T~pl tUNIVEJRSITY OF MIHIGAN DAILY. D eep the Feet Warm w 9 A hot water bottle is just 4 9 the thing for cold feet and 4 a sure relief for most aches4 9 and pains. 65c, $1.00, $125 4 9 and $2.00 are the prices. 4 * $1.00 gets a good ce that 4 we can warrant not to leak.6 yCALKINS' - PHARMACY. MEN'S FURNISIINS. We have greatly enlarged this de- partment of The Store giving it a prominent and convenient section the first flor net to the entrance. This section now contains att kinds of furnishings, such as yo lek for among first-class haberdashers. SILK UMBRELLAS. Men's eel Ottomenhler Carola Silk Umbrellas, Sterling Silver Mounted, 28 inch size, $1.50. Men's Gloria, Steel Iod, 28 inch Umbrellas here at 85c. MEN'S INE NECKWEAR. FISK, CLAK & FLAGGS. Complete line shown for the first time in this city. Correct Shapes and Style. 1 "E. & w n COLLARS, Newest Shapes.E 40 Ply, All Linen Collars, bet " Styles, selling at 2 for 25c. Mden's Finest Dress Shirts, openr front anti back, the $1.50 kind, att $1.00.t Men's Bet Made Unlaundriedc Sirts, al linen front, continuoust faings, reinforced at every point,r Wamutta Cotton, short and long front, at 50c.t GOQLF HOSE. 1 New Color Combinations, the medinm price and the handsomest 1 designs shown, at from We~ to $2.00. Golf Tops, All Colors, 50c. t M~e's Sweaters.t A Superb Line-Rolling Collars, Turtle Neck, Small Collars, Plain and Fancy Colors in Wool and Worsteds, $1.00 and p. MACK &CO1 OUTFITS- FORi GYMNASIUM1 WORIK. SWEATERS SHLIRTS (,No SLEERVES) SUPPORTERS LONG+ STOCKINGS SHOES NANSTREET. Brighter th-an _f Zi Klondike Gold. One window is blazing with the --_' brightest, richest, nohbiest things - en Neckwvear ever shown, 'Ihey are high values at Low Prices. r; YNon will see. themr nowhere else. © } Notie the -"Reds." PU RNISH-ERS. 11213 SMain St., -AnnoArber. Lam.ps Expressly o Students' Ulse "The Rochester," "The Yale," "The Royal," "The Perfection," "'The Berlin Student," all nickle plated, varying in price from $1.00 to $2.00 each. OLEvery student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure O L white light, is odorless and does not char the wick. D)eliv- ered in any part of the city in our cans at 10e per gallon. For sale only by D EAN&COMANY 214 South Main Street. W. J. nOOTH. Pres. W. ART OLD, lit Vice-pros J. V. SREEnAN, 2d Vice-pres. COHN C. WALT., Asst. Cashier. State - Savings - IBadi. Transacts a general Banking busi- ness. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $150,000. Resources, $1,100,000. Orgseized under the Oeneral Banking Lawn )f this State. Receives deposits, bays and iells exchange an the principal cities of the Ullted States. Drafts cashed apse proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rest. OFroCnnS: Christian Mach Pros.; W. 0. Rarriman Vice-Pros.; Chas E. Hiscock, Cashier: il. C. Fritz Assistant Cashier. IFIRST NATIONAL BN of Ann Arbor Capital, $100,000. Surplus and Profits, $d0,0001 Transacts a general banhing business. Foreign exchange bought andesold. Farnish letters of credit. E. D. KINNE, Pros. HARRISON SOCLE, Vice Pros S. W, CLARKSON. Cashier. Coo-. Main, and fluron Streets. Capital, $50,000. Sorplus, $30000. Transact a general banhing business. it. 1tter. Pros. C. E. CGREENE, Vice-Pros PFED. H. BELSEo. Cashier. CALLAGHAN " 9 340 S. STATE STREET Law Books F. J. BCHLEE7DE. 340 South State Street. Book Binding..........25 conet. and up Solid Gold Foantain ioens ....