g qqq ,, , ,qq f f Nchoas (il in 1549; a large volume of '
} of . :J iJ . t f, llusratd cins, and a gegrabl b
Johnf*1.inerat ,dted 1807. Ayby' gentlem an's hat...
Publisbedi Daily (Sntlays excepted) dring University Club of New York.
the Cotega ear, at-
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. The wpor k an ihe new (lab eouse of0
the L'tiversity flab, f New Yrk, in hev ' aM
Orrice: Times buliding, 3il9m5. Male St. be- T e 1 Y ~ ~ X t I
asesn Libryerty and Wiliam Ss. lprogresing very rap dy. The coilege
_ MANAGING EDITOR seas of eighteen aof thOsttuttiot.,
J. F. THOMsAS, *0 L. rersetntedt in tteclab ate to be cutt
BIUSINESS MANAGER in ttte marbtletpaels n the an .sid1e oaf NwSpig\tlsrosov
. IH. HANS, 'to L. the bilding. Te eolleges relpeseatedl
EDITORS in ord er(of their seniority, are: liar-
11. B. SaniwaN, '58 L., Athletics. e
E. L. GEISsiE, '7 L, .0D. Ile~tnTT,'. ((5, 166; Yale, 1700; Pennsyivatia, Price 3"uu
LI7Ts.t LAMB, '0. T. R. Woonnew, '5. 174; tPrinceetan, foundteed as the (College v
. CA1XMBEtLL, '00. A. CAMPBELL, '19 of Ness Jersey , 1746, Calumobia 751;
F. RaNoLIAn, '5.
_________________________ 1,69;___ illiam,17.14; , Unien,,1796; aHtsain-hInBlack, iM~alta, Oak, Cedar, Browns-Colors Fast. If you wear a
CEO =ilt((l, 117;.tUnitd States Miliary Iall'EIIsAI you'll agree with us-mnany others have-that it's the bet
Aae'(my, 1802; Amabhest'.1,biand Tr(I 1'.$;).00 hat imanufactured.
The subsciptas price of the Daly is S25
for the college year, with a regular delivery iy, 182; Crneol, the Unliversity of
before noon each day. Notices, commusica- wYokAn,
tions, ad other matter intended for publes- ( ' ar, lbs and seth< Co(llege
ionemst be haaded isatab Daily office be- ' "
fare'd p. i., or mailed to tie editor before 31 'f the City of N eseYark. the l tfa rf. ~
P. i., of the day previous to that on which b1m ;tunder1((tel nt (v-lve Esesr1v11)
they are expected to appear.To eI
Subcriptions may be left at Tile Daily Th'l Unsivel'sialy 'f Paris ecesa
Office, Meyer's or Stoffet's Newstad, ore
with Buinless IManager. Sberibers wiliestr- I'.511-aeit n sttrllel'ioIllstudtls'lliO he I.11
fer a favor by reporting promptly at this
office any failure of carriers to deliver paiper, pres'-etdlte, bterer grter seoa is g t'l
1111total (f 1,o151. elin falaosa i(('101
Somne Rare Books. 62; V\'baat a 7,021,;Sadrid, 1,13; X\apl ',
',0fAosoax41,lav S ihT ioloer('eeoIf are' ld booksll, no I (74stud(ents, is ite("(athsith e51'it
more5 intrtl''intg'Ia colletion((is5tol be 'buttteeds a theI lreAmeicalt'(ti'l-
found. thtatn that If the SMue'y""oll""-'tics. Oxford ps" t y 1,7(10(5a",tiaidae
titsinthe(General Libtery. Atnt2,studenl~lltsl. The teaL 5(1 y III t-
teanl aid tLuthter Bible, tnilltltldets to cll'ongregte' ill te nolatc p
copies1 o(f Vigil, Atlases, ret., wsiltie t tlts is aInotiteab'eltli'feture osf ussssi s-e
were obtainled by w.W. 1M'urttphy awhensit y1101e1in Eturope Ltldr~ eing11 'hy I. 'm
