THE UNJY"ELRbTY :OF MICHIGAN DAILY. M .o 4 .Pa 1 . Pay Before Play. J f ~;I~ f~1~ ~The manager of the Ohio Unsiversity h-- ase hail team submitted lhis list o P o ' Ta e INS Published Daily (Sundays excepted) daring d eates for the season to the faculty last w the College Year, at weekt and reeived the following corn- THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. naniralion in return: i h e r a ogtc: hims uldin, 329S. i St 5. be- "Tear Sir:--In response to your tet- 0 E 3PECT' THE WORK ..AT... Studio V~1jtween Liberty and William 5S. v MANAGING EDITOR J. F. TootoMS, 'OL. BtUSINESS MANAGER 0. 13. Ithus, 'ItL. EDITORS 11' . SKILtLMA, '8 L., Athetis. E. L. Gotustos, 1 L. G. D. tlsoxoxT. 'dl. BUiTaLLos, 't. T. R Wonow, 'Oil L. &.CAMB'ELL, '0. Ale CAtroELL,'il. F. EsottitAtt, '. The subsriptio price of the Daily is V501 for the college year, with a regular delivery before noon each day. Notices, Commnica- 110, and other matter intended for pblica- tion must e handed in at the Daily office be- foe 8 p.mi., or mailed to te editor before 3 p. i., of the day prvous to that 00 which they are expected tootppear. Subscriptions may ho lft at The Daly Office, Meyer 's or Stolet's Newtand, or with Bsiess Manager. Sbriers wil o- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office any failure of carriers to deiver paper, 'he Mihiganesniatn prie cotesto, which clooed recently, bronegt ot, in the oaotiooo of te judges, the et cl- ecios of stories adpoensthttthtas ben 1p0(1ducedtlat iciiga. 'Iis ap- yresult ieodiretly traceale or ,the generous poley atoted at tte otiet b~y theBoard. Lat year te oatotfe- jent sects determnted to eep any of sle dollars frotm sippting'troga their fisgers 0a(d tocresult swas tat Crot- petitiotn was far from toisk. 'fhi yeas serves tlU(as ie tgto"- 001 t( Attetilonois aled to the meetingl toe those contesting foe the Carows sup. This is a matter to swhich all football melshoould attend. Kiking is now as- oumnttag uti a prominent pat of lbs game tof ttotball thatstaoteatm cnn(ot) htope to be suceessful swithout t. 'What a goot ickstican o foe a fotttal ttam tas beet shosown ino a nmbeotiromo- inent gameo this year. What might Mtichigan nttt hve tdone this year with o peintid kiker. Itwssjt sucthlsa cestolaothis thatlbrogit out _i- Bride, Yale's great it-er. The pries offered ught tt be soue further to- ouceenett to get all nen out, soethot Michigaon eed sot again hsove too x- plain defeat by saying, "otiseied." So let there be good kikers atd plenty of thsct. Kickern Turn Out. A meetitg of all metswostxsaers too enter lthercnest for the cup tresent- ed by Dr. Carrowsswill be hell Friday evenittg at 7 ocokt is Room 9Ui- versity Hll. It is expected that a large crowd of fotbalmnetatnd stodents swbo dsitthe sucesas fthe eans will te present. At this nmeeting tist or- mies apoinsoted to draw up rules to goverts the lkicing eotastwoct11gie thteir report. Besides the cup preseted ty Dr. Carrow there will be a second and third prie ffeed, sot thot, it is oped, no student will consider it oot woroth his time to enter. It i expected that Dr. Carrw, Coach Ferbert, Jons Duffy and Captain Bennet will be pres- ent to say a ess words to th boy.. toot g-iog lotes of proposued interol- logiate'baso' ball ganto th" faculty rot- ed te folowing ressoluton: 112 'West Huron Street, Ann Arbor. "Ies-otve , Titsltheeitioe re-- turonedoo toohle signoers oith st'state- tosent tisa, havitog investigated olso' coo- Philological Society Meeting IF YOU WANT THlE BEST tdtitt osoof cootlege' athletics, aodtosing Tie et regular noeting of the Phisl- I FRATERNITY STATIGERY, foud hatth flodnari f te ni-ffosooisal Society will be hed is oRotonr BADGES DR PINS veoityha betot~sd b l Os rose-L, Itniversity Hal, Thursday evening. Send to srottogtcollege -sthletics tot insur M0ilarchb 1, 195, ot 7:0 hrp. A paper largeindetednes inolvin thecredt ots"The Etymology of to Bto,' to S IH T R E NB O of h ~ ve~itteUr r-t t ox sle Conpass,' 'ox-Pleating,' et.," 217,29, 21 Woodard Ave.. Detoit. oly there's'fort'etline to oeceive's orl t' ead by Prof.SGeorge Iteopi Dsinsatdetimates furnisleoiooalt ooth cntsidetr 00007' ltiotOO Sco 'eoonn" tos t_ oftitl bnd. LOUST-A gold oalsci. Fnds r will_______________________ leticsooootil the mtiot.)rits- of te.taets please lease at thisfi cetb' n'doosecei-e' of this l'nio erst-spt, inttr -e-rctfoonroto sa rd. _____________-@ MUSICAL ! o andb5 aresooonitlorgantizatioono, tot-c-Saturday, Maorchs 2-l.ooFollett le-- setdoooetso hyaewllo odtoebeforoe GoodtOtovernomen't.t ('lait)ii Gillespie, teacher ofMndolin, B1100:o abesn o nneta hyaewligad-Lo i and Dolar. tstrucor Isthe Usiesity c not 'to soty.vtoo ooooiotc for s'the r o-ist'tn -School of tussl. 5Ryears experience as cootl indbtednoess, btt to oosnit can:I a teacer, Cll at Aton Arbor Mlusic Co's. _1 Stre to arrance for bouss. ottotooetd antolptid.' MOEjL A E "tot say this sas as urpise wouloni1 S P ON Y L A E hexo o'aoo'ocoo it bot msildy. Whil-' On wathes, Dasonds, Wtheels or oter Pe- I sanl Propety ooo-iooo aoco-e Io aisitico tot'to -WATCHES AND JEWELRY REPAIRED. haveo teetnexpecteItd, i wa00son. i y ro a y Ofieat resiene, a3i . Loety t., Atn Ar loooled forcInthis foorto.<