1e . , f lay 1 . low FOUR PAGES. VOL. VIII. No. 10. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, MONDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1897. VO.VI.N.1.AN ROMCIA, ODY COEt1,19.FutPGS bargains -IN Books. Students Bookstore STATE STREET, Opposite University Entrance. Second-hand Books bought, sold and exchanged. Law, Medical and College Text- books at ct prices. CHEAPEST PLACE IN THE CITY FOR Blank Books and Stationery Agents for Waterman's Foun- tain Pens, Mathematical Instru- ments and Sporting Goods. SH~IN& C0P0prop WILD Has received a full line of Novelties fr Fall and Winter in Suits, Trousers, and Overcoatings NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON-ST. NEAR MAIN THOSE NOBBY SUITS! MILWARD THE TAILOR, STATE STREET. WAHR'S Stadents should try s before maaking any prchase. We are boand to satisfy and please. -Or large stock of Law' and Medcal Books, in short, Text Books for every department in the University, new and -second-hand enables s to sell at the lowest price. Blank Books and U. of Mt. Sta- tionery at low prices. Make or stores yer headquarters. WAHR'S BOOK STORE Up Tews ,ow Tows . State at. Opposite courthouse Ass Arbor Male St. SECOND GAME A TIE. Ohio Wesleyans Give 'Varsity a Hard Game. Hair jiulling, rhokitigattd 1)1iioiig tactic, olthe tart ofatthe Ollio AMr- tryano and generally isotless playogtI on the parr Mt ofguiga, ltrcdliie'ia blaitk scare tat':both sid's iii Sat or- la1ys ,tne. The vsitors iate gioil an assertioii Ilade tie night before to the ettect that they wol to anythhing toi wili ad coniualtly Ilayed oaf-otde liuggc i itittiade futott i-hie. wt( incompitntiotffirials attand aroumnd ini CAPTAIN HOart. ttie tote ittspectators. httrtitgao' line-tip wOO experimntla ndcontain- ed sooie nien wtiho adnot been oat in utfotm betorethiso seasoni. S-verat at the old nen were shittdo around ad othters who otughitt) have been in the rare ofat.aphyiyrani were played. The leant preente-d by the Ohitoano. an the other liand, wvao the strongi'st ttiey hod, containiag several "riigeir" and ttir coach, Yost, a celebrated. pilayer. They were decidedly heavter ttian the Jtttrhtgan nen, but notwith- standitng this, hitd 'tictigan pltayed the taftottall hat the coaches lhate been teaching ta-a touchdowns at least wotuld have been the reaulh. Urtue it is the 'voallsiy did aw-aken in the loot three Or tear minutes otfiplay and by desperate plunges anld dlvies and bril- l int dodging carried thesa bll for a totol of seventy-six yards. Into I ii thme the Wesleya line was broken utt at will ond woo clearly out-plays-i. Thsroaghout Ctsc entire gante the work of Captain H-ogg woos the iiost eirn cot. ttlelsards *ot quarter woos stetidy and did well on the defensive. Teal- sal wa's much in evidence antd lasteut the entire game, :notwithstanding the fact that -the preachers, tried their best to maointhim. Hogg Elected Captain. President Hutchins' Address. Last year's 'Varsity tooihall I sro 'esterday itoriting iin Nra-berry at lh iii ttrting iSaturday tiorintg tal Actiitg- eintii Ilnt ttotitii elis'- im~tiiiiiotisly eit'leete anief atog.at i'red'the liii' itsiig atirss to a a itigi' tKnoxv'illie, tllitiris, rottaiii atf Slits attiene ot' tudtorents. Iniottbstaiit'i yeat's 'liteu U in ie at hoistsWolsi- Ilit'spiake as tiillotws: batir''. iiie illniiss prirceol a hisre- "A t lih risent tiiti' in every mnilsi r- titrito.It) roll''ge. 