t Token
s p rio n i
f S
7 t
WV. J. Boose, Pres. W. An osat, 1st Vice-pre;."
J. V. Sn E~rAv, 2d Vice-pres.
O LMES' LIVE ] Y Y,? stat0G. WAL~Z.Asst. Cashier.
515 Est Lbert St.Transacts a general Banking busi
, Ts KO L A F(or. lain andti hams Streets.
. rl ; (Capital, 5050,000. Surplus, 830,00. Transacta
general basking business.
dO S X OLL UF jl iser,m ,Pres. C. F. Gas i,Vice-Pees
Fin i11. fs t sui sker.
Capi tal Stocks, ($50.00.Surplus, S$150,.
tiS E. WASHjINil3 ilN ST. An Abo, T. eore, 110^0
sells exchange on the principal (cities of the
. =_____________________________________ United States. Dentn cashesi upon prupe
identification. Safety ide ssit hisses tos rent.
OFFICER.": Chiristian i;!tacka Pres.; IV. t.
M RMS OF C FFE tlaroimasi, Vice-Fresht Lh.sF.iiscek,
- " 1.7 +tY CashiertliI. .0. Fritz Assistant Cashier.
liteai & -is BlIsided Coffee is the result of thsirty yeasrs experiesice FIRST NATIONALRAKfAn Arbor
in roattii coffee, soid produtces isathoc cup a beverag e sifgoldi-isI Capital, 1100,000.Srplus andstirefits, >40,00
t color andititssrpasiiig ftvor. We sell this coffee ait 225c per pouIsil roanstes a goenea atiinking business.
ansdiventuore the statesment that nsi ts eG r o inisore deiciiouiscfeell'tturh's cediti. ogsatiod uns
can Ib- load at atty fime. F. it. KINNF., Foes. IIARRISON 'iOULtE,
Vice Pres
S. IW. CL.AtittON. Ctashiee
214 sout'h Main Stret. Cr f. MAJRku &I) .,
a I 11TT T 1 1KIN O RIT.TosiotT
We have joist reeomedirst C. -. . )trO -Tho e eu
large auiipG0i 1i. of.lit 10 9iL: 10. stSit 01z;Th lii i me l
W RIG T, l l (?.UUII -.t, ). is li 011, 1 rlii s- i-1i
~~ *:u~IIIj~i~ ~ ~ trtL-o
in the Republica~n Club.
ll - a, (hlt) bai1cl it- it
t=. tcitiiii-a-ijii i in 1
luIi <tuuits <+.to s 0
liii-liii liiii-i tug ion I
t t i Itttt u(tu i t o )
The Artistic dleorators
I-hve a, oetet lin~he of
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
Shades, Rooms Mouldings, Etc.
Specialty of fine interior deciorating
paitiiig, frescoing, tisiting ud paper
i atsgitg. Only floe best if workmseni
etooloyed. Waork gua~raniteed.
C.11I. MAJOR & CO.,
The Artistic Dlecortor,
I FITillARli
New shapes in Vesting Tops,
$3.00, $4 00, $5.00.
New 3 Strap Sandels
$.0,:, $1.509 $2.00.1
Our entire stock of
winter shoes at a
Shoe Departmuent,
'Rear 1lst Floor..
t7 ilc fI. 11 }1<l cc, Ildill f)IIe f: ct Ii n1e(I th:It 1. I,.
'GU 7 1 . t)at fc>>th, ':i 1 , C> I.i .nl) . 00 iiirmerly ;oc"ret ity Id Ole cc r-.1
TI Iv 'AA T " I ,,,-.,,,..,""<. r.1,,I, .,....T _, ,.,. .. -
IT. i, . w '01) I J . W0. Ott iul tl, tie ii i- olto nL t C toi a-i ti(jii t-t-
01. -utbtiensit rslii, sand apiii , ait-i Latent Novelties in Winter
IRs-Iiy it.. c tOuI iso Teams: "D(ititi.-ot tuthor-it-y fromtthe i - ~1ttipt isia and Spring Garments.
