Alk PURDAY, MARCH 12, 1898. PICE-3 CENTES. VOL. VIII. No. 115. At Wild's Spring selections just arrivedi from the East. Call and inspect our... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. ANN ARBOR,. MICHIGAN, SAI t S 3 OUR PRESID)ENTS. Synopsis of the Work Accoml- plished by Them. Proef. Walker lecturedI last ai-lht in the law lecture room on the "Tvwise~- Harri1son1 was elected bhauasesof his popularity. "Tipperanoe,"an I ,'Hord Cider" and "Log (Chbin" sware the aries that eleatedt him. tHe sas too old, when elected, 10 accomplish anythsing. Its- chanan eras little mcore than a good pot- itician, and hadt naserd his Pest years whsen elertedt. Brrause of ltceI)rel Scott derision eturing his terue his party pp ASINGONFourtePtsierts." The lectucrergave seas discredited. tLincoln ewas the NO. 108 E'. SIGO ST.. NEAR MAIN the nsotable rvasts tn each administra- greatest of thsemesit. life was a good "_______________________ Lon These ore (tite generilly t gotwn soul. to Pothaex'cutiveabaility ant Al legretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every wreek. Only in packa;;es- 60c a pound. Lowney's if ysu prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. tbe stoudents, tot the manneer in whtich le tbrogtitliamain to coon 'a toe ilasse the issight swhich he gave to tO'es-tar- '!clarsanasect iatiticatiosof ata aolfliha presidensemaee s'lecture extre-ly intierestisng.'Theptooessor hs ake teseaof husmaor andsexrese's things ic n itca.'iscg eand e'nte'rtaining sees-. iaoshingtocn casmeefralts el adnisnis- taics -etvatemasarklec.snre ieee wheat WNcoscsegleess tasthtans ewsiat e 'lid. 01 sea_- aelsdiinel y tdretsciacsatenssWsh- ng-on ess ssi eitactdtHamsitseecr^%-s cccof legal ewisom h le wsness arkse bsle. Sits task esas the freeisng cof the siae. Grasst evas a great soeir. His civil (,F res- as n-ct as Psight ass ti:; miii- tasry' career. He wvas testscosnfidisnglee hec sscessflstis sffairs ccf sla''-. sssnd eves sliest deceivaed.Hatesa xsas thce asblescticolitician,. ande Gaerfieldt theamsot gifta ndssb rilliatassoee-esler. Arthutr wss cc polcishssed bussissanessan sand manseg-cl lt'e affairs of govesrnment's Iitsa busines ttay. tGroe-ar Clev-elasdwstaccremaerke- aiblelshracter. tie had haidscino aster- iece'icc naetionalsaffitlilt he Pecamea presiet. Hs ewat s e ccthlistrlongest cci cli thersietsi. It is sacidtHarricsnteat th eenly prcc-- iet cc o stisorstlda tenyline-havt-akst- enschesar e st ay ccf Phc-csbisset cc"- ticccessti iht eefulllknow 'edge cifcaiiits teccetisgs. iosarostility- vasorem-assrk- LAMSON SINGS. Ann Arbor's Music Loving People Heard the Popular Soloist. ProesorecGlardnser S. Ltamson55, ccftile Ueniversity Sctsol ofi Music, mast'lyhi tireesstep -earan-e since'hssseet-scfro-sm Eutropte lasot ight icc P sistrcsies- 1Oct1. A tessge csedience turedes oustsetoIceIsea sim nsdnthieir iestc'ciestie-stse-scmark,,e--O. Issdeedl, the estctetoss'lescs-e(I wst mer-ited, cites' r Bee-occ- 1.55555o ha made5 teIis year cci tcs 15esl sec ts- e tll icor cc smarkledt impsrovs-'sment . is tones'st r.ricacsnccl finer, cccd his en 555c515c5 st smeueccleares an-c br e. e-s-- c-ic '-At- together.1r. tLason cs cc -le an else saes ser-(c'r cci tscstt acccdithe'progrm seatst-alt ar-sengedtoic bringct h IIis It-at tdtaltities. 