TJIE UNIVERSITY OF M4ICHIGAN DAILY.' r Closing Out Salto Make Room for. Our. Spring Stock N[CKWEAR... GOLF HOSE... All $1.00 and 75c ,Ascots, - - 59c $2.25 Scotch Hose, - - Puffs, f-in-Hands, $2.00 Scotch Hose, -- Imperial Strings,- - - - - 39c $1.75 Scotch Hose, - - SWEATERS@.. - $1.75, $5.00 Pure Worsted, - - :x.50 $4.50 Pore Worsted, -- 1.25I $4.00 Pore Worsted, 3 .75 - .00 Adler's Pixie Emg1±sh, Out.Sea=. aOVoz $1.332 We guarantee onr stock and stand back of everything we sell. THIS WEEK MAuK & CO. THIS WEEK KINDERGARTENP 0. CHFING DISHES, FULLER & BERANEK, OME beautifuI bound Icall anid See Us, 5 Qf( TA L R .. olrin fvcland instrumentalTHPOOGPEREA ETESIadeping music of the standard Q (T H POTGAPE Work called for and delivered. compoes , suitable for UILIIISCHIETAKTTEUCenng.rsigan1earn librryo gitboks ustALIO~t ~ ~'~o~ LEPIN 315. TAT St, over Roaleyes. } L~~~EADING Chose S No. 14,New SAE.State. received. ________________________________________ --- BRZOWN'S DRUG STORE 0. Hi.IS, ARTIN, A NN ARBOR MUSIC CO' FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 151-25 E. Wahingto MAIN AND HURON STRtEET Embalming a Specialty. Is the place to buy .Dissecting Instruments and all thling needed for N.30FUT VNE Bacterology, Pathology flostology, Etc., Etc.} Amhoiasce eight or day. "pwwow -PRICES RIGHT. Residesce, 102 Fifth Avece. A.NN ARBOR Rowing at Wisconsin. W. 1. A. A. Constitution. CAN FO 'NISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. TieTblSndyep.__107 Orders for aii Fraternity parties, club TimeTabl, Snday Ses. I. ~dances. etc. Leave order.: at Ass Arbor TIME TABSLE: The gradicate executive onniittee of Music Co. sc at Residence, 1710OGsddes ace. Trains leave Ans Arbor by Cestesi Standard tThe UniversitynofrPelnsylvtniatrltticP.S. -wIili take pupiis os Piano and in Time. ing committee han answe red tihe recent teWsenltroiiit titcsight readisg at shove samed Pisces. NORTH. SOUTH. .Associatton met iu Chicago ,Saturday A. d1 .ohnston. 8:41 a. m. *7:15 a. m commutnication received from the tfni-. *12 43 a. m. 11:15 a. mn. vrst o icosn oin a age nsd.dresotop a conssiltution to he nuts_______________________ 4:45 Ann rbor8:40 p. m. mited to the colleges for indorsernent. U fl.SaigProsadBt om *Ran, between AnAbrasd Toledo only. ment, regarding the proiosed race be-U.oM.SaigPrrsndBtRom E.8.OGILMIORE, Agent twe h a Antttos tIaio. plsan submitted by Maybir y, of Wis- 322 SOUTH STATE STREET. W. H BENNETT 0. P. A. Tsledo 0. convin, to lodgec the rnanage-ment of Ladies' artistic lieDressing up stair ________________________The reply, althnosugh an informal coin- tenx ed-ldtakme s:s Old crlends tail again. We welcome new MW i munisration, states that Pennsylvania se. J t ~OAO5 _________________could_ not po:ssib~ly <-:terl::in siiseon-FR --navn tttOdey cheNara as Rte." i'"pooiin orwsm iemusic. Lowney's Chocolates Ce~HIIntrScoadTie ulIrinntiuneaste ra ce wihor-The coarsts inimusic wiil be given in C O SoT-TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. d:i:anx ue EAST seilland Columbias wo~uld irobably take Itoom 24, U.II., asfollows: y TUTTLE g, r'. .A."5M platc during thie latter part of the same Course 2, Tuesday and Friday, 2 p.t Mlaiiand Ex.d.l47BN.YChi---- 5112: ALLEORETIS, if you wish. N.Y. Special.---d-1458 Mail----------918 month, which would bte the greatest tb- Coursee 4, Monday and Thsursdovay, _________________ *N S Limited.