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March 03, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-03

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- --------*
A t 9Wld's'9S MICH-IGANENSIA. orpthis year wiltthave both ttorry A Bg ,cra: Probable.-
l~d. a1d00r1 mteriato'o olo t fr'omfrst-I.' -
Sprinlg selections jnst15$rrived W4iners of Prizes Offered 1 I wh2~ o pe jn lott1 ich'omis'e to reutt inmuch dh-
tootht 'loog botih tint
from the East Call and ee Iecld. Ton g'toton out at tistolme rst'o his
inspect our ....- -rsllt Omay Ore1ttributdIthreiertirto (11 Oi t rul 'u'tlt iio ,i
rc uiuor of the lihigootrs iio . ouritOgeerous tPrze otterdtby l ho it right oit" dietor of'ohe Wo-
S ui gs, Trouseings, ierma in1 (ft 110111, D r. t'uitootot
prr e conic',tu ttb de c k(' ltt ,d.'ttit e the tl'o t : te heojmtin of =lieyer
Top-Coats. Boo idt, ofJae. wohad inth"' ill -____ -It seem tt tthat te )tytrt tcto
WilDiscuss Cats and Gowns. ro'o1 toofherr'nt1go
Ol~T~~ NA A leoexamina11tion fthe re110(0 r eau1tt l t~~lI tsiiatot (o , the etrc iuto'"
1)oat ystrd y yo nt Ic.<ur I rt e t N-11bol n iettrrt i10last: y tsofootbl tom, 0s 'oa
"0(tllitttt(t t''11ltet ill itttJo l'ttttrltf1retthetttraitk1mutttithist
-ne ~e rmld t it 101 t't 'oeI it'asto (.if ' l thougt if-o'11 wuctti,t Frloottrm . teoto ac.Iithitoti.i ec
11 p }'0 Ii e r'lthelitt' Ii itnttert'it tto!. 1'e \tttt ottott iedto Ol t.it L cr ro y 010. te tll1110orto o,'oooto
,py e i ei g i l e u p r i t i i , f t u f a y , t a s b e t h o g i t t - I e i , 0 bitti t t r t to i e 't t o D 0.
Chnocolates.... any(11"Inotitlo footoo'o11iltttulioh lt the ttablte Io 'tlItteotn 'icig'at t oo orb 1 i tzgra hst fdto' even r'o tit
Itoi i 'ttO. 'to1,1w "re latd '0110 bo t lrxtvie oth te fillct 1011ha t o'e ft t lont tt C1ox 101(o1tht' 1ytinait 'tttocI act't~ hi
Fresht every week. p 'ize ffO ('d bto tt-o a' o'too iso Yert' ot )ito . n t(1(1 110 t' to 01 ttild ott I ' an' idt,,t n't it't l l 0111'titol- o
Only in packaes- 'owilt o ototo r 0 rttounc foltre. t ,oty ot'rlock ,ott tcsae 010' lotn no,.i It1s11(so lot r to thtttihe tehoro Itt do
hie a poun d. 0101alltfytittltt wtotrit t f' oorrtro 11.0111Otn 'ljoo ot tO 010 h111 t 01110n irosef. If
Lowney's if you tmt i n llsshntoi +rcesr htaltena4Lo u
p)fa."t't o l1ttto o e 1(00 io ' r I i<. to'e let'o 1'ti lhoot H(' .000,0 il 0 it tiso o tcofut affair oer.t o o titue
otto It Oto t lttt t o u(olot rt"'ie o10
P ALMERS5 PHARMACY, oo o net t, lt rill uadlotbl t c and Io.1a'in1110 totwhateveti 0111AOcign'o
Lh.b)n oes ilf br t to 0' , 0' 'to o oow the'' t t'110'o io t'tt Ott ott: ''lotti t litin lo lt0'the ua ll ' 000'thsy t oldl
Ftoo ecie t rel l S tO fA ll- t, asdiffor Ietuoi "opr i i beol. o sent foor iOtto boot tooinlofav'or ll fotolo to tot tioc'toioIlIot ot trco toer -h sgtn rs
i the city. 001r l
