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March 05, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-05

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" ' e 'r' I (A m re, V. J. 1oo H. Pres. W. ARVOc, st Vic-pren
p AATJo , n .WA, Asst. Cashier.
_ _ _ _._ A z , A s t . . - 1 1 S a in S . , a n 4 . S a t S . S t a t e - 8 a u l ln s - B a d l .
UNIVERSITY TEXT-BOOKS, Trnsacts a general Banking bsi
N STUENTS' SUPPLIES. C8,ax ~0~dy e(o 1teEusci
iLl Fountain Pens and Fine and Staple Stationery general banking s business.
,Iand offers all at the Lowest Prices. R lxrr rs. 0. oE.rGash ier s
Capital Stock, $500. Surplus, 8150,00.
y'jr ~ ~ Resurces $1,10,000.
3 /¢ Organied under the enerai Baniing La"s
of hi State. Rsceves deosts, byn and
sel xhneon the pricpicItie of the
United States. Drafts cashed upon proper
515 ftest St. caton. Snfty dpsit boes to rent.
5¢g Est Lierty tarimau VChie-Peon;FCla s . ilrscoek
asieran,.. cerites:Assistant a .siriaok
' pihone 10i. EST SERVICE IN TiE CITY. ___ash _________er___
__________________________________FIRST NATIONAL BANK8IWnn Ao
.. bi 1e ,'I Cpit Sl0,0 . Surplus ad Pct , 14,000
Fvtfraii y Tran ~ sacts a general bankin business.
ktrt k i La pS "Xp e sl 0S t ludentLs Us Poreig echne bought ad sod.Furnish
etters oi rdit.
is -heRciiestr, "ThuePa," "Til e Royal," "Phe Perfection." ;vice Ps'
Y.) The Berlin Student," all nickle pated, varying in price froiiis. W. CLAKStON. Cashier
$100 to $2.50 each. ( EAII c.
- g Every student should use0 Dean's "Red Star." it gives a tire . ff. MIAOR & CLX
eJ 1.whito light, is odorless and toes sot char the wick. 1eliv- The Artistic derators
ettd iii toy p.art of thle ity il our caiie at i0c per galloin. For Have a complete line of
r - = w -v Dstle Cilly by , Wal Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
_= i214 Soth Main Sreet. D A & C M N. Shades, Room Muldings, Etc.
Specialty of fine interior decorating
'We have just reCeiv d a Intercollegiate Notes. Charles traigie, of ritnn,'.;li, andl painting, frescoing, tinting and paper
- - han ing Only the best of workmu
--l~~eseTeple. f :iplionWs il1 ,Iepoyed Work garaneed.
large shipineot of IAl4a11 1 not 1101tNo;thwstern t r r-, tivlly train Wis oc os tr n
vcsrY n. cgrtrl t bse slend theibicyce temtsti'sea r. r ywl i C. II MAJOR & CO., -
.rtoiie hr n.wti tse fgin tlei- work next week.'i The Atiti Deortor,
telS mi~hndnnce; teeam.;andlo-Olhtleasing - - -_______--___
0 icur lbhe Western 1111;r olleoate 'fbi' a Oletie ecrniasob 11 r h LLau.Ue i nnial upr nTtetsibudf tCiaohli aIt- N
the artof he tudets s teTcuse ernnan iit.isc ille(toil be Isf L E
WAt~T ETR lamee.ing betof meilyallri s epr :u ts.Alrtudrtemi > erLADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S
(elhit;'i Thurday lb' 1(01sit totiW"113 o A. A. Stagg" in11d1l;;'odes Ils 1011
p] a ed,1eo;;;;t1110111dents and111l111tp 'athletes from th klUonil sil ocf (Chi- T I 0
1lt.dllwasl ;mad;e ot help. Tie epll c~le2I go le has seeo; er e t eelien-j Latet Noveltie in Winter
i515mols i nsinificant. 1.ii;;'ce lltii Ilof I 1tres 11 'Sn in orsi; , llini ;, Nrh-;( nd Spring Garnents.
the team a11d0el een; e;-e bsn heleneIsrtern, SMineot, r. d Nt11e _Dame)
F OR SPNG. ,only o11easri;;;ho5;;lllllprtoms e spport1111.linieriies fo tb e;;aly rel t CR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
'tb's;- s- {rla se ed It;take' seas;;;;tickets. light, owhi fiteen Ihiha l a 'i.r;- tos ek c stoIct'siversity.
