THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Published Daily (Sunays excepted) during the Clego eerat THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN OrricFc Times buiding '29 S. Main St. be- twenu Liberty and William St. MANAGING EDITOR J. F. THeOAS, '0 L. ISLSINESS MANAGER . i.hANs, 'IS L.. EDITOR 11. IB. SossMs-A, '90 L, Athletics. E. L. GEsunoz, '3 L - Mo-Idnday BUTLErs Lu, 'O, - Toeday G. D. ftoecv, 'OS. - Wedneday fT.R. WOOneenw,'5, - - Thursday A. Curnee., 'ii, -- - -Friday 1. A. CAcoreeL, '5, - - - Satrday The sbcriptin price o the Daily is $2.50 for the cellege year, with a regular delivery before sees each day. Notices, communica- tions, and ther matter intended lee publica- tion met be handed in at the Daily office be-j fore S p. in., or mailed to the editor befre 3 p. in, f the day prevos to that n which they are espected to app ear. Subscriptions may be left at The Daily Office, Meyers or Stoffiet's Newtnd, or with Business Manager. Suberibere will con- fer a favor by reporting promptly at this office ns failure of carrier to deliver paper. The selecion of Mc. aimes flgg as footbal captlinieis oceSiaL meets with great favor. By his log exerience and coiscientiotus work Mr. togg ix- eminienty fittled for this reosieh position, cd thic Dily has no fear thact if (ilereminidr of (le temifol- lows tier exailitle that this leader wil set, the seasoii will cd with n ci- viable reeoid. S. L. A. Tickets onr Sale. Tiikts are oii slo today for (le students t~ecire Cors: 'lhs open- ing enumer iwilibhrbytiyeii'eloeuent Senaltor Wiliaoile. Msoi, of Iliiius. He is a nan ii (le plirille of life' tni foated far ad wide for hlis tbrilieant witty addresses. Net cons (lie SlayioGiaiiilCo- crefCo. onl Oct. 30. Te fact that Max Blendix io tie vioiiest aone Dolres thle succiss of their eitrtailini('it. Iloa. Wealace Bruccomiies Nov. :>. M1r. Brulce, while conul 10 Edihturgh, wvas tile most calet for of anlyie- turer ini Scolanid. Oii Nov. 1e6, le faoulls Dr. Noscti: will aisper. It. is so mich talket of thiat (le aliuosocelent cit his euiilog inseres ia crosweed 'hono. (isv. Roeret Tayisir, ose miiescc. conies'De. 3. liii' souhern sioudets iii therUniviersity cree colliaistie over tlov. Taylor and pronnechiimii (c "trinice cit Lecturos" in(iia sutll i. Oii Jaii. 22 te l iways wecoume' ie- lnd TI. Pioiercs wil giseonoiiof thl- cti'nmiliig cotxtainmect. Preo. Booker 'T. Wasliingtone ii briiaint ooi'ed orator and trsideh't ef Tuskegee Norieal and eIdnostril Ineltilute, wilel delier Is exeedioge"y fielecture oii "Slsing te Negro Proleml at Tskegee. Febt. 23 Sonscs, lihe' best knoen iLudothe(iccotinei'nitwill oppea. Atli iS1, occuris (le aniiua ororoi- cl test't anedlon ArtlSS te c et.- chses with Oil 'addresoleayHon. J. h. Borton, of Kansces. Mr. Brtoii h- Ciei well kiown lst fol as anii ri- qnuent iolitical seker. Siice liea' ]]is snversonOithe stuilip hiv'rbero omtchi in deoioed. S-e will ake pant in the inayoi'alty contest in News York city. Token all in all the corse is dout- less our of (le est ever offered here. Thenme iihr of tickets espokeni for iL> sery large'and11 lllineireiolesitl to a most siecsfl season. SECOND GAME A TIE. (Continued from first page). iscoee gains of twseny, threie ant ivue' yards when Mticigani sas given the halt hoeconsoof the equarer-ack 2mu1- pinlg with the (eai. itgree tie'nimae foenr yards, Snowoiuron, Tetzel focr aind two, 'siheu thiei'bal was gvru to Wesleylli. After three eosns witot tlie requiir'd gai Weseyan punete. Tieldgained four, ltter se, Hgg oiie, 'Teezel 15 on a fine run lronliie l(he end, Hoagg one, Bennett for ade three. ere a quarter-tack kick woo' a)ttenpted as time wacatlled. Tiun