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March 19, 1898 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-03-19

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We have just received a
uarge shipment of
(F II Is0111

W J. Boot. Pres. W Ausoesa, 1t Vic-prs
J. V. SISEAN, 20 Vice-prs.
i L M 9 L I E R y 'JOHN C. W~Ai.e Ass. Cshier.
_I515 ast Liberty St. Transacts a general Banking bsi
Hj~rme&rISkvltnir trk
JOS ,]"K ^g L */C1 7 ' Cr. linisatd juron trete
' / US.A4 I(OLLAl YICapital, $0,00. Supls, S,30,000. Trsacta
f general ban king bsiess.
iR. I'r.spirPlres. C.F. GrczoI,,,Vice-res
ta ;R. II.Bi.srstoashir.
Capital Stok, $50,00. Surplus, $10,000.
liS E. WAIINGT'ON ST. Resorces, $1,100,000.
i-oAlGT. Ann Arhor, Mc. Organizedndr tho enral Bankng Laws
ofa this State. Receives deposits, bys and
s els och'ngeg on the pricipal ctites of the
____________________________________________________________United Stats. Drafts cshed upon proper
Idntiiction. Sfety dopsat oes 1o ront.
+ H® DRIN ERS O COF EE F~Ocrriuins: Christian M ack res.; sc.l0.
tiarrima, Vie-Pro. (Chs E. Hiscog,
HO!DRNK RS F OFEECashier: . .. Frito Assistant Csir
Ieaii & CO.'.s, Blentded Coffee is the result of thirty years experience ISVAIOA AKof Ass Arbr
in1 loasthig toifeerand lprodce:incoithue cup a beverage o golenicapitl D,0srluNAIOadN Prgseed 100
(1001lor in nurpiissing'flaor. We sell this coffee at Lii psr pounid Tanacts a general banking husinss.
iiii ventuore tilesttement thtiio ibtter 01rlmoeic ~iouscofee rtigsoucage buht astsold. F rnish
callbeh ad at any tini e (. . iINNE, Prs. IARIiSON SOULE,
Vice Pros
T y. . CLAtKSON. Cashier
214 South IPain Street. C. 111. MAJOR &Wo.
Tho Newa Law Bulding UNIVEPRSITY NOTES The Artistic deorators
-- _____Have a complete line of
Vmta'law iilltit at te University IPr '. T'leiati h"l'eaves tayla WallPaper, Paints, Oils, Window
of Mih ctt i:to bet 10,11 d adln- or lri'i'ce 'ton f illb Ii., e at Shades, Room ilouldings, Etc
tird. Wht liai 1 1. Citit 1 1,08i. Piri o ,aiI ad ., 1t eltn- Specialty of line interior decorating
it il li: rra triii 'arI t 0 le), tr oso ao i.paintitig, fresoing, titing aid 5pape
it mlt r c afr ut o ofrlsfet os>1 uaa"aging. Only the best of wokienu
t ithtt o aii llia Itall. 'I:hatwr Pruittrtar P. _. Tylor.fithlb pi- esployed. Work guaranteed.
till be: ritairriandithe ido ii'will i ica ,nrt otuintr itll(, tiC. f.NAJOR & C.,
titt'liillil iItl'.int a t i 'ts ly ir- arsio f ihia ,haree Ioln-
r 1 iopallltitr. I sill "rii . 5'l wi n tlt- , ahi' riitil rtr'iio-bit cil au ittira he Artistic Decrtor.
i \5l r p'ior. tt rii li ii 10',Ariawo iten11 ure ncy till orii t ali hierd
ut ndaleti vittletwal 15 tialit'he iList . i'ai't'tl Oetiitotil al AIE' AN INTEMNI
b Pat-ri~ nrs~difT'he 'c1'it- ti oet PrafessoraI. IW. Vtsiof TAILOR
Liliesta'", b, l' attistifith oill Vais-arvard ~iil rt'tii at . . W. ofr'AtLa.
:eit irleda' t heir flors,.aitalso Cornell; Sineyt.- Shroodofl i dtt Latest Novelties in Wintr
of tia libiei. olIireririred ithrllHapkiins, tintd Davi ilay, oitheit'n- and Spring Garments.
All lblis andti i ioft thill ad:diio The reportI it hi onnaiitiiil 'woill beiI CR WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
