a 11H IIMVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAr'ILY. 11# 8S. MaizeSt., and 342 S. State Eto UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, W. J. BOOTH, Pres. W, AEAster, 1st Vice-prep J. V. OSEEHAe, IM Vice-pres. eOHN C. 'WALe. Asst. Cashier. Stait Savill's" - Badk. Tascsa general Banking bnsi ness.tmiI~ A HIAS FULL LINES OF 'NE I ANI)eECi0N'5)IANl). NOTE ]BOOKS, and aQ9TT'n"t'%Trme' TTlDTTT Q U 'CspstalgL ICo. Susles and 0 Eno trseet Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery Cpta,$00.Supubupsanigui$300,s 0Truata and offers all at the Lowest Prices. FRED t H.'sPe BEn Casher.Vsers THlE ANN ARDOR SAVINGS RANI( of YX Capital Stuck. $10,000. Surplus, 5.150000. of Resouarees, $1,100,000.. grq' Y ' jof this State. liecelves depst sn baysf and [ I Iels exchaege en the principal cities of the UnCited Stales. Drafts cashed apse proper "V' Q Ildentification. Safety deposit boxses;I real, " P~~51 S9tI at iet t. I Orae Chrisi a mack Pre.; W. k, E$ s Liery0arrimama, Vic-Prees.; Chas ]]. llseach, !C'ashier: C. .0.Fritz A.ssistat Cashier. Phee te ILS S VIU I UF CTY FIRST NATIONAL BANK~cranie16 fs capital, $11)0,00. Srplus ad Profits, $40,000i 7f irasacsa general lakier hsness, , ILamps Expressly w° Sti deuts'Use l hoagkladseld.Far la ! . 1. 1115FF, ret. HARISION O~iLE, ThVie :Rochirster;'"Tilhe Yale,,"°The Royal," "'Tuer Perfectioni," ( . W. CLARKESON. Casie Fe T '1he Bleriin Student,' all pieckle plated, varying iii licer frotahe $1.00 to $2.50 each.C.I. AOR& O, OIL Every student shsoold use broils 'Red Star." It -giCes ai ours The Artsti MAJOtor O L whiite light, is odorless and clues nott riser the Nwick. Dlrlis- TeAtsi ertr ered in aiiy lsart of the city iii our caiis at 10o per gallon. For I:ave a complete line of sale wily by Wall Paper, Pints, Oils, Window IDEAN~o & C0 l\AFANY. Shades, RZoom Mouldings, Etc. 214 South ]Pain Street.Speatoffnitrordcaig Spcat ffn neirdcrtn n idWe have jUst receivedC aNVST NOEShallging. Only the best of workssell lag'hpeto biefs b s th t ]is, ierili wi, l, emoployed. Work guaranteed. lii''uii'ii'iiililrs i'li mi~ iCli idirsi n s 1h bi ir. { C f. MAJOR & CO., ](Cr,.u decide o toi ao. the ca1 and (iil fu s~isbe',h',rs The ArtistI Decortor. WRIGHT,! PETERS &. CO 1O i171eo chosn ,tnf dcii Cliiu iu ib iii sii ,'sii r i'c 'if a - K L EN______________________ Lutes isias given ii l 7eite hcl-iei' n i"o e e C s "e nit -aies. It 1,, nsIrm Johinis oinsuhis i'nei rt'Jry' i lti lei th ii , 'ioli et upi i a dS- K CIELE'IIATlE I Siiii", biiicaiseiiii' isf poo .5 ~esl iof s i''ii ~iif~i~ilii i'is' LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S its fluisis in ii ad vv____y_____________________ I t iire idibates, "C. it is iiihou ' I ls~ t h t b; 1m andi iisie's ihisi ' .t o if S4:ti-5 c i' t i~~ iba'ndirlii:' iii ii'T I i4 cast Cliii irs'iiven an'i ei ipolaili ichirs lwi 'isii~i Latet Noveltiea in Winter iiiii. liiiiiiiOei,~r'l iiiii r C~uis and Spring Goernnenla. las i'lvis fle.ihasllilr ull iiirelss astsiss iie'iter Piisi"i.ts' OR' WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET. F OR SPRING- ]'sis' co-eds sill asl lb, rigens- dii eamsi