THlE UNIVERSITY 01 MC1IGAN DAJILI. Closing Out Sale, to Make. oom for Our Spring Stc. N[CKWEAR..' GOLF HOSE... SWEATERS... Alt 9'1.00 and 75c Ascots 59C $.d5 Scotch Hose, - $1.75 t $5.00 Pure Worstd - - , aa PuAYS, 4-i-ands, ,,-,,?44.0() Scotch Hose, - -50 E.50 Pure Worsted, Imperial Strings, - - - $ 9 1.75 Scotch Hose - - - - 1.5 , 00 Pure Worsted,- - - Ad~ler's Fine Englieh, Out-Seaxn Movas $1.33, lWe ogarantee our stock and stand baIck of evrything, e sel. THIS WEEK THIS EK KINDEGARTEN,. HuonSt F!m I 'S, hE The strings would iitbekCall adSeUs, se fiequently, ysr nd ee'OLOOIK mandoln andigutr T Tl t iPHOTOGRPHER TA TT Cr'laning, Peoi4t4 l4d4 1t n 'r' wAas protecte a 0P2ics. STATE sTl..ovrVaw'% CASE. We have on Teleph~one O"0 ANN 4i4 0t"(' Wit4h44 44Ow 444 .4oS44 4441' 4 4444444.04 r3 , 4 ~di t~l ,cnf Atlanic xi i4x . 4(4 i i. Nt. i'. - . 4 it e n or tt th _\ti 1; iin l l!dlc tieu a,.t; S .rla I' 'Nothi Shore Limited iis n 054044. iir tain l(i o zeii ''4044'' '4 444-, 04'444444, . .44' 0444445' 4444440. 44 '444i'4n 4 "'444,inners 14.4. 4444.444440 440 141440acI44iog0454 45o Newo Yok tha4n on.4'440 44 44444744 440 444 4'4'''044 440 4444444 '4 4 4 t t SOiUT',t.N s. 4 other tran Ita4i ~ ~ fit. ftt e~t odt-lo)oitt _Z4'l IE hl.,,t 5J K a ToR tS c AI3 G. .I aT. .Lt..Cicago. Ag. ,AiioiArior THE BUCKEYE ROUT. lend by the '( Ice Cloth4ine4 lx t"4 dui' )ter4 t 144444444 p4444' ladies4{ 444 .1119' 444asbinr44n 4tre tS PAvEF E COLUMBUS HOCKING ALLY AND TOLEDO RAIAY 4 44in'g 4444444..4444 444.te'44.44T.h'444' 44odo4o 44444 Is 1he oily line from the '1010edo4Unin 044 "."i.alt t4 F 4.4 l44 4 444 44 4 0444 Station to Clumbus and 4mts byonid, {N ..0441n44)17 lt~i pi'n t2.4s444 i:. \ot 4N .4144444 to4444 I44 'i .N4444t ll4 4444040 .40 x04 ' as 44 - using Union 4depot ternieails at o00um- ! NN IN44 4444r. 4t:'.444.'4.. 404,_ buns anolcans tfour 4fast express trains Mo1444404' onI'44444044 4444theiii4(0to J i4C t 4 t4404.444044.+ da~ily ets-eon tihepoints ame444d, 0woof, iuli.. :'".ad.r: Io ;tn riA. G SP L NG &. tiimen i te 4un-prcecdentedltime o three , 414444' i s44444 t-44 ot' <0444444l . 44 44th)4440 .44.4 4 2o' 4Hi (4444" . . SP LiI G & hoursc. larloi cae 44 on.U y ta) t s'444. i0>441.4 .4) ,19 r4.4I(4) "he 0Namo00t144 nir c tent i sloeeson4i45 ran s:~. 0a I 44' ep i fr t o. 444"a4444cnti44 4 4 444 4. .' liiiialOtiittes n t45 lea 'a' - A etudn044 stin'~ uneqiualed facltiestica. c Cb and Shooel caa~xf"1r -~f 4400 invtoidluse the BuckeyetRote 4and1 .0n444t., 'oppos4 ite (Court4' 1144440. I444I 1O .41' 4'44th 4 44t)on ~eio4444 44.. 4.4 t x y vy ot y R 'tisttn for Ql-s-"VI4I, (,an otain full particus na pp45 icatihont4!44-' - - to local ticket ages. i ,>14(4.'-144 44440444441 44of '4444444l44444440ui . 440w '444m44s444a 4old44wa404h444 !ti4t4tll- Attetic Spots t and Pasino . E. i DAVIDS+ON, I t v" J . -adi eale o T eSadnOfca e s irt )ts t. Yts.Agen, T'ltedo; 44 4o 4444r 0( 4 444{'44 4 ,444 444'.s I: t'44 ,:-2i ted byp a inO cal L eoio gnie St .l, W5. 77. 1rIStFE l, G. P. and T. A., '4'44 41441'S 044044444 4£1 444404041 4 to si i-- -._. - --4t5044.44it4 ('oluombus, Ohsto. 1 14444,L44T444.]''Souse4'444444. 1 ios Ball Uniforms. Ba, fO lwro, ________:_____ti____f____th_____))ail__451 ie, . Clet Protectr '.nre SN-r. in- 4 C~~~HE SPADI~N CHiANESS BICLSCIh4 THE SPALIN tBLUE SACRl Chin404 o mF C, e TESADIING RADWEL .0 SAthens = Theatre a51c44hooif44444 14044dfo IlutrtedC44a05t4 a $SATURDAY, MARCH 5, '98 0I$4NILMY1t 2 LESSONS PER WEEK. A. SPALDIN8&6 E e Yr $ '_ AFTERNOON AND EENNG ,,Prgam party ev40y Saturay eein 04g with orchestr4 a sic.Chicago Wfas..,4Mt S ()VIe ,t: 47'iTW nlonoStreet AL.G.FIELD'S I1 ® ® aP. e , A.IENOCH DIETERLE,4 MUSICIANS U Colored Minstrels EnIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR.4 esimrSelXnd3r:z No. 116 at Liberty Sre:Rsdn-.53Bosin an Seeimandol PRICES: StS Fauth Ave. .Poe111 P'on hrhClafia at atinin t10 and 2c, Night, 2anod te."" FoSaot OMN-ris rncsof ]ale, Mo'-*RANDALLTEPOOGAHR1 CABRL' UI $ oh, y(larh 7TE n f 'nn . ...u WASHINGTON BLOCK ANN ARBOR 9 314.Went Llboryst, Am" w.a e.