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March 18, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-18

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VOL. VIII. No. 120.


PRtc't'-3 C,ENTV.

"' A UNIQUE METAL intaglio), vax impressions (in rebel') THE INDOOR MEET.
At W Id'swere immnediately taken toalaow tihe
iw)rseen ofatthe wark andtoiendie
Springl~ selections just arrlied Is that Ofrdi rtr ytetekainadcaatro h ee-Cm lt ita nre oTt
from1 the east. Call and Chicag-o Alumni Association. sary moifcations. 'n theche red- i n aEens
inspect our ......__ttoneat the cetting, tie dies were high-___
t {. ~le mdal prvidedby rlr Chi a-m) lpdiahed throwgbout all the itca- --
iti''5n Tvnh1rou s ingo t('f( mt((i Th 11Ia e aa(( 1 n ia' t rthe itale
S .urnanAsociation at the Uix1 (esityc reatofthe (designand lthentnerc
fleet.ir (( n at renrlcted. 'l ( le-
' ' c . toa (tearer atflhardaeae determnead b
To -C at..I A ,, tan fr the ftret ho(n in oan (l ette ata(a e inaanal a t. al rtesis aill conam(l'
totit aIe handsonmest oI the lint ever tin i natureraf'ahalel the (van getvdeli
NO. 1OB E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN dsign(ed. Thefoaloieneg accen othe liar rt talR, ilnoaint eanaplel inow- arald t eti~~
a fe((n(h isildecidetheomaldalehela llaiarerImtin
lcfe (itha rt of(ik *ein. Te die
Chcoaes..KEj=1 i>'(n dai. 'I t(e (ee aa anoter ay'Th((idn~ lt e
®rehther wek. ed~l, 's erIe. T f h i ,i~ trikin'gCthe lea. Terr e ndir( I (
Ole~ u~iy in pacina"a- ( ht, (. (e:l 11.8 n(a'racee;
lif n bond.a (d( ll n e iewerag 1ntherte'imnthe (( Xh~~r In of2 nIt a l ((( ih7tahdela' xlvi I' lght
prefer.crew-. r4e=,((('(king avav1nol (I
PA MERSl neHAfMfCthe( h etinarlicr of th(Chic(o uder 12(hoeds;(aedei'(t tie)
.r ;?r ai:1lc tin' eehas.el n lyre I lank laid in place, andlun(,,r a 1>>",les-ly
11 1pvureel'lint (lrlhc, 'var altlls ((lit
id i n + a e l i d e e ef ( ( e e ( e a r d ret l t n s,'( e l( ((u d e r ( ( ' e . i ( ( (' ( 1 ( l ' a a
v (4" ((tef"5 r1 ize(' ln((or(ateolraneat earr l l
~~j ~ j ~ S I ~ E (I (( ((n em r a(ofl th 1:((,e8e' b la t aial1x((~e. Oh'((unds.''( I

IJuOt reeived a fres(h annal t fAllegretti, and
Williamsad Wersers Chocolates. t~ar.,e('t linr
ithe caty.
Lunches at all hours,
R?. E..JO0LLtmY &" COmr 0
.1f Scutls Stale Street.
Yee, Sir.
Good bristles, solid backsn, mae
to last and give satisfaction.
Almotst every shape that is sal- I
aide. 25c to $2.00. Mfediuim
prices tire better titan cheapest.

/1 { 1.,J ' I ' ir
w j 7' . . ( J
= " rte~f ' (/7 tax"iT

F~d. FC'FhV( V[I
/ .. y'. [C..V A ." .s 7 M } :f 1
;i f ; r f ir r '

e'xecu(tionm(anyth~ing wiihthand been b e- serfn (un(te a glasn e eealize 0 ie l( (((e ia(arniglht., Itielan
forer at temnptedtiin tatltine . Areoedict- extni(mt Ihowemuch sill, car('e nd(p-( ilrlt Thesenee as nwcii berunl(AT at
ly, they scrured tine sernvicesa oft r. neck rerrequniredt I in e ( eciio n(ot ((etaock. All vcrho( buy tickets x in.te at-