good Sfor' igi;; 11111 l l ins. rto t ot'rnchoo.l'teaem s ill ;;;itlst nCft!iL - I.
the;lla; a I;hefess;;r ii. 5. Wi atevIsV; l;;.. OHI;.;l
o ards ts ' lnd;' a m 'eai
athlet e;;; o mit,'', ten;; o;;;;; asre11h ?- hrfnsai; ;;;r;e; 111
Se ,r te t o1e no;;teme. Wheter the 'halfnile rn, inlle r, hl-ml 'l, Central I.L.ines
nesess.;aryfind;s an;;ite-raise llii tie '75 yrs hurdle, rant lpt, Pettvsnt;;
New shapes in Vesting Tops, #lfttre ;is ariatter;;of dutbt. 'fhe highlumpindo o relay rutes. To Ie '%& o . liB, iT. lAlo. fy.
$3 00 ® sen; s m;;;;;rer Will notbe;;l le i;;'l Itrot;;; ee0ring the higes ;;aumb'r;of
$4,O' 00 , $5.00. start the spring training unlin 'anial pontsil be presented a slvr To 1£ 0 Only Sleepiig Car Line betweea
afair hae eenstrigtend ot st-dontedbyJosph eitr.f itoangThe oy Sleeping or Drawing Iooa
1i iator;; 1;t fle athleti ;eo tle. 1the trarka it1 ed eents swill coma;' te Car Line betweel Toledo, Colum-
'-____gyrnnotie e;;r Ietliot. bus, and Mait.
Tio 'or 'aty;; V e;a®itinrot-- -- -- 1The 0 ly Drawing oom Car Line
.DANCING AS IT SNIiOLti) - . 0 btt .en TldClmu n
N e,3Sta Sne m g a tron;ftor I;toceure .3.C. Art- 'tra vnigo -'tsgrs\d Cas t0opW. Va.
,nxeatlnilof'tie Cicago;Ntiioal Pullman Sleeper's between Colon-
$10, 150 2.0 l~~u oa; ~si t; aebl ythe Cieuareg;;n s il fu;rnithbu an Chic'go.
Fl,0 f $150, $i00.Leage ras to oach he hsebllnte fr atpoograin tft bettc. Tbe The Only Line with 4 trains oah
.;rndrdtten OsManger Militer o;ndolCatr-
cssates;are enow opie for tie t at seur- way da ly between Toleda and
01,i10G(11ggcare;'it;Chiago toay itote. Columb s
ester.Calii at the Acdemy ote correcte
viewng Anson. They ae authltoried to; The Only mIte with 01 trains each
inftorratin. Sr, and Airs. Ro;ss oay on ndayn between Toledo
Our entire stock of ofefer bun $700 orte teseastn;,whirl. isCageinr;trni;soh' yatl ndoicb.
w$ner00oeatarear tha;sn Pi ing eee it - 'fanytdancing The Only L ne with 5 trains eac
witrsosata ya.I Asni eurd ti n way daily' etween Toledo, Bowl-
ho;uedthts't;yeniotewil ANN ARBOR PAWN BRlOKR. hug Green a d Findlay..
- p Tur ttoMonete.I ledeite teey ionied n personal popety. he Only Ln e with 2 trains each
i Buy and sell ast-ert'lthig. Highest was d ily btenTld n
the tier, MCrikofel. ;t'~t no tt, price pa id for ed gold ad silver. 117 Charleston,"Va
-- ---- _--- _--- - will be oferedeth ie pla~c. Ann s, olosite Court Hoeuse. 1it The Only Dir,- cI Line between 'oloe-
do and the irginias.
T The popular In between Toledo,
.1________________ Fostoria, B yrus, Granville Cand
M C & CO FoFot YearsDE1 {SCEPTRE tl nuratiothnelaecto rates ieo
Shoe Deparment. ny aget ot OlCenral Lines.
Has been smoked by college men and is to-day, a LEADER Moulton H u, G. P. A.,
Rear 1st Floor, as a pure, mild, sweet mixture for the pipe. Toledo, Ohio

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