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March 04, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-04

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A '

W. J. BOOTH, Pres. W. ARNOLD, IsO Vice-prey
J. V. SHEEHAN, 2d Vice-pres,
Jag ay, O iJOHN C. WALL, Asst. Cashier.
Saturday, March 5th State - Savinpos - Badl.
Transacts a general Banking busi
KNOX I Sw ell ness.
CHRISTI]E II 1 '1IIL i t.in

HAWS i .5 1. U.Liej os Meineand ciuon Streets
A...VI E Capital, $50,00 Setps, "'0,000 Trassact
INV TE -- -- -- - -gesesl b. ohm, taneT,
T ok n 513.KF'PF Pe.r. IE ORIEN, Vice-Prs
CjOODS EED S? T~Ossn.ss. I.SusEsseCasher
____________________________________ Capital Stos,,0. Surplus, E150,00.
ofv 0eorcs 1,100,,
Organized under the Osneral taning Laws
1of this State. Receives deposits, busy and
, M S 9 L IV E 't$DV sels exchange on the principal cities of the
1Rr/j jL'Unieted States. O)rrt cashed upon proper
L. 9 Identficatio. Safety deposit oes to rent
GFIOrrcno: Christan Mach Prs. W 1D,
S prin g ! Harrimna, Vice-rs. Chas E. Hiscock,
5T5 ast ibety S. iCashier: ht. .1.Frt Assistant Cashier.
ihnc 106l. ST SEVICE N Tme CIT. FIRST NATIONAL BANKiorganied 863
Captal, $100,0. Srpis ad lret, $40,0
lyi I (Trasact a coreral baning business.
loterssf rdtli.
<. ., k i Lam ps IIxpressly T Stu4 deuts' U se{ E. I. KNF. rs ARSNtk rs ieP
"Te Rocester,"T1he Yle,'-The Roa," "Thle Perfection," C.H ® CO
"Tlls'Berliii Student," all iicklopated, varing in rice froii .It AOR&C.
OI$100 to $2.50 each. Tie Artistic derators
t TPv<ry sttdent should usc D'own's "Red Star." t gives a purei'HSave at complete line of
wite,( light, is odorles anti does nt lar te wick. l>liv- Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
stool iiiaiiy part of the city iii our caoits at tc iper alo. aor Shades, Room Mouldings, Etc.
saleol b
IDJ SA.NI & COMPANY. Specialty of ine interior decorating
We have ;]11t1received aI214 South Main Streetanin. Olyesg ing n tinbeting arkndae
large shipmetnt of j UNIVERSITY NOTES Harvrds New Boat Huse empoyed Wiork guarateed.
yrs ti i i lit It Hnicivsinew55btliss C.lfl. MAJOR & CO.,
'sottlsysf(''tiiIi 55 eilios Siths's-ksbionetsiss The Artisti [)cortor,
WRIGHT, PITRSI Col, hel wU 'i\'s'olcl s'te tsItsit"n 1fSol'at ssF'. 1o.'have.si
drin ' he Iiveity aittis w eek. estimat.sedlc'stel o tebuiildingin lud-is L-
Tbsire' sill b 1aatt' at'nisg i' tels'. it' iss founastliioslitsnot lts.s,$2(ME'
C.A',I-li.'i'i1) I 2sAliiRepubl05(ican lto ititit 555t55t55555055. TCh'osspat's ioide otssssfiog i ILADE' AND GENTLEMEN'S
at \.0iNwbs's'sy Hal o lt' lot' tu.12t0 foi. Th'r'owll bItsxasicy0 {W ino fiesfrtefloin a he ~ ih ae hls wfraT I O
1 f; ot silt si tin Is' -tl i n as act- cisi'Isho sh inalgl t ), ' htaIis', i t'
.rs atttes t is's'for meinsiniHaisriti tglet.s issi f o f * i5ht. Is i c Itil Latet Novelties in Winter
