W. J. BOTH. Pres. W. ANOor, Ist Vice-pre
The J. V. SEA, 2a Vice-pres.
O L ES' I .E i'Jon.s C. WYAL. Asst. Cashier.
T e toe HOL ES' LVERY, State - Saviuls - Badl.
- ---- --- ------ - 55Es iett Transacts a general Banking busi
iJOS.W. Yoj Y'{ ; Co~Man and hnorseStreets.
To e g JCapital, $50,00.Sn,)300. Trasac a
getnera.RlShuIng bashines.
01 - ~Capitai Stoelk, $50em,,100,0ar9os,$150,000.
of isE. WASIIINCTONST. An ror.Mieh. ieore liSt
T;P1'STAIRS. A n caro,llCU Organized uder the General Baning Law
of this State. Receves deposits, bys and
sells echane on the prinipal ri ties at the
____________________°"___________--__________ U nted States. Drafts ashed uopn proper
ft H! DINKRS O COFEECashier; 5. J. rito Assistant Cashier.
Dean & Co.'s Blendedl Coffee is the retlt of thirty yets eperielce ISTI QA A t{o Ann Arbor
p in rotstinig'cofe,-ntl preduices' ii hecup, a0 beveFiRSTeNAfONAlBen Krgasledie83
be-er !e o Capdii a, 1010. uplsand PFocts, 64,0
coloi nd unousin b lavi r.CiWe csell this cofee 'at 25oipei potni Tansacsgeeneral baning bsisness.
iuiiiand iveomit the statement that io htte o ioe deliioiis coffee (Foreign elh ise bogt'ndsod. F rnish
canhr iac ofus uneletterotcredit.
can b had t anytime E1) INN, Fes. IIAtRISON SOLE,
" y Vice re
214 South Man Streetc .MJR&C.
"University Statistics s aIi i en :r 1 ge illn ot. b i The Artistic deorators
f, rred s ufn tnt rotni f a dmf-have a complete line of
_____Soiiime ante eir iig seicii~ h:ie bisieen ii- sslysr sh hesies Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
Ting to canrere:silfarri htiherdieee cii Shades,(oom Mouldings, Etc.
We hae us rceveaanl s tudiicielts kii ll,, r inaeeciiit iils li i i iii-ey h h-Specialty of fine interior decorating
e a eJutl ei f a hiuigl.ilsees sie is ; ii' stA. hitani B. 5. iii' n lsais painting, freseoinig, tiltIgaid paper
Dtofiu 5 ci.iihe e iiita ce shiolwi ite haiging. Only the bst oh wsrkiien
large shipmen fo ,0 u i o h e cracdg"t oatltt l i - oimplyrd Work guaraiteed.
ottsts e Usr i iiihi iiii ie ;51iiiiiviIn c .
w , i i 1attnda c r p ntei o es. en' c' 'em leilule iii. iii siiliiii 1 C1II eii if
'u, fox s es'hiar t i ihissign een siere.-osnieil IYis tnxeThe Artistic Decortor
WRIGHTPETERS & COY .1_________1__
1ct s ic Sfean s eslrssir'os l Ted enfst i he(l u tie ssihi iolii-pL tenpNoebien in. 'Wite
FELERING. .. l c ii aininssr tihe aiui isisideto rpS~ udrti' i 5iiii-5i5~ listiehe t and -pring1Garments
_________ irlm it, i en;. 4 cmniii'i csnithe siu t ie .rLeci es tud yt.t'isi. s so OR I LLA NDM Y ADT E T
lTW EA ite cesisI fieeri~ eaet, 19? tu-nitielCdoi-te shetletssei'rlgi'i'th_ b s"hocsestatgnlcist
iiwo n;in tihe medli caiss e t m-lug' edaeosrautoni eit- L tetN vlte _Wne
1 il9 1 men ;;2siwomelis-Iies cin ies. 440 sissitoi become-aiiniii'i ci foi the C nr alr L n es
shape in estin Top, Rcileem entswoenraduathe Wrkden ldt.-ibiesil
$3.0,$4 0,$5.0. Vi e sl 8 e nssscei women;Th in hinohilsiiii1f;i ift ire si e tie niicn- 0.COR l. . WLIMADMY A ' SREE.
hnis cioolof parm'a'sii scy, 1 et i t f on rsisersdoctor'ul. s ' gr e ile - Th1; OeOblyk SeofiepgCriiie ewe
d__ssman. T he rioita inm er of tue eiss lyi- ng is rSe niidti ss t uent'see s t e Oly lee igO.ra in. B o
see Ohr rte. hae ~e l ~tCIrs ts n aita
hop sRqirenslsifieo r rdaees osit ast ok arsith rssdiiha l indlineris!S T entrai ine sarLn
New3ap s tra iSn dL n .0ne' ilssesS ssse risc sehiierdhersitc scetetlies ecculida", betwen 1TLed.Cinesan
$3.0 , $ 00 $500. Tediiepatuent ofihilshree wilis is ot ilc fo7uc n ieiimk ire i C harlsO n,:. 1y" V . A-NIIly
00. t is fciens lvaisnic liecdhiglne ns icle nh i chelllte c he- Trh Pu lanSleepengtarL between n-
tihern s s te',ilaresie lersser s tsfo ashdi ts t n te ntesrei-eo1 el iicoyc bird-The OnlySleingwihr4Dra isg eacm
mAeSlsosdiisysuiy isisirnd-melsi lsrcsre isce-si Cea-r. ayily between Toleda aridm
thsisfor thie. ii s ny d egr es , isried omin tthis iatronetmi n aind-re .he ih CluadM rits .
Ou nie sok o s'uessh iegres f O.ceestndyd itph respct toyha lai tecn The Only Liirewith 3om tr ine
New 3Stra San els tand . S.wereallo(,([to beome an- cholatic ttiiments-waye ondiSundaystwebetweeo, nCl Toledon
isotftsfsreahusers cene iisrsiiwit anSos-isssehbs reytne l to liliinC.adl obu.Va
winter shoeslatraatedegrees__were______ a_ vancedresearch__ work____ any________ rTheeOOnly Line with 4 trains earl
mated o cndiac Dily ponco di rnni.of itratrehisor orsc waye V daily between Toledo, Bowl
PXDUO ZON!FULLThe Only Line with 2 trains each
Our ntie sock of rohbitryfac ltyo hlospy secue rm way o da y between Toledoan
lifuur,_hemeeosessonofa uc wrkbyme eomlci tin. aCalmstW.V
T The OnlyDietn between Tolew-
REI'JC IO FU L ig do and hFVrinila.
GLOV S _ ____ ___The popular line between Toledo,
MACK O, Y- Fostora, Bcyrn, Granville and
* Wheni you take into consideration that you have never paid les_____Newark._______
ll&-than $1.50 you will appreciate the value We are offering. Full informnaton relative to rtestmes of
SheDepartment. WAGNER +& COMPANY, Moulton Houk, G. P. A.,
Rear 1st Floor. 12 South tlajn Street. - - - Furnishers. Toled, Ohio.