'ihe umoest sir.a Ii--blelade was Schcsmancese 'lsh--asmac'-" Ther I-IsI B-ineg" is aeen cclet iavorite'wsthl .Ann55ArIbor aenslcs, n ascesseli receivsIed s usueal. T' l' isies t lst ccf 'Cac'seic verae elas t t-e tests slieciiIcciatd edt' l. '''Pecroc f-sor stes tihs rec-ipient ctesa urge buchc-isfcre--i sects's. Prcoes-rSi colas- play,>('tllie secrpaice cccincchIis cosectals is il-c styic'. taFtosllig tes-c's lhe' ccc acer theP E S A L E - ,thilssuigcuainn .i_1F ED A L 1 ci~l af~iviasic- seicis. JohnseQ. Act- F OR THlE NEXT WO EtK m ddbtlilt' durinsg his term. SHr Juz eceivceeS>s.teeth suPleof Alleqeet and elsiohaghy-n(]sepellc-tatsbiy ]t Wlam~s and Werners Chocolates. O~seee-licoo ins She city, tore t ecc s esesul icen sih i isip nomatic- ILunches at all hours.relations-wiscae. Je'frone s a5 RZ. 1.,EJOi. LLZ/Y & Co. se nictrrtcs'cc'th11c ccstieticsm :308:Southi State Street. n t ecrceoisiana, th11crkcy lee Icc' Hai'r Brush? Ywee, Sir. Good bttstles, soltid hacks, msate to last and give satisfaction. Almost every shape that is sal- able. 25c tn $1.0(0. Medium prices are better thasn cheapest. CALKINS' PHARMACY, WU&Hs 3300EST 0REm NEW AND SECOND-HAND Text Books!I urIcc-csented cutie-is-ca man )f Coetttfe'iit- - -...... cciec-a)"t tef 18i2, saId-Ic etabllishred tscsliocsciy sosltsc'ctc-r~a ter, wsolect l se-ittcic i . slds. 1 eaes rscee 'IIeaacclclcs -....t1 a."0:10 cci therUtediSlates. Is croc- sects et Whats th ettit accompt~lish.reaitosbo1 1b'll ittd: Bllazezsr-- 555.. c~ic n sets ;r aentdiplomaeeet, butl sed neithe-r ,teat , s cc. iallat:eThS''s e rl JKicco -......I.occsac ccorage ster enserny. tRcPes th11crea-it ifcr the tioI cessc tstrine, bP estsaiogedac A New Literary Society. -ccaMle' lcgll','5 teat ______ Thcs'Norther's ay -secShort, iiscas esassst iari cetcas-Therer till icc ccmeeting inLosse9, I. Itrethe listen-.. ~~ctttltel(ie wcrittens Its Ithes Quincy Adias. (tl aieHtl tl scee'leti-'-S e at sfll ourcrtesidetles. .. QAsaiccteo-est etteIttct4'stogssco - - - - I sects the least ttuatlftiedfree lcesitionss ceaselilterary society. In iformo it ewill Otld English, 17th C'enttta-ls't't; hb- resas cciof stilitychoracter send cc a..~,-. resemles thes'oregsnissticcn cci cclagis- AleThtt.fe- tic as oci lra-... . tie aeteec cirs'sumstaneces, scesning irsesm asdiscreditedt party. admteired. tIc seas hasty,- heastrossng seed unfaiir cal limeestseas ther eman fra crisis. It seas hcisidoggaed pertien- acity Ithati eect itleecledsthe disoreraly aestests cci tiertime. 