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March 07, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-07

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At Wild's

Sprig selections just. arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our.-..
Suitings, Trouserings,
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
6i0c a pound.
Lowney's if you


The Freshman Team Won First
Place in One Event.
Alichigan's track season began aus-

Htalf-mnile run-Lamb, '00, first; S. C. A. Anniversary.
Hayes, '01, second; Case, '00, third. - -
Time, 1:50. The anniversary exercises coinmem-
Pole vault-Holier, '01, first; MeCart- orating the fortieth year of the' Stu-
ney, '01. second. Heighst, 9 feet 1. inch. (tents' Christian .Association, wereorn-
s~unning high jump-McLean, 00,moored Friday evening of lint week
tirot; Loud, '00, secondi; Armstrong, 'H1,I by a reception its Newberry Hail givetn

t nO, recei ved a ft osb spplv af Aiegretti, and
Wiliassand Weners Chocolates. Largest itlne
ithe city.
l4unedoes at alil lours.
308 5Southo State Street.
Hair Brush?
Was #Sit'.
Good bristles, solid backs, ma lc
to last and giye satisfaction.
Almost every shape that is sal-
able. 25c to $2.00. Medinm
prices arc better than cheapest.
Text Books!I
For every department in the Uni-
versity. Law and, Medical Books a
specialty. We can supply all your
needs fur the Second Semester' at
lowest prices.
Second-hand Books Bought, Sold
and Exchanged.
Best Linen Writing Paper 1f5c and
:fc per pound.
The A. A. Waterman Solid old Fountain
Pens for s.
Up Town Down Town
9. Maite sty Opposite Otourtiioote
Ann arbor main 8t.

