THE UNIVERSITY OF MIlCHIGAN DAILL1 Closing Out Sale, to Make Room for Our Spring Stock NECIKW[AR... GOLF HOSE... SWEAIERS... Pulls,1.00n-and5 os, 9c $2.00 Scotch Hlose - - - 1 (a $.50 Pure Worsted, - - *4.o AlPuf0f ni' heAsos, 4-in-59cs,$5.00 Scotch Hose. - - 1.405 $450 Pure Worstcd, 5 4O Imperial Strings,- ------39c $1.75 Scotch Hose- - - 1.25 $ 400 Pure Worsted, -.- .01) Adler's Fine Eug1shs, Out-lea=' Cloves $1.33. We guarantee ouer stock and staued back of everythiug Ne sell. TIWEKTHIS WEEK .. KINDERGARTEN, laeH ost CAFING DISHES, i FULLER & BERANEK, SThe strings would notbra'alanSeUs so freqluently, '0youar ndSe s. 50'CLOCK 1TAILORS '~wotldtilast longer!iit IUl~lTHE PHIOTOGRAPHER TAWETLS o£emrk calle fr amd Rep 11011, S was protected by F5STArr 5.1 oer P Iosy't CASE. We have arts TleoneI!1o1. ANN AthUI? ry ,.z o1d.. 111115( ~axPoe n24 Ntsae extra large stock that moics move. Ask for ( P I DsR)PUG 1 FZ ; 0". xMARTIN, ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO.P rR DRccot -COat~I-i (ILIN ANI) HURON Ttl'i:7le I balmi: ,. 01 iaty r 205-207 E. Wahington St. Is fthe place to hey Iho >echng Instruments and all thieg netded tot NIt) '00 4 ousia - I. cs S N Bacterology, JPathology, Histology, Etc., Et. Ambulances e rdy ~PRICES RIGHT.leseneI11 ca ANN ARBO CAN FU;NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CL.ASS. 1C lna.At the Athens i orers for all tFraety tilyerhsFlt Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5,1807. MarnIte , letc. Larcel ax AnAborte TISLHE TABLE:Ctonecr, ( tin Uivelriy S81.1.1(1of JMsh-. "''ssoe 1 1(100( of 1Yle,' asi ttlliil( 1 il at 101 1 'ili 1111 Trains leave Ass Arbor by Central Standardi1S.eWlltk nti on aoadi, Time. isaurflay, Mar I115t 2:A5 p.In-. poh- farc(, ful io f ne 1111'I'1 o f 1! 15 "'1'! oht readiguat aoo iam( II 'Ix.e c Noumn. ( oT.1, tt(0So(illololeInor cl Pi Me ttls e vis51 10 edl -inauons (0and(( i(II"i A. J .Johnston. 8:93 a. m. 7:30a. m Wa (erieasot Cy m i lea .1 iai - iili.b !iba- le "I2:15i. i. 11:255a n rp mtirs w ittb Tihte M t 44ep. m. An :0p i. hrday, Marh 17- atr-ic Trck..otni s ic oeh't.atbilr e'da (ir: rn to U. oN. Shaving Parlors adlBah Rooms 'iRls between AnArbor ansf birds only aMOtinisWateas (l tyle .1011111 E. 8, GIiMORE Aget New STrtaied Chicago comes lto thir 32 SOUTh STATE STREtT. W. BIBENNETT . P. A. Toledo 0O. 'i .AteMarch 10 -lila!ndar-! I I l11inext I Olise s ieall air, Iirocel"11eliclatre in_____________________ irerolfy 1 llbbee'b:1c- Duesty (1110 Ic0. ,1foeodJcllOrtcololol witheitso iri-ifll (11'eof 1-li(5'li il-__________e_______ MCHIAN CENT AL 1,1he-facly (f Ol Stater I (icet11I bra-tcing tEi 11 ( .10lrdii, htouwo Ftlii- -a4--" The Niagara Fala BS ouute.ri"yib i. ic~ b11(.1 cobloe 10 Lowney's Chocolates Central Stantard 'ine. scbedule propeoie-f li t rtt e(1 i l tOi t' is10' thlelyo .\lliiy 1and11 ('oll ap TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR I eG0,r' olo11't'ic' ~t' rece e'lelca(1 a-.)TI) tAO!. W sWtae t aru . A a[>111l1e05lit 'Pt000tt1det.lht Ibis S I W -C. .eT* 'FIIJJ0IVLES, t~ Mlail and Fs-.t .1140 ,aN Y (ei-i swl o bs alfrt1 .U tls h FFA t .' j A L'R TS fy uvs N. Y.,peit i .458 Mil Ie(o elfc11 0 oe18- . ~~l~.T'1 ilIALEiEIi o ih 'N. 5.Limited 5-8 1 l'aitrE - 210 atceeliec leiiic0( . r (111c Eastern Eu.