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March 16, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-16

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515 East Liberty St.

W. J. BOOTH. Pres. W.ARNOLD,1st Vice-prey
J. V. bee souse2d Vice-pres.
JOHN C.WALe Asst. Cashier.
State - Savings - Bfl
Transacts a general Banking busi
y Y#igillCu - rh s a


Phone loo

1JO~ j KO L A UUseo. lain and Huron Streetsa
10 '/ " t ipital, $10,00D0. Surplus, $30,000. Trassact a
T o k e JO e W.KOIEAUFit. general bootlng busisess.
0 f Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $110,000.
ofU1PE 54TN LST. Ann Arbor, Mich.OranendArBOe nrSaVIGBanKw
of this State. Receives deposits, boys and
sells exchansge on the principal cities of the
United States. Drafts cashed opon proper
S ~identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent.
OFIES:Crsta ack Pros.; W. D.
Lamp Exp essy w tude ts'Use liarriman, Vice-Pros.; Chas0E. Hiscock,
Cashier. SI. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier.
' The Riochiester," "The Yale," "Trie Royal," "The Perfection," TNTOA of Ann Arbor
"The IBerlin .Sttsdoeit," all iiickle plaited, xvaryiiig in 1ricr frion FIRSTNTOA ANK~rsoloed 1811
$1.00 to $2.50 each. Capital, 1100,00. Surplus and Profits, $40,000
stuentshold orB a Re ~ ~Transacts ageneral buningbusiness.
Rwhitelight, is tidorless and does not cihairthe wici i Deliv- lletersof rs. HAISNOUE
Briniansy part of the city iiiour;cai at 10c p01galon o , Vice Pros
sate ill~y by S. W.CLARKSOJN. Cashier
214 South sain Street. DEAN & COMPANY .ff MAJOR &CO
! The Artistic deorntors
UNIVERSITY NOTE. I Atm;ity-t I rteh atsnt ave a complete line of
Mrs.arc n -;I% 1.n 05 rstig.t 1 . 5 Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
T11 aisem,-;e ca'se coalrs ltinS~l. hden, Room Mouldings, Etc.
t;wney C. . illsolo MVrir- has ' beenSpecialty of fine interior decorating
We av jLS ecive 1 tlt~n 1tc nF t eec.Among the Colleges. painting, frescoing, tinting and paper
We hajsneeveg olsd 1oe; ing. 0Oiily the best of workiaen
large shipment of Tfeso ltsslac u0rtorclie,.n theHt n ~u'and 'w in;.;;; empioyed.Work guaranteed.
asorcganized bast fall arns ,the Ia 5; i;i edn lb;lo .I.M JR&C.
5ebaals of Assa AwiSIsl iity,.h0;-
Pnite o forithe assiar -Un fl 'a The Artistic Decortor.
It i undr te F.oidace ~f Iror.Tru This i sit iofifr il o(
WRIGHT, roPETERSof &rCo.yinte ri- K L E I
lpiionnt obts bates si. 'f iir isathtld fPh rl xTe ev sssiing lbuilliss, aof .psti iLADIES' AND GNLEE'
; auli sii;ssssprsisg
ig v,-ll be illustrlaited by sassal is;-
vi i~ l,;n.sa;lspeaker.1 U Latont Noveltien in Winter
FOR SPRINGNew,' atos'es';siI.- afP ~si~' nud Spring Garmeats.
s 1holla;0 sit;un ;'arels e~ssetuentsslat th e ;" vsI'11.1; siCOR. ILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
U. of ..this yeas. Duing;5a rsst et's C'oac'h tise tCoinellIs eball cs as;
lirst yeas ' II e 'n atysis es;mi- ispring. ..OHIO.
ansusssrlas arc, sent t c h epsincip;;lal The coloresd aristocracy 's of .to.' nsi-I[

New shapes in Vesting Tops,
$3.oo, $4.00, $5.00.
New 3 Strap Sandlels

osf useihighaosol fs'sinsss eihei ~grads-
uatedshowls;sing the workssslssoe. Psi;;-
,"ipal P. L. Sasere'eiavesl s;letter'tfis;
mornc~ing frsoms Char~sleso 1I4.s.sG ,enlea;;
o tbe University, statlinsg isat the
recosssiosfsaltse puisslssfr'om;the weal
side ihighiscshoo..l ssrsieear. This is vesy
gratifying iso tse teachrs, a-, thefirsst

sor sil sof. Kass, ires.nanni;;ri th ue
orsgan;izastionsof a ssstisssssI freirnity.
Ther souobesof sisslenssi osf Afrisa;;
bsloosd inAmericas sittionis o.f boe.-
ing is cnst~santilysson thse incsrease. hesre
are tieyrs o'sf thsem;now s'is; thiassunive r-
A woyter ysolo; itorna;mesnt for he

yeers wosrti;is; 5ho' lsierosity sleiescoola ;impsiiosuito sf tse Vsitesi States wyill

lni-m-1 > trnall th., training, rnr r i cr in

$1.0), $1.50, $2.00. the hliih schoo;sl.

Dr. iMoshelas sto;woe; gsss's ; receps-
tionsat 1herisomse son ssolandssi cet ins
Hono sof is-c friends. Msc. hisrdo
Gres;, ofO Spini. Tise house ovas ele-
gantly sieor'atedlwitipalms andl sow.-

proabably beiheldi a1 use Nea;;' E;luss;
Siposin'scarnsivalini; Bostonssoil;;
Marcrb 19thsoNh. Vise L''ston;;A. A.,
Chicasgos..A., IKsicesibes'k-ry..A.,
NFesYorkci;A. C. asnsi Pi-esilyo'a
-Pennssylvansi eamuss; ars~e expsetedl15);

Our entire stock of
winter shoes at a
Shoe :Department..
Rear 1st Floor.

fCentral Lines
r. & x0. ;.Ily. Ii. c& 11. Ry.
The Only Sleeping Car Lino between
Toledo and Coluiabus.
The Oinly Sleeping or Drawiiig Boom
Car Line between Toledo, Colum-
bus, and Marietta.
The Only Drawing Boom Car Line
between Toledo. Coluimbus and
Charleston, XV. Va.
Pullman Sleepers between Colum-
bus and Chicago.
The Only Line with 4 trains each
way daily between Toleda and
The Only Lillie wth 3 trains each
way on Sundays between Toledo
and Colnubus.
The Only Line with 5 traiiis each
way daily between Toledo, Bowl-
ing Green and Findlay.
The Only Line with 2 trains each
way daily between Toledo and
CharlestonW. Va.
The Only Direct Line between Tole-
do and the Virginias.
The popular line between Toledo,
Fiostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and
Fll onformation reiative to raites, time of
trains, etc., will. be chieerfully furnished boy
any agent of the OiiuConical Lines.
Moulton Bouk, G. P. A.,
Toledo, Ohio.



When yisu take into coasideration that you haveinever paid less
than $1.50 youe will appreciate the value we are offering.
123 South Main Street. - . . Furnishers.

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