THE UNIVERSITY OF MIHIGAN DAI~I. Closing Out Sale, to Make Room for Our Spring Stock. NECKWEAR... All $1.00 and 75c Ascot 'Pffs, 4-in-Hands, Imp~eril, ISttin.,s,-- - QE -OE. SWEAT.5SothEs, -$.5 .0PRe..W GOLF HOc 2.05Soc e,. I-$1.5SWE0 ATeS.. $2.00 Scotch Hose, - - - - 1.50 $1.50 Pure W - --39c .$1.75 Scotch Hose, - - - - 1.25 $4.00 .Pore W Adler's Fine English, Cut-sea=' Cloves $1.330 orsted, orsted, orsted, $1' (i Z We guarantee oor stock and stand back of everything we sell. THIS ]WEEK M ACK & Cam.; THIS WEEK. KINDER6ARTENSt. o CAFING DISHES,' FULLER & BER EKI JUS5T OUT Call and See Us, 5'I.jJ( WK TAILORS CHOPINLER9THE HNOCTOURNETEAKETTLES, Cleaning, Pressing andI Repairieg. FOR BANJO ETCLR h HOORPE E Woik called fur and delivered; Te-Boe AN RBR- : iL~N 1'2 S.STATE ST.. over I oneyso. Mell Gillespie. .V ~~irn Wr ltSPhone No. '.34,New Stale. PRICEoSC. GRANGER'S SCHOOL OF DANCING- - 0. X. MARTIN, ANARBOR MUSIC CO at rd yFU tNELDIRECT. 2027 E. Washington St. V Sa ur ay Evenings x E. baolmingu a Si alty. --Ambulance nigtht or day. ____________________________Advanced Program Class fur Ladies and Gentlemnen-other classes Men- Residence, 302 Filth Avenue. day and' Thursday evening's and Saturday all day. AN ARB RGRANGER'S ACADEMY. I CAN FU'NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. TimeTabl, S nday Set. 5 1SI i yt I Orders far all IFreatity parties, eul TieTbe udy et ,I IT dances, etc. tLeave orders ,an A i n Arlct.. TIMIE TABLE: At the Athens. ilialy convinc icherta.tihe dt aric3t lliaicC.oeaslesidenc,U0de,1Otaei~v,. Trinliav cAn erbr yCentral Standard t-t-c -rsic cl'," I'i 'c '. S. - Will tape pupils ice Piaso ad ili TimenIIanotleaveth ,Ann Arbar by ete a ight eeasing ataboenaed P laces. StlT.SUO. 1011'ht'"ttr' 'c 'i bl.'icicit" lttglcIiiOi c i stil-A. . Johnston. 5:43 a. in. 7:30 Notingi suggstivdlc'lie ill ihis I rec it h Ilall . te iorial, thi e rficc itt iiteliciitsc al- ___________________________ '12:15 I i1:25am. 4:46 p. in. b:ds p. min. ett. its etill". Threiic" thlincg 1stca ci tr.icnc'.' coelilci' 1and1 01- UifMt hvigProsan ahRos *Rur, between Ann Aebor and 'Toledo only inaghtal or ic kedv i n th ii isds cli ll tc l il tc hu li clcitiic Is.ofMShvn PalradbthR ms E. S. GILMORIE, Agenti 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. W. B BENNETT e. P. A. Toleda 0. iiic cisd as ii tcceiilrcll 1 ieAiei heali e tonight.i. Laidies' artistic nair litessing up ssluice If t iou i'Xlcct ticcSieJc t 4dci on ciit1he---'Old triends call again.e. wes'lcomee iv Calendar. *a nes. 2.l-d. TSOJANOWSKIi MIGH : i ON ~ tcc 157' ~~1of sic reelcifthelsuaioil Fentlch The Niagara Falls Route." Icl 'ii's Ii' ci lii2't landicblliTcouri'nt. Lowney's Chocolates Central Sancard Tine. lFridcay, ilaicil 15'i clCintst TRAINS AT ANN ARBORG. lieclci os oi ii .tbu re'alizedl. fi TeIiiiGOccciy1 Ti002 EAST. ille is sug'gestivcaid i si l ieadinig ouit'Q Mll andi Ex----- 347 R ,N. Y ,GCli____.$12 theliii' is 17' ,1iiebullint we.'ll of cpaihis, lti~'lt' icrl 7 midc'tld 3~ .W .T T L ' ,~ e' N. Y. Special.....ass55 Blalil ..... 1- 915ti11.A EG TIfyo wsh *N. S. Limited...--vl10 Pacific Es -_ 12:30 I cimih andcd il'lgltfiic ccmiusicelilir ly tA LIR TS fyn ih Eastern Ex. .--9.ll47 r''. IfM. ' Saturdayi7. tlcrcci t ';9 'clh A aM W senIx__-] 8 fre frm b rlsue eageatos 0. N. Express... 750 0. it. & SK.Eux7---15f5i c the ccr7'of tf e lice 10' 1 sic' c itliarici ig ciiiliti'ci e t g 1ctiic'' i iin l ir Atlantic Ex;.....70 Clii. Nt. Exs-----. 