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October 12, 1897 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1897-10-12

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1 MAKES A FLYING TRIP. A Splendid Inducement. S. L. A. 'TICKETS ON SALE.
B ar ain riTe Century Mt ai e ies of lferedi
President Andrews of Brown ifl to gte uring tttr seesie as Notes on the Lecturers-Pros-
- NAnn Abr treprizes of $250. oen to iuie t pctoeNwnut
wrho reerve the leg reof lfacheloi(if
( . Bnj Anorews,fpresiet f o Arts ii sny olieg:or utoersify ito-e tke tor h le Stdnt ' Lieele
0 0 I s *Br etr iersity, pssel ler hous 1I itidtail tfe. tur Ihii t coflit- 'Oiiftii'- Isotittil oloutsi-wee fplcer] on
lee yetei ty isiur hisSouw i(-iia~ t sestonofitt5:)7, f154? 5, 1ff) nuiesltooi yet rily aniLavehe luegoig
thsyerasrdnti h I ea t . etifily; f the pootsoint' rotnes
Stud nts, Bod s ore yatt Arttrun at i. heospent 1o. For the esttonerial toitt tg of it'alesilt' bertlilit' he toi i iy etire"'
Hui p itofthtfi toil iitOiiMil t i eftitt f.'ri or ai ten ty i t(iers. I slittitteitfao ng10 falt ttir ds fi tdenty
STATE STREET, ,ut tot. i t a t tof Alphaft- if- - a-
Opposite University Entrance. t'fIt I to o ive lt'eA iii ii't irom ooiie flout etfight to s ' to-ril,. 0treitie iit tltttrliiitfrto tefr e.lt
os-Itris'lit' os-ll ni'tx 'lTur litay ideliteror dii. for fte fbesIttr itf iiot fwelitt Ititot spfakerst nooit hei le t-fie
Secori-andBonto olilit sod ffit intogtri eitlroo.soo 'i er~- iititan irouritosniitlor eI' tiiion f i it I trto.
e001dcnieed tiitsttiit1l ostorils.laddoss wlt) .J'ronf
I111 Iray1 l altoiotuit . D0.. es-ifte prei- o usnd wi-s of O'inli-r lits ttottuntov-id
tande offlt'chaonroiyeed. Out orftefore otte si ef le yer vtr1 itl ft il to I fi'ttrf tl Sotity
LawP, M ica duland College Text- tt-stir-i-iellstog roilottitu, t'ne iotitriof 151toitotglo f ifl-iltififor
books t clt liluces. Ilrff'iieiioilsre o'fitisltosui sotftfyje-write~ i oeoossrilof ii'tnitfe, aniiiol tel-u ltitodfutleDr.
-__________________ - l i relyritofafnti-i' i f queItio ns t o e eifto fot'e C s'itury -Magiei Ha.niisnit ittitif l'iti-i't't. T sittoy
CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR ln noaefmtett uo tlantttds (tll-i'0Itofefio n' ft it'by t ihe tOute inol istitbe ico . r tilty itfseenri-li;
1 1 -' oil ttlionttheofflit- itilluototoo to itoto-mbltt
Blank k sintle ,fteahrnt
nonii tilo illot-it-t-tol f0;AliiidclfOt
A g n s o X ' it r i nd.on - tot Ftui -o tero iti fto ightit ho toene u it fi'ni "itithetistou benif ti heftit l it tift 0 il t-ltl~i ti Ilt o iiothetii Ott
ttei i~tos MmthenetcelJioton ft tos'tiiioii i-t-si i it-Nu tif-'titi tt liifr'tytids not. it' Io-tt tia f the i Ait Itilt ftani1Otrut o
n nt fi d S po i o e "u d istinge Goteots oo. 0 ',ttI% u tr too ioos'ti-o itt o l i t-i t igi ltii - 0 toito' sofo'llo([ t tut o otm ot fooia ito o-totfr
-- ooiiif asfi ' f tlyt' ti-tuft efit - i ii
tool Ifor Wate mtn'iFoutoCo-t ofteoaeI if, aslastyefaithtutt toil hll oLit-t o ay f t -i oi
si~ e s a he a i a n u t ft i- oo t if flit- oss t l r . d o'1, i t to'pfi nt ts t-too' tfo rt-i 'oio- il t it to fit te f'if .