---- 947 .. m te sadutdii. lcn 1p l ctn X- aM. Weter xFe 1+is - O.N.Express_...5a05 C f.eit.e&r .Ex -555ssNOrTICI1cat1o . 'hie- (,(( 11of ulr1011 1,5 e Atlantic Es.. 55 i 30 o 1i. INt. Exl- 47(I(15" 'f lt1sti 11 G. R. Expres 7t10 All flale'ilitirs s eltsreli sml -, *Northl Shore Limited isuanexoeafair tanie (stelo hav iter urra- IAli c- n-ise i' - I to beacbarfoof a3'1.0 to New Yorb taon 01admiiatlin fe (l1'fc.elors ;111(1 IAiD ,D ('_ANN El..AN!) other trains. - Ho~r 10osettoIathel-lIn l oalie- (11L S C~I. O. W.1(cssr. s, I.1. IlAve, is hfrwiocde (i. 't 1 l l h be exalum _d id tol- AND CO4 .K G. P.&ST. Ao., Cicago. Aft.. Ass Arbr ,oto eoeWdedy Ith7 they t(.,til 010 entu!insb tatiii! .1 tree TIE BUCKEYE ROUTE. 11(001 Ibtl 0(11{1(1. Ill- ST'.AEBLE.i"R, ---- ----_- book . iul r1 l ondIlily WOihoutthmii 111tv(111 1j .Wshngtn1 tret ' on0 3 COLUMBUS HOCKING VALEY ANDTOEDO AWAY ,'MIC'HI AN ESANS I O 1)P1D . ('el i.<0010 d0,IT(1t If (lel t Is the only line from Ille'ToleoiUtnioii--'01d(.ro1ve raoa -cvex IIff1 001 1111I ,n;t. (I 1 (hr. ieilr I x:o' r 10111ir.iis 111 ili~ lti I. usinniton0010butarni poinitsbeyondl, 0.007 itiler otDivisonas 01 ll. Is P- z~ lttr1";tani-il "t- ti-, lx 11011'!ii,,tl , .0 w~_ using IUnioni s t'oamn- sttof caip.10 l.glt! ivath0 111(0ift , lI- 11111, has asid runsefour (tast epress t-ains 01.lhrtrCalll11O,,an0e(1w1,511x1(inc(t(11& 1 daily beweena (le Ponts named, twieof '(tlaP. -'I'. ." ~.Rc,llf if r1(1(i111(1I ilII ,11 1( l511 r A. G. SPALDING +&gBROS. them in lhe un-precedeuted ime' of thre bouro. Parliir cars on day trains-, seats 21i l22SiDivisionC 0. - (9 I (ils i15 S081-10 slr e. "Te N ume- iith e o r.teru ceent;Plmas sleepers on nititrans. I4_____________ - Officil Otfitter o it he trading College, Alb tudents d' sIring unequaledlfaciliteso bO0'N)-A .flllril 10I1 It t 1110cni r"- f)ST -Ill 1a110 Olil' ' i II yrit si (Ii ot0 ei Cb nd chool Teasof he U. S. are invited t luse beh e ley R on tend -EvrIR q ste ito 1 .111 al, tan obtain fll particulars o aispl~ieation jI oi l al, Fe.h. 2 The 1'llr i .1 111t".onlic l' tsa go l d 0111ring1(0 (1th (il Ev0 i- iiety RBic Spo t ii for J i u. e1a.:"t. DAta 1oN D)is. ]asp. Ageet, Toledo; or 1 _tu _furthisnotie _C011Vl____ 1* +t I t ose. 1117 I Aotedf by Naloel 5. O"M ior, '(ilrttr litd The DtFlRSi,0Pai 0 . TmIaily willA be delvred rho re- I - -.CiIlrtii C7olumbus, - - faoBllLnfatRla hahder or nolle ryear-for Stiefrth al.Mls, ~e~ o eo bCobp fliE SPADING CAINLitSS BIYLES S'I-TE SPADINC BLEL RACER han M 8' . 1 p I g ^y- HtSPALINE ROADWIIII 1-1 SOleLS, $Athens= Theatre $~ iest School o Dancig Seoul for IlusratdlCataloge of all 'i t ST lT a irEVPIiI ,ltAli tIlt lt .A. 6, SPALDINI & B O . SATU RDAY, MARCH 5, '9 ! $4 UNTIL MAY 1st, 2 LESSONS PER WEEK. Now York Philadelphia AFTERNOON AND EVENING $ Program party ee Saturday eenngwith orchestra mui. Chicago Washington OFCL: 4SIT Thisupon I AL0.FED ENOCH DIETERLE, MUSICIANS USE Colored Ma1nsrels N. EIBALMER AND FUNERAL. DIRECTOR.(® Besimer Stol Mnoi n No. ii16East Liberty Street: Reidece t53o3 hrc o' B~rn e PIE:South Fourth Ave. Pone129.on Mand olis Marnd ms T "COMIN-Iiss Francis o e, #Man- Yale Me- .. BAL, HE POTORAPHR.114i West Libery t, Ans Arbir da, ar . .+* * WSIGTNBOK AN RO