v THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Keep the ; Feet Warm ® 4 IA hot water bottle is just4 the thing for cold feet and4 a sure relief for most aches4 and pains. 63, $100 $12 y. and 2.00 are the prce. 4 $1.00 gets a good ce that4 we can warrant not to leak ® CALKINS' - PHARMACY. 0 MEN'S FURNISHINGS. We have greatly enlarged this de- partment of The Store giving it a prominent and convenient section the first floor next to the entrance. This section now contains all kinds of furnishings, such as you look for among first-class haberdashers. SILK UMBRELLAS. Men's best Ottomenier Carola Silk Umbrellas, Sterling Silver Mounted, 28 inch size, $1.50. Men's Gloria, Steel Rod, 28 inch Umbrellas here at 85c. MEN'S FINE NECKWEAR. r15K, CLAM &, FLAGiS. Complete line shswn for the first time its this city. C'orrect Shapes and Style. 1. & W." COLLARS, Newest Shapes. 4 Ply, All Linen Collars, best Styles, selling at 2 for 25c. Mlen's Fiest Dress Shirts, open front and back, the $1.50 kind, at $1.00- Men's Best Made Unlaundried Shirts, all linen front, continuous facings, reinforced at every point, Wamutta Cotton, short and long front, at 50c. GiOLF IIOSE. New Color Combinations, the medium price and the handsomest designs shown, at from 50c to $2.00. -Golf Tops, All Colors, 50c. 1Den's Sweaters. A Superb Line-Rolling Collars, Turtle Nck, Small Collars, Plain and Fancy Colors in Wool and Worsteds, $1.00 and up. MACK & CO. 2108 S. Msain t. an.d 3426S. StateSt. i UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, i NEW ANI) SECONDIIAND. HAS FULL LINES of NOTE, BOOKS, and STUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Fountain Pens and Fine Staple Station- ery and offer all the Lowest Prices. For Forty Years i GOLDEN SCEPTRE eHas been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Lamps Expressly 4t Students' Use "Thse Rochester," "The Yale," "Tise Royal," "The Perfection," "The Berlin Student," all nickle lsted, varying in price frona $1.00 to $2.50 each. O L Every stude nt should use IDeans's 'Red Star.", it gives a Ipura, O L wiste lighst, is odorless and does rtot ecsar tse wick. Deliv- ered its any part of the city in our casts at 10c icr gallon. 1-or sale onsly hy IDEAN & COMP'ANY'. 214 South Main Street. UNIVERSITY' NOTES. It t 4 itsth ttts'tttt'tti si-isegi.)Ar. Issits- -. t( tt w a on orfour5's) ~ r lst tsstt of' is 'lie-junsior itt s'wsill ''t'lec t'hes 5'"ils- Toritve'is's' Iit' ldlh'3ta .t Ess is sset.tlnhsl11(1. i is (1lis1ttg'issid liself-'i 'list' Alisis t' ieto trdimet(s5 itts -55 tt,I t ', Ii'-s sar' tt-y. Ilit'is sa tme'msbs's'of ses(l os. Is M 5e 11th t I~lt ' 'it lttsit y. Harr- Maddenls't%)'-11Ll.is att isvn pcw I-s 1. vin t t ts'-sc ii ' ' (lic1-. Engltsh History. ltltitg Iss s it list' '9 , t -isttstt i s t st i l it, tstst'ttse t i ii Isl ll Ssitt t. i i a ts41, s t IIttoom IF. l'rsst'sss' 'tt'll'y still ds=litter tse 1(-t.i. AB1,01T lrests atr:Ne'is1 rrr HaIl sexl t idttitt iii 'tu-sw ,i'i'ER'i~'I':1. '1rliuIttsssir. ll's Atitll - s'ss'llii'ttr iills'1ts's's ma e itl l e t - s S s t s llv e i : ,s' r h a d b7. t i. t 1 ' - s i .Ts ' hss s e ' i l s ' irs s ' T i t ' r t s ' l t s i t intuto t'ittt itc5lhemtist'y 5 ints' (Vr, iss 5set:1tr. tilsTsappaniHail. lRoomss Vists' Ii git Sc'itool'. > tlls isvalsi]'"l'itsdassy sat 4. '' 'Ii'' sn'ow'A tisisis'Ats'1"ist t-ss oldess st of iiteie s'sis to esxpilth i its otineitssl i lse's dsls't re:3 1 (1t's ssss'ss ii's'litera'u'e gr'sss, to .,rttit e rsi- t no 11sANilshldtot'sotindlistniss'the l toetsrtis sti' ittO- sits~ extamintioniti Fri(Msy ,'vcnsss"s ori-sifAssyriatandito