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March 15, 1898 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-15

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f 4 f W. all. . 7Lwtn'9i,; secretary, lohn N. I Bcfore H m Texou.r


The hainquet of the Wisconsin AlMun- Pho os 9.. AtT.
Published Daily (Sundays excepted) during ni of the tisoversity of Michigan s
the College year, at
held at the IlanintotosHouse, lit-
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, sau cce, Tuesday evening, Marth 7.7,'
teIee: Times building, 1957 nS e idu I eyattdj osssc
wenLbryand tWillim.tum Sts.S.ne
respondeto las followss:
J. , t.Tw55AS, 'cOL. II"Alma Malter Thirty-Fig L Teaits (Successor to Gibson & Clark)
BUSINESS MANAGE R 1 Ago " C. X . Adlams, '62, Piesidetnt of
0. iITlANS, '79 L. thlIi-i' cecsity of Wiscottsin; "Co - au--112 West Huron SreAnn Arbor.
EDITORS catioti a Sutc ceo," Mrs. Jotit .lacdeit
fl. ii. PoIss uAN, '98 L., Athletics. I "Sn of Fl, . . 'tner
E. L. CEISunoR, '93 L. G. D. IIUDNUTT.'. i'1 dm;i ~i, .1.Ilmte'
BrUTLst Lons, '99. T. R. Woormow, '98 (Yule) ; A XWirdttfur the' Classics," FINE* TAILORING.T
1. }1. CAPELsi. Allen CAbnEtsL,, 9"Judson0 Titswoctht (Amhesct); "The "" _________________________
t".rrinetn n,"'li"
________________________ecoity as It Is," .Actintg-'cesidett
____Itotettits,'71Our line 'of Spring Woolens is iiow complete, embracing olltihe owell-
Te 'li ceoof he 7;oicil~ot a ent and most exclusive novelties.
"_h____ I~ o heascitor T Our garments wherever, seen wiil be appreciated and pronottited by
_____ - J. V. sa)ica, Ptrcoldest;: liii lla Steilt'critics us strictly correct.
The subscriptiun price of the Doily is $2.50
f or the college year, with a regular delivery tReuter', Vic'e-Pr'ioes~t;. . .. .51el, We respectftiliy iitvite your inqjuiry.
b efse n oon reii day. Notices, commuelca-
ions, and other matter intesided fsr publics- Stt''cetatry, 77771Ja. K. lslec, l'tri.'r.r We d0oonly a fine trade.
isa most he handed in at the Dlaily sofeebe- 'fT eubets'of It'1 i io We carry' but one Ipatterr of a itovelty iii stork.
ineSp . rmie oti dto eoe3te9ilcyOas ., of the day precious to that oswhich ;.catb'irsg its 'Chicago eldstttha~ic ('c-t Garients bearing ituc label pressed gratis.
thev aore expicated to appear.
Subsriptions may be left at The Dolly tatouet.s'itce ticr.ocgantizat.ion7.7
Dffice, Mieye's or Stotile's Newstand, or
with Butsintes Planager. Suberibers wilt cue- ..'anu079 29717 .71E-incttcy's. j(py . H T '
lee a favor by reporting promptly at this -_______ BUR ilIE I)
office any failure oflcarriers to deilver paperc Chess Club Notes.
' 1 e Nw Phoite dl. 106blast liuroin Street..
Alumni Banquet.Tihe ('iteos.Club asno neatt'itthe117
ttogamtes twhicht secte' 1eirtng tlayed INTERCOLLE'GIATE BUREAU OF ACADEIiC COSTUME.
87777(7 by1 imrbttc.r 7ri 7 l'ot tittliz ici 'retoati' lglin- sslstlani'tatly' l~y c're'c eea777wt"itil 01' ZDl &t r . B ~ 7 Rj.
it ' Ctt C h les Cli. Lust seek ,he ? OOR0 L 1 & L O A D
astoatints tact m'th i. 'h'ltielfth !' a ilcn eda hclnttt'I472-478 Broadway, Albany, N. Y.
fouiric i se\'sniu nn i"' tic novc T hefi'sec'ond 977t7777iscr -ta7 rsof0 te Assand Gulti ti oI liitersii nf ihi ni,
rilttlttr whichirpeeiinitis 7177' Cvtis'- nn5stll7.ofChicao, C. of Minsnesot'aCortiell, Lehuighm7b'flPennt-
siiluing withi the7c bittcea ee. he.,'fai slcaniu, Har-7.var ii'.le, riinceto, Coumblin. Williams,
ity' atthtic inatittntal 777777 ,. o tsii'cii sbellesley, liryin Maiwr, etc.
ca, .1 i.'higati ltpci'semtta livs i thes1e "Cilassnrats a specilty.
on 7777 even77ing of lFct)ctace 15777777was
games ace Peidnimt tiffith at71.
7r comple1t'e actess. '.lie list 'f 7i7777 1177ci. T eetl tel 7 77,1 '
itdentc ii .'s;tot' n lshien'w v t l U-sitdI Mt0illespie, tace li andolisi, Bar'o
tiesc-t. ibrary-7.7777at'077:1907 'clt.i' and Guitar.Instruitor in til i 'sersiey
rive an fo l. a>isaart; eerst tiesi'of 71MSusic. IS yeairs experience ts
IFs777 (u eit.77oc.7tis' YOUJ WANT TiHE BEST a teacher. Coll at Ann Arbor Muisic Cu's.
th xctivesepar'ntmnts of77h o v-i' 7..''-Store to arrange fur hiors,77
eneticbesides. many77 thu 771777ho FRATERNITY STATIONERY, °
ht-etac 77ic tiine at'iic. BADGES OR PINS Fine Confections MONE Y ' LOAN-ED
Arthiuc .. Jictt y, '733 L. co-17'itc~l U Bon Bons and On 1Watches, Diaonds, AWheelsor ot0r11r7-
States Attorniey, Distr'ic7tiCof (1ii571ii7, Send to Chocolates. sonali1Property.
presden ofthelsoiatongate asSMIH,.STU GEO & O.,WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED,
717' liEtA177T77 9'lf W I4 fyf SJTREET, suet rid leine, ts confidreiti. lAinmm-
23,',2,211tWooidard As-c.. Det'roit. ES .".suv.*~S tott1l.30ma. .ind Ito 3:30 nd 7 to 9 m em
'770777years tnumember'c ifthI 77' a:'tlts 7 STATEosneph C. Watts.
l)esigos uiidi'tieiatiesuriiisliedl~llI 'i'r, C SOU STREET Bargains ini Secondi-handtche7's mand tllt-
sets pucisent. Th'itoa7.sts57esponded..tol 177fithis ktl. "'" ' !mondt.
weeis h'iitto: '' Thte nituc::'ity,'' ------ ----- - ____
Geerat'l.t paulding,77. aist',757 x'c etit'r'
of te tceaioiury; C 777775c55777.77 97;1. i1.
Bing, '87, o770 h pket'o71, 177171e77 '5'7" lti- M
7770159' 7in hii e Ft. \A'ut";" Con.i'a7'c77a7117..7l ums U ~ de t zk vl
t9i777l7'i'7 S. I-ena', '79, o~f Oioi, g777'c
gra7 tefu l ti 77 lesgnion's tco17 '"177'U77-
i't'ity tas 7I "stler-Mo.the7'," swhile rThe last volumes of the 'Warner Library are now oii the predsanod will soon bo 'ready for deliver.-
1ro.77C(levelapnIdAhbe, '58, metercolo7gst On the delivery of the finished work, the present club rules w~ill be withidrawnt anml thle llilisherS reguliar,
'7f thei'-Weatheri cueun 7777 717 .c. Kprices will prevail.
Ilawvtoni, '95,cspor1e7forc""Due Oldestl These nre the regular prices: Those are the present prices:
Alumnsus," and'777"lit're1Baby"'' 'ectet- Cloth eilition------ 3.350 por vol. Cloth edition------ 2.35 per vol.
ft~l.(qnarter Russia editiott - 4.00 peri vol. Quariti' Russir edition- - - 2.65 per vol.
Hlif Morocco edition----5.00 per vol. Half Morocco edition- - -- 2.90 per vol.
l'1e 17507class 1777s~r alwatyos 77ce' it Full Morocco edition- --- 0.60 per vtol. Full Moroccio edition___ 3.90 per vtl.