Lunches at all hours. Itatted ill compoletil'to, too . 'm s v yl t ot, l 'fitlot, etodoo of lit, t i it ' 1,101 1htr ' k ',a to~ilo'tttjlll'l
R. E.JO1L 'y CdQto.olito 01 'oltono010 ea11111100c101hot'i oboiotIofl ttthtnflieott' otoe l uort
1318Sth State Street hi oln ooonttit t p~r. T e r ,'ftat' ttil w0h0eO h o to i 1111to'e tt' iolt1'Ay ooioto I t t o u'Iro tl ft l'to 101
jud~tgedt by l'o'ofoS'oeoXtl ie 100100;on ortotte owo'e 10110. - bll and bast,:1tf'00ll wotlati100idtol, t ll
I 1 O hoobootr f li' '101Il' htou Io' Webster Meeting Postponed. tll 01 oit ot t' otloitII
folowinog ttrat r f'ooom 0000000port i lgd i li'.dtd tboobintedoooutoo
trinltd: Tet' 00110'of tte' o'os S,0,it,yIthalt t .10" loteroolotitohi rootatdireto'or
''e'sto ry o oy' '', titta i0 . ap( 1 00 toi'l toethld tis owee'olk ot smut0lay"t 'fOit 110'Otttl1100100, 111100 0i on . as11-
II ooi, too tO hil trt
inte lThe.'betl' tlc are'ltt'oooootrodo IltiPt1t ioing toto t O ',o'tor'e'lo'f rI toCeD .I~t ie
u A TE ,eual.t 011 tttOltt tat I11 10s "1'''ff1dribI1:. of A, toIubt1I t ' 1111o byool o ato' l t i'll ah i1'10 wt ork.'l, oto lit P'has 110
H ELP WATE Irolt' ootnoioog to a deison11 (Toto'o eon o llPriday n tigt hOAt t'ttto'tig tt hl 0 o 00110ver1outdoor',thl'ic.T'o heIo
About April 1st I1 shall 1brt are oeox toood o'iohto'o, Ito" I.o:or r tt,"oi' o oo. f oIotot l riloie tolot loot': too t 'roooo'tb
need two more yountg men isthelr moto mpo''tttlishdht'o itto r o'-I ii tlil o0011.''tiiltltot (totto't.'' 'flor~10'-tilt' ft(tto 0,oondt h.rtt t.'f o' 1,' .n ti-
to work at tie' soda foun ,n-a, ean s ot creitabletoti , iriidrofteporm.i sflow:eae oroudrwrkheben c
Applications will 1he ret- ct ooof its owriteo. 'floeond istotthet Muoic, guitar otond oomandtolino, ,Ir, Cotrdted voro- r ivrileeo tne too' a
ceived flow. obbos toiginaol aottO oltot otott' tot ' On totxo'eatollMr. Kohter', deba't, "tie- 'tooooo for thirprlt'minartoy tiintg.
the whlol, I teommend sl''tl troboglythIatI t 'o',httooo t100oomyt' ool. t't i fo'0 Altooltt'i' Campbett~ll' cotrt has al too 10-
CAKNSlHRMCI the orizOregbeto too thr later, oooou 'u('100hasb proreosucht rt0faiso'o' or eady been72apprved loteIto dntolo
be oihlteentwtih iso utl.' rtO warant toe Iroteo Sl t''to'in ro''ogie- 'ilooot i~e
the Moo logotooo oio Itl'ipurp l oo'e. 10110her a too obell,,, oote t ,' firmtie,o'o'ito hot dowo r. ttbty'te boao oolttrn-
onube fottrios als tro'eedio'tolo'gootoo1 03Al' Wallaoeo'trol Ar3 1 .0'; id tttg'o th'' r ol, 'Tonight tho' bordort to 10000w0'il
andtodu tloh'o'e faredt w'ell in atoar qthor.ArStovro tond Alr. T' Ik 'r, 'i lorc toond te omattr will lbe lt toade
c0op tttio it, , 'l'SINILlY.'' solo tiou In lto allt. .thbr Or,%IFitgeo'ra lt eldb ' tletit'
:1 'totft ooooohooo'beeo llobilt o' Wisconsin Alumni Meet0 wO'l' bl'''t
o utor cttolwoitho te asst'lol,'tto'o'el'th in~rst
A A R I lttr toaoo. Profoont' iScottO 'oreoses tot lit t-'t'o',itletotI'ltthit'ttresptottde Tournament Begins Tonight.
