THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. PUBLAO OPINION Has put the stamp of approval opon our.... .. .. .. .. .. .. A UT-UMVN EXIIT We have talked to you about our fine line of clothing made for us especially by liammersiough Bros. and The Stein=Black Co. Now we take pleasure in talking to you about our FINE FURNISH1NG GOODS. Our Furnishing Depar tmnent is exhibiting a bewilderingly beautiful stock of Nteckwear, Colored Shirts, Gloves, Underwear, Hosiery, Hantdkerchiefs, Umbrellas, and many accessories to man's wardrobe. But more especially we wish to mention our beautiful line of S WE="ATBRaS Made of pure worsted yarns in exclusive patterns and styles, and all they cost you is $2 50 and $3.00. They are the same as fine furnishers exhibit,, minus their outrageous profits. No chestnuts in our line of sweaters. 221 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Liondenselimift & Apfe1. PIANOS FOR RENT ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO., 205-207 E. Washington. ANN AR~BOR RAILROAD. Time Table. Sunday, Sept. 5, 1897. TIME TABLE: Traiss leave Ass Arbsr by Central Standard Time. NORTHS. SOsUTH. 8:41a. m. 7:3 am, *12:15 a. m. 11:5 a. m. 4:46 p. m. 8:40 p. m, "1: 1a. m. 8:05 p. M *Rtan between Ass Arbor and Toleds only 0Rnss between Toleds and Howell. This teals Sunday only. All ther trains daiiyj except Sunday. .GLOEAgs W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toledo 0. "The Niagara Falls Reste." Cestr'al Standard Thee. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. EAST WEST. P. M. AM. Mall and Es.---3 47 B., N. V., Cl.5 _ 12. N. Y. Specla----.4 se ball.-------910 *N. S. Limited..- 0 d1 P. M. Elastern Es.---10 s5 Western Ex._1 5B AM.G. R. & KEx.---.5 5 D.NExpress..-.. 5 50 Chi. Nt. Es.5--- 945 Atlastic Es.---7 30 Pacific Es.H---12 0 G. Rt. Exproas ._.11 15 *North Shore Limited is an extra fare train to he a charge of $2.5 to New York than on othertrains. 4. W. RUGGES, H. W. HAYS. G. P. & T. Agt.. Chicago. Aol. Ann Arhor. U. of M. Saving Parlors and Bath Rooms 3222 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic Hair Dressing op stairs Old rends call again. We welcome new ones. J. ii. TUOJANOWSKI, RENTSCHLER Photographer. Telephone 0 . ANN ARBORt ENOCHi DIETERLE, + 11W EniBALMER AND .-. + FUNERAL DIRECTOR CallsuAtteded Day or Night. No. IN6 East Liherty Street: Residence, 33 Soth Forth Ave. Phone 12. RANDALL. meTHE PHOTOGRAPHR WASHINGTON BLOCK,. 'ANN ARBOR. KINDERGARTEN, (so ,1 Call and See Us, G." S. Parker Foun- a~E tain Pens. 7 HAPLER's Alxir. Clock~s! 0" . IMARTIN, (WARANTE) 1FUNERAL DIRECTOR. (WARRANTED)Y SORE L 1 Embalming a Specialty. $utt..:OO Eac. ri. NO. '209 J FOURTH AVENUE.. U.AIN f M. itons and WM.a ARNOLD, LEADING JEWELER. Ambulhsnce night or day. ____Residence,__s 3 10:ifhAvenue. BROaWN'S IDRUG STORFE . ANTON TEUFEL, uOADQUI2tReORO CORNER MAIN AND HURON STREETS Trunks, Valises. Dress Suit Cases. ant? is the glace to Register. This Registor is always consulted first by the Telescopses. Tronhs and Valises repaired neatly and Messengers-It's FIiB cheaply. No. S3570. Main Street. Two Prizes Captured. Tile work dolls