at time(capiltal, lhavigt 77077'oiless thanm
tem inits l'lst of thme vashim~gz ci 09777-
ci777i777, a~7oi77g9them.? Jmm-1,upe lay', asit
an7t secretary iof staite, anmd udge P tsn.
hield, solicitriuf tinetdepar7tmnmt 'if
Int. mthe absence 7o7 Judge J~ay,
w717(7777777am thisImt mam'entlpreveint-
edl froiunm attending, Judge Penfield
clorke for his clasmate to "The CTuti-
sersityin tDiplomacy."Shoirt adtdresses
shere also, mode by Judge R. H. Thayer,
'70, JibhBarnaaid, '67, Dr. 1t. W. AOustint,
'75, and D~onald McePhecson, '77.
The nfficers elected foi'tine next yeac
mmcc: President, Senator C. K. Dlavis,
'57r; Tire-Presidents, Win, t. . ay, '75;.
R. H. Thayer, '70; Duoame E. Fox, '87;

N O T E T H E D I F F E R E N CE^ ..a T ^ . . y +. '~ j '( w
Tine library iuay be now secured for almost half thin regular prices and it is only too evident that intending
purchasers will save nmoney by placing their subscriptions iiow. We cannot impress upon the professors and
stodents of the Uuiversity too strongly tile fact than the present low price will SOT prevail much longer and
that prompt action is necessary.
The pian and scope of this monunmental work, its scholarly character, its wonderful varinty and readableness.
and its immense educative valsie commuends tine Library to every lover of literature.
Professor Wenley says: "It is a work at once entertaining, useful and wonderfully accurate."
Professor D'Ooge says: "The work as a whole will, I believe, be a source of intellectual profit and pleasure
to any who may be so fortunate an to possess it."
The Ainn Arbor Office of the Library is at 318 Sooth State Street, wh- firsttwenty voltunhes
nay be examined antd where subscriptions are now being tnken.
The attention of. the ..eaders of the. Review of Reviews is called to the eight pa divertisenment of the,
Library in the current issue.

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