e . t VOL. VIII. No. 121.. VOL.VIII No.121.ANNY ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, MARCH 19, 1898. PItCE-3 CENT. l At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect or.. Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NlO 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Al legretti's Chocolates.... 1rslievery week. Only in jackages- h0c a pound. Lowney's if yen iprefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY PPEFiBSALE TI F OR THENESLT WlEl, .Twa receveda f reh socle of Aegretti ad WtIlamssand Werners Chocolates Lricc line ithe city. Lunches at all hours. R. B. JO7LLY & CO. 308 South State Street. Yes, Sir. Good bristles, solid back, made to last and gie satisfaction Almost every shape tht is sal able. 25c to $2.00. Medium prices are better than cheapest. CALKINS' PHARMACY. WAH R'S 3OO1EST ORnE.' NEW AND SECOND-HAND Text Books!I For every department in the Uni- versity. Law and Medical Booko a specialty. We can supply all your needs for the Second Semester at lowest prices. Second-hand Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Bet Linent Writing Paper 15c and lac per pound. The A. A Waterman Solid Gold Fountain Pens for $.2. WAHR'S-.BOOK STORE Up Tows Dowa Tows S. State St. ;Opposite CoutHouso Ann Arbor Mats at. ORATORICAL CONTEST. mo; ie. 'The only refuge of o'ao is law ndilorder. The secondoipeaker xcas Air. 1F.5. Sims, '98, will Represent Mich- 1Altiolland, twho opok, on the 'Maid it;an in the Northern Ora.- of tOrleans." 1Rogioti seemedi to bce torical eagde.ined to humble Feraoce toiher freet. torial ~eaile, Fluhedwithsucessthey had oid- Iccorncednsouthwvard ito Oritoc;, Lheoly Latiotnight tiio eighth anntal iorto- barrier yet befccre thern.io.NccvIthere ical contest wos held in Unix' r -;itx Ball, cae iii tnesxpocted dlivcrer in the the firot three ito-es gting to the Lit- Mi fOlas"TeDuhnsie c-°arc- Delcrtineoltini lie foltotoct-or 'MiIcc leic:Th' ttiiiitiei uponi thio last strat- and(1put Jeannei at tot: S imncocs,first; Wie r'0seond1:a- Lthe Iceadl citthe' triothccusand icnoin i 11100, third. 'rie juidges on tthoulht iccctchebiceigedci ity. tier enthiasmi - compoiticccwcreo:Supoitendenccltc S.' 11-l;i lce soldier.acid tthr inolisti Wh~iitncey, of Sacginaw;c Plev. it P. Olii one ere sweptibeforethem ii. '1'lit cccid i -l. icilantt; anti Hon. V. W. 'tic tic adcienitoceiroil t oFract, Coo hocec, ctreyr, of Li.ng. Tlhe uge:ondei, her11hocc, her lilt. hiutlice oeryt-ciirt tltvter, itw-reIPrtinctipall iP.it l oitne tof s tt ha x-raved cospiredolg cicot her. I1t-illccci; Sir. I. N. l-iccitzecr" ,ot hiCaimpanctia sir cadecr ht otcharge i Tldo'tandccHon.c.. itch,ccof ccc- ticc-gcto v"i cclco J' ° = CONTAESTANITS 000,.,i, edemec or a 'aa liltttiaade ac Aldichl ,,,ef5jilrodr Onotsterner gnuo'e' onliade Fitche x-,txctlitGrado Boon ia''ia~zociaSum of Rans _~c. 1 Fial Ranh Hioin.James O'Doccnnell ibresicdetd aut iccocudiolely introcctied tl icehotnscecik- er, Mr. S. L. Taittum, wvhccopioeIon "'LynchtLawv." Air. Tatung11 preseintec lychlaw asnotheipeuiliar Americ rimne. lReligionic acd governimenti have bieeii oiierricdceic by lciwleos mccli, 1an11 C'hristian imeii aid wiomen, tforgettiing their lotrutotiris,liave aplauidedt,intl the ocildiren hare hero dismissed from school icclecirinleconcs in anarlcy. Its rule has bieen mccrder, raeine andtory. 'The negro is Ropt in nolaxveiryofifetani. Suppitression oif blnck doiniatiocn ws the pretest for lynch loiw, hoc nowcc the horihie crime in practised on- tier the name of chiva.lry'. hut slcall cl ime he met hy crime? The o'hite man mighlt hove learned chivalry firoim his darkter brcother. During the -no'r the negroes icrotocted the white incthers and sisters and kept their truist invio- late, Rot the chivalry of the Sooth hooted down the whiie nomen who cnine to teach lice "Niggero." It in not a Iron chivalry which han n douhie stanidard of morality for white and hlnck, ood man and woman, Lyc'h low is tnt confined to the Soiuth., bob violence most be met and put dowvn and the sentiment that alloyvs it and sustains it moot he overcome by poblic opinion. The law moot he upheld. Law is deliberate and sane, hot the mob in- aga'insct tieRccglish.i I Ir g'teerals 'de- s-erc-cthocriicancdicwith r liito t11cite', curl 1Joanneit'waxscoa. lpiisocner - in th hands ifcairelitlessc ccc' . itlchl.li;-- itico cindcth1churii ,'tcht,'mctntoi cc', itt'l- 'ciatnotsituecldi, clda. o Ic'hrl coutr. iio. .J. ,A. Amccit1g. iic- troxt sokie cci -'iicc iicc in t11cc' lIu'ctiicifz o ct- tit s.'' Fir'saidlwcc rctnlcocralc ccci fccrcfaitheorts iccit cc urccfcccoii.thr-. Iii pimnitive' 1ays-0xc' 'iiciltsit's10r11 atsienii, cut soccit mcainiliorn,'ci ioiiakec fire riubb ihing tic - stickscogeci t-cr, adtihncbcanlthlc'slcicer-c ctfi woan. I-'c 0 ct11 trioo liihe iife'Nccci a iere becsccif tbuicdei. ,Xui'ccci -ccsicatiocis bcam agrc' icuturlii'c I ciii'ci ei'l'i 'ciidi ito eqcualiitoyxvith meni. 