'i'I b 'lettii ll itdis ge oily oafthli'etuntry 'heeusc r e t: tfittr withhei"studet'its titt is deA'ritly ot earlieto unttg nitndtil io- or ic'eil. n en lasty to tiakethit'moast oathtetr Mr.Itio-,lirtottttall t'xtitrit'i'i'olhtirltuilit. - This tact Ilaces at great sagiiii 't ti. Altia is JMutt icry'i'sttoiisittility uitin the inistrctr-", Aatemttit'. ittnioxv'illte, Ill..weire' lit'enstitig not' With the itiece tear.isia-'- ptlayt'dl tull-tiack. Attic a hprt'ptratory' lttextendtingito lie real its at goodl rotito'S itre, Ilit' erit'i''tKnoitx cr ollei, mv nd itilit olirittiol conituit. at Gtalesbtucr'"Ill..antut iftled liiitsi'lt'l''ut'asi.au ii iii hts ttt eintter uothleisttidy of at ti s'.Viiie holtIoat col t'at ii itdlhee ti' ortliail thtereI'lit'playedl at toll-tore iiiithmaie tth r liistiait spirit,tuith,siopptortunity a line rerct. Ito intere'dlthe bin' te- t e-hsIii iaa idttgai Itartiotititei'ie last year iiid by good,,itatuties tsoItir highest extent. C hat'- ttarr swork imadth liii sitiy teamtin c~ i ot atatiei'to ho it nor hits tirstyearc. Itt' sayth it toll-luath iittattletatire. Iititmist lb' ant tnllvid- titd w3as 1iti qitailuut it htching tie s . ill groathi. Buth lalnger taint; ties ltti. 'tis yetirlt'troasieinIpltil;t t hit'luugiisting at the course. 'tIhiirs- at hoiftiac kand htas to-u' brilliatity arsofatcal~t'gu'wtrk has tooglit me goki vr atiei'pultyetd. Always thirat. e-ootl iintsteatly.leit' t:tigott i ldtigon- 'Site osi s'itace intt stisui'itrs ts ectI. tutu titt tiakes' la e ru. stiie-i'liir'li taithishlditlat it tot it- FaillTennis. , tond religiouis serce',1-e uwtiasays 'Titeeten entils 'oiirtsair' eat pros- 'tt n gootd eatsbehi' atied trait tug)- (is goodtias Nwas t'xtii't'l. 't.' i(?eltitrti atteitbaiir'e is-iiart'otsenut illilt- hais tuenslittl~e rotlaiid liii'grond is r.I Te' Uiversity oat Micliatihas ru lt adiuei e il mae :pets. 1lit- ori'ligious test or seesic's; but it is 1e tiii' corts au-u'sa te ut cutroletStnt iiiiiiral oi' in eligions in its thn-i- el r' u--'thttrt-lay, thueystillitot boi'suit- e'iiey; its fuinetit oniet'esarib'lyIitt- attle'-In play- oiifor thl.Iii' :0 ttiiicnoa- eit by the scoper'fatheltaiwtsuider 1110Mt, s-huhie ita'orks.'' All lit ll play'rs Btrus'i-'ticr'ilto 'lTii-Oracle boacil still hldrla iies'l- hi' courts, retinrceit by msatty neittu in -Newbt'rry Htall at 4 p.iii. to- o'liieaiito tar t'lamitiiinislilihonors. In iday. f. 1 i E # } E x: . S { i. ._ Now 0 o i T 5: T-i rl 7 Heavy lines indicate Michigan, light lines Ohio Weseyan. ble douhbe hoarameont tHiriek and I George W. Benshanm, '98 F", Is wills Cunningham, of Iast year's reserves, It.4Danforlb, Itussell and Ripley, ('orae tshI. C. i'ailroadl and is located- at wos triad at center, and C-aley, hi-lf- and Mae, and H. Daonfoth -nd tooth Niles, 'Michi. hack on lost year's 'varsity, wvas at are conceded to outclass the othar Miss Lyle Raid wvas lbs delegsate guard. Both shiowesd lack of practice. teams. hanthe stogle tournsamntt theta from the' Michigan chatetr of the Kalt- The line-up. follows: is mtore room for argument; thes'coss- lpa tAS4hsa Theta .at thseir convention ta. Michigan kicked off, ltsa kick was last to -deride wise shall play Wpt. TD. Madison, Wis., lashtsveek. fumbhlesd and the 'ball regatned by Hterrick should be very close. Moot Through ite courhesy of Manager Michigan. Hogg msade three yards promiinent among lhesaundaitdatsstre Lisemesr, then 'varsity footbsall team at- throughi Cle line,sw'hen t,(tueble rate t. Dttnf xthl, H. Rhussell, H. Lambs, C. tendedithlea iroductionaot "Clsristopher. ltsa ball ho Wesleyan. The vis-ior-. Riley, It. Harvey, It.(taco, Il. Din- Jr." at the Athens Theatre in a body (Continued on Second Page.) I forth, and J. 'Mae. Saturday night.