1. S. c'onsutl-geeral t rnklfart o-t-,otglo"eleeptin istisraes.
the-Alaisn, and aweretbqteathted bts'i1111(1 '
to1 t'eltis'ersity'. Mrl. Mephy ws~s li~(tleitsaio lltl l
not i1,000, hsatbeen givle'llIll(t'l l eitltt
dt~ h boysi~s gs'aduate, tiatlit h
(ssed. hia;11oyhooad intt W abtelaws
Tlse 550(5 (f T.~~t I~lllast
atrat the assal (berere's -(((elt at IF YOU RANT THE BEST
li ibeaue(i tei ewin 17 FRATERNITY STATIONERY, A thens Theatre
tnsTholettwspntdi 4 }at Vettie' (7byFranis oe tleilburtn i - BADGES OR PINS
Niehlabs of Frankfart. Thaugh tnea117y Snd to
fltrand aaprtercnit ntsaold te SMITH, STURGEON & CO. M A C H 4
((((eb areiperf etly' wit' and thsian t- 37,2, 794711Woodard Ave...loinil. M < i t i ti t
lmg dstincsst. The 1c81(7 1f1Vrgl ts of DBs'sgsis and estimates trsisisetln allwor1lt
most15intesti to Miehigatnstdentsa saofathils Lid.
edited by Jaohn Friies its 114 rsaius ....g
wsant aneslar(I PofI'O stree,swho
((5 on1 risae'tiled tile elai ithe lt it
SI ty - niisrtdaoi elee~il Stupenldous Undertaking Co leted!
A toply f thesoNrlsbtg C0 oncie
sated 1493, belosgs to1 the eletions.
it s- n ilutraed ore rureentng The last volumnes of thGe'Warner Library are now on the press and will soon e rsady for delivery.
the evol'tio(n of thte world acecordtisg On the delivery f the finished work, tile present club rates will be witldrawn anti the publisher's regtlar
tol tie idas of that day. The illtsts'a- prices will prevail.
donlts are prinscipaly itsltbriht elo,-("', These are the regular prices: These lare the present prices:
whlichs ave 1(ost none of thseis billiancey Cloth edition -----------4* 3.50 per vol. Cloth edition----------- 2.35 per vol.
with years, The wrtk is writtennire5old quarter Russia editoin.-- 400 per vol. (Qarter Russir editiou- -- 2.65 per vol.
Latiss. Anoher interestinsgswork as Hlf Morocco edition.--- 5.00 per vol. Hlaf Morocco editio-_ -- 2.90 per vo.
tn atlas 1f thle world, printe'd y tiso Full Morocco edition- --- 6. 50 pen vol Full Morocco edition---- 3.90 per vol.
faos P Ilasntin House ins Anieerp in NOTE THlE DIFi FIRINO
A61 vanbeThe n 11505Ots library may be now secured for almost half the regular prices and it is only tos evident that intending'
Atluble t was lrontS'd ~;at Bs purchasers will save mioney by p °lacing their subscriptions now. We cannot impress upon the professors andn
thecolecton I wa prntd a Balestudents of tie University too strongly thio fact thaF the present low price will NTOT prevail much loner aid
in 1118, and inseioned in east morroers that prompt action is necessary.
siths brass erners and suplied wsith The plan and scope of this monumeital work, its scholarly character, its wonderful variety and readableness
a leavy tlasp. t is illutrated and ass and its immense educative valsue comnmends the Library to every lover of literature.
exceedingly rare work. Probably.ite Professor Wenley says: "It is a work at once entertaining, useful and wonderfully accurate."
moeo otdse k nnotedlctonis boshfesr 'Ogeitss"hewothea hoe ilIoeleeeeatouciooitelstalpifinadplasr
olid Luther Bible, printted at brankfort PrfsoDogsas Th'wrasawoewlIbleebeaoucofitlculpoitndpaso
to any who may be'so fortunate as to possess it."
its 585. It in fully iliustrated in blak
and whiite, and bound withs original
board covered with stanmped vellum. The Anti Arbor Office of the Lirary is at 318 South State Street, where the first twenty volumes
Hleavy brass clasps and brass cornetrs may he examined and where subscriptions are now eing taken.
protect it.,s o ro 1
Among thers in the coetintiare The attention of the readers of the Review of Reviews is called to the eight page advertisement of the
thse "Chronfile of France, edited by Library in the current issue.