F gh i O , 1C. a l V. V VII No. 1. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1897. SIX PAGE8.O We Want YOUR DRUG TRADE! And will do the square thing by you. We've a good stock and we stand ack of anything we sell. Your moneys worth or your money ack. PALMER'S - PHARMACY, 306 SOUTH STATE ST. WAHR'S 3300HESTO IRE. Students should try us before making any purchase. We are hound to satisfy and please. Our large stock of Law and Medal Books, in short, Text-Books for every department in the University, new and second-hand enables us to sell at the lowest price. Blank Books and U. of M. Sta- tionery at low prices. Make ourstores your headquarters. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Up Tows ow Tows S. Sate St. Oppsit Court Boset Asn Abr Matnst Bargains IN Books. Students' Bookstore A o STATE STREET, Opposite University Entrance. Second-hand Books bought, sold and exchanged. Law, Mleaial nd Collee Text- books at ct prices. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR Blank Books and Stationery Agents for Waternan's Foun- tain Pens, Mathematical Intru- ments and Sporting Goods. SHE N & CO PryP, THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. I i? l t THE DAILY SCHOLARSHIPS, for schaolarshiip, the -msore, l i Thate he set- T 1he Daily is issued every day of the ter. Lastly, it s purpose is Itus-fold,I college yeasr by a hosted of twelve sto- Why We Offer Money to Students to aid wortihy students saud to liser ttse dlentts wise sre elected annually at a eloursthoceition lisi. Do yosu noeedpublic mseetiug of this sbr-bers -who for Subscriptions. a oucy? "Tlen catll at tise Datily ottice jointly forso the U. of \1. Daily Pub- The U. of 31. Daily reasched eveco iy evesnisag beiween 7 sod 9 foe suit- hlsisng Associatiot. By te cotastito- 2500 studenssevery slay last year. scripilin blanks astd get r~iit osIsork. tiess of the asociattions oie-Leaelb f o The effect of fatculty annountcemtentsIhe tboarsdstay be fraoternsity aty-u asad the relsuens on want and oilier ac's THE U. OF M. DAILY. 'The twelve stuadenits elected select warrantesd the management itt oaki sg- their owns officers ansi organtize zhe this claisi,.'but to back stheory with What It Is and What It Needs for hosted. 'All vacancies thsat sttay occur fact as canvass of tse subscribesrs wast on te!hoard are Shled by cosopii- sade as to teinsisber wise read eachs a Successful Year. lon. Titus tse Daily is distinctly a paper delis-eed; the result was ass To lt-e twelve htsstdred tor sno5r t~- slttdest organ, conatrollesd by ste stt- abiove stated. drinls wise will thtis yeasr entse the dents and responsible to thin. Tuhe Daily li.,s tie objeclioiito Isrea-sr University of 1lis-ligan for te ir-i Thte isuttiose of the Daily is ftfur ing 2.500 studtsls, its amitiion i~nsite s1,te U. of 31. Daily ext--isis gnt- tsh accurately anid pronmptly till -cil- t-Stie isle cosnlact wsithi every one of i ntl begs leave to actistair the lto ltgstand inter-collegiate iiesastd ts 8h 30(10>ni-io will be tier.- ti st wit5 it istory, its os-gaition, andsi gitve cort-e-- expression of ste sipin:,es buss it eters an etpatic iprsote-st its pusrpose. of te Studetbauty on 2 alt stles 'af agatitist itavitig 2,510 studentts reasd u0o0 ftse U. of 31l. Daily wvas founded-ins t conmsmon interest. Its carrying esitItis ppiers. We lsion stoat five stuest h e fall of 1590 ands is ticerefore intihe purpbose, te Daily gives ct-poets tsri Oppo'Vd&,rtuid-ty Unprecedented!! 1 Earn Your Own Way!!! -~To aid worthy students and to increase its supscription list, the U. of M. Daily will give the following scholarships : T]o ]Every Student Obtaining "10 Paid-Up Subscriptions.... -$300AM 200 Paid-Up Subscriptions .... 100 t 100 Paid-Up Subscriptions .... 30 50 Paid-Up Subscriptions .... 12.50 25 Paid-Up Subscriptions .... 6.25 10 Paid-Up Subscriptions .... 2.50 GOe ' your subscription blanks at the Daily office any evening. .4. reasding otie paiter, is-Satste tdesiris t igltlai yeas of its sreti ture. It it hi , U'at I sts isidstsuhaest i iii tt es-cry rcan lhis Ownacopy. t -aablisleto fi~li trt-the -id f atlailyty- i s ditgs of s-ollege eeg-aaistislta, z Slots-to rests-itthis tend? Net by beg- lweasotf eslailsasiratiosaIttIet-i-i-atstn- c ty pews, acct-ste anataclatasitlisea aiig fate your tssuort a guest tingis dei~s ~ adtt elas--thle fatesilysadtS e Satirts of every-titngtttintg placei at tue attiatys suptaseds, the Daily- is a gatduct u sttalIt ty. Pectiseeditya toli atlticsitu of rstilegs lift-, s-a atisis lhin- aid s-S itlics-c that if thc mater-litte of annasits lletlly, rai-n-oaia ats; ~iishurt, a vouelt i-of thtsDltti is ptlarehdb--fore yost proserly youa will yanadilwitsekly tttttationtaineI iDil fushales as cstmissete ret--tal tf l-a --t wiasst it fats-yourtself. taa ordleto s-f-hi-s thatralasriecsalt (if litans~tilli - s l---es-er.Sisecial fs-atus th is vi is fatitalty- s-tll your attetionstote'Iti hase-satss i ornsaismat sthlilt ai ill -be-telsteaphttic- rss tals a -,i-- sta-s statnsse smusst has-c iaan to tlite o sat- ot ichiai.t I iith si ar ilsthe game a- dilly tbslletiuts sitall 15- yts alit nosthinag secuessgoodl m11n0I>lytf a- its- ststhe utu ta uf-rtits-it o isetaut ti-ws. thit- ltouaey-. halt'sswh-iat the offer cut i ;=tiseciii-ge arasalsIir -Iff~ota s(1thTe stasettlig tleiii-St ila tes tit this- tieSis firts-.Sgel gousd mcii toat is theee ta-oat a soslidl fouaaa t tu.sat i asy out its i-stetsis-is 3-uia- tissiata t11 "Daly t yo,aald youss-aill doei ittth55.eiti yrvatshailhe si lr , t s II isitloislist. Vio- 250isa the zest. les-sa t tst efor lstes-stilt-e- Isalsti as ailsvaiscetseDailly fur the s-east, r201) A sa-stailastoe lao ffer itst-hf. Itis has 5.ti tat tits ly stlee-u.fssl losth iii iassaasts- svill be ttslisfe-.al sat yttse tbutialists.every slitdetut ltriiigii Iti5151etxpen~5ss ald inlsaktiits e-lf totlseve-ry- sisyliefosre 115555. hTt i liha reqisite asitaerof pid-ups stib- pisedt-tbty those stasss iist s ,sti--il pi ec atalaesesatshsnauabesrcu-at ysasi ha Stlsistis ivill res-eelsa-tseschoularshitI' ess sar ta-teastiuhat -ainabIts- it-ls -turatly lost-iesof oste anditi ie - ass-utlittd in cassh,rvail, hardsestal.tt. lsy iasas (f at othes- issatal-si st h asif ,cass. Nitso sti-st t slut-so tautno it is tat1tiits-d,ialy sitdenatcat vuorksite itt te litersisy. (Contlinaued en!fifltsas) STUDENTS! Save time andmnyb etn om fte STATE STFZRrn oe yreETngromAGfteNC .