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March 21, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-21

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c . o

' C. I a l

VOL. VIII. No. 122i.



A t 111' V1ARSITY INDOOR MEET. in the half-mile walk. Woodrff was Michigan Academy of Science
A t il 's__x__ s eonl and tBrookfield third.
Spin elciosjutariedEvn aSccs adThe I-In the half-mile rn lhayes 'h, de- The ilichigan s cademy ofScec
S pring election ust arived! Eent a SfcessednLThmh,.'I5witheolwia eetinofethinLambl00holdeainnee-ioettistbthethe niversityt
from the East. Cll and door Records Broken. Envent of thes ophome-reshman 1of Michigan in connectisn with the
inspect our......_ ssecy 0 acarrwtlosin. a Shoolmastes' CitsMach1, Atil 1
,fi _lams 99 wo te ple aul ovr nl 2. Te Academy sf Science, hssw-
SuitIngs, TrouserinTgs, A ceasd smewhat disappointing is TrysnandlBalder. Tyon sas not in aene, will open its sessinsn sWSieses-
T1opCoats. inumes but tmistenthusiatic attesnd- C-s oig ialisslells al-syso cessg losh3,wtha lae
ed__________ c the anna'Vassity- Isndoow Met in pr aed lecusre in the Mssemhbilding
NO (08 E WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN the, theesuest-pysslsissenoSstydeywssf-y Pof. Worcesters-Ern51"panfi4sshis~n-
__________________________ enon assninisht. The meet o Oilhe sialise shsst-Isat LeheTnestsgill-cwotk
whle wCas nse sf tie msst sssefuls::coe!nti sssiIo ar bee thucd o sessassisn T s-cassro-i
f the Aaemssy sill bisv rel o i nl l
held1stesec , t 55a5s 5155t rsu s ftwith thes he IT of M. ilsssnd eons eess i at sesl1150 lsehsasessn-555
A ll llosttni-aeiie andaactonesethtesftilteigt teoi bssleissrysin-scci-
last ness. Iiil sf thetaents nwe e l l 5 ci ved. umbests sslltst c n's~se an st siss- lg ]sss il iasls s sltc
15551fc~ . Ths Isesiessaddrs~s i ll b-itess
b ^+ CO a~e cnseand issthee Misleiigts ni ohs-sills-the- cn-i-nt.
eVs- ed ssc-isnaece. tiass atesci Th- -easits fssliow:sbrasess I'istsss-aftessssssa st 2o3~ r
tins- h eesinisasf ressrds insstie 555c sert -vsarl ssh--Aiet s-ssa, '0 , ist; s-ci:1,b lss, tatidssssn ls-
Fre-nh every week. essliess -A5Nisturl -istssats
Only its pakaes- visletsby-s ilscavsing ue hegit is I ktsl0sass nt Jsssass9i iisi -5 - -- -
hfiUt pound. feet 0 si cs i-tnsworkcm in far o Tssup 1 3 a eondcs lesgs, lil il-lt sc ess -
Lowney's if yot adhrllen1 -n 00tefrsrycniin.S yatr
. rlefer.for t-t5 at Lisas t yis t ea nsss iiises- tivi _cl hi-ha 3en-s, ts ssear sntiiss, Ssstn sie
fmlmi- .so hertily- cheeres.I, nsthe s Ist; W stalcc,00 3M , eonss; A r,\ no iooia -ne0ne in tk
PH RMEY a ipI is hateasohecsssra 'e99 5, thisrestTisns, p 1-. 5 saIns.. Plalce atvwihthes--- iillbis- ssstnas-
Hal-mie wall Ir r, 99ssirt; psshlemcnnssect nwitislatssr--
