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March 03, 1898 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-03

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W etmore0. J. ~oom. Pro, 00AsonV~o,it Vce-pe
r__ ei 0 WeJo~i . V st. Cashd icer.
.....16 . Min t. an 34 S Stte tStat' av- s - Badl.
_--NIVRSTY EX-BOKS Transacts a general Banking busi
IHAS R41L INES of NTE BOOKS, and rmrn . ediun ri# ink
(STUDENTS' SUPPLI.ES. Uor. Maian;and Huron ztreets
Fountain Pens andciFine and .Staple Stationery Hene s I aban opushuuiuTansacta
and offers nalat the Lowest Prices. I+'nrsemo rs iCahier.LVcoP
Capitl Stock, 850000. Surplus, $150,00.
H7 Lrf (A ' .57 -L®/ -.! Resources, si1,10es
14 ..) Organiedndr thoieneral Bilunigaas
I I.-1 - of this State. Receives deposit s, b y n
sols exiange onthe principal cties of the
United States. Drafts cashed upon proper
515 Mst Liberty St. B~dentiC rsi anE. aftoy deposIt oos to rent,
Ori®u: h ist Prs.; 0. D.
Harrimn, Vie-Prs.;Chas E . Illiscoc,
illse10. BEST ' TI CITY. Csher; 5. .. Frito Assistant Cashier.
______________________________________FIRST NATIONAL BNKrArbor ds
j atials, 100,00 Surpus and Proit s 0,55
pL~ s Expressly St~udents'UseI Trasacts abu gotoralbnking business
1R ,j O~ 4," Iuse or ig u exhosco boandold.Funs
lesirs of redit.
"Te efRtii . i. INNE, Pees. HARRISON ViceLrE'
pTie Berliiin5stident," all ickleo plated, varyinig iniprice frsni ( '. W CLN KO.Csie
$1.00 to $2.50 ech,.g
i ~~'OIL F c1ysuetsol use iDean's " ReI, Star'It gives a1 pure C. I. MAJOR & CO,
s hieliht s doles n dtsno ca te ic. ~li- The Artistic deorators
Brdin any psxt of the city ini out' caits ;at leopper gallson. For Have a cmipete line o1
D BA & C ~ P N ~- Wal Paper, Paints, Oils, Window
214 Son_ DEANain CStreet.'Shades, Room Moldings, Etc
Specialty of fine interior decorating
We have just received a1 UNIVERSITY NOTES. I I ;g eeupe sit 'c hef c.,.1painting, frescoing, tinting andpaper
i- --''' ; "V's"',lm + ls hanging. Only the best of workmen
lagpe Sltsent Of FEC;iiiCal l L,i, isti'i; insl cempioyed.iWorkiguaranteed
t rlnilteU lI;;'' ity io '; r okC*. MAJOR & CO.,
rV ETERSi 1& t- ' l ciii'ns.An ItrsigMaazine h
'Ibis t ci -;n drat 1'i iuietie015 i i clii; K L E
ilhswilb t istif li isorb : ii lii,
et me e5T t cise ii lie Iiisci; i r;ois It ..ithe ico ~o nsel si.l ix;; HLADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S
irU' At ry5l swre lre c 1 'lioilesitslls cses is es-ild ryd T I O
Iert Le siil e ltctiseid;of'li.ir'ceel' Latet Noelties in Winter
114 IlL ite, ori it Iset I s;; . s 'iie in;' this ilel si's'cici in e i;, hile! and Spring Garments.
,'I th'ibl 117Sr____wilrsen
Thei;; rl i eisily itii'ieiy lices i OR. WILLIAM AND MAYNARD STREET.
R SPILING ' Sir. Ii,'. ihwiii'sby the n 'j i;is;cs tii ' Oe block wit f tniversity.
is'~ ~ toit ,r~si.elhosen matter, a Cenraldine
New p i Vesengaop beautifueli'iilllietrationsi e;;;;i~e' ahe s.. H O .
$~3'~o $4 I luuiilst O ttoe is Il ;';ie".4t; ilsi" li I rti;'; hu, 'InE3 nr
sef;;tial teoice' 1111,l5iceiiiisg I 5 t ike 's i flhser ITi .5lii litClT entralsgLooi Cre in
" "Jseh eir.tew etpn, il hli i slr i tll" y "AI bten T ld, C itnu n
to ~~ c Qi~~icags. 1 V4Si Rise Oi ~lt ntI~ing- the' FrO im nSepe ewe oos
aIisl'i ii li IllS iseahgl'r L ~e i V . l :i os; T e O l ise wt ris ec
eW & f i etn fp, m soigthe i es [ rif ii he i ofT.ti"'~siig'b 5 .liufrs o h ou b
tyIi) u ieiii i; as 1'l'lliei iiil u 'e';'i i I;'icThe rOnl. y.Linewith . Rais .ac
wic 1 hoe atach s;o sse li; s i; s tusses't orNew cuterhs ii s1i Lori; ydi-rTeO ly bteen Crne eotBw l-n
Clir 55 mm'lirdllig 'ec' a; i'"One 1l5eiiliStoisle" ing Greeand l ayu .
rdus,,s ilsst h''~eui'e si i;'es ' 'The OnlyFlingwth2o r iss eaoh
here; mlrid ililili. Uses tAhe lest'i- wayCar ily between Toledo andm
ggs,,~ . rrsxtceeil l mn lhss r;soisthuL. y i th th e eSihrle is iriby lak 11e;; ro b s, C dharreston ta.
- _____ Sfcsl l t i n 'sc ef iee, il tesp enig iliste.The OnlyDrectwine beomtee noe-
I Drr y at t tt eThe ilp opua iebenTledo ou bs ado
Str p S nd ls s oeaedon hiago httigOutofa y ch", y \ S hEn- FPul ioma tioneep rselt e n o ste, hne
11 . . r e (t~rdlr.ofCh c t ~a} 1,nean Awee f:) cirgobumsanetC.,ibcherflyguo. he
IDto rtmeoHasbbeenrGOLDENVSCEPTRngy ThentlofLthe whio4Cetraiineac
smokh gada ed by te colgem;"3en ad st-yCals 'as a yLE diMo lonbetukenGToP.da.,n
Chr 1tFloadla pu r, mid ,et mtue reiforvethe pipe.uday btweToledot


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