piciously Saturday afternoon with the third, Hleight, 5 feet 5 inches. by the Hoard of Trustees, and termir:-
Freshman-Sophotmore meet, in which Shot put-Hodges, '00, fiest, Henry, ated last evening at Unoiversity Htall in
the athletes representitig 1901 woere putt 'i, second; Lewis, '00, third. Distance, an anniversaty address ibytRer. Johit
torsot by the score of 406 to 21. 1Inif2 feet 9 inches. II. :Harrows, D. D., of 'Thi 'ago, woe
every eventini which thc Sophomores Relay rare-Won by Sophomores, Mei- spokte on "Chtristian Victories isl the
bad errs entered they succeeded in Lcan, Pingrce, Htatch, iblc. Time, ,j6g Orient."
(tinning tirst place at least, the Fresh- 'ecnds. The rereption Friday evening nan
metn gaining the taoitits in the pole vault #nell attended by students, fariilty atnt
alotne. A larger crowd setver attended Real Facts in the Case, towvnspieople. Thse arrangeensawerre
an athleic event in the Waterman____ in charge of D~r. Moofher oil the part
gtttttasiotn ande enthsusiasm tan sigh. of the trustees, and Miss Htarriet V.
'liie'Board of ConroiS iafike the f,,l-
At the conaclusion of the civint MisHolier of the association. Hialf the
luig Official statement regarinitg the
Walker, iti a servytseat speecshton be-'cs fM.Wr uhs h a e guests wrt' received in thi' association
half of thte young' laties of ftseicontest- library and th'e others in HRoom 1. Art-
iettgy stspendedi for vioilag the ithi-
ing classes, stresemnteid itfine 'ilk bassr et iicrergutlattiotns:itng-Presidett Huttirts telpledutive
iii the victoriuis class. Mr. Holbmioikfcie
'tilt reptlieud in iehalf if thscali Te fails of the case at''tha t aveari Stra vnn heclbainta
Tfte first eveni, the 40 yardso datsh . ge, wie ttme ftecontinuted with short addresses anti ru-
coo called lptrsmptlya' 'llc ad be ted (if Control andtsietrttustetd by tine marks by personis priumitmetinl the
IfrvriyStisai with thedistciplinte;' w'ot'i. Proif. M. L. D)'Ooet, Presideti'o
ofthe tUniversity itt tll tattfers relat- ftshe oard of Trustees, tdelivered the
Cohtin, '00,'w-nuthflu ist h.i fivselingitoaftlefit's, tttie ptroposals toinii-
secotnds; MciLean,, '00, the seconud i iedc h ebl aae to liin' "Historiral Atiies." 'Tis wsnsvery
'f0uitthtlite'thirdtttti'ngr 4i tr-t55thorouigh anti'otinitedlall site Imaisort-
Mtitd.eorgeID. Sttart tthe t7iicrtly sa eal fIt soitls' soy
rcndls, and Ribel the fourth in 4 4-andeisoftesocto'shtry
as ahbse balliPttcer.et'. olt'. s i
sectonds. These four ran the fttnalin Hgesi President J. K. Harden, oit the assoccia-
which Ribsi and Jtihnson were tie for i'ttt sat h ctlisi i ion spoke upontt "The Asciration Tio-
efforts o ftpei'nt ade the batse call mitt-da"Thsepsidthinurtr'
lurst, Cottontand jocLean finishingsin dy"Ti mhszdteiprac
theorernaed E]elan Jhnonager iitt rinsg Hr. Stuart her'e, antd fur- it the endiowmenst platn. A dozuen yeara
then an of th dea hea, th forer ither said that h eiould futrnios somtet'ofagthnedoteasciinwsi,
adJ:ith ie moiney, ottd if that wete tot cutotugistulgtoa itrnttn inli
winntu eetn he foragbildithetacd aipfitsanen-itisfun005it
iwwnulditae sottfro'cheating thseofpereirm-
<nen if fast 'ear, when lice sittithe ovaoldtalesoemfost. tFiftuteoftneyears ago, wt
ev'entt obth thle Sophomore-Fresh-t- Atfhletit'Assoitioin and falsify the ar- 150 members, the yearly expensoes were
ciuttit s li itocaflu'h tri'ctoarnucf0;toawif tas'mtro if 01
mats and 'Varsity events. $0;tdy ih ebrhpo 10
The fBoard of Co('trlcif ritileIrrdfthisthextoe ts'$150
The 4O yatrd hurdles was run in three'thexassre$.50
aatis tffnelanict tMt Th spehs(fbis it.Hir
hieats and afnal, Mead, '00, srosnfeseiamcharosing pehs fbth:rf.lOg
the heast; flacnt, 'f1, the second, atid Mi'- fughes, asoveil as ifther mnenbet's of and PresidettMarden will its irintet
L~ean, '00, the third,.In the finaf Mc- h orwsetutdwt h uyinflinte.C.. luei.
Lean on esilyin a 2-5secods. if seeing thai the ruleo for purity atnd Muiwaredrdbytesoc-
l~ean etit esily n 9 2- seaods.rMuic tea athleticsIy fbire5obey'ed.
fIntshe half toils walk the Sopchonttmo mtursaiiutitissr feyd.ticcin Glee Club, anid short remsarks tatu
ie ihelped tt male ftse'tiles thatt lie
had things their own way, winintg ,IIt'cuiisctrss were indutlgedin iiby
finst atnd second places. hislpa twogngisitO alirominent f'ient . tioftse s. iC. A ront
Thehal mle otswa n-tt ictidlymutnager to hreakt, and cad the aicf bcen
Thcempaiflmedit ruotwad ho's haeetlyhisout citfitoetn. 'fhrtalkitt Alex:is An-
by Ltamb, '00, and Hayes finished well acopihdi ol aebe i gel, at.IDetrotit, teas ftse mtosenoyable
ahetid of Case for second place. duly lto bring abutsthe usltnishmnt o n h e hthdyeddt is esutt and calicO forth butrostt Ititighte-r anti
Halter and McCartney, boith it 1901, apas sh wl nhscaatrs
tarried nfl the places its the poile vault, I _____ion.__ f ir matter of tart nay wtlShstnsioros
thse height beintg 5 feet 1 inch. Republican Club Election. iticidents. Prof. fDelos Falls, cit Albiton,
McLeans took the high jump Ili easoy R___ er. A. 13. Storms and A. E. Jenintgs,
style, clearing the baritt 5 ftest 5inrhes. A h fDtot n lr 1 laoo
Loud, '00. was a good seconid, nith i Grantinagsodftha u'.no'fhutc. islth
Publian Club held Saturday minimg,
Lewi Arsfrsg, 01,thir I -i-e' fute trspeech-mnakitng. A. 11, Jenninsgs in par-
The shot put scent to, todges, 0,itim enflsimg' oyuear:ticular spoke of the earlys'torugglesttou
with a ptut of 32 feet 9 inches. Henry, Presidemnt, fR. A. Smith, '39 It cfittbtin cashm subsc'rifttionts, manyc ci
'01,wassecnd nd Lwisthid. Hrooklymn, Miecs.; first vic-president, towich were peituliar fur their pemever-
The relay race, as tusual, was the Mngmr ance and notuelty.
nmost exciting event, and seas mostMotmey W ser 9,ofona
sectond vice-presideist, L,. C. Cuampttonu, Letters were ale-t read at ftsis nmeet-
evenly contested, the result being in '5 ,o oee;sceo;, , in lg from President Angell, whio is ati
questitun right up ft the very finish. Thompson, '00 L, of Missouri; treasttr- present in the' country called "fUp the
The Sophomoures non ini the guood time NRile" ;fProtf. Spencer, of hFiseUtilver-
er, Robert N. Hyde, '9 L,oitGosohen,
it 56 seconds,.i h irtpeietohteasca
Ind. The election if delegates tofishy the fislreietoftmyisca
The summaries: ntoa oieluowt uspuit tion; Alice Freematn Palmer, of Botton;
403-yard dashi-Elbel, '00, first; John-PrsdnAamoWicsn;re-
til April 1.PrsdnAdmofWcuom;frci
attn. '0f, second; Cottfon, '0f, third. dient Slscumcut Kalamazos; W. H.
Tim, 4- scods.A ivly isusionarseove teotioms to appropriate $60 to reimburese Walker, cut Kansas, and many othera.
40-yard hurdle-McLeant, '00, first; the twelve relegates n-ho repiresented After the literary program an informatl
Mewld, 'Ott, second; Hachs, 'Of, third. rcpinwstnee oteget
l tie - eod.the club in the natisnal contention of rcpinwntnee oteget
1 Halt-toilseowalk-Woodruff, '00, first; college clubs hseld last July i Deft-cult. from sutside toswns.
Nortns, '00, :secod; ;Brookfield, '01, . My a close vote the club finally votedi The Daily wits be delivered the re-
Sthird. Time, 35, to raise the sum. noasoder of college year for $1.25.

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