I ptt CI3S t s;f o r ins-hes The this-si l-loif-sssnietrationTcinIsis, schooess
ani.t e lwers-s-st wogs.iins te relay 1Wssssslssf, '0 1-. scs-sssn i esssslisl, I lssssavsiss l ih slssl
rac whn 11-00Itit teamscssssasist- ii, tiies. Timse ,7!3. f Ctit sc ctwred that techesrs es-op De
.PIPiE SA LE TtriatlCekanslohe int o
F-OR THE NEXT WEEK55 inc, Pes is 55i Fs-sss e-stssst-rss lsya 1 te sa iwill tssprsent.es
isslreeied 5 rons ustyofAlegrtt, nd fhe unscle !l i stncise i 331-3 e-tis t; tassel, '0, seas-sis!; an f-sth, '99
Wtiams end Wesners Chocolates. Lsns-est lico sand. L, iies. Tisse,] 3. U5t,
nhe t alhus'i-isislsih-ss nftn-sIstlsetsvault-asss'l, ficst Tsy-n, Outcome of S. L A. invsigtion.
ii a d a ker ~niv, si, tie fosr a-es-nsi,
s-7~. 'Y C .w.c aieloft y IlLesni, whtis iuaa In it-y sf the cmmntiatissn reelnt-
505South State Street h i liiIsists os tsial, feet 0ichsnl usllsiheat insThe Tins- ndsisi iri-
splces in tt,- highijums. Ins te ss- etbox C- ctII nsnsirepa-rts curetrsetigtefal
tng oust iwrestling- ene in s ie sft,- Sh ot !russt Lehrs-,'!; Ii fit-t; lif. '50 sc f s
ihs-f he nesigstigiascommsittee tsf
s'ry ,aonHiciks,'0tIt, hsd everything- his -s ns:Bairir ab e, '01 I , tisi. Iis- + I-1,. L AtoInIssahs laileln
Nirrors. aswln-enngtresvns Liance, feet 4 iches.epulctersl
ownway wnnig tre evnts hevssftthirhclts-inestigaitisns, ti I- iem-
011nd isdls-nwaigt rsting asesthe - Iherss u ii sns-c-st- l d c sf the -mitey tdesre t1staili
sweight hboxing, lsby tdm-Commt, a-te aial i st Amstrongs, '01, asen ; Isis Lean, tht eenesid sirwci-ail-hly
Oslasshe Hint!scnst0 '05aAlloi-Of--tthisitnie sinces-adsimsmediately- repried
bootexininoga. on ths] h s s t he finstth- iethea-htn -e tpr f4i.icesf
wall, !bit the indlispensible oval tsis,'li atn i-ttis is ss lih,3Ce inhstns- eiseneeadsacssts iiiour pssesa-
lperson hslo ho ts'C nvcsity i-tssn- lelay irc es-l'300 Lawn aii, litss, ase sgte ahheran rcm es
HandC-M'irror.. There S hardlly piosiiip he fssur eent. 58'sssiby l:.aivaTime, 3c 1-p seons.da ,satss,1tP ssetIatessafrCtc
1900S1lila vs. '9 Lila, i'tby '00
a size or shape that, we do not Tihe forty-yard dsh n-wasrn nitlive its ie 9t- eod.ier Iseisse by the facut- We wre
have. Whte, laCk anti Inato- trial heats, tiestIils 5f sesost, two tssure'ethaeteg matserhy t'tabeltak,
semi-inalsnainls, as ftolos:v;up till pas sed uponslime st the eariet
t'al goods. i-essi--sseighl nrrstlig-fisI, '00
Fist trial ivwo by fPll, aith Hassm -lavsseh te mllIi iesscahlelats-. As yt nw c sre nt
The prices tre tle iquick Sale tsn secssnd, time 4 4- sys- 's; nsesiA dendgh yeilngl awtn, snare drtan actiosnTsool isg- tsa
kit.hat Ilatch wns, WAetphal sco--ads, time!I fial dshipsitiassisfCthe matter hasosbet-i
5 se-ssns; hat,iw ovan by tdefault
5 eons hirds ea, libei hirst, Meadni lerei*hh reclQ ak y th facut~y.
