THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DA1L1. Closing Out Sale, to Make Room for Our-Spring Stock NI ECI(WEAR... GOLF HOSE... SWEAR All $1.00 and 75ce.Ascots, - - 59c $2.25 Scotch Hose, - - - - $1.75 $.00 Puffs, 4-in-Hands, $2.00 Scotch Hose. - - - - 1.50 $15 Imperial Strings, -----39c 11.75 Scotch Hose, - - - 1.25 $ 4.00a Adle's Fine English, Out- eam. Cloves $1.335 We guarantee. our stock and stand back of everything we sell. - RS... Pure Worsted, - - - $4.00 Pure Worsted, - - - 37 Pure Worsted,- - - 3.00 MACKU0 THIS WEEK THIS WEEK SOME beautiful bound Scolletions of vocal and instruinental masic of the standard comoposeis, suitable for libiary or gilt books just received. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO, 205-207 E. Washington it. ANN ARBOR Time Tabie, Sunday, Sept. 5,l8t7. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Centrai Standard Time. 5:43 am. *7:3 a. M *12:15ia. m. 11i:25 a.m. 4:45pm. I 8:40p.m. *Ruz. between Ass Arbor and Toledo onlyI E. S. OtLtOitE, Agent W. H BENNETT G. P. A. Toiedo 0. MICH IGAN GBNTAL The Niagara Falls Rot.' Centrai Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. Mailiand Ex- sac3 4 a, N. Y,Ch---0812 N. Y. Special---4 53 Staill . .------- 5 *N S Limitd ---8is0 PacifcsE -----12130 Eastern Ex----- a o 7 Pa. AM. Western Es-.--i138 D N Express.----5 0 GR.& K. Ex ---55 Atlanic Ex...7 B5 Chi. Ni. Ex-----7 47 U. St. Eapreos ---1100 *North Shore Limited in an eotra fair train to bo a chargeof $2 tO to New York than onI othrr traios. 0. W RUGGLES, It. W. HAvES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Att.. Ann Arbor THE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COLUMBUS, HOCKING VALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY Is the only line from the Toledo Uion Station to Coumbus and ponis beyond, using Union depot terminals at Com boo and roes foor fast express trains daily between the points named, tao of them in the un-precedentted time of three hours. Parlor tare on day traios, seats 25 cents; Puliman sleepers on nisgit trains. Students d siring oneqoeled faciitieo are invited no one the Buckheye Route and can obtain fell particolars on appiication ton iecaltichet agens. E. R. DAVIDSON, Dist. Pass. Agent, Toiedo; or f'x. H. FISHEtR, G. P. anad T. A., Coiumbus, Ohio. Athens e Theatre$ SATURDAY, MARCH. 5, '98 $ AFTERNOON AND EVENING s AL. G. FIELD'.5 Colored Mitnstrels. $Matine. IS and 25. Night, 25 and rOc.$ AA KINDERGARTEN, Io2lEliurOflSt. .CHAFING DISHES, FULER & BERAEK, Call and See Us, - dCC ALR KETLE. Ceaing Pesing and Repairingr RENTSCHLER, THE PHOTOGRAPHERBE okcle fraddlvrd Tnleann SO. ANNARIE ~ StJ'SO 1',? 5. STATE ST.. over ltoney's. Telepone U" NN AROR = Arnld aenta FRPhone No. 271, New Siato. Caln Mt. and Mrs. Ross Grangor make a buisiness of teach- inb daticing. Yen can join the classes at any time, the U toiru statrting with your first lesson. Private lessons Dan1ce given by appoinitnient. Office, ground floor. GDRAWtIGER'S ACADEMY At the Atihens. The attraction at the Athens Theater next Saturday afternoon aisd evening will be Al. G. Field's Refined Negro Minstrels, a combination of genuine colored minstrel performers, swhich is made ip of popular features and fea- tures that iplease the masses. There is plenty of good dancing, much popular music, both vocal and instrumental, audtmasty ether toattoes calculated to please, highs class sptecialIties, beautiful marches, ctc. All lovers of good shows sould take advantage of the oppor- tunity and see it. tLADIES MINSTREL.. A very refined and pleasing entetains- menit has beens arranged by Co. A.i Michigan Natioinal Guard, of this city, to be given at the