Onr black west ef Civersity. toi priihibit thei u se oif isilite,:i. iii Che - --___________________________ Camus. Pipes asii iciarettes hase tis'. Eloquent Man to Lecture. t .,~ Q, 'aeossr io lie an intCiColerale i'nui" sire. -- SeOur i's s enissiisss5ibse movse, Cuss it swill lin. Rotib. ii.Le.i Fiollette ill1 speii;ib Central Lines be a lidtle tcughso the Cto reesis ir, see- is the Goodiii Govsretud slect e isri New shapes In Vesting Tops, 55ips they w51 ill leir' seet escs off Course h, C'nivrersity 5Iasi5 SaCtuirdasy iher~sn~is. iresisc ss is sejei. itprrs'd~s '. &C 0. C:. Ry. Si. S;. Al. sly. $3.00, $4 00, $5.00. Ass addition f .$50 sos beess iadie tolive Govierismesst." Ile gradsuatd fs'iint Thie Only Sleepinig Car Line between disc fussd for lihe won' se's gyn5iYri Iid5O the U'nirsriity if lisri siss isn i879,. Toledo and Columbus. at she U'nivrssiteyi of1 Mii'hiei:s siy the ansd while in ciiliege be was "'Iri liois- The Only Sleeping or Drawing Roon Catte Ceel issssssrmss .'s ~ ~ ~ ~ ntesi'te s'iiisii'l A Car Line betweens Toledo, Colulna- j1s Batl Cre aiaimA1n~ran ra"i h nesaeOaoia s buts, and Marietta. As u Iment fur thsis purploe was5 giveni ad seictiess. FIe aso benrismwinent50 Ci5 Thse Only Drawving Boom Car Line thdis Sasiitarlism. Battle Creek hsas' niow state sid snatissnal silities since 182 between Toledo, Columsbus carl New 3 Strap Sandels ssriii reei. 14ssuefss5 si iei se h sis ''iscdi Charlestons, WV Va. $1.0, $.50 $200. A Scub ebaioFTea. ~ Asee sttescee -~Pullman Sleepeio between Colum- ____ The Only Line withs 4 trains each TO TEACIIER'S. way daily between 'boleda and Tue triinig ofi Cue )Nile iiebiilng' Thoise whs wish is tiachsinext y'ear Columbus. Cease, whiisi to mee P~r 'siiieeds NwiC shoulid siefl to Cue Allert &. Cark The Only Line withs 3 trains each Our entire stock of Cuis yes' be sisserhai alon~g nied isira. Teaces' Agenscy, lslmsan BuoilissF way on Sundays betweell Toledo issCic neisiiifsiaiusinryIsrlaa-Chicii, fir their a18, year lisle, which clii Columabus. wintereho o shoesiar at' a art-givs'infermations sr valise about their 'Vie Only Line withs 5 train's each diste seoee ahtse saetrsnsa.WCCu il'IFCeies Vislesl a daily betweens Toledo, Bowl- IThiis will nowiiosist o5Cif a mseting or arr 14 uig Green and Findlay. sh is'es55 e~idsiiOiriis The Only Line wills 2 trains each '= TC IO 1 te caehes ad dbates t detrnin iegasi susite of rossms sn fisti flous way daily between Toledo and she scope ands limitins issof the' qis ies-, 551' rent. With or Nihouti boerd. Tic- Charleston, W. Va. lion, follosved by tdivsung of the] dstire at 325 S. Fift51. The Only Direct Line betweeln Tole- do and the Virginias. I) The popular line between Toledo, CO, or Frty earsFostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and MACK __ _ __ _ G O L D N SC P T R E Full information relative to rates, ime of trains, tc., will be cheerfully fumniled by Shoe Department. a en G L E C P ay agent al the Ohio Central Lines. Ha ensmoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER Moulton Houk, G. P. A., sear 1st ]Floor, as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Toledo, Ohio gS