( iA seconsd, time- 4 4- ecosndst; Csacth heal sin wns fines Sessusey, e esicta h tbi-se.is
CALINS PHRMAY. c~cn frst Jonso an Tetze ti gtudetttbody, especially, ar intch in-
AKIS'HRMCY steondtimeI5hsecond;fiftaeheat, CoiLssm.trsseed iIn nwing wnatthouitoe--
oltirs et,arlabsrgsecoesd, time 5 eayr-gh singihcns ~ shatsr, b 1,1bt e are crtanei no grat-
! seond. Hrsttril fo seond, Jhn-er degree than the members ofhi
W sencod, irst4 t-secrndsld, ssn- rnebydecol mmittee
na rntm 445erai d;seas tiddleseighl hsnisg -Hicts, '0 Lairw, . HOSI-I,
^ "trial Hartsburgwnn, time 4 4-1s c- vnfind Osorneein mro ruds.C'.W. v, HITNi-Y,
31jj- U eds. McLean won the first amrinhal!etewih bxn o yCx.1,L ARS
in 4 4- ecodeiith Efbl I-o~nd The Fahregm ~nii-ash 's
NEVIAND ECOD-HAD Tie fliislnserr a follows:s;Refere--d
NEsNeSCN-HN consd semi-final went to Johsn n ande starter, Dr.I,.iB. Fitzgerald; Old Athlete at the University
- 5isecones, with Colton seemdIt- -__
T A xt B O A kleds judges, Inc.enlyyg, JrSmith -
Text books!Letnwonmmthe final in 5 seconds, SEl mn t.Ilfsie;l sge, 11. ,tesrgs e_ leHaven, '9, the famouss
second, Johnsonn thirduBenet, Dr AMcllurrieh and Mr. io; wretlr, is hti the city tr a fer days
For every department in the Uni- The oy-yard hurdle wess run in ses u h ainJ iToa;MrtDe aven wasonee si Mihia'ss
versity. Law and Medical Books a roftecus,. 1Thm;g
specialty We can suply all your three trials anal a final, 'Webster wai-tmr,0oInrgi o 'xad ntpaics tlts lyn ih
needs for the Second' Semester at the fit in 5 1-5 seeeonds, Mceleans the Sid Milard; annuncer, H,. T Heald; ed n the 't team, While in the
lowest prices. scn n5I5scns n ye h
Second-hand Books Bought, Sold sendi 8-5sodadAyathcres, 1ashs, Sill and Loc; judges gymnasism Thtrsday watching the
and Exchanged. third in thle same time. The final went of hoxing.'Dr C,. .fancrede and Pcf. wrestlers, iMI'S te aven made ths-
Best Linen VWriting Paper 150 and to McLean in 5 1- sesnds, with W Cage ugba-akn n wetigrmr ta rslsg sa o b
lac per pound. Cag ug fwligadwetigrmr htwetn sa o b
The A. A. Waterman Solid (ld Fountain ser seoned and Ayres thin. and referee sofIboxing, Dr. C,' A, Ra- in Mihigan and that a good man csould
Pens for 51.25. Tie high jump fr the . I. K. cup bethgee thrw all otar candidates tgether in
avD111 as oesof the mst interesting events situ minutes. Seie osrousr swestlers
WAHR 'S,1OOK STORE of the night and was wn by Tryn, Fitil and Webser i "A breeyycoald preably secure valuable pointsn
lip Town Dews Town '1 Ut. Height wa 5 feet 71><. inhes. Tie" at the Athes Theater Saud'y rim fr. De Hasen it he codd e in-
. tats et. Olpposi~t omHoose -C'T.Tyn'8,asa yWinrnhtjdued"opnd fworsncahng
Alto Aar", Slao. c.T ro,'5 a . Iec ngt - du pa ea ausi sihug


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