x THIE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. The Store CHI W. J. Boom. Pres. W. A2d so t ice- prey J. V. SaunfAsd, 2d ic-pes. Day....JOHN C. WALZ. Asst. Cashier. Saturday, March 5th State -Savil Tascsagnrl s-Banikus ox Swell nescs agnrlBnigbn Spring USTIE IH"~n~~~~dlhfhSfi A Token of Spring ! HAWES 11(A . i7h"Ps " YOU ARE INVITED=----_____ __ GOODSIPEED'S9 TET Car. Alain and Huron Streets. Capital, $50,00. Surplus, $30,000. Transact a genera~l banking business. IR. KEurt. Pres. C. E. GuEENE, Vice-Pres FRED. H. BELIER Cashier. THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK Capital Stock, $50,000. Surplus, $110,000. Resoarces, $1,100,000. Organised under the General Banking Laws of this State. Receives depsits, bays and sells exchange on the principal cities of the United States. Drafts cashed apes proper identification. Safety deposit boxes to rest. OFFIoCESn: Christian Mack Ores.; W. tD. Htarrimn,, Vice-Ores.: Chas E. Hiscock,. Cashier: 30. .. Frits Assistant Cashier. FIRST NAMifNAI RAK of An Abo HOLMES' LIVERY, 515 East Liberty St. Phon 106 f I 1lt!111 11 JIrL ursuuusOrganizre 86 BEKST SER'VICE WN THE CITY. 1 Capital, $100,000. Surplu, and Profits, 140,00, i; . Transacts a general basking business. I P, Foreign exchane bought and sold. Furnish letters of credit. " r. 1). KINNE, Pres.- HARRISON SOUILS, 'Lam s E presly 0'. tudnts'UseVice Pres Lamp Exresly ~ Sudets'Use SW. CLARIISON. Cashier 'The Rochester,' "The Yale.," "The Royal," "The Perfection," C. li. MAORt CO "Tue Beriin Student," all nickle plated, varying il price fromAJR C* $1.00 to $2.50 each. The Artistic deorato rs Every student should use Dean's "Red Star." It gives a pure; Have a complete line of OIL white light, is odorless ansd does not char the wick. Delity- Wail Paper, Paints, Oils, Window -_ K _ -ered in any part of the city iii our cans at 10c per gallon. For k Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc. sale nly h DEAJ Specialty of fine interior decorating We have just received a 21ISutBaiASret & CO M PA NY. painting, frescoing, tinting and paper 214_____South______Main_____Street.______ hanging. Only the hoot of workmen large shipment of Athletic Meet at Chicago. J 5fiih toeiteres-t in lbheeea cs- employed. Work guaranteed. 'Tiei'general feat ures-rrof tien c: 1. M JO & Oy 11:The rivr rsily of Chicago (carnle outxwil remairn unchangedl. Thry xilibe-. The Artisti D-:. ortor, PETES C 1 vcto inthebig athletic earnival bold gin pomprtly at X4:10 r. nr. -Mr-. 0red- nChrcagor Saiturlay night.. Wireon- erie Darrslnglar-g will apieroi olis si a ecn,2pit einadattefrs evc. h oloiga-K L E IN ('tj ~I Northweste(rn xvas third. 'Tbe events thorns will Ire snrg: "LlannwferLAIS wee ell con testredbluntno records weretoeLorrd, orodi,"WNes; '.llea'r'.us, AD UNLm "11 In the gyn astiecicintests Wirconsin 0Srirr"Erpron LAL O 13 0 T W A iwonnfirs place vith Cicago seonrd. Yr'storday moning ir Nexb, -ry iHarll Latest Novelties in Winter In the rmrtterrif atoendanre toemoottoe S. C. A . rrrd Y. Mt. (C. A. reldn and Spring Garments. ws all-ttha't coirld be desired,. 'ver 5,0001 trrirronmeeting to lisien tir retports from FOR SPRING. New shapes in Vesting Tops, $3.00,1$4 00, $5.00. New 3 Strap Sandels $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Our entire stock of winter shoes at a ARE]DUCTIO N! IlsACK & CO.] Shoe Department. Rear 1st Floor. i Visetial riorurd in lthe tand bal sin- Cloxelanad. R1ev. J. M. Gelston presided. glensvas iplayed betwveen Lutza rnd Em-Afoncrastitrptn aden nons lantscook and resrulted ini a vie- read toe meeting wasr owrroipernarid tiiry fur tire ftrmoo 1 -5 and 7It-I. thrioxvlsiiattended toeconve'ntiion The touroilanmentxvas in ail respectn gave shorot testimorny. In tlie fter-{ montsccesnful; irnterert wso urtainord noorn a similar uniiirrmeetirng ian hli ttoughtrrarid somirn st-clanr workltat Sar-etl -tall. n-andore. Tre icto oeoiveapoo~e The fist annutal rmroting of liei-Cirs- given y hr.Fltzo-raid.'cirsin Alumni Asnsociation nithtie l'ni- v"irsity ot Michigan, wan hold Ttiorday Vesper Services. evening, March 1, at the clutirooririof 1 'i'nsier nervices xwiii beginion Tiner- thro Plarnkinton Ihoutre, Milrvatrkee. Act- day Ma-i I.ard rrnirrroIs hoing PresidentrHntctinxvar poenent, ans-oill ar manry distinguinhed gradui- srirng varcationr. fOuar-court if the ;.1tesnowxs renidont in Wirconsirn. change made rrnressoy in the organ Dr. 0. R. Long. superintenrdent of by te rstrrblishmernt if tir eotrir the Arylum tr the Insane at Ionia and prito t api tbnbr n o-rlecturer ro menial diseares ir the homeospathic doprtomenrtrif the Uriver- ribte to taep thre rorvices at ito sity of Michigan, hbPer-nicrlled to trstal tinme. It insItore hopoed that this California to inspect one of tire irirti- interuptirirriof noovices may not di- ttions of that Strrte. Shut Your Eyes And make your selections from our ............................,.NEW N1EGLIGEE SHIRTS STOICKi COMPLETE. POPULAR PIC~ES. EXCL.Uh TIE PATTERNS. WAGCN"ER & COMPANY, 12,3 South main Street. - - - Furnishers. Onte block west or University. ...OHIO... Central Lines T. & 0. U. qRy. K. Ar M. ty. The Only Sleeping Car Line between Toledo and Columbus. The Only Sleeping or Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo, Colums- bus, and Marietta. Tile Only Drawing Room Car Line between Toledo. ColnnibuSsootd Charleston,. W. Va. Pullman Sleepers between Coloss- bus and Chicago. The Only Line with 4 trains each way daily between Toleda and Columbns. The Only Line with 3I trains each way on Sundays betweeu Toledo and Columbus. Tire Only Line with 5 trains each way daily between Toledo, Bowl- ing Green and Findlay. The Only Line with 2 trains each way daily between Toledo and Charleston, W. Vs. The Only Direct Line between Tole- do and the Virginias. The popular line between Toledo, Fostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and Newark. Follinformsation relative to rates, tisseof trains, etc., will be cheerfully furnished by any agent of the Ohio Central Lines. Moulton Hlouk, G. P. A., Toledo, Ohio