rnE UIVERSITrY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. v E ~W. J. Boo u. Pres. W. AROLD t Vice-press a J V. SRSEHA, 2(1 ViCe-pes T he S + 1 OL A,/ E 'L I T R Y'Jon C. W r A Asst. Cashier. to eHLM Eas' L IVERYS. State - Saviiis - Badk, __--515 EatLbet#t Transacts a general Banking bu! ness. phoner too BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. s4armi'r erllhtaurttrnk TOS W K f_, J ATU' Co.Masn iiross rTee. " Caital, i5g, 5gS0rpin 95,O0. . T s sct a oken ~gene as bankig bsness II. K 'le.Pes C E.Ga tN, Vce-Pres ba n I3 sc n Cahe.TA I L 0 R N C , THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS ANK - ( Capital stock, $50,000 Surplus, iliSOS. ofit' STAI ST. Ann Arbor, 1ici. IOrganedundrtheGeera BnkfigLaws 9 C:tin hrsti. a res.; a~w e 11r am ns Expressly .2St$-dents' Use Il reia iePrs h Cashier: 5. J.1Fet sisatCashier. "The Rochester," "The Yale, "Tise Royal, "Thle Perfection" FRTNToNLBN f Ans Arboer The lBorrusIStudent," all sckle plateud varying in puinofrom FRTNTINLB Organied isi3 -,,,,"- I $1.00 to $2 50 each Icapital, 6500,0. Surplus ad Prefit, 80,0 I td lt 0~ t 1515 Tanacsa genrel. banking business. / estudenthould ueDaiii "ReisSt-r"Is givs a ueForeign excainge boughtandslod. Furnish 1 s1swie lght s oorsless isnd dos nt schisthe wiI. Dliv- eterofo reis sir il (IV5 s c se g~sn 11 . KINNE, Pes. IARIS5)N SOL, \ 1re in g ilpat (oi the cityin isi 0110 t 0 e rgaO o. oi VicePee, Salet('Ily hs . W. CARKSON. Cshir !.14Sot i~anStee. DEPAN & COMPANY. C. II. MAJOR & ot., 214e SouthticsdeStreet Whist C cub Play Cinse Co-edo as DoctorsTAtsi rrtr IFIave a complete line of - iii: tisiolsissi.is.::- -.sssisis i r st i 5:555woman s~ssi: misis::tio: all Paper, Paints, Oils, WXindows ss iiissss1se r t iss I::-w is-ssgan .Atjs I t, Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. t~ssi isssse sss i 2:ti ius isA l s : s is Khnsis oS. td --0- ~d3specialy of fle interior decoratisg We hav1jnst , .si-tsfsis., 1,iinsssisssg ssit . V issos itee5 1aitisgg fesoisgtintingasid paper Weh~ utreceived a:5pt: a siis-sgandtiithrds.frm hemeical isstt~esIi ist fear. hansging-.Only thes hst of workmen lageaopuntof ~ ~ sss ls..tisbsrs s sShi10 eisssane, istisissi nty'ii: s itaimem sployed. Work garanteetd. in ad S issd i S lssiiiiss ars ag o . stssuidsy nseic ii nd:: moosIss C. I. MAfI ® c * Kiis iue iss ill Kiansg, 55i teYse t e ifr.The Artistic Deortor, T1 ETES &CO. isi-si. 552 . Isoaistses C ssii 5LADES' AND GENTLEMENS 1)atcrl oQ er l st lii. issthisfl E s-s ie isrss illsms t - resis 5 sis sspa. f ss is he wr,ss f si ts- i C- Asssitony-sssI O Thesi- : -ssssso i s: - -ss thsusee islire ;t slyiosoess lslithat seinitenssto i:tiros- Latest Novelties in Winter rnntl ii::n f heCerless is si- sduc e se refomIsn-ss- ssdre ssss ogNii, and pring Garsent. F R PRNGisisStssiLegis i ~ei 5555555ts 505 e~rt-~t ots COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. li iieusl9ots-s5 - r slhe chss-s. ohes Hoteopathic D pat en N ts. e block wes it niversity. iiis~rssi i:-Usi-OHIO.. S eO r. m Caroline BCrane to Lecture. +e. thsisbncs -readys' entral I.d.ine nsg ue spasi 0:r. Wientersia C n rlL n s New shapes in Vesting Tops s 5(is:5us s tsiyS taIsu (itiy okssi chssares stiere sssssrebis-t.&.Ce t. K &S.ty $3.00, $4. 00, $5.00. 'Mrh1,a .i. nteyv ir bosi h irr usd fteehe adsress will e fot elisedi byas rs- ssichisshl bees:donatsdsstrsliough thes f- iThe Osly Sleeping Car Line betweess ____________te 1:5 There .are fwswostbs s o iot ittr . issi, ~esr: l-s. Toledo and Columbss. isa.knowssvtue exentl andul lip- ri so- r .,.oete isla.Tie Osly Sleeping or Drawing Room ((et25ii wrs-u were isded lsts year Car Line between Toledo, Cousn- Also ®u sssof s Mtsrs, ises work is:this state -ssi an e isr: so a--r bet uts, and Maretta. sandlthoroisioit s:- Osste5 OiStes. . 5 etisstsur Ii ea. - The Only Drawing oom CrLine shiiarsschr in fhe-s -olonuer ans iss nI ymsps-tobetween Toledo, Columsbs asd New an Strap Sandels h oepti optli ohieaCalsoW a Uiere eltio w xlSh nc. fit ess eevatsor.tIis adsditiosns ieisss e- Ptlhsan Sleepsi-a between Colts1- $ 1. 0), $1.50, a$200. toc-tabli:-C betsires Ierselt andiShor rosael5yisr etIoslel bus and Chicago. isleners owit 1slwas be remsemsble es'Tie Osly Lise with 4 trains earls . is by thsesswhoshaselsserler eaeinte ube-f -iet. t way daily between Toleda asd Iti-hpd thtnstlce.w ill be usedssmainly fist trasti -s Cs- (oltubus. It s Issseslilsl eo rslite ssls iests tssanipsO otre thle oe til in :5 (. The Only Lise witii trains eacii Our entire stock of swill lise tbie osportutyfhil 1e -sisg anul - - - way on Sudays between Toledo Imsetig oeswhe- sprseseceeansi ostriJl .. IN LT~IN LSVE'RT'It'"and Columbus. ill be held ait. sioscloc in RassssssU, The Only Line with 5 trains each winter shoes at a -r alwys a slills andlp se~, and Aprsil 11, Maurs 2. Miay 2' ands Jsne 1. way daily betweenl Toledo, Bowl- oI: esieialy idestiis eselthstIll 0sill meetl thise osho wish to tsle pet ig Green and Findlay. V j Ttheseisilo si 5 i siesits-oiss. ssn this eerise next Msondy, Marsch The Only Line withs 2 trains each ---- 21, at the ssbovse mentionsed lsere asd waS daily between Toledo ard Wated-secssnd5 base Ian male isar- tisse is: assign reassig. Charleston, W. Va. ... -- - - - - tette. Inquire 24 . Ingals. 110 J. C. ROLF"E. The Only Direct Line between Tole- dto and the Virgisias. C o1 The popular line between Toledo For Frty earsFostoria, Bucyrus, Granvile and _____________________________Newark. oLD J RE' Fullr information reaie to r-tes, time of 111 lm/, 1 L " ftrains, etc., wil be cheerfully furnished toy Shoe Dpartmnt.say agent o the Ohio Cenrai Lines, Ha ensmoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER Moulton Houk, G. P. A., dear 1st Floor, as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Toledo, Ohio.