea, microsncspe and electric tight, The camtera belttnging tot the U'niversity"s apparatus in of the best type nmade, haiving a lteespicelheosnsinleest 1long, and s arranged on parhallel Carsl titat it i'an be fncused both by meanI sf the len and extensio of tile bet- litws. The mieroscspe in of very high power, and was mads by Zeiss & Cs.,, of Germany, The eletric tamp feeds automatically, keeping the carbos cotinually in the same positio, ho that the light in clear and very posser- tut. whilete otbjetitbe ptogiraphted is Schoomasters Cub wil Meet, arranlged in its ustistpotumnttti othe-" micrscoe. he igh frm te eee: The sprig sesintof thIe Mihigan trit lamp ilumints the tbject, pass-Scolatr'Cu wilb hedn ing throuigh the microhscospe 11,1) then i hsct nMrh3 n pi in its manllliied formlou isgh the cam-an Thseioswlbeedsos Cr lns o th sesitied late itrcnlit with ineither thtse of the ('lassia Coferne,shch till hitt thin matnner It photograph of fity tthutsi osonte.1tan ,no sndimtrcabescrd Frmthese pates are made the slides tsed wihth cdemyoft Sciene, in the steropticoni lantern, y mealn h eea rga ilb fsc of swhilchsa great many' of thi' scieniira'naturtas totaplit t ll high schttl courses are illtstrated. ertr,'h ii tvu tltsiiti, Sto deitate is the insr soont ttiti chattging thi' weight itof t tithe o isfosn h uueo teShomses onefoo t th oherwil cus ittoCluh, cotniitedfrtim tho'ptins tf low of te supteriltnt 'ints, tt' high vibrate entitgh tit thrttow iiit o tt tttou. To obiatesi-this a nutmer it heavy rtn picplteuiest n beams hasve loesninserted i intt' brikthNomlClge stallttf hrhthborattry, 'antd (11110turns ihScolcosd cests liii'levilling tIle o'f t' pattr- ee ihrfrnet h usino New clestigatitits lare bengcintiii letand scialife.lli~tildc'ttt caltyrcarrietdI tn by the tn esotrs ntI' h ricpe ~defht h ossstoit tt te sutpictItitaleo Maingof t,1Cotttre tSiiy tor Se- assstats f te zoloica, btancalMtittry Schls, presenitedtb aliv 10 0)11- and buttlgictl departintts, and the i- suts are nit natifactory and o aingtoofhgscolanbyrpset- of isle 'aitd lbotr that itsuset' iiltetrso h ecnayshos h -- __- - I ttfore's-swsill le heltinisEnlitsh, Chinese Maidens, Hitoiry Mathltemaitics, I em: , A- nt> C'itntesi'gil line ti-f h s ion The 5111i1al features' wtiil itlud' acre- 'chottlo unless hticfetPreunondtto ital on the C(t~il 11111 orgn, te rn At firsl tt'girls' pairesowiere tnw il-itio otmst oft te1 1111''ciett Grek ills tlitt hei'rcidren attendttst'ti mustiicet'at,antuta rec'tt'liontbyttthePt ititter tillseIcoindition s,tut no t I iltersits alitiIy tthlit' ciii ai 111 sctoos t ae flledtt sith girls wititi t-11i11ng'orgarizatiotns Ural-sized feet, DrIHut Kling t'ng, whot Yae Froics. hoc just beeit graduated fromtinhi - Vt loan's Medcal Cllege in Philaderlphsi, O h aycsoshl nrvr is n1110the only Chinese swomns that c y'al negauae-oei hasobhens eduated in America and gne mr oua ~ hssao fteya lick 'kslme tIswoskor tthe IC od o1 thani that ot sinnilg tts very lue her peolpe. Mary S'toe ant Idia Kahn lfts'sn11110durigathe los sek in Fe- graduatedit otthe IUniversity of Itt h- ruary' and the first twottin March, t' gsn, and lre nowt teaching iti the ltlrraselrbtese inn sthools of Shanghai. Mary Stine is the tolstn the cllege camplu tor n the iauighter itt Chritian parents, andI she corner in fotril of Osbo rn .Hal, thi' is the fist girl amontg lmillliositt en- sute ot the olitolene. Th' students doi titit China sthltsas alsed to gro~w lnt appuear in putbl' as tp niinnes t wom~lanhotod with Inattral feet. Ida untilthItey have Iperectd the rit, Kahn, aiccording ts the Chiness' fortune They pratie in the dortmitory hal- teller, wsanorcliunsder anttlnanuosiciousnwsays, lin the ampis, illtheir owny tar. Astroilgical scienceeinterfered rloms, 111nd1illothter 1111utf the wiy 4ll her etrtothal beore she sas Iswo plaes on1 the univ erity goutnlds utilt mn thlis of age, and her dinetitraged they are able to mate the 11111silo ptarents swere persuadedt to yield her eery time they thrwt it, t is nit u- tp tothe care of ito Americasnmil- usual ight tsee frtmitweentyive ti sissary, 'With Mary Stttne she etoeed fity ntudets, big, strapping felows, thte medical deparment of te Uni- many Itt them senir, in frot of O- versity in 1891 and graduated in 1896 itbrn h1a1, wihi their tps sd strings, Reserved Seats Going. for ati hour or tsto at a im, They drass a circe and is that circle pace a The reserve seas tr the Cmley Club performanee have beets taken very tsp lie two that they peg asay at with rapidly since paced on sate, but thre the greatest hilarity, are stilt a numober to ce had by tilefirst At this seasn of the year also an- csmern, But swing to the rapidity other raze amng the students is rol- with which those reserved are being taken, the management has deided ts ing hops The fun ott hoop rlling gen- asoss renerv'e the acony at 50ce, None rally assony during the Cirst tw' need have any fear of taking seas in weeks in March, and ncorenolituhtdents this setion of the huse, beeaue are en te seen pleasant afternoons tear- sil be taken that the deeorum a] the gallery Is of high standard Rehearsals Ing though the canpus, echasing their with be hed every night this sweek at hops like street urchins, the Athens Theatre. Success in every Another diversion in whih some of detail is predited (Cninued nnl second page) I .W.AHR'S ,BOOK STORE'"-When set up in working order the Up Town Down Town microscope is ptaced directuy in front S. State St. Oppoite Curt~otuse Ann Arbor: Mats St. and tce Is the tuhe of the eamera,