---8 15 Pacific Ex - -11130 l.0n Eastern Ex------.9 47 r ms. jeclion possible to at race between the A. M. Western as--1 38 Coutrse lbIMonsday and Wednesdaty, D. N. Express---5 55 G. iR. & H. Es".... 5 5i two crews out wst.A ulntcEx... 3 Ci.N.Ex----7.1 nNorth Shore Limited is as extra fair train received a letter is reply to this corn- ALL GRADES5 Or to be achargeofS50tsto New York than os ore7b ensaGla . HRSFCNE N other trains. municatio:n, wrhich stasted thast Wiscon- Coretb Wdedy 2pt.II lLSS OF ANL AN 0. .RUGE . W. hIAYS, si tnbetouctawrh Course 12, Monday, 3 it. in.SIOELSCAS 0.sinOOS, beingunbetmetawrh AND CODE. G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Ant.. Ann ArborThWanrcus(9)wlicud rival in tile west, wo:uld make asn effort ThSWIgne corsE(S) wll steud TH UKY come east again this 7-car for the : aeilsuyo teFy: ttl- 110 W. Washington Street. Phsse-8 COlLUMBUS, ROCKING VYALLEY AND TOLEDO RAILWAY purpose of meeting Pennsylvania. The rnan. Courses 5b. 11b and 121 xiii hr Is the only line from the Toledo UniOIo mmnlnti given at any hour swhichsimay inc de- coinLARSTNUFAoCTURsESonof xx L5 II Statisn Is Coiumbus and points beyosd, vmuiaii act, was an inform AND BICYfLESUPIEiS ANnDtUNIFOiRMi using Union depot terminals at Coism- t reqttest fonr Pennsylvanians nntion cided upon by consutatioii, hut stu- IsuN Htwoui. bun and russ four fsst express trains de-ssol eota h ousgvn ~~ui( l daily betwceen the points named, two of tn the Westerners entering the intel- d"ss ndreota"h orsgv..A . PLIG & BO them is the un-preeedented time of three A .SALY TeNm h urne: hours. Pasor cars on day trains, seals 13 collegiate regatta o:n tine Hudsotn, if A .SALY h aeteCaate cents: Pultman sleepers on night trains. Official Outfitters ts the Leading Csllege, Atl Students di siring unequaled facilities such an aquatic event is realized. ADANEwM ,p~r2S letic Club and School Tesms of the U. S. are invited lo use ihe Buckeye Route and _________MCHAIS can obtain fsll particulars on appilcationSuensdsrigt eetMthmtc Every Requisite for Rose Ball ts local ticket agents. LOST-Either oin Division at., Liberty adnseirgItelcMthmis Athletic Sports and Pastimes. E. R. DAVIDSON, st1rcaps5 gndsctha wtnm- i lease meet nie in Room H, on The Spalding Official Le all Dist. Pass. Agent, Toledol or Wednesday, Feb. 21. 1898, at 122 m., t0 Adopted by National, Minor, College an Wv. 11. FISHIER,G. P. and T. A., tials "P. J. P." lie-card if returined tlt arrange hours, etc. SchooilLeagues Columbus, 01h1o. 332 S. Division St. 109 ALEXANDER "'IWE T. Bases Ball Uniforms, Eats, Gloves, slts, Chess Proetors, Shoes, Etc THlE SPALDING CiIAINLESS BICYCLES THE SPALDINC BLUE RACER {Chain)iV""8S TH PLIGRAWHEEL Athens Ie tre$ University School of Dancing Sn fHrlIlustrated Catalogueof all ( TATEI STREET, OPPOStTE LAW BUILDINGi. Athletic Snorts. UNTIL MAY 1st, 2 LESSONS PER WEEK. A. 8. SPALDING & BROS., SAUDY-AC 1 B rga at New York Philadeiphi SPormpryevery Saturday evening with orchestra music. Chicago Washington C OFFICE: 427 Thompson Streec. AFTERNOON AND EVENING L.3.ILDS *ENOCH DIISTERL.E, MUSICIANS USE AL O FEDSEfIBALiWER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Bessimer Steel Mandolin and fCalls Attended Dayor Night. ' * 011D Guitar Strings; Washburn and els No11 Eat l' yftret Reidsj IBohmau Mandolins and Guitars; 'P'I- I " DTROI SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE. Matinee , 10andlM. Night, 2i and C, ., 1115ALL, THE PHOTOGRIAPHRII, .I14WetLbrl L ssAbr 1..r . WASHINGTON BLOCK ANN ARBOR , r +r ri.rra I