ishslitheit'viratl o'io'k itt lRtittis-1. It is hoteth t c ntion iss t wsls'''sontld 't's'sist at ininyt5 atiiatltts as pssile N' .1 ITllphtits andutuAssy risssandtitt * l ypsittt Irestlist ttttlsttt' .i''51t-its lsTefirsi letussre will bIts'hests ('Candlid tsrirtps'ienct'syof 'its' 'utsti icthe12th,'Istisicn Blil.Iisoo sses' its'lairtlass;irs' lsstitittp iiii 55-l11i. Isit. Studenisits t at's' slreadyis 1.,ily anthelit'list is sa lonsg tttts. Amottenrosss'lle'dIin Ss'sssli iliHsio'ry 'si's-adiss iteegitillerT'. o'psonss and stlantichiard i. sass itiinsst'ssi'c(ottieit ti xilst' b- 0. C'.Die'hl, ' '(Wsa rsti idlt isi '4t ts'sett its'etwo's uesirs. iso thte'Unis'ersityi-last Sattirsity.Isittee dutn' lie aostbeen'n ssgageud as ceiseits Bleginniintg (ssits datst'g for gs'n- with Pairke'. Das & Cs., Detrosit. Hits fi'itst sxclsssis's-h. will steetii stork bseing wh'lolly~ in attalytic-al sseess- Grtangs'r's Aissdesity l'hursd~ay'es-ciing, i155'. at 8So'clck. Jo. h e ts'classses nstatsndsi I;:. B. HatiansdF.Thiomspson'. wis eIsaiss tosdaisie 'before lte' Iolidayiss. graduatstedslaIst Isue, tking degrees of Simptile' srest is psreferalecfor tile Clas" B. S. its ceit-siy, ate botcengagedl exereises. Pupiils lesits withoutestci- as tiassistasit cemsiists in titr Nt-ti'Yoik (itrassst, aso isvisitors are al- Stiie AgriculturaIl ExperimetisitStationi(smiitienstoItue -adltlilasses. ('tll sit ati Geietia. N.Y. 'lie office, grondil oori'. ransger's' WilliamtsJohnssoni t'ssott. '97,lias cii- Acatleity. fot' fuirthesr inforimtationi. Gunther's Chicago Candies! = =- IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES FROM 5c UP --AT-- Na. 123 E. Washington Si, Mu~rmmery's Drug xStore tCer. Fourth ave. -W. J. Boosts. Fees. W. ARNOLD, st Vice-peso J. . 505 HAN, 2d Vice-peso. JOHNi C. WAL, Ast. Catshier. State - Savins - Bank. Transacts a general Banking busi- THE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS ANK Capital Stct, $sass00. Surpus $i50,00s. Resorces $1,100,00. Organized under th Oenera asing Laws of this Sate. Reeives deposits bys and sls exhasgeo the pricipal cities of the -United States. tDraft ahed wpn proper identificatio. Safety deposit boxes to ret. OrricalsssChbistan Sblch Fes.;W. iD. Hiarriman Vice-Peso; Chas Eiscoc, Cashier . ii. J.Frito Asistnt Cashie. FIRST NATIONAL BNKogiAnisedr18 Capital. $100,000. Srpus and Profits.940500011 Transacts a geral baskinse busiess. Foreign exchange bought ad sold. Furish lettra of credit. E. D. KtNNE Fes. BABISON SOLE ViseFas S W.CLARKSON Cashier Cr. lain and fluroi Streets. Capital. S50,00. Srplus.30,0.00. Trasact a general basing business. . tKaser, Fes. C. E. Cesar:, Vic-rex lire 11H. orR as Cuier CALL-AGHAN\ ® 340 S. STATEO STREETI Law Books P. ,J, SOHLEEBD-B, 340 South State Street. l.och Biniding..........- .21esaxand up Solid Gtold Fonain les.-.$100sn p. Wtsermasn atutWit ensiniste ii and lens Repirled. tt'ho'csaie suit Retail Fper 3!/ls, ibn ihs- cin taper for ,At. Just Receied a Large and Eegat Line of NOW 22peS!T Hot ansd Cold Lnces itl all iors.Aents for1 uleratsand siliams iSnd5Werner Co' Chocolate RonBois R. B. JO®LLY & 0O. 305 SunttatS treet. H ANGSTERFER'S x ICE CREAM SODA 316 S Mot Excellent TI V E Chocolates A R Hot Soda. - E R Car.fOUDTH and WASHINTON SS . .s9- IATHENS THEATRE. CORBETT- FITZSIMMONS VERISCOPE jSaturday Oct.I6J FIRE !! During the past ten 111 years the Toledo Laundry Co. have kept their custom- ers goods insured against fire, a facet that is appreciated by their patrons, Best of work and Prompt Delivery. Branch Office 123 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Mich