747itti. c l IL,'A lcl Bt rt O.SCEapres--1110 iit'i't l e ftr e v .1- f a0por int.Is IK AO 'North Shore Limiteed Iisnexitra lair train 1t E ed 117cIlc to be a charge of S2 t0 to New Yorki thaniinl itA1tO, SOFT, (tANNEL AND,. other traiins. c iy -going No- n o e"orltdlll i cii 11 iiitto ,TO 'i 1\i'i I ;tillS. OK L S C A S 0. W, RUssuES, Iii. N15'. 1I COAL C. P. &I. gChcg . Ac.. 1AnnArbsir Cieilthue xsti l le etanso t i Ttoe «'iiistishi toteaIe' x ite'c' AND C OKl.. humble__buthappyhoinetomingle__h_________send to theOxail t:: lit,. Cltrk'M'iS T @lcsei THlE BUCKEYE ROUTE.liic 'titbil7icciei iitceI 'citat'' ss' 1eicyt lilc BiliVngT,,EB E~ --thiegay' occ'lt7 :o fasiol n's ctcet. i 'tf l icic151, 1119VW. ashington Stnrt. Pon COLUMBUS, UUCKI G VALLEY INS JOLEDO RAILWA.Y ss'lit'ri' obi ith 'teira ttt :c iifcitiiiciiitiit i Is the only line leonm the Toledo Ulnli Station to Columbus and points beyond, luxury aco tttrii tillc'i ie'lcl'andii is'orklin l t i tea~ ccher is. 'filrltisth l;A Nsit CYCLE ' 51551 i rt i ti OFlii i'sri using Uniondenzot t enminaiili t Colani y tTE Pti~ot bas and rans loan'tast express tratins ltins tof lilt sife s ion-111;r 11,0is ciiit";ssi1iii i.ii dadabewenyhepunetnmewtoeen ithiefitciipointxistciielinamedt I).bftitwoiiiitoIf.i iltc'-'A G SALIN &BRS them in the no-precedenteil tunebofthreeiantlflemlyhitrdto e;F.ND1lfotinpntI; '.G.SA IG& R , hours. Parlor cars on day tealns, seets 2)i eaisightinto110thie-hois .isd lipxe t , cii - lil, . ci.?. Thic 'i t" can' t 11.5 IireThe Name the Guaracntee." cents; t'al.saan sleepers on night trains.ll cich'lrt'n itil' 7 llIill.Oificial Outfitters to she Lrading Colege, Ah Students di siring unequaledl facilities iof ticese nis ire:rrccG !ile5tn ,5 o ,. roeit'a iy-At are invited to use the Bacheye Route aed ltole 'aiisnnc t t'cltO fot isnlatliet 10111 1 W i ry t etic Ciub and School Trans o1 thc U. s. nan obtain 1u11 particalars on cippuucation I in lte os occ.f seterail tiils Every Re tiisite fur Balse Ball, to local tichet agents. !NiITIE Athletic Sports and Pastimes. E0. It. DAX'lDSN ,py httclie c, ciiiic I The 1 i' curse in imuisic Nio. 12.":Moxiecix The Spalding Official League Ball Dint. Pass. ;Agent, roledlo;or skithslie cdxiiituresicat"T.ire I('lciiliIts til Relationes,"' still bl it' en0 ini Adopted icy National, 7lisor, College in ci It. ISII~t . P.audI'..1.School Lea uarx ItColumbu,. Oa hio. iaic Ile imil:,,.if ilt i clii 2 Baicn al . tlic t ise Ball -'nifrms, Bats, Gloves, ('inb, .Ohio liat glitters ist igold,' ant ii ll.. .A. 5T'bNLitY. Mile.Chest Prenrr. Shsoes,Lyr. THE SPALDING CHAINLEISS BICYCLES THE SPALDINC BLUE RACER (Chain)tE PE118IOA9IE3OPS 5Athens = Theatre $Univest c o l o a cn Sendlforllstrated Catalogue ofall, STAa SRET, OPIiaTEl LAW t ILDNG.Athletic Sports. A, G. SPALDING & BRO+, 5Miss Fanny Rice rora$ UNTIL MAY let,2 LESSONS PER WEEK. NwYr hldlha 0 en rgr tiprty every Saturday evening with orchestrta nosic. Chicago Washnitite IATTEENOCH DIETERLEALREADFNEASR1ETO French Ba lies E[IBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRETOR.'iEGut4r7,MandiinspBasnl;St. Calls Attended Day er Night. *e*® and Metronomes 4 HTi/I No. liii East Liberty Street: Residence,5337/ A at 20 per cent eli groin our o 00 c " TO N I HSouth Fourth Ave. SCHAEBERL®pries-hs mU hsCGosTR ____________________are__all guaranteed. A ParqueteCircle. . ..-----------7 R ND* .H P OT G AP E Balcony--------------. . -- l ft allery------A-L---THE--PHOTOGRAPHER. + ® ir o 14 Went Liberiynst.,Aim Arbor. 4 SWASHINGTON BLOCK ANN ARBORonydrsetof1ai.