go, -dSL--
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VOL. VIII. No. 106'.
( V11 ~ VOLUNTEE1R CONVENTION. John P.. Mot., tat-i1 hesil *ha ni Comedy Club Prospects
.A..t Wvid'.s _____ icn had deisiimuch10 -It i ttis
Spigsiciusjs rie esume of the Meetings and vi in and nite- anal iuenlt -t lii-or-1 TLn- 1. f 1. (limte(y t ht ill i-ittsi
Sprng eletios ,ustarllvB itni " Zeid wrtk aroundtitltit'-woiiti Frli' W illiam Iille ailioneili , All e
froth the East. Call and Work k Accom~lshed. AMot. Thu Wo-rd Stidents' Cht'lttta~l (5Comfort f ilomei," n ltariOlty, lac
inspect our.....__- - P(tFede ttiion iric su.L1lIt 'r+,mi i s i ti! at the -AttenstiTheatre. TIhepto--
Friimipoin t tinumars,.iiiin t 'et, a t ott thi wit Id. icicd will go tii the Athei Aiortin -
Suiuings, Trouserings, ini ethusits, it ~the stent 'of tthstudenlts n a plty rtaia- inandiilthe it atitFh~awerMison.
ta-{atC+ iplower,'Iiunt ct ni ttae - icewhaifrtti-eIsint ot it-NtI. ln cof! Thi-ntenh-attatio wato it venhie ta Mart-
tijtii a tu ti'i Vo ilu nte (i nn l taitf lit-is iteat'hin 000 o n itairst' oli-etliftil an lalolnMarch to ,I btiowing;t lns
Fresh evnry week. tt"-'. tital titt tia tteli-l :; tt 'twa -t' fnstilt i i tait ith'WIhecia. mi ssI ani t to. lti- tt-lics itm e oftha'. emba r il-i- f1 rc lni-
O l in p c a e - tebstof'ell ot ii lea-it '. I t i tandt'i f ife eed o a'he fel .tihelit.'011i. c t.,th-atae.tt iwas ' h ngtcoi nc. int5
L o w n e s i ,vooit e ptrin ett t ed b t n i ait t t i lid t h e N e T a n e e ri v e s . i o a t 11th e1 f r a rii ' l it i t i h
prfe.OG Aime tt it Itoitfacotta:- ti i c t-ct thi- ay h zon . Ih. o \-tin Ir c g 1n t in t l t- c tit tthe it gtta ijo -
m ionaric ~a tilld il-- )iiac til tat wsi i ntit'ti-cy tityad itasstiltiitpaotlcftia a 5 lc l t s " -trFsbns anl dl ~f~n 1iiultruhu.i bd l .ieeieo oane i otca-hi-
P I P E S A~~~~neopleit-aiaa tata tt s-atios an d riaticec n r aatti ten ts I n rlll- i. he ' at-tt a te t t wIi-l announce ni tii
Wli san We-e-Cc p u d o tes t s i ne attlimpcatttit tatmiomentoha-- ati atatait-ett .t hett cn ust--t Alita, istated. fated
lit theTraneity.ve
efer . QI .LY C. 1 1 t clldthc onvenita Itint t, rt i _. .t.it.'II oi tiltic it-taalot' gtitt-itt'
p115 out pSate S o nreeted h eiltfist liti atteverit'Cl",t--tiveti-in- i town t-ster- I I lfititting omi ' is n e H RM C .t" M y r.w oeatj s r a tadcay a ditlr'l d op rtin o lelfuoeasttea eco rehiluttae
it sct-ti nderftl i un thtis .rtr - -±iiien 'tratn. Foitthisib'anI-iot' he-I ttthi r vti t ont oa
HLI ELP WSAED. T stte I l otrdsiut. itttinayhps adame instrtotetansofte -tlte.j1 t ret Xd thatite. p -r ttor acetwas
need TwoE oEXyongWEEK. iitontto c ieraiitcious aieaa lgv'seilatrCia ii;rteie yte ag't(rwlsne h
.u to woeditra tesh spyoafouert~~adA ds n ahehe ghoutiiit11cc - ' 'i ',rwe t h aniae Irte rs-t mta o h Sen ate t Fored.ei
t am . enrsCooaes a~s ine gti- tc na-1 Ti hnn Ca . t ttc"tlltt
Applictionsiill.b re chi stt it onhewasttatinett no ttlip iitw m sa-et'ooi rahiit-iae ht'. cli 1Ci - ritin ie iachait A ror. cy 'ital
