UTiW. J. BOOH, rs.W
e. StorersWHAWNWetmorere
'T he S to e of W . et m oreJOHV.C. WAL .Asst. cpe.Cashier.
....16_._ant._nd3,2S.SttSStae - aviflo s- Bailk.
~ Transacts a general Banking busi
UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOO S, s._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I outinPesSTUDENTS' SUPPLIES. Captal $5,lain ad iHron Streets. a
0ok en I' FutanPn and Fine and Staple Stationery + gene ral banking business.
and offers all at the Lowest Prices. B~sRED.rELSn C.a es'ie-Pre
'LI E R ,Capital Stck, 0ili. Surpus, 15,00.
TTV( Organized underthe hneral anking Laws
H ~.' ~YL ~ d t 1(1ofa this State. Receives depsits, buyn and
asells exchange on the principai cities of the
United States.Ortncseapnror
pr nid centifiction. Safey de sitan orent.
515 East Liberty St. 1OrercEs: Christian Rktre.; W. D
Harriman, Vice-Pes.; Chas E. Hicock,
Cashier: M. .. Fritz Assistant Cashier.
Capial, 61i0,i00. Surplus and Profits, 640,0001
~amnso UseFoein echange bought'nd sold. Furnish
Laa sExpressly wS u eTsU e rsats a geeneral
Tihe Rochester," "T he Yle, ""The Royal," "The Perfection," S.WCLRSN Vice Pres
"The Berlin Student," all nicke plated, vrying ini pice from _________________
17$100 tn $2.50 each.C..MAO &
Tvery student should use Deans "Rerl Stai t gives a pure C.MAO &CO.,
4(OIL white light, is odorless and does not thai the wick. Deiv- The Artistic d erators
eied iniiaiiy part of the city in ou tails at ide pet gallen. lor Have a complete line of
sale tily by Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
DEAN[ & CO MPANY.1 Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
receivedMai a'eet Specialty of fine interior decorating
-haejsreevdaprof, Charles 0M. Cayley'Honored t,,teccpc otie f he E sanging. 'fOnly the best of workmen
cU slpment of --'-- roomand cnron. ic ea11,rir t tr employed. Work guaranteed.
Pro. idte5~1;sI i'i'12y, of'te ii hi2and conditon or he'peile P~t C. 11. MAJOR & CO.
T, PEERS 8 CO.The Artisti eortor.
T, PTERy& O. a di'ln i e litorted by " eolnthinyup1te ai _____nd____________l_________
ai~ e'dn ('lliegei'.iihas oiferretio0 elp to :retre the A.\m'ra.e er:
Pof Iaylc, ey.ICl l.o oorr ae o is true dign'ity"
I ~~~~~COLLEGE NOTCH _____________
-rf. Cfrl. Iey enitrcll the1'ivsity yTA~itiMot i:ii at.tlme IALOR I
nrw Iise lt r tics d<Par nt H e soon Ste Mrh 12.Latet Noveltie in Winter
IV . . \ater seame :ininstirtr in te lier- 1'L'm'stso ilele'iiean aisie 00,00 and Spring Garments.
arytliepaitmetlast scceedied it ob- to te Unisersiy of Pensnsylaia for
RSRN - taiing ih ie f absencets etdy in the is fend fo a ewy law schol. COR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
GraunvriisOihireunt ThUnvriyoCaion's10vithis raeuary. het('nled h~lI ila duties at daily has ian illstra tedi nmber giving .. "{OIO.
Ae Arbor aes sist ireofesori ofthalf tonessof IGarretlCo'hrasn:, teir .
® 4 in Veting ops, ltristili:88heacpealofePrneococadtevrosa- C nraofhehir sf E.glisli literattre at tasad maiaer. C nrlLines
, tie Unisersity atfe liferril. whiich po- IHarartd aa laid of' et tr:1c
n apes i etngTpitioens'owsshosldis. Duriniig Iis stay in las a heiisa II .& 0 CIt Y. . Ii & IM.y.
$3.00, $4.00, $5.00. 'nn AsborCa ro srte the song"Yi'lnrw ln ithecneralt' imthodsTh nySleig a ie ewe
ptedeveywhre o ,,veth ams Toledo and Columbus.
m_________ naied Ci' 'Varsiy snig. iHic lis late- s light wvrt: as aossie irdewrs. The Only Sleeping or Drawing Room
ly Coca collabirting withi Prof. otat Thme stidentls f the irer;t fil Car Line between Toledo, Colum-
,, y 'iiia~isle e'itliledit ierary triti- Pensylvaiase at pI resn a C g bus, and Maretta.
Jals i/ r 4'The Only Drawing Room ar Line
I iam." hfilhtiver ihe qiisi ,nasuato whtscr between Toledo. Columbus and
N)w3 Sra-Sadeheiirfreshmen shll be alliiweii.isolai'Charleston, W. Va.
Colege Journalism. a lass pip. 'Tiie'mtter was i eerred ulmnSepn'sbtenCls
X100_$.5,_2.0 bus and Chicago.
$1.0, $.50,$2.0. :1ti a comitee ishilc siigPese:tg Te Only Line with 4 trains each
uiiiandries ttetme,~Yo oswr t dieie ittiqustionIs.ittht way daily between Toleda and
Wuiscnsini Ii)"t'lilge-bred iJitinal- ireshmenlosee i ihe conetat flaysith Coltmbus.
lts" Mr. It. i Satiii silT"ihe ofeit all rigit iso class ire, but if The Only Line withs 3 trains each
'sr entire stock of bte aas s liii ails'ie hyuhte iiei way on Sundays between Toledo
beter las o th pbli an tne at thy wn heycanhae teirpies nd and Columbus.
lerclassaof2 jiirnalitso ae clamoering iiaddtionhiiia lissulrie d ti fcet The Only Line with 5 trains each
'Winter shoes at a forreformite jC oralisiioftody. ong t e lreseti on clanescy to way daily between Toledo, Bowl-
Press clabs in isir u igieroiate, re x- teCa uhee nls lsing Green and Findlay.
DU T O onngagidiitu'ire tltg-te bestthleteill__hcla_ The Only Line with 2 trains each
erciinga god nflence Coleg-brd -'- way daily between Toledo and
mnc aNivnenarerniidetiiit plift Elegant suite at ros ssn irtifliir Charleston,'W. Va.
fr reat. Wiho withisut biorid. Un-
- the professiin. they ar, iopos- (airo at 3225. ifth. The Only Direct Line between Tole-
do and the Virginia.
The popular line between Toledo,
M , C C . Fr Foty Y arsFostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and
C K & ~GForEFortyEYearsFull information relate to rates, time of
(. ~hLN trains, etc.. will be cheerfully furnihed by
;,.SheDepartment. any agent of the Ohio Central Lines.
Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER Moulton Houk, G. P. A.,
l-Ist Floor, as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. -TldOi