I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oi t 1((ait Saullinan, nnhoma they believedx'(tthe die, and tis eemesscarcely t(((aeiil e r((aaann'wil((e adtmittedt in ltl(evnc(((-
I ~ ~ DIII DU~flV hat (a aeerin this nt(ary in tineneat- thant th~'eeatoutdtbe nmadeto ya irIeldeinn e r(. 'The Knimissneato boelonitter-
C RLM ro nhvM ul. anerIonnatnstic(design(.'T'he Auditorium,' inihd emedal wcithou Itabreakinag. Tieone (((((( ((((1 rrcia e i nts ill tb( 5
I in~te Scinllner(nTheatletimiliting, Ike No esi~agnainssoanihtle that eacxeganc ne(entin.
_____________________________Sinoik Excanage Biliting andi othae atit antler the gaen rereaasnscme nn'ea n e e nca for th(e n'eeniang i.r-
mnunnnnents in kin geninns, aereand elsea-;ibeau~ty. Time (xombinatiion((oft ir(' ((n- t( meane, nnithtline ntios',isas foa
cchenre, nad(e it certanin thati they could1(1stances nwhichmrrnd~eredi possib~'linte lance:
ntkhope for bette.r resulits'romm m artprodultion(of tisinworkofati, tprtb- d40-yarmmd tDrakh-rWesta, '00 I.; A. it.
3 :R IU" themranommce; anmrian the ework rio- ably'enrken it improssibrle thnat anyn5 ea- Webtetr, ''0 2,iii , ");k'llt tiel, '00t
rassed, Mkin Sunlivnabtecrrmmr ame m nenr-cessftul antempat ccilite maeto tp~r-Ddley, 't i'0i (,nmn. '00; ICart a, '9s 1t,
NEW AND SECOND-HAND Iested mm the pnrdnction rrt srtmethimng dareaythinag tocomarme n-ilk it. The ft. 'T. iHeald, '9 .arlin, '09 hotTmmn-,.
ama mruntqueine art, that, an it happrienerd, ecense' c"oultatbe so greant ann trodeter "(8t Ayers.'9tt Ititamce i, '98; Pricer, 'ti8
'I'ext B ooks Ithimemm shncma dn rma ever havre ean gratil- anmr sct at peotpleunnner nrrtti nry Oc-tEt;tRey'nmldsin, 'h0t Johnrrmn, '01 tt eti
fledmit 1fmm kin enthusiasticec-ora(emi- eammtaneerethe servicesofstca eras ~n- 'C'0;Meadi, '00; Pell, '99; Bainm, 'hit Stayer,
For every department in tihe Uni- tin.A year and a mat wansnsnentinntarin this art cvnnld kprobaynmo'mrt ine'01;Hanmpton, '00s; li t urtnmg, '05 L;
versity. Law and Medical Books a pirodumcinme i niathed medalthetinest avnailabletntr any atmtt mrv
specialty. We can cosupply all youtr a aie tar nive''eei 5 ~ itiana sn .C
needs or theSecondSemestr atsketchnat time desigs heing mam~de in Jan-rupotnthinsdesigmn, itfasucha tinagwere1 dkanms, '9 Oc, 5 t+ mr,'5tti
lowest prices. cary,1t95, and the medal ibeing rcrm- mcie r a'ar h he mgn -tatmrn, '00 Pin.
Second-hand Books Bought, Sold plelted tar commcencementinis189i. En- er ofthmieUited Statensni mint t Phia- 40-Tarmd Hurdlne-Webaestr. 15r i
and Exchanged.!!, tM
Best Linen Writing Paper i5C and lnamgemeant fthe desig neeade rdelphia, says that mmn1thi ntnci'me'the Bark, '01; MciLean, 'hilt Ayees.'9ii1t'.;
25ic per pound. froma time in time in orde'r momre cre- limit in technical execution has heent Mend, '00 E;t Bain, 'sit tlartshrurg, '0i
Penslfoc s...25faltt iscudy ithe details. Then mad- -eached; the task wiaannit elicate that tL; Wren, '98; Mee, '98t Ojirt, hi1IE.
etcsniece made in claynjuptn a scale ftrchaecwatud met attempitianythinmgmniee Ifighn Jumpmt-J. P. Mckeamn, '5t0+);.II
W~~~ tiRSB OK S O E mamas anlarge as thatmini lie 'eecmted cno, and a. persn wcagstfound, except kWren. '98; T. Flonoyt, 'hd Mt C. fm.
sill Vemiwo k rmathese madals, supplement- Mr.,[tacker,ckwhnwoud dare tadertake Ripley, '00; C. C. Adams.c,'99i; T ..
UpTweew don a by the dracwings, the adtec were cutitt;umreover, timeuneertatni int a nna- ngny, 5'55M; R. S. Mead, '00; 1"'.'i-.
S. State St., 'Opposite Uot~euse nsf te.A tede rce i
Ann Arbor' Blais at. m nisnat h in aeed(n (Continnied Irmasecond adige.) I (Continned an Pt urik page.)

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