$1.00 and up. Watermsan and Wirt Pros in stock and Pens Repaired. Wholesale and Retail Paper.,13', lbs. of Lin- on Paper for 50c. Just Received a Large and Elegant Line of New Pipes!I not and Cold Lunches at all hours. Agents for Hunyler's and Williams and Werneru Cu.'s Chocolate non Bons. R. E. JOLALY f&tCO. 3.08 Southi State Street. Mitsic Studio PIANO AND COMPOSITION. R. H. KE1KF, From Stuttgart Conservatory, Germany. Work of Woman's League. I Juolie-t Butlier; sice prcoiditla sy Al- -lo, orrespaiui seiotc3 -Malirjory 011der1ith' lrieideniiy of -Miss .11- G('rhraalt;recordlinig ecrciary, Annat liet Butller he 'Wooan'o Leagae-isxi BomI'llr; re-asue-r, Flore-i: Saiidir1- liiniiin iohae lis lie msoloil-, lan:1d; del-gateso. horriet Baker. 11:01 ceoxfui ye'ar of iitsliiotory. 'Phe' lleguc i oit Barn-ird, HarrietIli-ard. SMinnis- was0 oi':liil'lSeveral S-ears ago.,ianilBanker, Vinifredlt Hbb-ll, Noll:e'Sic- hasx for itsoject the oriniggo-gell::r I-Lsy-.Edithiie:, Blaincht' VYoung, an closei'r relation, the youlsaieis of Gliace ('arltoii, Besse Hutschins. ('laia il-e Uinivrity-.Uinder 11s rules. liieli- tlor:-ioo-. Winiiiirt'lBeman, Starjory horship ini the league 'isesa1 the e-nil ah'a:rf, Le~ila (hildls, Anna. Daley, of ech c-:coillege year, wihmthe offic'r>Flsirenmce Suneril aiand Eraoi 1-leathi; elctcld in the sp~ring hiordling over. advsory boarod, fDr. -Masher, leshinico This4 year, during the firoltoweek of Copeland, (hston, Louis 'Hall. Stev- cellege, 297 joinedithie league, and the ens. Waile, REle-ard Cbs-npbeil. bJrdoe, officers coafidenitly expectlt1. 01e the Huitcis, Millie Loi'xrd and IMark- niuitoe mnore thian dotitled withiii the icy; friuit andl flower nission, WinnI- lext few weeks. Any young lady of fred Rhsnson, S1rs. d~ynuds. Florence lie Univ, rsity, wives of meimhers of Allen, . Sios Stevems, Dr. NVarthin a0(1 the faculty and clergymen, :and ladies Sic. Corhissier; 'bulletin. Anna Daley-, o -the city recommoended b~y four of iFlorence Surnderland, Erniex I-ten.th lie executi-e board are eligible lo and Blanche Younmg. imeiemuership. Professors Knowlton asid Freer were 'this yeari instead of hiav-ing 'receis lookinig fo members of lbs fi-ny tribe lions as before, :a list of all the new s- fidy co-eds abotit the Umiveisily u-ill be SAur a n 9, et'ona ih moords and divided into sets of five, for his home at Elgin, 111. His umothmer -acumlty mmmd otlier latdies wlvimmii, is seriously 'ill andl it is doubtful dually ente taitoand look after these whiefher lie -will return istoms' Univer- groups during the entire year. A ser- sity this year. ieo of :six eateitainments for all will _________ be given during the cours.e of tlie yeae-. Those contsidei'tng time subject of A bulletin hoard has beaco placedl in dancing -shouild cli at hiranger'zs Acad- hbe reading room in Unive rsity Hall. eumy for correct imforniatiom in rega-rd wvhere time -list of nanmes of the offieirs, to classes, termns, etc. All classes are executive committee and a(Avisory wader the personal insruction: of *Mr. board, atid a synopsis of current and Mirs. Granger. events wvill he posted. Whmy buy a W~atermnmi fountain pen, The followving isa. list of -the officers whien you can get as gooid for S0c lexs amid maembero of commiittees recently withi as goodl a guarantee? See Shin- appointed by the presidenit: President, cr. Giunther's Chicago Candies! IN BULK OR IN PACKAGES FROM 5c UP -AT- No. 123 R. Nashington St Mummery's Dr. xS-tore Or orhae 22 SOUTH DIVISION STREET. CORETFITZSIMMNS -- VERISCOPE Salurday,OcI.16 FIRE ! ! During the past ten !11years the Toledo Laundry Co. have kept their custom- ers goods insured against fire, a fact that is appreciated by their patrons. Best of work and Prompt Delivery. Branch Office 123 South Main St., Ann Arbor, Micb. ,/