'Ii 'ccani ,'as itie inspirctiioncit thc' 1110' ccia.% 'flih' fiishing niccilci' Iccar t)use 11c nactic aginolst slcvry coas the wkovucuf* alcwcmrn.ULncle, T'-io'Cainiprerici- fair-clhe sormcndcthe' inotituctioni s cdcccmecd,.01A 1t'eic~eof cth1c oiliicc w-cmano has icoicbhicu ciomittedi icc cli plcesi', aid note they aiire a liviiigtorce ini the licatcio'slife, Bthouwomaiin loday, wcith all hocrtither activ-ities, :s ci greati- or- iiifieice in the hicme than ivcri-el c- BOARD OF REGENTS MEET. Lawe Building Contract will be Let Today. Thce Bociritof Uo',i'cc s hetl lctir - ulacicmceetiing croto-rilir alot ticnoac irc the fcllccwing Itilsinesi:coc tub varingt froccin$41,00, lii tCarirccty& IC, Ic~ri ci, to liltill fcortt'cecnsrtoion-cocf thei adi- dliticcitoicceilawccbuIildcingucercc--c'estc c- ccl. Thelcocncci ctcwc-itcccxti-io) thei - ccliii oc, but iatcer it wcc o fcundc 1hat-:ci c Li- ltkc-hadcicl ic ei ctc i x ccii c io, soc ticia1t tithe f crm o'c cc- il titil tlis aiftrniicccctich g herb Ii h cdcsircec. The ater , ic, t00 ithe luicicic of actin-Pidenoct,.cIicicicict., andc iicclrlct-c-Jae iii ' 1 dsicpoci; on. itie'rcarmncil iii I fcc 010t ili i er. ity Senate, the Chtitmasi hlildycvi- coatictciixtoc gn n husdycnsea ccf 1'rid-c-- 'as t ir.,c iii theli c 0 rttiil'c't roomion hecseconi floor o the 1ccr- na.iuitliwas givccen ito tlic Athlo'tie As- sociaion or atroph mor; t ttsucr- clcc tc o I'the'ticoitiaci icc ciii - izd to furnihthIcnirse' 1')rOli~iccy lidc ito wi e"thlic 1itl f ; ('11 e ttiu ith the nic l lictric pMcii; 'Tccb- is _i)it'tcff's lea e ofabs c( t'; I 0e5- ccii' oneyear: 'lohl Nc-it.StatIc>- riciccit er cc-ri-d ifccr the ix ctFth' tit s itc -lcd- ti-iz11e1d lccic cc-c i c-- -toct iccicti lifor"cntriicin 1was.oN. Y", it Prof.i ean C.1 W 1c licte Indoor Meet Tonigitx 'Thetentrieso in fenciing, bocxiing cnd ccc tlng11 tdys1ots t 'lc Pealin andccanin itcertinig .ser- ies isIprioid.Thie prelimiinries in fenoingougci0-ichtobe ofcpaicteularinte1r- esi. Nile, '919, riddUCtt.'OO L, n-ill 1101 a10 jutdgiesof thiscc-rot.'The admnisieoni ctill he 'di centsoo'ccd focr afterioccn ani evening perfocrmncies. forie. dir, l. L.Al~ierscofcllccwced cwitSh 1111 i ctihJecl "Poularity- of tGcvtrnet."M U. of M. Band Reorganized, Siiin has eerbeten stroiggling ftccindi- vioultnd cloustcial liberty. There havie Te1.o A- admt ensa been twociforces operatiog appa~renctly night for the firot time sioce the reo-- nuntinallyexcltisive, ltceoe for icdi- gainiizhiucn andtt 00ommencetd rehearstals. viduial freedom and the othe'r focrso- The band is ittuw under the leacldershipi oial orgainizationc. Greece lihthetdthe itt Lee'WVarren and 1will praotice' tnt-i cane of individiuil freedomc,but ki- dcr twice a wvetck for 1t'he alxoneeuof the dled ci conflagrationi whioch10as der- year. The fiirotIappuearancexwill he Sat- huned litoiunsume. tUnrestrained free- orday night at the 'Varsity Indoorc dour leaido to diointegration. Meet. A mioie extendled write-op of the thome o the other hand develioped a iband offiocers, mu-oters, eto., ccill be cplecddc entralism ancd hoc oagies given in the daily 00011. seemed destinied to gleami the world Mir. J. B. Johnston, instructotr in zotol- over Bu soo th civl wrs ad ng-igy in the University of Michigan, has ove, tud oonthecivl wrs ntilie icoolly trepared a moncograpth on the lected citizenship bore Rome to destroc- minutoe stroeture of the storgeon if the tion, Rot cwith the coming Chistianity gtreat lakes. The paper appears in Vol. these twvo principles wvere harmonizoed, I-.Nit, 5, of the Zooiogictil Bulletin, andt and inidividuial freedom aril strong has beein repinited as a pamphlet. governmentOforished side by side. Indoor Meet-Boxing and Wrest- motually dependant. A noey era will ling Contest, Sp. in.; Varsity indoor dawnvons society, and the lowvest citizn Meet, 8 p. mn., at Waterman Gym- (Ciotinoed on second page), nasium, Admission 50c.