THE UNIVEI 6ITY' OF MICHIGAN DAILY. V ^ ! Models of Elegance. _i 'f* he Detrolliit, Vipsilanti & Ann Abr= :(Ct'tYal\":yi .]iIi~: c 'tinei Published Daily (Sunilays exiepte daring t l keit's ilnitit ii ii fistt.elm. gentleman's hat.... cne unegeyearl'itak-laying will ineiruslindlan soon; THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN aninheifiost i itt oithDe ri. w Vriice: Tims buildin",'3222iS. lain St b'- o I he foreli( iii ' t he hn lt e tlrti' I een Literty and \Villiam Sts. tii'ale tMte wllin it MANAGING EDITORt niiiiietwen eIitit ardliAirbor. .f, Ft. THMiAS, U iL. - - 'Il94AN GLH Te as 'will be 'laigim'the tu lenu o.Vi. D. ANS' L.le liimimi ailwny ' etrimi & lion- EDIiTORIS I wline h amnti i hmo teirl' mlum.t. {INew S~ring Styles now ishown 11, i. Si iiLAaa, 'In L., Athletics. 1Pi'en flm'ii wlonlnhasme mimel'om spend F. L. VituNlini, '9$L, G. (D1. IlitaUtyw00 1411 xri n i-hiiicar (ton plte illnni BDIeeia LAM13'0 ovrt 9 .h SXBr,L,'s. . . Wiiiiiiiio, 's P9wndw.[a aswl etadon-Irice $3. I. . wnixii~i, 10. A.Cannini. w~lmmndn vi cem ' ii n mi l l e ii l ofnm .-11sil oii o iMtiintii .imnlimiti' 'ITn ir;;in( In1Black, Mlt, Oak, Ceir, lBroins-Ctlors Fast. If you wYear all -- - -_ 0ill are I rig irt'iliith le 1ilmn'ii & IMilililA yu'll agree with is-iiliny oters halve-tlat it's the best The sabsniptian prie tofthe Daily 1, in Snrimllm Co., iiof liatoni i tliis., In i 4 frithe cailege year, with a reglae delvery5 phalit 'manfactred. before noaosechnSday. Ntiesc imannica le ii iiiiqipped wiii L~Sin mni ' I ion, and tbermattee iteiided fr pablica-l tnmst be haded i at the IDaily uofice be- erair Immeba idmfourim 20hore liner toet85p. i. or mailed ta tle editar befire3I p.e in.fatthe day lrev iuato that oa whithZ\ inhG~ nii r n mimmili it they aroe epeted toa apeiie Sabtceipiimxn may beiileft aii Tie Daily trii i i let hiiouri. 'lh i niiil il- y y % 9 S Offce. Mncyer'nor tafllit'c eiwtaxndoa With tioteci F Mtaxa er. tateiber'. will crtax i+ t r' an ottr sr nii i i ter a faior y reiatting plrmitly at this l/u t ihlave m n lit. ner ; onie acv failre at arrirurstideiver paper ;rlaiii leahitmntimim Iilsi;i The ii ntimiuim nmrilt ad hithei 'Cione- i i ' i, i'iii I' tmni lthi e r's ewrrcmn ill nor l. etheiii' 'iiiiinrfr Ince 'i- THE ANN ARBOR LIGHT INFANTRY'S 1ine011ii'.tOnlyit thtl tbeit i 1 noliit' a n iiilt1---_- lrit nibt'ro e iiTheil eli tt i:in ll tintl o e'lii'I\-l i riiii ii- i -i l lliit ii i iiiIhtiiplay'ii.iii die rul tietnelintilln'i'.iic______pe of__fnrac____r_________w___lhe Faculty Concert. y If bellihei M IilltTlt be ceate. Th ( nerl~ is irish o - t~~~~~5ildiungoto nititi i t tiia nic Ahni netimitelsitn'o er og n acs th c.tliieralaangli ptohost iiigcsit-at sons, l neynuilitary1) drils Stcwl wilhe wmi tr t t ii ' b i'tli'' i ih . 't kcp ace n th O pearro setn xt w ekrT esdayaristet nes lii'. tln(he f ie lises i 'eiL patorimit d-11evendiIgs.,isingatr;cp rtiesksh uld reseve seats.Itoard for tnrnng pct~~orma..ce.p en I rAXtt p 8y burn ng it usua pla es. p~ s y p e p ! iuunie. '_im'iignii 1' 00WANIT lIE BES oni will lii1 ,eill.rFRATERNITY STAIONRl. Arfieaerta n thentHossgo e rongsadacs,~c SMIHSTRGON&ll heDalyeilgbidlierdnhere t. l onurin iia fa p --i.iA GE RPN ii. Iliniiritlin iiieitit. sma 27. Pt 1 iiteslnieii Aci'.lii vrk mainder of college year for $1.25. i. lien . t ..rii ..i . ....-U 'Tt'Of (his kith!. ESE VLaPUV1n.GF in.. bi. !'lefiir n iin tSrnin e " iier Antil h ery j f R peetaie f h re D de g're' d. "ien tile Wasrrse".. e.b t )m ito i 1tetn' uO'.ut Handball Tournament in Doubles. Are ill Ann Arhbor for a short time with a limited number of sets of the first edition of this Thei'handbllatourauument ittdoubilelt splenidid work. IMMEDIATE ACTION is necessary to secure one of these sets at the low wll begin Saturdtay imorneing. TheI introductory price and on easy terms. The last volumes, now in press, will soon e com- tiatelies wil be playend an srhediilm'dblam pletedand the introductory offer will then be withdrawn. lowc. Furthue entien miliile"emirelI Harvard, Yale, Princeton, U. of P., and other leading lunivrsities have secured nearly nIt.Buthgneadand'1 viem'0, nethird of the first edition. A limited nmber° of sets of this edition has been reserved for the ni, Ber-B'99th and MrceadL.elt ~students of Michgan. 10 a. in'-Beath, '9, anti.$Mody.a9, 20 volumes now completed and ready for delivery and are on exhibitin at the Harper's s.Prentis, '00 aidissi "00. Weekly Club Office, 318 S. State St. II a. i.-Rnnerls, '9 L and Latr- For full information concerning TxIEINTRODUCTOtY offer and SPECIAl. student 'rate call on or' mime, '99 L vs. Weatherbnee, '18-I,, and address Ktohout, '98 L. 1,2 p. m.-'Blrien, '98 1L, and Deena, S i,s. Mitchell '98 L, aiiditleflide, H arp er's W eek yl b sp. ni-Niles, '99, and Harilan, 'IS. vs. Lbel'0., and Albright. '99. Office flours: 1 to S p. m.' 318 South State treet- I