Athens Theatre nsext week Tuesday and Wednesday even- ings. The first part wiii consiut of ihe regular minstrel first part suit will be participated in by forty ladies anod gen-, tlemnen. The second pirt wiii include an sits of tip to date specialties, also! participated in by ladies as wvell as gen- tlemen. It is understood that several theatre parties will organize to attend. LOST-Either on Division s0., Liberty ot. or eatmpus, a gold watch with ini- tialo 'P. J. P." Reward if returned to 332 S. Division it. it9 MUSKC. Tihe-oursesin tus.ic xviii be gisets its Boom 24, 17. 10., a0 follows: Course 2, Tuesday andi Fridaty, 2 p. ui. Course 4,. Monday and Thoursay, 2 p. mn. Course 5b, Monday and Wetdiesdaty, Course Pb, Wvednesday and 'Friday, ~. mn. ICourse 1.ib, Wcdnesday, 2 1t. tit. ICourse 12, Uttnday, 3 p. its. Tho Wagner course (Oh) viii include a. eareful study of the Flying Dhutchi- moan. Courses 51s, Sib and 12 wviii be given at anty hour swhichit aay be de- cided upon isy consultaion, but stu- derfs should report at the htours gives. A.. A. STANLEY. AN~rN ARBOR PAWN BRfOKiER. Motney lanted ott ierontal property. Buoy arid sell east-off clothing. Highest' price tald toe old gold atodsilivec. 117 Ann st., oppsosite Court Htouse. lit1 NOTICE. All entries tar the Fresinvint-Sopho- mote indoor moeet, wvhich w-ill be held. Saturday afternoots.lklarch S. shiould be left at the office cf the gyminasiunm before Wednesday, Marchi 2. W. B. BACH, J. F. MYcLEAN. LOST-old watch either on Thump- son or Plickard sis. Return to 140 Packard st. 0. DX. IVARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalming a Specialty. NO. 209 F( UtrJL H AVENUE. Ambulaoe night or dlay. tResideoce, 301 Fifth Avenue. CAN FU NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for oil Fraternity pareties, club. dasees. etc. Leave order- at Ann Arbor MicisCo. or- atSResidence, 1710 Gt ddesave,. P. S. -W'ill takce posits on Piano and ils sight readinesst aboee named Places. A. J . Johnston. . of K. Shaving Parlors and Bath Rooms s22 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladies' artistic hlirDressing stp stairs, Old friends saltagain. sveWelc-ome now ones. 3. It. TROOJANOWSKI, Lowneyts Chocolates -00 GOTO-- WI WI !UT ~ rStain SR. ALLEGRETIS, i you wish. 0 ALLOALeO ItARtO, SOFT, CANNEL AND SMiOKEiLESS COAl S AND C(.b. M.. ST1ABBLERTZ 19 W. XWashington Street. Phtone 5. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Name the Goarantee." Officibal Outfitters ts the Leading Cnllege, Ath-. le Club snd School Teasnof the U.S5. Every Requisite for Base BLull,~ Athletic Sports antd Pastimes. The Spalding Offilcial League Ball Adopted by Natiomet, SMinor, College and School Leagues. Base Ball Uniforms, Bats, Gloves, Ml?.. (h(-m? Pt-rtrs, Shoes, Etcr, IRE SPALDING CHIAINLESS BICYCLES 19 IRE SPALDINC BLUE RACER !Chain) .8g5ELS THE SPALDING ROADWHIEEL "~ MDES Send for Ilusirated Catalogoe oR sit Athletic Sports. A. Go SPALDING &BROS., New York Philadelphia C1Picago Wanhington University School of Dancing STATEO STREET, OrW)Soan LAW BUILDmING. UNTIL MAY 1st, 2 LESSONS PER WEEK. Program party every Saturday evening with osrchestra music. OF~FIC7E: 42T Thomupson Street I I iio I Pk. FENOCI-IDIETERLE, E MBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Calls Attended Dsyor Night.' No. its East Liberty Street: Residense, 5M7 Senth Fourth Ave. Phone 119. RANDALL, THE PHOTOGRAPHER. WASHINGITON BLOCK ANN ARBOR; MUSICIANS USE ,Bef simer Steel Maadolin and 4 ,Guitar Strings; Washibutrn and4 Blohmsan Mandolins and Guitars; 4 ;John Church Co's Metronomes. *SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE 4 114 West Liberly at., Ann Arbor.. Y