THE UNIVERSITY QE MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during the College Year, at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DradsE Times buldidng, i29 S. lain St. be- tween Liberty and William Si. MIANAGING EDITOR J. F TuoA, 'lb L. BUSINESS IMANAGER 0. liI.HANS, 'II L. EDITORS5 Ii.,SB. SaisLiMA, '55 L., Athletics. E. L. Garsonsn, '3 L. - - - PMonday BumITEs LAM, '0, - - Tuesday G. tO lirsN.'TT. 'II. - Wednesday '. R. WsOODOW, '5, - - Thursday A. CAPEL,'1, - - - Friday I. A. CMPBronsI..'I, - - - Saturday The subsripion price of the Daily Is 32.0 fr the college year, with a regular delvery before non each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion must be handed in at the Daily office be- frae 8 p. i., or mailed to the editor before 3 e aeepcetoaprtotaonwihmothda IVO Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyer's or Stoffet's Newtand, or with Business Panager. Subriers will con- fer a fayos' by reporting promptly at this office anv failure of carriers to delver paper. 'i'l Dalyip'gain11shows is eterise lip' "ioipinlg bohlihel'oi'ai dily'and the 'sol'i'5'50115J01 for Deroit Old ChIiiao npapersoil 1)11 ,1,* ilis'lii'i' li 'rs'sidl'oii. idresss, of Brownsil Isis' sip, iin Ainni Abor. Nolocf hes drsieaed le vsHelre. lotiiheiii'fllyp bthlliknesw Iiiind seured tihe'valualei ioi's'cieav th1at applers iitodays A Flattering Statement. In Ithe reiew o1' lii' seseril 'oobllil Weseklyp's h~e ls'following is soyyio% Mihiligni "Michbigan is as 'fac'ulp'for lakig ifrs'ie'idsssrides'sateiliilihe'sv001. igail.mleii hav'e'd'v'se'dith(ir 11,111tion cilyp to ohser gmeil, e. ..(le gos' agailst IHarvard, ('irell11d Lehilgh, Butlt(ils yer (iseem~sithathe(iy li- Osnd to dvoe' thi'iI' sislgestoIsa- lisi if Chicago i siwi giin 111is eashe' 11mu os's' .ea, t rng'r'eles'e'n ta ilt'i 0s,'30 'lwh icdfetediI Iii'flslu- er Ilchiampis as yer ago.'' Among the Colege. ilsedoiiiCoedige ' ii's gils OisolllIilg toI$.li;7,50 ilI.'iig Ithei'lat Harviard'. led coch. C('ion''l P~o'bes, Harvrids, 'lf2 sas ueosr a nills ilel'of it'e''varsityp'hleb'inocol lege, ppiig. lsi'illillpo islila lss 'i'his fol, for' Ils' fis (i, (is' dor's of the Vlisersilp' of -Nord)Ii l'orlinlo sw'sre' thron pll 1to5W011en1 ld for younlg ladsstooksads'anage of (le l- porunlity. 'rhroughlie (is' l(of ithe'l1a1e'Elia AV. S. '. Field, of Plili'elphlii, le UnIiv'ersiy (f Pens'yspllvaia reeies lpwvirils of $80,000 toJIs sedis'1in dif- f'e''o'ut aspsis sieifiedi 111e will. 'ills' wiil of telteilexi- 'olgres 1lsal, Co. I'lissiore Lp'ololl.of Dol hawli, 'mass., silas'sa l'sis.'sl of $1. 003() Isoite Iresident land telos'of Harard'lColsge ansi ieaes a sliie coleioii of 'valable' books 1t1 the MusOeul liof omipalraie Zoology il Cambridge, MAKES A FLYING 'T'RIP. . LjL oY (Cotinued from first page). iisuiii'('l predjud1ic1(e ini ie Pasoa gist ' eo-educionliii. It is irgey siifoiiiili. hit iii's'srllhsss isthir do a(eeln- 1(1(11 exeniwi vet (o -bsess'o(sr ss- tell oi'iordiiiglp. No, I wsldvosis it ad- vises'Mihilgani eillgilg her ssim, knossi." Wsh'ein uquestioned so sWllilfer i woldilibe 'wslliiforstslois lsillois is reriesis 'iiows'iiis, 1Dr'.Aneslr- i ilied: "I do 11ot kow 'tht I wold wan a lil t istituoln to 10r''eive' e loss'sii'iis leaslesssoSio, 15ii iti, (hele gisiltur' wo'isiiel t'iitIit (1ws relie'secdlof (its iirie'. It swouldilbe ss'sliliohaIs is'o ils'iis'isfor looks sr in airtsihoo, foil' thi'ni (le aulloisrie tsould saysip's popsiile' his'.g:'tao0sill 11(11t 11:sill. 