THE UNIVERbITY.OF MICHIGAN DAILY nique, c. eenly'nlenes ipti c e; I w wou alltf.of4 1. ii1'iill b welto comed agan.-N. I'. Mail 3f r, a Vrn o Artistic, witty.,ipleasing, ntirealina7, Ta eIN Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during teletnt.-Albanty (N. Y. ) inn . the College year, at Vertty ine, ol that oneidesit'dt-l THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, Itnehentee (N. V.) 17nlet and Adver'- i eT h L m OrrFIen Times building, '3241 S. Main St. be- od.h tween Liberty and William Ste. iLlaectttnitieen-(litInsI r MANAGIN(G EDITORt Andiencee.Nell saisfniedl. I tnter- (Successor toGibson Ca . 1.THOMAS, 'OS L. laing.-llnelitngtn (Iowa) H-lanelnye.cesr ~Slldc BUSINESS MPANAGER Mealy. exceelien), in) etting,hian- 0. 11. HAMS, '00 L. guage eleganit, v iews nnyltcr>-0Onolctr 112 West Huron street, A112 EDITORS (Ndeb.) lee. I R SILMN,19 L, tleic. g o tentully111.eutFINE- '00-ed PECT TIIE WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..T Studio rk I a Arbor. BULe ,iso bn, '01. T. It. Wnnnnnnow, '18. I.3.AMsBrEtLL, '00. Alas CAsurnr.L, '(18. i. ENnctoans, 'St. The subscription price of the Daily is $2.18 foer the college year, with a regular delivery befere noes each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publics- t ies must be handed in at the D~aily effice be- fore 8 p. in., or mailed to Vo editor ibegoreca p. i., of the duy previous to that on which1 they are espected to appear.J Subscriptiens may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stolliet's Nestand, or with Busness Manager. Subcribers will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office anv failure of carriers to deliver paper 'The connlnnnnic t~in teom ihn t~le? 'Olub, ioned iby the nnnntagee,ftinnonnni snnee lee thantrena'snn. Il~inn'e ien)pliot. Inh' witer nnntan n thtiitine nil1' t- l1nlnenllt'e n 'nnew s;onnltru th(iw)hen inn Pot the natinle stnann il "Ititntt 'a tini,''etn'.''line stnt)ennn'int ina wereboned imn 'enrepor t thlnletni't Atind loca",l)paptes,n'onnlin' Nl tiittine genera)l imnp'essionn ahbnnntline 'nonilnis is ('absurd.tFtverybnno'yl knwliant ten nttnlt.'t't'nt' tha tlthli'echl) ian't i clnt feti ith ttst to 'years ins eeattse it neenttoonnfant)theon'stnimne it nod then' opponnretutnily tongo at lnl. 'lTt' titlyis entirely ag'eed,. ltnnnnent', nn 1witnt, nopininh ti ntlinhintg'lt" lprenet (ittnt tnnte niettin .oftheipt'tIis'd inittet'tne,'(n te nscri ttue tt "ine snsttofnItint'fa- j vcnn ionth 1 lirdntdotnnltntttin'eet- tio1'n"iquit'lnnnnliteernlly. WVt'h ~t~l'tton'e n)xt yen'stcltbetteretedtcniinntis eu' tin'tnlnne. It ncncl'innnt ll' I ily is ee' gladto Inn nformntet)th.nlt tt 'll- mosit putblishednenl nfout~tndd't, tind Spingseetnt' n.t'.in.FIiNEe ~TAILORING... en ril. Our lin of Spring Wooleus is now complete, embracing all tine swell- Thena IntosInon'fotislet''till it'est and most exclusive novelties. 11 _Our garmnnts wberever seen will be appreciated and pronotincetd by 'Thein'intrilts ftelInldoor Metitll critics as strictly correct. tttopenttili l hn n'ni gh)t t n'n'lnnn'. We respectfuliy invite your inquiry.' Ev erynet'wnho inteindsn ton nompe te mint. l Wc do only a fine trade. 