ohe tor&jOpeni
W. J. BOOm., Pres. W. ARNOLD, 1st Vice-pros
In g J. V'. SHEEHAN, 3d Vice-pres.
Y so JOHN C. WALZ. Asst. Cashier.
Saturday, March 5th b aig ~lk
KNOX ISwellTransacts a general Banking busi
CHRISTIE Spring - _________
HAWSHats.. .
Cor. Slain aRHturoR Streets.
ITED ----- -- - -- Ca pital, $05,00. Surpins, e30,e00. Transact a
(general banking bsiness.
? IR. REam', Pros. C. F. CREENe:, Vice-Pros
Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplu,,$1150,000.
Resenren, $1,100,000.
IOrganized under the General tBanking Laws
of this State. Receives deposits, bays and
sells exchnnge on the principal cities nf the
United Staten. tDrafts cnshed upon proper
. M S' LIVER Y, Ietfcto.Sftydpstbxst et
FIarriman, Vce-P'res.: Chas E. Hiscock,
Cashier: Mi. J. Fritz Assistant Cashier.
515 East Liberty St.________________
FiRRT NATIflAI RANI( of Ann Arbor
-j pi"uEr 1(o6. lEST SERVICE IN THIE CITY. Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, 14,00
;. k Transacts a general banking business,
________________________________________________________Foreign exchange bought andnsold. Furnish
letters of credit.g
Lampsrxpressiy S tudenats' Usej VRSOahOice Pr
j iPttshstr, "The YueRohstr le," ITle Royal,"' "the Petfection," C* li.1MAJOR & CO.
e 1 Tire erli Studnt,"all nickle plated, varying hii price frona 1 )
$1.00 to $2.50 each. The Artistic deorators
oo5. IL Fveiy student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a psure 'Have a complete line of
OILsL.~, whiitc light, is odorless and does hot char the wick. Deliv- Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
---""E ---esed iin any pairt of tie city ini our cans atl 101 erg-llini. For ,Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
salnly ,by'
DEAN.Ii & CQ M PANY Secaty of fine feci interior decorating
ehaejs reeeda214 South Main Streot.! hanging. Only the best of workinien
large shipment ofi; employed. Work gusaranteed.
SUNIVERSITY NOTES. Notes from the oratorical Contest. ;c. I.MAJOR & ®O,
WRIGT, FVER costrigtoi,,semen-latwohis tw ek on h 5Oor'ts trstto tpresidett-it thscorning
W RpTP E E Sa t e n0 XX s t : : at ld ,wis :15 5 5 t i ao i n s t :'M a r c- i s . :1 la s p o s , IT h
& jThe posibilty sf a alf-ile rain b1t-sentoidiatirotntstandith.e or a. iof L E IN
('ELEIriA1.TF.i)ing added to.,the list of rrrnts itn the thoein autlewitythe coltetwlbe iQ'asytrcmetNrh19as a ueirt hs ffrre er,tic 5it aLADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S
list crystalizedidntto:a5certinity. -rhsc(Ithetpossible erxceptionsosflast ye-ar's TA ILO
is:ourtest itse: itl the teivssrsity at thsat struggle. No mite is sure of firttplare, T I O
dis tanceerxrtludieg tihose witsorttimpetedt and, with soniy two ite tr asin fir c Latest Novelties in winter
F O TiAlst seas, will aippear in the- tare the tare, somse dark ihose will stsittili bes. and Spring Garments.
Isighst ocftemect. Tihe':ra:c xrwill bitrn hsids foi.s
F OR SPRING- Irxacta;- as ,at thesI.resuiits-Sssiihomstrr e ______ COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
tstret, two mt-s.ott rash s-i tfts Wisconsin Bitten, One block west of University.
________________tr artk. As. oeersai site mest tote intdi- The Di ly Cardtintai dossnot lise tise OHIO.
sated thseir intetntitin torstittiete, tse t atsitsssss lt iiit t Itet.
Cam as cotestswil sutiliess b it donett is. i leotia es t'atsat i e ta
..mnn atth crnialhel a Tttfrstlls llt C ntalLines
thtiss sttoc lihertei tis npssiits ity tifrCicastsiSaturdtasy. Itits sed i to
New shapes in Vesting Tops, foreastinig thte result ()("toe rar' .allI . y K s60 y
$3.t00t$4,000,5ti00irTtetta ."Intshe track anistfieist erents the
$3.00, 4 00, $.00. I hecasidsates for otlher events art treatmnttacireds thie sisitos by the jTile Otily Sleepiiig Car Linebetweent
alsoihsid at sworki. Coxitndonetssuist- joidges wat~s discour tetsis tosa iy te !roledo and Columbus.
sits artiont thtnittinthes-strsiustm to t I The Oinly Sleeping or Drawing Rooms
teist.Whsenesvea ChicarnasgosCa ttetetetRToed, Cliil
ieept tie metn in, fisetonitiotn.ThIseiRCr n ewenTldCls
ttiitrstt nrisnrllissesventisss ~0the jtdges wtotldt contgas:C1bus, at- and Marietta.
Alsoduxnumbr o enrieswil prbabl supas!lae sch tre upon Iis sirtary, tndsotTTle Only Drawing Room Car Lino
tha o frme sar. evealneviiosnwhsy? Thseyscore all Chiagtiment, between Toledo. Colunibus and
te ta ad lS s s ossry~r.OrrtICharleston,XW. Va.
New 3 Stra Sandels'have seets soin:g, itrttsisint a wtrlo its ttre sonic osttisensindleed bleinsg iiectly cons-I Pullman Sleeper~ between Colon?-
$1.00, $1.50, $2.00. ->htst-tsut asset tole-vault. - nsted witis the Unisersity.' bus and Chicago.
N~sT~E ..The Only Line withs 4 trains each
NOTICE Elegant suite of rsssittss tfist flsost way daily between Toleda and~
The course its itusic Nss. 12, Mtt s in toerent. With sor withsotutsboard. tlis- Coluimbus.
Its Ethicl Fehtti~ns, willbe green i (Jireat 5S.l'fh
itsi~tsirst iclttlsts, xii beeliit ii t i 5.leitis IThe Only Line with 3 trains coa
Our entre toc of otosni 12, Tappian Hull, Msastssy at -uitiefr ioSai' way on Sundays betweeu Toledo
winter shoes at a The Only Line with 5 trains each
way daily between Toledo, Bowl-
S h u Yourryesing Green and Findlay.
Shut Your Eyes The Only Line with 2 trains each
R~DU '~I N IAndiuak yor seectons romonrway daily between Toledo and
And ake our elecionsfromourCharlestonW. Va.
The Only Direct Line betweenl Tole-
...........................NEW N EGLIQEE SHIRTS do and the Virginias.
The popular line between Toledo,
M A K C . STO (' KCONMU.F.TE. I'PPLAIR P11(,ES. Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and
EN CLU£I VE PATTERi1S.,_____________
__________________________Full Information relative to rsates, time of
trains, etc., will be cheerfulty furnished by
ShoeDepatmen. eany agent of the Ohio Conical Lines.
SheDprmn.WAGNER & COMPANY, Mouilton Bouk, .0. P. A,,
,Rear 1st Floor. 123 South main Street. - . - - Furnishers, Toledo, Ohio