'ices're sis'viantabgs lisiii 'Op'O, bu111afte l, li' boL~isc- 'st ugt toli 0kee'i'isuch1111uishllthlol the siligs'it lpeiople sill bi' sillig is bei'taxed forit 1." whieniqus'sioine'ilrgaiiidig ills1155 ' Csmopoilssitsal'lis'srsily, "if (i i 11pr1p' irlp' orginizediandstalrted undsrcplep' e auspies's.itilss fill(11a iiig (ellss'aso ill Ills 'ed iiiitioissworl. VW'ie'iypil r'ememiberiii'tht itere' lie sbua s andi (irritories sswitoiit sihools of liy geso ie,'.yoil sili ieadilyseas'' hre (so ssork ssill cr(01111.liI 5 boiidito bstildsiuilsexisinlg (insiut'ios, foitlii pes~on wshio drakes sos' ofis 'ouirss sw'llifel as toughsi'e oul ik,'is isomes iinsssonsi otatilsiw iit ' i- srucitors. Itis t(es'hatuothilasrol csloiacisa li'kig fi'aiurs, lll ogoiss. youilss'iii doilhtiianynmustowics thoui' ieroiuliiy ino (lislessi'iigs. 'Tlue Cosmsopiilitan iiv I sitailsriady (sas 10,000)53sidntis onits(aiolls. E'. . Iottr s's-P'ri''isidletif 1loIio. is :i1,(it headi. I gult andiet fils''iuigl us- lng liiioffeml connoetio, sa reiieal if iiterest(init."( I,lssig (us itesrvie'wsPr. .And''s' soil that heiwso sogrea'oriieii's'inl aithletfiif tlo nmush ateion -asil noat1. poll to theim. "Oiie'of Ills'fineatiig abost ih' Univ'ersi' of Mlilgon u is its gp'lilisiosi. I is oiis'ofliii'fiesti Ithsst I (los's'esi'i'si'i'n. Itis 1quit' os' sibls' itos'vrio athleics, 'buiinitsil strctslip', meansioll an(endsills'oil.11u5 seid (is sudieintsi he r t e iiiioi"- Be'"ining u dentlliis 'isoir. ls ithose' iesirultrilinilgillopairo snginig, silisiid iniPr. Boiis 5L. Il ill sisis, of Detitliii s llelii'snd .isr 'iei'ilte' ii.G(laosl issi ia 'grasduats' and Iior'mei'(teic'her i llii Roiyasl 5. sses'suiocy of Russiasst iief, wshic'hiw'is'' tii' swsrld osur ubstisb.i I sciiiisisssipy,Glnksi and iaidloff. H10u1s5fori(srueion l i le Ain Ar 1101 lasiliisp' be arrsnged swih Ia. C.Armastr'ong, 77 'liiieli s. N5I'151'slS ill ('LAs's o l1''Ali Maniasgers f sisss fotbaull tesinis in- "sliog to loisilee foi ((s'eiter-clas'l s'in.ioiislrip~, imust iguifps thei' ill e'nion iiriie i'f befo lcober 2. I. 'T. III AA). Assistait Mannegr. POR A.-... HOT LUNCH -GO TO-' TUTTLE'S, 48 S. State St. i lowmlmw w low Ww w mmmt;l %W wmm Photo's Tak~en~ INSPECT THlE 'ORK ..AT. .. The Berryman Studio (Successor to Gibson & Clark) t112 West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. TheNewState Telephone Company is inows eiquippin~glat Anno Ai beur0110e echange of liie Detroit Tcletshoos of (hisfhues1 telephione exchianges ho Compsany. the Uoiled States. The Ness' Mate Telephone Coispany Its Liong Distance Station is already has ctioio to (li e olief of tceehone established at (110 Cook Hots'l, -wheire users whio hiase been palyin~g exorb=_- connctomos ean now he.osade w5ithl last prices for los-nly years to a soon- the Company's exchanges oh Ypsilanti, oposly. Patronize (lie Newv Company. M1onroe, lit. Clemnses, S'.. Cliri, t'ort The public has no symlpathiy for Huron, ec., and wyithl (le esnormous "death bed repentance." Studeots' [tvrfAss iaio1 , FORTY-THIRD SEASON .-. ... ITHE UNIVERSITY'S GREATEST COURSE:. HoN. W. E. MASON, U. S, Senator of Ills.............. -- -- -- SL.AYTOII GRAND) CONCERT CO._ _.," .. ___-----__ ____ __- -Oct. 1 5 - Oct. 30 HON. WALLACE .BRUCE.----------------------------------NGOV. 5 DRo. ERIDTJOF NANSEN- - - - - - - - - -Nov. 10______ HON. RtOBT. L. TAYLOR, Gov. of Tennessee--------------- _ __ __ Dec. LELAND T. POWE.RS---------------------------------------Jan., 22 BOOKER T. WASHaNGTON, Chicago Alumni Numnber - Jan. 29 SOUSA, AND His BAND- -----------------------------------+eb, 25 ORATORICAL CONTEST-----------------------------------March 18 l-ION. J. BURTON---------------------pIS1 Season Tickets, - - - $2.00 L. Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50 tuuttng eyerARE HEADQUARTERS FOR 4<'..e tND Furnishings. GIVE THEM-,A CALL = Ann Arbor, Mlich 201 and 203 South Main Street."' SHOES SUCH AS SOLD BY US Commend themselves to judicious folkn by virtue of their ab- E,4solute goodness-caused by close scrutiny of leather, of style, jand of making-of their certain saving-caused by shrewd buy- Sing, and quick selling. =a _. , 9 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. 4