PR fl-lt ol 0tiitto-.andfuf f ih ot 'on u to tt -itonit';tthe 1f-ity- tot-Irlt oi.I ~ott :0l IsLlot'
I ii NottorI OhiOfttttoIthto ro t-'t(liii-sgos."-II, ft r li thd hi ti iue lil -
S FtLE i i sioot it- t 0 he win 1 tgro e-r tsr 11 ,1 le (loa e r uta i . I- way i Riotlrinntfu tl tie Itoll
05 g~ 7pp ! ®/v l py ,o 11 n lilso ifes t h li d(th rogft tlil011 lion'. - 0iiuer-s5ee-. o lfitd y
tov t yv1tntt ou1lot tri t flit ' ituo~ clotoe o titlflfi't i lt Ito- htoloet o ie i nv sih ai hti illt
for Sailand Wittur in t t Hi ti Ottttell t t toontt il 'tp it nsto otl lot- a o eo t an t y .ooto lto05li otsfl otro o f0
ax d O r z- o t i s outr (lloo t 0001itt o (ill ot losn tsg 5t iOto fOOstaf tto uetot fitnOt Ol odt Oto ore. i
to h ou' t'I ttiix ou l earniotiit , I t soit Ilitoo of 1sutotlee rtonstuoeif1toi e ft-It- 000io0Ot ot OtO uotoilIii
ohi ooott ftott' if toos osottSlt- i - on o ftoot tl utoo sl howfit ooc, fit'dusdfotr lotto itsfu ol'o l -t oilot
N .O E.W SI TO ST NER M i s '.iiitthou1-1,Isust ideut tt,100 ouiitut otoo oonee. 'to'uuu toot-u iiftu ao r'S.oos nto t ,n-tro t olh at'
Su t ,T '~ ,5Q ouoys ss-ish olotos'' o 0(0 fir uti-ifuelofst ounyisotr'ot ut' gout'nesMe onrbue
andH S qc B Y S JIu1! ottot-t lt-o ot to utonoo000 t fht hi tie Aessofidthooi Odto bft en-' asltd i -b s -the (.Athl ti so''la-
______________________ b-u.C e to, ootd tpe torha s to ow wstt t e oi uta l-t os~i u i zaoti Slctd noat o ibte tX - oLeutuo th-10lV i,
hte' etfrne, it n tyrt ivt tol to t-t l'po' roti i dto nttonl oer .o B.otioo s t o n totu-91 s(e0 io lola e 511 fllows:iit
yeiiger tot-n ii olooils' fnfffoflooo -tono-foio-noto-l. 0' 0050 0103' oiltol Coiu-n & (ii $ Dt ulVi' T'inkoerl 11)
is itot ioor sfed e ith ssthy 1- etooth- to iv f lo-nol 9gtrl otv, in J$;30 nuojouoonst 9It 1 fully&
vet-ts t of eri n, bih outinn falo e thii e Cor ai Uf nion a tIe. riveintetilti 5
THOSE NBBY SUS! to iomeitooftheta, but yolseougo PurtoCthoel ofowlll h so-lut onootdeif(,Cn intt-todtped&
3 0 O K T O~s eo us neat he smeny 1'11of,1t rui iftit i loe isi' fi hur th'notic 10.TJo1tt 928 r1 0 reW.B>,'
fley iesetodin g rtot i nitfitu n l e sutitsiill to'ego-an o ut 14 o-ftil ho tot'r ool ffi' oo ot otu 05
Stdns sold ty u deore ot r shr r]Ke sw, lii on 1
noakin ally urchae. xve are os t se it eir oog iesal o t heto (e olgo iy Ha 'l, to w ichOnyeti te tioo t$10 ' itttitry ut Stu io H)t , f lte bo;.
bound t satisy and lease. ou getietu tin smallt~ert insettos. ariontier. tel o hveo allyrort u tle o otOo-ouolur tlisiinony50
lag tc f L w ad M da u ~~ty tBo'ooeloe~-i t ost si-O i a e ist- i al i nitueI' titouo fO\t-fi(o.l$10 ot-t- ot ts g it fosl-
Bok, in sot, T x- oo s fr k oe si -ob tootay t e e dw r ne bot at 'iu't'o. Ns I r$ooo Ins 1t .1elfiiitoioja o l it1,- .e t ldlt-&
evrieatet nteUie sity, rie ni te'elhyui o ted
n w a seodhan nas u s fruudrntues ttuet. se tfio(l-oehe silbt ot ir1 ootu, t' uftoo ooit otto$:-ut etho oH iller
tiney t ow prce, ie e gr e hof ein uti the'isgm en er n Alo-ralo Unootos, e s.1 tioog $ioFti ow(o len Hiu~ti eotoitl loot--
IIlae s toe o urf eaduat e s to s asubnet td o rthyam x oont i- Ioteo okn arth e inouuto i e hent tori' $.lTf t a 0 0.fft0 oiniiu'iii
St o ts enuc a dti to ni, h i b or aiot3-t -eou illegsl Iuit ho <t-i o uto otl otte sniy.slte Oi-lto
~ZL~O DVU~ O.LVi a "Teric is iton ttin of m ore -itnrabe o tbwott t e . givtessTl .Ito- i tt0010 Te o rottu t e fo o tb10 nis e slu -telttl
SudTwnntshud ty s e fos toont ofsit th eeyoun is e sr- noiss gepr- il thv estilt O rche-l sfta flo 0- toi ot- d oif Ne o towtos sllot io-che bloa
makStgateyO. ppohsit e roe
bonndArorstif Md laie. Ou (Comn twlined utte auso onnSecond Page.) 0 tuf the n ek f -h ofdiretooforte udyind slipet eol

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