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March 12, 1898 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1898-03-12

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______W_0..1OG S. Main gaSIxa

Spring !

Fountain Pens and Fii
and offers all at 1

515 East
Phone 10o

Lamps Expressi
"'1'lhe toehestcr," "T he Yale,'
I le Berlin Student,"all niekli
$1.00 to $2.50 each.
Every studlent should usci
OIL white light, is odorless amc
" ~ eitd in any part of the city inc
j - sale, only hy
S214 South Mzain Street.

W. J.Boorx.Pres.W. ARnOLD,1st Vice-pea
at m ore J. V.OStEsEs20 2Vice-pres.
too' . CWALZe sst.Cashier.
tand3,12 S. State St. State - Savins - Bank.
rERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, ne saneacts a general Banking bulsi
BOOKS, and 1 rm rrhanirs _an
ENTS' SUPLPLIES. C or. M insad urn trat
ine and Staple Stationery gen rals.aC.ing CusiessVceFe
the Lowest Prices. FED. 11. BF.RoEl Cashier.
Capital Stock, $0000. Surplus, 5150,000.
iv~ i~y ,Resurcs, 1,10,00. -OFOr seized under the (GeneraliBanking Laws
of this State. Receives deposits, bays and
sells eschange son the priecipat cities ef the
tUnited States. D~rafts cashed uon proper
Identification. Safety deposit boxes to rent.
Liberty St. OFFICERS: Chriseian Mtack Pres.; WV. D.
Hlarrimani, Vlce-Pres.; Chas El. Hiscock,
Cashiert:51. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier.
BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. ________________
''BANVof Ane Aror
FIRST NAIONAL BNOrgtsnieed 1000
Capital, $000000. Surpios and Frofits, $00001
O Use Transacts a enerat bashing business.
~i~i ins Use Foreign exchange bought and sold. Furnish
letters of credit.
"The itoyal," "Tile Perfection," R. It. OKINNR, Fres. iHARRtISON SOULE,
lplated, varyinig iii price fronm S. W. CLARSItON, Cashier
IDean's "Red Star." It gives a pure C. ff. MAJOR & CO.,
d does tnot char the wick. Deliv- The Artistic deorators
onr caiis at 10c tier gallon. For Have a complete line of
A.N & COM PANY-. Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
Specialty of fine interior decoratinig
j i ii tiil n tttan , int neis painiting, frescoing, tinting anidpaper
hanging. Only the host of workmen
oeiotie cotst. etiployed. Work guaranteed.
The date of t h e conteist aCO., (,t
1 beintcti.,iiitiumni !t illb lt C. ff. MAJOR & C
1itLthLe setasti-o Spoibllu.ib i in iThe Artistl Derlsrtor.
CIh it o'etisflo:LE . Antlie >o, C. S. Smii ithJ. VIN
C. F. utohr, NV. NV.Lieu- . ' ek LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S
Wi. Ctisite, L.1J. Keetto... IP.i'l, «'.
C zey(, 11 I~lnTAILOR
iR. Sljeety, P. Its tiisi, C. C. Smsith, .l. Latent Novelties in Winter
I1. WNelsh, C. A. llarre, 1. t. 'Oeh, and Spring Garutents.

We have just received a

Planting Contest Rules.

large shipm2ent of I<atni it es tin ;e 4 ttl tni -
diltS1 i i n wail ittd, isesi"i-rt. tied
W I H ,PETERS & RCea~ldfotalmngr aeicad
ers=IIA ~ Th iediate ipit t h met
inii ee te nitiistter t i te puse
FO TW EArpRikn- otetfo h

New shapes ia Vesting Tops,
$3.00, $4.00, $5.00.

iitg slnts.,tint willit egiti as soon .as lhe
;et us i ineserliii it-liststitises is sdry
istiegh. (oali tests x" lii1;:ysreed n eat
the' tynu sise iittodayan tse pit itsi
the ttr. Carrowttupexit iti:
Itue1-Aulltersotis eligiblie fir the
for this tittiest.
Rute 2-Titete ssatlbe he ricjudgstes
chsnby useittitrtd tf cotroltt.

Intercollegiate Notes.
The Stustardsitasut ('lce is t tritttttti
ClubofttLehighs tUnivtersity- will this
yea pre tesenst the saetost ayiacis the Ciii-
5veity ottt Bit tit CinseutyCtuh, viz.,
"Aulthe Comforeittsif liHtome . twill tie
itesented ion April 2 Dalhty, tf >New
V--it, willicoathitheschits.
Tue t'tieesity itt Vest Vieginicsiill
asdopt the plan otioettsiinous ;essiostti
:ttee Juine next.
The msinimum punsishmenst ftor Ots-
hoet-i xmntosi 1nitCllege is suspensitontfor stne :_tlile

NeW 3 Strap Sandelsi ,censdertiottn in awavrdintist se on
$1.03, V$1.50, $2.00..and third placs-.titritey. distnce and

Our entire stock of
winter shoes at a
Shoe department.
.rear 1st Floor.

Rl o Rle 4-Trheptints shailcoutisitas fl1 i'sTheI'stUnversityBHositcalCile 'if
lists: Kngs tttughters will meet it BHarris
Punsting: Fist pitaci, ;; iteitit olal-c, IFallcanSiturnday, Match 12, tat 2:30. A
cr iatinitatiton is exteisdedtioI all
ithird place, 1, itesslies if the trder ait thotitse whit
Lisp iHick: First place. 4; isecotndliwtisltIbecoti emnters,.
pliace, 2; third llace, 1. NELLIE B'K AV,
Rlte 5-Etis insitthe esade with Ciii. Sec.
the caps tai r mantager ir the fototball
temat teasItione wees befosre the LOST-.A sealskins uuff abouit a
mon th agit Finider will be resettded
etietest. byarteviung it at th'- office if the LC.01
Role e-These rsles nay btichlaingedtMS. itaily. 121
For Forty Years
Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER
as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe.

tOne block west of University.
C entral Lines
T. & O. C. Ity. I t( m1. Er.
The Only Sleeping Car Line betweeni
Toledo and Columbue.
The Only Sleeping or Drawing Roott
Car Line between Toledo, Colum-
bus, and Marletta.
The Only Drawing Boom Car Line
between 'Toledo, Colunmbus and
Charleston, W. V a.
Pullman Sleepes between Coluin-
bus and Chicago.
The Only Line with 4 traitis each
way daily between Toleda and
The Only Line with 3 trains each
way on Sundays betweeti Toledo
and Columbus.
Thte Only Line with 5 trains each
way daily between Toledo, Bowl-
ing Green and Findlay.
The Only Line witht 2 trains each
way daily between Toledo and
Charleston, W. Va.
The Only Direct Line hetween Tole-
do and the Virginias.
The popular line between Toledo,
Foetoria, Bucyrus, Granville and
Fail information relative to rates, tie of
trains, etc., will be cheerfully furnished by
tiny aigent of the Ohio Central Lines,
Moulton Houk, 6. P. A.,
Toledo, 01mb.

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