..... ..... ...... .... .. . . . .. ..... .. . . . ... . . .. . _ .. I.. .. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAIIA. 1898 - - Spring Novelties - 1898 Negligee Shirts, Madras, Percale and Cheviots. Finest line of Spring Neckwear in city. Gloves, Golf Hose, Fancy Half Hose. Compares with others. Money saved is money made. Men's Furnishings!i OUR GOODS GUARANTEEDW Bu Th Bet KINDERGARTEN, 0 ".3p 41e(~csLh ot orhAe r ne a . 1 price-thiaO' n I roo an t ee.AB E ZoTM ! H EER~S UI TO . R Er $ ABEZ TME WASHINGTON BLOCK ANN ARBOR a * 5 ;O5-Ya" s ®sO- e t~lf~rt Ift