bail ws's on Weseyns 4-yard hune. Ini lihe se'coiie half Weseyn kicked off to Michigcai's 2e) yarilhe. Bniett itade ive yards. For somenicnkosen reacson lee col was gien to Wesley- iii. After twvo gins of iioc yards acti Mliehigan got (le'bol on illegll iiier- foreree. Oulth(le next linea fol tackle advanced 'Michigan 1(o yres. Pretzel earrie (le all eight yards. Her an alegeet-fuimbele'gaete. libal lee 'esryon. After sverral short gains Michigant gotte (al ane Brrua- leerpinteed fr 5 yards,'Teezloma1k- ig a fine tacke. -Michiganegtee(i lli after lWesleyain laiigained 20 yarels, mosly throeugh lint lays, and tto~ruletputed. 'The al was fiii- Weed andelMchiganilfell oit. Another fiumtle surrneredl it (is (le eoppo- elnis who Were' lele for cowns. It was here ltht-icligoue playd ter rel game, oanl degg Oli'e'elthe h1ll to- waorelWesle-an's gol swithia gnciii. ive yard,. Teteli and Bennett acti fsolo'edl withc fise tid Ilogg ive' nore. Teenel oe five anliii ogs focuii, cheno on off-side pth y le Wis-- youl advaiicedocltihigoue ten yares. t'ingre nmae five and Htogg, by sourc' of 11heet edoidging yet 'seci, i-ef 12. Bennett crried the beall 10 yards switi a half eoze X~sleyaie playrs hang- lg o oimiii. I'iigre'e-eiade' ticeicist gall hefore iiieewisacll ty a diash for 10 yrds past ol of thetieamobute fiill-bcck. 'Thec balsixs oiitice10 yardliiiiosw'he'inliit iscane aI'le. 'Ihc digramlelow ihosli te iigame initde- Oic'iigaiecs. 01110 Wiesi'ycccs. Teetzel-.....L. hcidle. R. . LEcan- -E...... . ('ecotonec.....dltkG. (sttceer - - It.7. 'I'. ItIcige ..... .. '. Bencncett.-.. . F. (:1ccs. L 12.... . iRicards. ....Q. 1. liccke.-...Q. . Pingree ..... . II, I. locpi.... . i. t. Ilc - c.I[g I.. so urs -...L.c. cc hicaeehec - s.. c. . elc-tx -... . . 11icliigaee scbstitte-Hle'ry foillj(ccc: ICcicy. right guacd; Scow, le't tcixle. Ohioie sbstitutes -eochsleYost. left hallbacck;c Nosh, iM al ack ccc. Umpirie-11. l'cnses. Refe'ree-Ri. Ml. Simonces. Linesmeen - Cr anedcWright. ________ Morinleetctis heiigken in te' ihilcsotliic'cii eepartimetIlthailfo ' numbleri'fityars 1past. Tie'ecaix- :cxss caut one-third imore ulllergiaducates aendc tssic-' as orlly grcd-ate suenies as last 0-ar. The Famous "Jseph Gehsman," and Wahburn MANDOLINS 2 GUITARS Fr Sae at iSCHAEBELE'S Mutsic Store ,. 14 W. Libery St., Ann Arbor N. B.--We have practicing rooms formusic stdent. HOT LUNCH -GO TO- TUTTLE'S, 48 . State St . ( ._ t !f 3 ~ E~O WXATO H FALL Opnn DE.AL'S SVOE STORE E210) N. Main Street. Opposite GintheCourt Ineuse. Found. With Us ~. JACKETS AND OVERALLS-For laboratory work i~~'U'Blue end White with large bib'and suspenders. GYfI SUITS One-Fourth Sleeves-Black, (Cotton andlWool). SWEATERS Everything that is Nhw-Plain and Alternate Stripe, Assorted Colors. Golf Suits-Golf Caps-Golf Hose Do you wear an Imoperial Stiff Hat-the host young man's hat nmade-$3.00, Stvd~ts L~vr ssociatioo1 Single admissions xviil he sold for each entertainnment as follows: Nansen's Lecture Sousa, and His Band-- ___ Gov. Robert L. Taylor. Six Other Numbers - ---- $1.00 Reserved Seat- -1.00 Reserved Seat-- -.75 Reserved Seat-- - .75 Reserved Seat-- - 1.50E -1.00- -.75, SAVE YOUR MONEY BY SECURZING A SEASON TICKET. Season'lTickets, - - - $2.00 Season Tickets Reserved, [Extra] .50 Cutting Reyer &.Co. ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR / Hats 201 andI 203 South Main Street. Furnishings. GIVE THEM A CALL - Ann, Arbor, filch SHOES SUCH AS SOLD BY US Commend themselves to judicious folks by virtue of their ab- solute goodness-caused by close scrutiny of leather, of style, and of making-of their certain saving-caused by shrewd buy- ing, and quick selling. fi9 EAST WASHINGTON STREET. (I