ALK NS 1HH A Y wty a tt er andPrs.i ffs.ttO I lc teattt tarothvin itall-tear-o ne wtageilthc e hitsat it eatta itig later Ildte. tia ttttc5
yeis n t is lilca ceWidera' o i-atilic idet:,ibt. since t teiret sh menI tt stooitilltttit.playIt i te tirti.sit'I tta i-E
altd, Thcr e trett it fic ha tica 'ovihe as -rc :ni, his i cttreo ih ts<ttt i'. llIt CtttedM its ntirte Dlti ie antnt-lft a
tti inttthem. Hvieandniimaiatr itt eti-it1fhte tn tltcasdtnt ttat- ieaist ' ot il,, at caH ti-l ct e'litt- i
auf eihtIthe ; eita t c t itialitil. and,(thme oltrien s.'- inIn t all.,tolt a-utti tit ic Anntie Itt hi th- Ittat'itt-ti G
alp oi tatnth-eworldth ey5 mtho m defnsoive ,etin teatatin thrlsI tit lst faicet .ti cat i-at ntI'-a. H.tiPagen,
mre Itof measatgm enicy a l iett' e.- Ilua caacao aitis;oa en'lttali attt, nt ic'tcta ntt ilt
'i grac e t e a ecandtat ogettatt i aettta' iccalt-lac ltt' 'Iii iilelir lao-. tt--ti At-cco1W.atl , teeitia
Ab uctall s I shnlagr e tatate eellcnitiaia as tal Itntu-clayiitgthat t .a Mayes, a i. F. t itt aticijry
ne tw moeyugm n brit ethin ifinescaia 111 cis iatoApaNrPormyintt t ni-l
tottawttrofaithithettcodag- foun- Mgockfh aietiat-llto-aBatelitForm ie
tai, w eterfrm he evngliti te rid- The ChssClb s pc.e titi iliie4 tiy iti h
Applictions ill bere- ihnuore ence;c itti i tcopont en1 1. O , Cac scondt;inlet-, l-lay'n-rSnwben -enteyotsd
For ver deartentinotleiUnothe wtl old if tptiaoatIaredtfo th ra zat o it ned e
'verity. Law nd M dica Boos a net a nd; s ttthee at'e V. S. I tit wolaerstcnigelt-doetericI tuocit- tiee, socitytinthetiylittra d a-
sp Caly. ' PHan uplyaly ou rC.a eyon h 5) no ea dtteettogdo te etro tie ifit t crepalotitteigtttsilla. nent.Ita sthe tetntig t hi os in- a
nedwoohe Scn e ese rta lTneitt- e i Il rtheic l ieilj are atinthoesstinwitittiatte Ott nSt itehe o i k(,a-tthale n ta- i oln ali
Secondhand Boks Boght, o senod emfneotinisttri entri a n thea a m eslte UnThersityicc otakdt serci le hitttcht withte housetadf
andic E hngd i s en orind fo-lin asisant.Clis ilhe f coieand i t hebyothean rt hejr petnt hves inith la c de irent
Best Lnen Wrting Pper 1S and fi w C orithleavos t onun, itns ed ituS ctuve la eshaee. tcahs tti janhe awical tbelyttetste In etut'-
'TeA(. aemn o rsi on aisne hammer loiehalaefanor s William Majiwu llnotp-It hi- o teatiago i Te.ist Aei il ehedson
heaipp$125 C re ionarevtwenialoiya l diorkers tiacbcitfornpa l iati nfutlliuw thu ala-- hsbenpemnntyseue
tt andOr w pee n u tle.at ets Th proga m till leiagin eal (autis Iiy ettecbut i soasttlenthe na-ituois
$0,0$=TBO .:8TER s-Thearie()tuitat ttelniv er- at aneim rcotibay M. Idefiit elotaen Ie C oomsholhoe e
._ ca mehos o istrcton nt msi- Aph Nmactia , nne d h a ignt n raf lioae e-
tIP N TooND-HeANDToo tautintaf pahel earnlo ing;ri(uteltrgethheTine Battyiwillebeoneihverecentheere
E5tooh, O steCoDt Iou W ant ofleadrnthu his lmstcennen Talce A lphar of oieyear l fo r the! o.deasthn aaTealiverary. thatthealer.
Aan rbovryMl t