(iiOn block sest of Usiversity.
iWill ba firliedi el i'Ott.[,toeeeiligslmadtatlhe, nittanttilltlirii i ____of________________
11w eoaer bli tltltgter ineiita1Plte ttc t ttii'ttiati eli iitSlaF alebetwenIl .OHIO...
agsis tii ho-lit i'tr.i' teii'.'iioIO , Chitislaad Nwv Vacie.
rhe lorg-l leaut'e iiiiionn iilta all Dr. lei g, oit e haeiiial labtisti^-
lh irs alibar, tiid will h'taveasip-e-or- trt hasloast p1uiiblied twotaaricles entral Lines
rideiriiii onloe id. There -sill b heiliacheain uciini ithle pri'itioniofiita-lT. &. . fy. N.l &M. By.
saleri'eitureI rt- o'mitotis lootr. TVia" eioesiletiai ocopiound f sigifiltancei
is iam~ti intelialiilo OW Te Only Sleeping Car Line betweens
librairysill be-onitha.secoailootitr, in eia ietgto.!ohte Toledo and Colusobus.
and sill hasva the heighlt ofbth sea-talents are sos' pubihed in Urarsotio', The Only Sleeping or Drawing Room
tool aioitliridAt is, eallm~;lighted andtOsill b holirily- isual ii this iion-Car Line between 'oeo, Colum-
by a larrg;e tlyliglil. Lagereaiing ry.Botheoakng ta a ildtiofwsoriik buadMalta
'iiiiits will bhaconnited W~ oith i..1'ie wticoitho th olkade1tesda upiao ntible- The Only Drawing oom Car Line
between 'oledo, Colusnbus and
{Ihird foor swill rcintai a or~ut I le- Itoaeleaenoreoadit:. Itabred u000in Charleston, x. Va.
ticerotian, sevratl lI-aureiroomtstaisd, Munithh and in Heidielb~ei-g, aisd Pullmans Sleepers between Col~sus-
three sacieyrooimsia. Slr aal itii,nS, hldt under inestigatlion here. Oe bus and Chicago.
at Diriitlir ih arlilerl it f the aretichile appears in Lieigo ri Te nly Line wilsI4 trains eab
salen" and the oiler ini the jurial itt way daily btween oled and
buildaing, andsod-ria nitheiditien sil' .Co1lubs.
the rhesial socetaeylt Beinic. The Only Line wills I3 trains each
baths at once aater ithe shiginof the Vie Varsiy baiebal a'oidatea aa nSnas ewe ld
cantracts. pratied at Reget' }PilinTurs- and~ Columbus.
SPRING FOOGTBALL, PRACTICE. (ay, ahihangh the diaiiiand was tta The Only Line wills 5 trains each
Football praticuill begin Monday, eatft fr use. C'. F. Mhr, one afthIe way daily between Toledo, Bowl-
XMarris 2st othecanmpiius oar the mlteproisig andidates fr atiher in Green and Findlay.
0gym. It ins prast haitialrry can- met willh inaceident tat will ep The Only Line wills 2 trains each
dneaw hsldgl iiIadmseein.lssan ttIegame tir 00o00to, way daily between Toledo and
J.. . ,BENNETT. Capi.hising onsa of his fingr ails narly Charleston, W. Va.
H. . HEALD, Mgr. torn off. The Only Direct Line between Tole-
_______________________________________________ do and the Virginias.
The popular line between Toledo,
18arsFostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and
For Frty earsNewark.
GOLDEN 1TSCEPTR anognffteOhoCnrlLns
tralns,et., will be cheerflly furnished by
Has been smoked by colege men and is to-day, a LEADER Moulton Houk, G. P. A.,
as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe.", Toledo, Ohio.

S OrNew shapes in Vesting Tops,
$3.00, $4 00, $5.00.
New 3 Strap Sandls
$1.OD, $1.60,1$2.00.
Our entire stock of
winter shoes at a
Shoe Department.
.Rear 1st Floor.


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