.ot, it-itoi, l- onegan,\ s. V- t a\. 0 05) rlegats lt o e iinttial -iiims-s 5 litin,
tut1c; V-i lt t itiebt. i, -Mitt-i.,i-i-ter t o ttiti the- ss ii asci i talyii--COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
(Oie block ws lt of university.
Hatmton I. hlil, an(]00Li. Hitchi.Fl- 1110NoXtial Li-tosi-ui-u-tlets.. T- _________________________
blI Pretiss,. .itl.rz.ts to.'99 Lilt. Pell,fesfoti eselistre tcdu-o t-otoiesiii-ul ...OH 1
Al~r,es.Iles..5Ays,Atrnstoig to $25, soulit -os asoosesel list _M1.""
Vhs- sflrtarsills be s ii; <211s: Dot-jo was trO ho lo sditi is ntYe C entral Li e
les-k if CIsirs - orLTh~a;a-ctusb.iL n
tiriatinl, S. . .Steuin. ohtl. Mll. Itarlosod isjofr-i-nsin ~t isopiIt. & O. L-CPtY. R. dA- I.11 ty.
Stlarter-Dr. liiltijisitls. l t-sscsshudetense tioati ty lion st--
sitWstioc ~o- lttlstigi hg fr ~o hiir itii ios-s-ro ii t-iire Only Sleeping Car Line between
Judge ofr ll].-r aohe n.fr h lbhs nelssi r- Toledo and Columiobus.
Track JIssil r. ls ,liiiijrsI Or. ig tstosinlt-I c ratgi- i- jisit s(.v toTie Only Sleepisog or Drawing Roos
OSmitho andt at-. \O'eile " Michigao. -CarELie betweesi Toledo, Colusm-
birll Jssliro-l ~-sis ill ~t 'ss,~sit.-s-s's- s s.,. bue, and Marietta.
- Ost-.llsr-- t~i~ ~~~~it4 The iiOnlyitDrawing Boom Car Line
-to(I, Dr. ODixton. -those swhobenitts ted syter-lat-ns- Tlbetwen Toledo. Colunbshisand
Timesr-'Wright, Sit Aillard, l.of-os ter-si ortt pathIeSildler. , ndlit. 1la-i. Charleston, W. XVa.
Cox. viostwill save tulk elseiwheret-ftr liii Pulnman Sleepesa between Colunm-
os-tr rs--0 .tteb rlt -l.s.0. Sr sr, '9S; - hoe and Chicago.
$25ibthan in the seasty itoflteU.o.sf i. 1
T. Sill, '99 M.--j The Only Line withs 4 trains eacho
A\snouer-1Tl.'. hillit. Rebicstans Club. Theiialtpr ti. itiiatio way daily between Toleda ansd
rORefere-Dr. litr.geatc --ili. soas resdurestironsl$6fitto $3. Columbuis.
Judges sfit oltis-ir.N.ast-s-sti - - - T'eiOnOsly Lisn with 3 trains each
ts if. Craig. WANTED-Srrtstsst til-foirtsmale--,way uon Sundays betweens Toledo
Judge--Or. Oalsl bo. cluartette. Inquire 2o4iS. Inigalls. and Columbus.
The Only Line witho 5 iraisns each.
way daily between Tloledo, Bowl-
ing Green and Findlay.
FU LL The Only Line with 2 trais each
PIQ~r 60,0was daily betweesn Toledo and
PIQUECharleston, W. Va.
The Only Direct Line between Tole-
do and the Virginias.
G L O V ES _ _ _ _ _ The populas line tbetweesn Toledo.
Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and
Whens yout take into consideration that yon have sever padl ewark.______________
than $1.50 yon will appreciate the value wre are offeritng . cll information relative tu rates, ctase of
__________________________trains, etc., will be cheerfully furnished lay
any agent of the Ohio Central Lines,
WAGNER & COM~PANY Molton Houke, G. P. A,
13 South lain Street. - - Furnishers, Toledo,. Ohio.