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March 01, 1898 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1898-03-01

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VOL. VIII. No 105.


.__ .. _ _.w_,. _. __._ .._.

At Wild's
Spring selections just arrived
from the East. Call and
inspect our..... .
'uitings, Trouserings,
Al legretti's
Fresh every week.
Only in packages-
60c a pound.
Lowney's if you
Ject received a fresh supple of Allegretti, and
i-illiamas and Werners Chocolates. Largest line
in the city.
Lunches a- all hours.
308 South State Street.


The Under Classmen Will Con-
pete March 5.
Preparations for the Freshman-Soph-
omore meet to take place Saturday,
March 5th, are completed. Manager
McLean, of '00, and Bach of '01, have
their men working hard and have about
picked their relay teams. The success
of '00 in track affairs iast year makes
it likely that '01 will be put to it to
win out. Many of their old men will
be out and some new ones will also ap-
pear in the ranks of '00. Hatch is show-
ing up particularly well. Cox, the track
trainer, will make his first appearance,
and will act as starter. The other ofHi-
cials are to be announced later. The
U. of M. band has refused to play, aIl-
though it was planned to have it ap-
pear. The girls of 00 have a committee
of three to raise funds to procure a.
banner to be given the winning team.
This committee is made up as follows:
Miss Pettee, chairman; Miss Hull and
Miss Spence.
The program of events is as follows:
1. 40 yards dash-three trial heats.
2. Pole vault.
3. One-half mile walk.
4. 40 yard hurdles-trial heats.
5. Shot put.
6. One-half mile run.
7. Finals in 40 yard dash.
8. High jump.
9. Finals in hurdles.
10. Fencing exhibition.
11. Relay race.
The events will begin at 3 o'clock
sharp and chairs will be provided for
ladies. No admission will be charged.
Banquet of Detroit Alumni.
Plans are heing perfected by theD-
troit Alumni Association of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for its banquet at the
Russell house on the evening of March
18. The affair will constitute the larg-
est gathering of college men ever got-
ten together in Detroit. A large nuin-
her of the faculty and students of the
University having promised to he in at-
Hon. Don M. Dickinson will officiate
as toastmaster, and the list of speakers

Whist Club Tournament. Toatmasters' Banquet.

The Whist Club tournament will be-
gin next Thursday evening and willa
take only two nights, contrary to prev-
ious announcements. On the first I
night's play all the north and south i
teams will play all east and west teams, i
the position of teams being determineds
by drawings. The second night's playa
will be between the two high teams,
one east and west, the other north and
south. There will be no admission feef
and all teams are requested to enter theY
tournament. The officers of the club
are at present in correspondence withf
the Jackson Whist Club.
The present standing of the teams is
as follows: 1, Ellsworth an iRussel;
2, Miller and Murrill; 3, Driggs and1
Hyde; 4, Robinson and Babcock; 5,
Lamb and Prentis; 6, Lowe and Person;
7, Flansburg and Burkhardt; 8, Bowen
and Hawkhurst; 9, Verdier and Ver-
dier; 10, Gross and Wisner; 11, Raynor
and Gorenflo; 12, Jones and McMaster;
13, Clark and Baldwin; 14, Fisher and
Beardsley; 15, Shanahan and Cranston;
16, Campbell and Larned; 17, King and'
Batchelor; 18, Marshall and Jones; 19,
Murphy and Phillipson; 20, Idema and.
Voorhels; 21, McMillan and Sherwood;
22, Skillman and Elbel; 23, Heimston
and Brilihart; 24, Danforth and Dan-
forth; 215, Bigelow and Gabriel.
Wier and Simons Win.
In the senior lit contest held last
night Mr. Simons secured first place by
a close margin, and Mr. Wiers second.
Prof. Hinsdale and Mr. Rebec, and
Rev. Coler were the judges on thought
and composition, and Prpfs. Bogle and
Johnson, and Mr. Ingraham on deliv-
ery. The following are the grades of
the contestants, the ranks being given
in the same order as the judges are
Simons, 2, 6, 3; 1, 1, 1; total, 14.
Wiers, 1; 2, 2; 3, 2, 4; total, 14.
Osgood, 3, 1, 5; 4, 4, 2; total, 19.
Miss Nash, 5, 5, 6; 2, 3, 3; total 24.
Loud, 4, 4, 1; 5, 5, 5; total 24.
Harlan, 6, 3, 4; 6, 6, 6; total, 31.
The contestants have drawn the fol-
lowing positions for the final to be
held March 18:
Tatum, Mulholland, Montgomery,
Wiers, Storm, Simons, Rheinfrank and
Vesper Services Begin.
Vesper services, which have been de-
layed so far this year on account of
the organ, will begin next week. - The
chorus has been rehearsing twice a
week since the middle of. October, and

About a year ago there was organized
mong the college young men the Uni-
ersity of Michigan Toastmasters' club.
is generally supposed that its title
s indicative of its purpose. And so it
s in a vague way. But it took the
emester banquet held Friday evening
t the Cook house to fully express the
ibjects and purposes of the club. In-
teed even the fondest dreams of its
ounders were then more than realized.
the young lady friends of the club
were the guests of the evening and
their pretty faces and dainty gowns
added much to the charm of the occa-
sion. After enducting thesaselves as
good toastmasters do at well laden
tables, Mr. T. A. eskebile. the presi-
dent of the club, introduced Mr. O. I.
Myers as master of ceremonies. lie
Proved to be a toastmaster among
toastmasters and in a happy manner,
which showed a mastery of the art that
the club attempts to teach, called alike
on the members and their guests for
their wit, their mirth and their soer
:ense, ,,1
The program was f a varied nature
and was as follows:
The Evolution of After-Dli ner Speak-
of-f - -- - - -- - - -.. ... I.. S. Lathers
The Cartoon-A Factor in Modern
Journalism..........1. Ma Cutheon
The Junior Hop........T. A. Berkebile
China's Outlook............J. R. Schacht
The Ladies..................M, Webster
The Gentlemen..Mrs. V. A. G. Murrell
Our Country......K.........E. Cieverdon
Mark Twain-the Globe Trotter.
.I.. . . .. . .. . . Adams
The Future sit the Santo........
..J. B. Danbridge
The Heart That Can Feel for An-
other................L. O. Davis
The University and the Toastmasters
..... ........H. J. SMcCrery
A number of the ladies present alsi
responded to impromptu toasts.-Wash-
tenaw Evening Times.
Oxford's Lame Excuse.
Oxford's declination of the challenge
of the American universities for an in-
ternational contest this summer ap-
pears to be based upon the opinion that
the amateur status of college athletics
upon this side of the water is not be-
yond question. For example, the Lon-
don Times remarks: "After the meet-
ing between the New York Athletic
Club and the London Athletic Club, the
general opinion among university ath-
letes here was that Oxford and Cam-
bridge had better confine their competi-
tions to themselves, until they could
establish beyond a shadow of doubt
that their opponents were both ama-
teurs and students in the full sense of
the words."-Brown Daily Herald.
Sousa Honored.
While 1 in the city Saturday John
Philip Sousa was elected an honorary
member of the Euterpe Musical Society,
which membership he gratefully ac-
cepted. After the concert the members
of the society held an Informa recep-
tlon in Sous's honor. . ,-

About April 1st I shall
need two more young men
to work at the soda foun-
Applications will be re-
ceived now.


Text Book
For every department in the l
versity. Law and Medical Boal
-specialty. We can supply all y
needs for the Second Seieste;

r 9,

promises to contain the names of many

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