'uteny thant timse. laonksttill boe We carry but out potterr of o novelty ini stock. nt lnier. itzgetoai'n lensn. ltt3i int Garinits bearing our label presned gratis. (lit. Tinee ettntnlI' outght Innibn'mor entre t mkeitinerstig oahe iBURCHIFIELD, W~altins aint larti tokni eli'Inn N s bl'li tcainidtntetnoit tn thten'tegetnnt itit New Phoine 43. 106 E'ast Huron Strect. ('tn pnactice. 'T'endiaotntd wanns ttt soft. f i' infield wor'n t'I ni i nithe tilein itvnit givAnTgENTION!ork.0O MUSICAL! 0 lIlex7t'.ivswotuvrianE'NTnudev'i~nvand'.de-wIt" MeldGillespoie, tinacner of Mtaindolin, Mas~o p tent athnne inttew ad fice. Bar and Ouitar. Intruetor in tine University nine(inent nt til' oenened' OilI it ~School of Mulsic. 18 years experience as :'oedongiyu 'bime stintertite ( iteacher. Call at Atn Arbor Music Co's. I tctl i ttens' Cltubn 'chit h na', loten Store to arrange for hors. nt ttorgotiized tt look afnite yourintlenetse All stitnentsiwdstnnieto'bnteco'mne N,'iil' LO N 1eswill also reisiteernit tint'stewnard's Fine confections M N Y L A E oftice,'anid tiltefttneiwill ietmadentot a Bon Bons and On lWatchesc tiamonds, VWheels or otlier Per- Sneu'r' posititons tintthemi. ViWaltchte'I Chocolates. 'sooai 'taperty. UniveersityinullAniinnordn. WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. ley ordeerntt tine inn'ctite Ctnnitnt- IOfficeat residence, ,:.IIE . ierty St., Ana At' tee. It.I.2U EAST WASHINGTON STRE ET, o.ih Alhnnssofdnia..Hus IYO WNTTlBET316 SOUTH STATE STREET, ,Joneph Ct. IF YOUn WANTcoTHEhBEST f nhcsandnin FRATERNITY STATIONERY. BADGES OR PINS Send to SMITH, STURGEON & CO., 2ni7, 239,1, oo'inddAve.' Dtitt, I~tsige'.,andi'stimatslfurt nitiontllNnctt of this ktutu INTERCOLLEGIATE BUREAU OF ACADEMIC COSTUME, COTZELL & LEONARD. 472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y. klakers of the 'ArPStiedGOiNS, to Unleetitiy of Mlichigann, I. of Cieaco, IT. of Mitnnesta, Corinell, Lehigh, T of P'etnn- synia, littrvarid, Yale, Prisceton, Colsunhin. Williams, Wvellesley, Breyn Mlawr, etc. Clanssenoatracts it specialty. ONLY TE N DAYS Ltfl! ____arilantsucess Prompt attention is necessary on the part of every one desiring a set of Tonight's Lecture, 'Tnight Mn'. ],'ranklnFI. loers'nti ;rill tdelivethit isnttiIwo ictt es. 'he nsubject tonnightis i"'Itidint.' 'i'ltI a tenree tJ'Loc' PRICE. Ietur w'I i ''ll ibe' lniliortlln'illtratedni yin onehudrea O ityfinselt tintred ONLY a few of' the sets reserved for U. of M. remain. The low in- St'rttIllptin tints. Vies f,:nill tin,'r isbet n ros )eutf~iit telaceitroductory price and the special rate offered to students have made it. 1nt the mynstic ollibe tpresentled. possible for many to purchase this splendid work. lin'. Rcbsn'in brnn ings tn tihe lattt'rn line frunilt I ite2 ears'texetrine 00 ettdeini anititraneler. II 5Itehs lpeti! "" A T 0 '"C fryears amiudst tine scens heot-: A CA T OE nn,'tbe, lsnttiatling annii,'yn l elstl pepl f ac outr n urIn titeDelay means a failure to secure the present price, as the office will i g her anuaes tudi'yint' ein tis- possibly be closed in TEN DAYS. tort, art, liter'ature. lHe speintilane years in tirt'linng Ile globe.,F C , 1 o t oL b ee 'lhe large atutiennt'imminenselyn' lit - nil, appllauise early oud freetunennl -N Hous 4"to "p."m . Toi6 o.te. Y.Tiue tilet', Thne lanaiever scent hare.-Bttilf\Len*01S N ~ D VS'w S'Frl~' Y.) Exptress. NL '0IN L VIX~"'