jo THE UNIVEIISITYLOF MICHIGAN DAILY Publisedt Daily (Sunays excepted) during the College year at THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. OPoem: Times building, 3211 S. Main St be- tween Liberty and William St. MiANAING EDITOR J. F. THOMAS, 00 L. BSQINESS iSANAEJA 0. 1..lHANS, 'tO L. EDIT ORS 11, B. SaIuAN, '15 L., Athletics. N.. L. GInsoE, '0 L. G. I. Iatner.'O. BTtit LM 1, '0. Ti. WOOROW, ', 1.. A. CArBELL, '00. A. CAMPELL, '. I+',.NELeHouooo.'01. The subscription price of the Daily is 1.50 for the college year, with a regular dliery before noon each day. Notices, communica- tions, and other matter intended for publica- tion mot be handed i at the Daily office be- fae 8 p m., or mailed to the editor before 3 p. i., of the day preious to that on which they are expected to atopear. Subsritions may he left at The Daily Dmce, Meer's or Stoles Nestand, or with Business Manager. sberiers will con- fer a facor by reporting promptly at this ofilier any failure of crriero to delier paper. Thle IDetroit icpersce a lmocst coa- ioous it thei cocd tnstaioo of the at- tacko made by Gv. fktgrt tootsthc lon oepartmnetl. trtfesors woisreoteros- pl~oyd by co)otcratios. Th' facthClot a son work fo L. lbcimate itusines ogniatinis notothel ttst shadow of pooal that heannot tsr-etn-elSt Sae well1 inohehighst itittiot of lesrn- ig. To'speioak underlte aeuspojicrsofa studrent cebb asoot)too enurgestr heCs summarosey iisisal of Cishe 0mn whoo lave beets chsensfoo lte ttesloto ear andc)reslocci leas neitet couteos noroedignified. 'fle fact hat ltsr'were no demnstraictisosof lislip-oal sow that Glov.n f'tge hoc a stoong hiJoo up- on lte tudentsl. We hopeocfoo bt lte teatmns tiohen lotcoosonagain. The class of '98 disppoited its ao- sires Studay by perptuating the toxinad gown deslosioandolboyengg- ing ino the ottnnual sotabble otee the teoriaotl qestio. Tfle opion waons prealtnt flat '8 wotoid tue the sen- sible viow of the moattec' and pooid a. trophy r oot, hothose members wot believet aocollege curoenmeans simpy so delvingintoopronto Cstod antiqouitis were evidently ot io fotce. As ao l i- lostrationoooof Clotpractical viw of the memoroiaue istrionsothat prevoiled, the comittee actuoallyiroposed oa witdow in the sew at building, a structuce ctht ill probbly be erected loog after te class has been fogooten. Sncb a propnoitiotn is undousbtedly sensible, but rather' let '8t store another Arch of Trajan its the basemest of the san Ibuilditng. Coo the msatter of menorials let lteles go too tlaws snd get nois- doomo. Senior Clas Meeting. Atlteoeeing of the Seior ca ss Saturday he culp and gown wee adopted after some discussion., The moemnorial committe reported in favor of a nmenorial window or mmor- ial arch in the art buildittg, probably to be built in four or fie yors. The plate std dimenions of this window or arch were to be decided on by the clas andi then provided forin the plans of the building. The conmmnitee recoi- mended an second choice the establitsh- metof a trophy roost in the gymtnnas- a troiphy rosom. This immedtately pre- cipitated a sharp discussion, which sooto became quite bitter between thte clas- sicals and the athletes. The notion wvao finally' defeated by aT e MEIvoef68orad1agis.hemt ter ogfnemorial owas then refered bach co thoe conmmittee for farther investi- gatiotn. New Spring Styles now shown The followingresolutios w oert pro- ibsed atnd adopted wxihcut opplosition: Resolved, That all committees wnho areto10 muke anoy expenditures, other Price $3.00 hatsfor wark and labor, providedi thooo 'n-ork and labor" shall not be soono- struoeod as to include the boands uted * lotclas ay oecioo r CotSenorIn Black, Malta, Oak, Ceslar, Drowns-Colors Fast.. If you wvear lit . recosloso slo I gt id focsothscrl IIMIOElAL you'll agrree with us-inany others ha e-that' it's the best stod material as nay Iencecessacy, and $3l.00 hat manufactured. that too expenditures lot sade fromo the. class tesuty before these Coids art soubmitted CO toll nd ocd oa Clt lsd Rlesolveod, Thoat itemizled ils shall # bne obtaoined for sl moneytpa' out, satoo Cthtnospssymnent of mneoy- isto bInc recoognizesd by te ausditing comtto itee fo wvichn socrcit etlbsil canotb1e podouoced; tloothCes-aouditing omm00 ite hunt access to all sotrespoond sseto and A T H P N T H P T D thoat receilts for class lax shall b 1. T H N T Pe £U' wvhichlaror-sotsIof esachoouymestoohall tnkt; ll and thatsol lfinancialorettinst of orttoitttts lot ready for thnocuditing commnuitee at isustooneoweep 1elote cooonnocemoeool day. T O E D Y N iSbscribe for lbseDaiy. IF YOU WANT TiHE BEST FRATERNITY STATIONERY, BADGES OR PINS I I ZT L Send tot SMITH, STURGEON & co-,DonSar5c.Falr2 237, 239, 24.1Woodaord.Act'..Dotr-ot. D w tar Jc aley 2 Designs ond estimates furoishoed os all wont Sascnbersre itotetacharge a sa lcs of thsind, Saecnbleevdwtottbla a sa lts w~ St e ousUndertaking C ltd The last volumes of the WVarner Library are now on the press aud will soon h e .cetdy fur delivery. On the delivery of the finished work, the present club rates will he withdrawn and the publisher's regular, prices will prevail. These are the regular prices: These are the present prices: Cloth edition---------- _ _$ 3.50 per vol. Cloth edition----------_ __ 2.35 per vol. (Quarter Russia edition- - - 4.00 per vol. Quarter Russir edition--_ 2.65 per vol. Half Morocco edition---- 5.00 per vol. Half Morocco edition--_-. 290 per vol.. Full Morocco edition_ 06.50 per vol. Full Morocco edition-- 3.90 per vol. oNOTE THE DIFFEFZENCE The library ooay be now secured for almost half the regular prices and it is only -too evident that intending purchasers will save mnemy by placing their subscriptione now. We cannot impress upon the professors and students of the Uuiversity too strongly the fact that the present low price will NOT prevail much longer and. that prompt action is necessary. The plan and scope of this nounumental work, its scholarly character, its wonderful variety and readableness and its immense educative value commends the Library to every lover of literature. - Professor Wenley says: 'It is a work at once entertaining, useful and wonderfully accurate." Professor I'OonO says: "The work as a whole will, I believe, be a source of intellectual profit and pleasure to any who may be so fortunate as to possess it." '- The Ann Arbor Office of the Library is at 318 South State Street, wthere the first twenty volumesc may be examined antI where subscriptions are now being taken. The attention of the readers of the Review of Reviews is calledto the eight page advertisemnt of the-- Library iu the current issue.