V~m Ilo i~ert at the potemosoaro'of .i too'h, be't , r io''itot ' toasot. "fheI'Iooroito tooIt I -1,1_
eltoso Ilototb,, han ovor't' toeoa'n0111lt l Ireolsot IToo t h o t ftirt anl banque h t oi l 0l otoWh istlb omtu t o ghtlo loo
hadlso me odioi'tlt'1incont oogl o ' to o' b'the t'iooit O tot lllt t ,\soclr ion i t o( tIt'tort their0 annutou brnatlenot ,.oh
0101011 The winneet'of thisucot' etle t g'0 oltheU iv'rity of liti ,holdOat 1 ,teie'o to boo otooit'b' nottoo-
NEW AND SECOND-HAND the pttzetof $10 in ocash. Theo'nut'betot'Plankotinoolt ooouso ilotAiwotoolee'Te'- oottadnlttlth i eth 11 ootsototbe hed o'litt
ofpoemsootlsubitte'd it omIlplettion wast'ilxt1Oday tight J, c Qu aooles o'o tltal.te tourt'otamenttto ftll epl .naonistI
B oj~ ~ II1ok s ! fortyto.000toasotmster.O' thrOttl o''''t'to tu 011 1eg e. ho oe'1'nal sthat 0i~00 of ttir'
Inthe o iims t he11101'llspodedtf 11fllosotu~s w ilhoeoltermineo ly lotIftoot
For every department in the Uni- fat' sturpaosso ony pret't'0 effot. Te 'Thtt'IUni'esity of Itrchigot 'Tirt" tat, oitiontto o'o'wtillmowe too'ulottt o
tersity Law and Medical Books a piefrtebs.sIiscftreils
specialty. We can supply all your paefotdhebstsesosttlre irto ell' a go" loof' e nilrsty ofelled'oler prtotvtotoo otoidedgIt othe
needs -for the Second Semestbr at tated legal terms wsOOa waordedotcO M IAltofteoieto ~o 'iooois f rtout oovoet ohobt 1
lowest prices. Jas, A. ttartil. T'(bet'dra'wovito't Wir, onsionMt' ,Coo-otoucatidon is'."ttoo'e-dou10oth tem woil101010every eot antl
Second-hand :Books Bought, Sold ttalditto or eJoedita '''trt'trho t i' ns
anddin'changed.ee ing'yo'igooooo, ottO of EI'I," James I. Ftiood'o'sl "AOh ro wt 'eant ooartdos. Tetetamn la-
Best Linen Writing Paper 15c and exellent inoe'eion. Theswinnel'r f for the clssis," Re. Judoon oooTit-ig t and10 0113westOmatitg'tho higet
'25c per~pound. the price fot' the best drawing tao not wrth, reresentntg Amhter'st('olle o scoroe will play the higo nioth aod
The A. A. Waterman Solid Gld Funtain'suhYanata.cbeqn mtig
Pens for 1.2. y et been deied, t. ttwill e into fewv Pof. ill. 1 .ooe, of t h e toine- eit l~r1olaolsooet teig
/ / 1days. Atl of the point r~ll1t lists tot lng departmoentt, is a memh et oif the The ittets of thislatotchtoelwtill e
W AHR'8 BOOK STORE colege haretempeed for this prize. onaval resetve. The genial p"'.esot" telrett ltoboo'hampinsu1100 will e
Up Town Down Town About twetoy drawings were reeivetl. .may yet have to help ight to'el Hes enlt to Gatd Rapods, if the fiance
S, State St. ppsteCourt~ouse 'Tken altinl all, the Aihgoltruian iIlIt thinks nt, howeer. loothr(lb Iermit
Aon Arbor Malo nt

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