'T'ee lpreeuptions arts s-aeer tcc P'esidettV\anss lese althouesgt e Ie dist little ae". Polkt broueghst sees shelIr.zlaetes waer, csi P'- rces lhesUt'sced S~tas hadesq5555eery geod claimsoset tesserritorcy ice disptce' Pest ice orser chest the staarccifanmpire meiglht sew sest Islae its stay. Pratt- sdeest Tasylor, "01tOldRough andeet ladye" ihadt co ciualeificationees ifor a pr esidtent. Wsebster and Chitsn-wera passed tsy and live body, asnd seill teevos tedelntsirelsy Ice debcating -end elucit parliame'nt1ary pratis-e as is ner esert y involerd ice its maeths of cciIcccereser. Th(ot'e5in- tee-ste'dl ar~esnited Is' atte'nd. Peiip t he alt s--es-a- - -la...Ctid- Old Irielh-'To'Saris ofitle-Got,~t lflary.'l'hy LaueghelIssSwtes... Sctchtlts-Scots WIV +so li-es'---... Blind Leads Blind. For every department in the Uni- versity. Law and Medical Beoaobs a''ayttr seesminated Pecatue haeculd specialty. We can supply all your Pe alerted. tPrevious 115 his electiocn h' needs for the Second Semester at leastnest eaven talen sufficient Inetereut lowest prices. Second-hand Books Bought, Sold in pelticis Is vole. Oaring his ccl snis- and Exchanged. tO'allen, seed Ileatof Fcilmore, shc two Best Linen Writing Paper 15c and -ccnpromise acts seespassedl. Ocur 21c per pound. The A. A. Waterman Solid Cold Fountain meat polished presidesnt was Franklin ,Pens for $.2a. Pierre. Ducring his. term the asss- -Nebrausa Pill Cretepanned. Thinsewas WV AHR'S.BOOK STORE the catese of the foundatien of IheeSt- Up Town news Town I uhlean party, the ('ls War asnd thes S. State St. Ifppaslte CourtHouse' knArbor5;StaIn @n. 1Imanutieton of the stases. General Demcrati cCub Meeting. The thercsl uustels ed sete- cioftt-' bliedsel adineticshe blind eattraect-ed-es Altcc coating of the itcsecratia club ileheetreenc-e1c'aee t 1c hsael scst ight the cleubstecided.cto aItshslerrestrnieng. T'eOcat-este-ccsesbltindt lend the lBtyen banqujet ice sealrestittudetsisa1thliteary steetcrtre-nt this April tsemestrta. tneaies J. 5'. 1Haeiltees, tho A commsetittrtes on sranger-erests ncwlas ellesn Issndpan ues-. u-essels's ransas apintcisted consisting oset'rsiensttest- joeo h etwetesi h dis,. Eneglhardt and I". A. lowers. or-iy)I 'ste sc g-st-i e esee .1 assessingceeumiie'cciIn-lceIlessell. sehoenteireelfirom 5--Is-cit she coat. appointed to constofcithe follows- sec-std semeslter. fteYlamitonhs lug: Mtcessrs. Lambert, Lerhe. Hitlery. de, arfe ee --r nIi wl e- Sanger. Risne,Crodw,leseyEs- vIlans, quicantedl nitO the canmpuesseendasl.thec Paul, E~nricks and Thsosas. This c--m- beuildings, whitele . Russell teas yet ts mittee n-ill mast ine the see Puilding for learn nmaslttiesgs in regard Ice the let- orgsanruatiodn on Mosnday at 7i p. m. sctioen of the s'sriouess buildings. On the codmemittee on speaklers the 'roe tioeen ppen ochavele Ise earce set the same classes, sansd it is a etutmnes ifolloweing wvere nacmed: F. A. Bowcecrs, sight to seae l. lHameiltosn galling his Sanger cud Oavildnon. All snenmbers de- friened from Puilding lt obuildingteand siring tcattend shousldt hand their fromn class root-H l ases rotsmS. Mr. names at eonce to President Landis, Plamilton uses his resewitth amazinsg so hatsets ay e esevedfo thm.skill as Ice swiftly picks his wasy cloncg stetha usln ay a eseeadforthenthis croweddwsalks, sled50hr tee-a Plinde La Folette Tonight in Uaiversity men macsage tee get sroundtd alcnot as quicktly ssthose whosaserblessedI with Halls "Representative Government." eusimpaired eyesight.