under the Stearns Pell::wship by Mlr. ,7. W. T. Knlox, Ihe hoi~ler, hais beh e port:e d.:'s:lIl in l)els tIs the: ,slll:r::311 Phai'inaceiiiicail Ass:: els: ti::i a ltts ublishedl initheir pi'oceed5- ing s. thlis work lilts heeni in origilic I'rafP. i's'sc::Il, tsls s joinedl with: lMr. Kiiox:in is lpublliin. MUSIIC. ('aso's41:1a:d j will be 'gien ii:l "vespers, 9a nl1a si:I w::tiillibe'gi--enin.1 R00111::(C. Course (3, cousnterpo2lnt, still be ,1give::'Mondaisy a1n:1Wednlesdasy it -, ila Ies::: C. ,lssdls'is Woshove be'vuunalhe 0o ,::svre tobles i:I: in te upcr 131551 of 51:. chem::icail h::orafsrv for genieral ln:':- DETROIT, fiCH.. C. If. MAJOR & CO., 'The Artistic decorators Have a complete line of fo:rtunesto: rersive the tIso: 5rizeO sof. lst °y, c011sir'5s :11:13, plasy esisissi: Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window. fs's': by11: :ssoiol~sl. ~i~ is:s llem(1:11iinII:thwet loiog, firstlfloer of Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.. thse Bbe::rt pizn:id hssnotsbeen: ro:is-it,,1wlhsl51r.5' builinlg. Specialty of fine interior decorating; ,i.c1 F.EZ painting, frescoing, tinting an~d paper ferred:Iforc several year,;cs 0c. F71:: hanging. Only the beat of workmein othser is 12::firot ill ranss ottfiree::'ge'n- employed. 'Work guaranlteed. "1e1 iricca Iir aecs~tatino-Oisltholliay, Oci. 1 1, 1will exame:111iilt' sill . studesI: wh soishave isso a ccn:ilion cdiC. I.MAO"&C. 'lh:' sntr:' I 'l'llkl'sv:::s :scl::slr ill lhsgionall.1:lnlyn. The Artistic Decorator.. twill fuirinishs 1:1:10w ,for II:: olss'llinsg{1'L IS . HALL.___________ (irsilge'>s.'s:'stdlny Iis e'veninig. All CbT(n ~ lc~:. lg 1 . N T ~ AI~ xsudentls Iare :corislly iuiv-cci 1to a50 otic1sin. il:l:::o:fgoxld tutileS'et oilli: ~ ~ .- ' . toad:c. js:tt'ls. 12:1:: :11:1to . . 1 : ~5210: Id rj7 y _ 1,0,'41-1X. ir of'l edsilt:c itt :'v ::.The Laraess Li1ne of Birycles,Sun- tae:los. 1indsr plese:ss lesave' at Daiily LOST - Pockcet hook containing dries and Supsplies at .(:'c' sand r'ce'ivesrerd .s: 11 i imoney in hills, saals andi calling M. STAEBLER'S CYCLE EMPORIUM, h,'iis:st lint of l*.ssl. sulslie~s ill the:' ards. llelsi:n t lt. It. Plait, jr. i0S Telephone No. S. One door gat of Ameri city .at Skdisine:s. Chsurchiat. Reoward. can: House. Note bls:::ks for I ':::rs: I, :ni~al~slil I':College' s: 5::011511 .0b1.0p1o:n:. 1Cheapi:The Name theGuMaante,. is si Skll's. at Skinnelr's. SPADIi' Foht Ball Supplies For 197 E Every Reqslite for thse Game. d v Managers will do well to write frsamsples and special rates YOUR DRUGr TR ADE before perchaieg. And will do the square thing by you. We've a good stock alnd we stand . The Spalding Official back of anything we sell. Voiir moneys worth or your money back. y' Foot Ball. ,l~hSOUII SATENT1IET.sealed in seperate box with brass inflator. Price, Ss.eo. Spainan's Official FosoBall Guide, -University School of Diancing fr_184Eie y ATRCM..ot paid. is cents. State Street., opposite Law Buildling Cataogueef Pail and Winter Sports, FEICn. Terms $5.00 a semester - - Single eveilings 50 cents. A. 6. SPALDING & aROS,, Offlce-427 Thompson Street. i ewgorkPhlaelhi i