b i'tsst't 'I5:5 55,i'iatstll o iis~ Hi' Ot usc T- e' ii and Spring Garment.
F Rsubjet,' is ''''. 2,Itle'tits'a :,fiChisi- itisssciiill s'onstais a large- 'ro5om Iior s-
FO .SPRING- lnt. i±mcie adtoiinpral csis'ts, tn block wtst it iniersity.
T' L. sit'A[.. A7h 5stil ct'l('h il s o lm ls el c i'o o torthe ib vrsiotity ce, '
______________ siithrso ker:asis Aais' iii'dsoisisioTmpllsle otoos Vithoatsi c.ssso s, o ties otoit. ... I. .
Sturdaiy o'v'enissgist 7 :0. Al t shu~tudent Ott o gineial tis. 'Thro ilb
S0. eo t. iocitbocs (fit o'sth sif ac isvie oalarge io ceedi'ibatlonty exedmgte Central Lines
tend. sI l it ' iiihe lbildigon ho w trb
Topilsid . T.'e.'se 'odslowis to bei hats' edsls
New shapes in Vesting Tops, i)A.\NiNtl AS IT Sliul 012 l. ~T sii~ tl a r . . l.ey. X Ot11.ly.
$30,$L0 60. sossesSiale'u wiorttiiantiousidettishilbwill beL cy The Only Sleeping Car Line between
much lilke that of the preset Locksr Toledo and Coltim'bts.
i muic fr a rogrm ofdancs.lTe sBilig. wie the isietilal bei li The Oly Sleeping or Drawing Room
classe',are.o otiei' fur 5 ths-last er- Car Line between Toledo, Colum-
stihel.1lirAaliiOto0505.cathebd througot. Ibus, and Marietta.
inTihei st Sc.ibo iat bi s teowcodidtdy hoeuac- 1The Only Do'awing Room Car Line
infrmaiocMr can tas ssilousi te ptos cotimisi~n o- between Toledo. Colnnbus and
NTew 3 trap SandelG's c angeri ts~siEsisitin oitsty' 5'aidsil pccits wtk.The new dike w~il Calson V a
s71Ifnoyt '1 tctg.tpstlibsbly bI>fOis'olstintsSetsme.ac.,nPullman Sleepeoc between Colum-
$ $1.60, scud si thte bildinieingtbegu ele bus and Chicago.
$.0$1 0t$2.00. ANN ARBnOR PAWNilt2OXFbR. folloitg oospringill iwa'oorant is sue- The Only Lin. with 4 trains each
Mey oanesisdoiesal propearoty. pleltionsi tatie fott hcaitisnin iig way daily between Toleda and
Buy and sl ast-sib' cislotig. Highest! Colmbus.
Al C Fied's ilinolelo at te Ahen The Only Line with I trains each
p rice paid ftriao1diCgold andsi cic. 17 Teaeri'oStday stenosiisoileet- way on Sundays between Toledo
Our entire stock Of Aon st., osasil(iti or0 Hius', IIi Sgand Colnmbus.
wontl' soes t aThe Only Line with 5 trains eachu
wintr shes a a°way daily between Toledo, Bowl-
q ppp *^+ Shut Y ur yesing Green and Findlay.
Shut Your Eyesi The Only ine with 2 trains each
P.~ 't7 'I'O ~' uAndosao oorway daily between Toledo and
An amyor selections fromou Charleston, W. Va.
The Only Direct Line between Tole-
,............................NEW NEGLIGEE SHIRTS do and the Virginias.
The popular line between Toledo
C K CONFostoria, Bucyrus, Granville and
St>s (1-2CoNt5,FTE;. PIt) AB P tlEr'S. Newark.
,YIA K &-OFurll ifomation relative to rates,time of
trains, etc., will lae cheerfully furnished by
Shoe epart ent.any agent ef the Ohi Central Lines.
SheDprmn.WAGNER 1& COMPANY, 'Moulton Hok, G P. A.,
Furishr 1st Floor. 23 South (lain Street. - - - Frihr Toledo, Ohi

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