l c . of t. lat . VOL. VIII. No. 103. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1898. P-tcE--3 CENT. t :;_ At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our...... 'Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINSTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's. Chocolates... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60c a pound. Lowneys. if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. P=IPE S ALE!B FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Allegretti, and Wilenas and Werners Chocolates. Larest line in the city. Lunches a' all hours. R. B.OCY C. 808 South State Street. WARRANTED TOOTH BRUSHES s Some old story about. the same good tooth brushes. If a 25 cent brush sheds its bristles we give you - another7 brush. Glad to do it. We don't often have an opportunity. . CALKINS' PHARMACY. WA&H 'S 3OOEST O ZU NEW AND SECOND-HAND. Text Books! For every department in the-Uni- BASE BALL MEETING. Prospects of a Winning Team Are Excellent. The smeeting of baseball candidates held last night in Room 9 was a dis- tinct success. Over fifty were in at- tendance and the enthusiasm developed augurs well for a championship sea- son. Speeches were made by Captain Butler, Coaches Watkins and Clarke, Manager Kieth, Assistant Manager Emmons, ex-Captain Miller, "Sank" Condon and "Jack" Atkinson. The season's schedule was not given out in full, but Manager Kieth an- nounced that commencing April 1, one of the inter-state teams would be here they are trying and hours at which they can be at the gymnasium. The coaches will he on hand from 12:30 to 3. oclock, and perhaps later, and candi- dates should try to be there between' those hours. Anti-Saloon League. Perhaps one of the most recent or- ganizations which has been formed in the University is that known as the Anti-Saloon League. Its membership at present is composed entirely of stu- dents and numbers somewhere between sixty and seventy. The object of the organization as its name would indi- cate, is to promote an influence among the students of the University which shall be decidedly opposed to the drink habit and saloon practices. Its object LAWS AS ORATORS. Senior Class Held Its Preliminary Last Evening. The Senior Law preliminary was held last night. The judges on thought and composition -were Profs. Wenley and Knowlton and Rev. W. M. Forrest; oh delivery, D. W. Springer, M. J. Cavan- augh and Rev. E. L. McElroy. The markings of the judges were as follows and in the same orde, a the judges above. Storm, 5, 4, 1; 2, 1, 1; total, 14. Tatum, 4, 1, 3; 1, 4, 2; total, 15. Albright, 2, 2, 4; 3, 3,; total, 17. Rea, 3, 3, 5; 4, 2, 4; total, 21. Huff, 1, 5, 2; 5.5,';5total, 23 There was a much larger attendance than at previous contests. The last of the series of contests, that of the Sen- ior Lits, will be held nest Monday. The judges on thought and composition will be Profs. Hinsdale and Rebec and Rev. Coler. The contestants are A L. Osgood, Chas. Simons, W. L. Wiers, C. Harlan, H. K. Land, and C. Divine. Dartmouth-Brown Debate. The Dartmouth Debating Union has submitted four subjects for debate to the Brown Debating Union, from which one subject is to be chosen: 1. That it is expedient that members of the Cabinet be admitted to seats with privileges of debate in both houses of Congress. 2. That the best interests of society demand the inclusion of an inheritance tax in the tax system of the American commonwealths. 3. That the best interests of the United States demand the establish- ment and maintainance of a powerful navy. I 4. That apart from legislation the New England textile industries will be able to maintain themselves. The fourth!:uestion is to be inter- - preted by including only in word legis- lation such as tariff and labor restric- MISS JENNIE IOYLI. to play till April 12 on all days that furthermore is to increase its influence tions. weather permits. On April 15 the team by the enlargement of its membership Anson Honored. will leave on .the spring trip, playing roll. It is hoped that by the end of the through Indiana, Illinois and Wiscon- present college year the number be- Under the direction of F. X. Care sin, returning April 23 or 24. After longing to this league will be raised to mody, '97, one of Michigan's debaters eight games here at home, playing on something like that of one thousand. last year, now teacher of oratory at Wednesdays and Saturdays, the team Another object is to take active steps Notre Dame University, at South Bend, goes to Champaign. A trip to Chicago in the direction of establishing a five- Ind., the dramatic club at this latter and Wisconsin follows and then to mile limit. There has been a great institution successfully produced "A Detroit on June 11; the date of the deal of talk in the past about the five- Night Off" on Washington's Birthday. dual track meet with the University of mile liquor law in regard to institu- Between the second and third acts A. Chi'cago on the D. A. C. grounds. An- tions of. learning, but it is believed by C. Anson, late manager of the Chicago other trip to be announced later will members of the league that when the National League team, who was pres- also be taken. students themselves take hold of this ent, was presented with a handsome It is intended this year to maintain, matter and show an interest in it, tlat basebail bat mounted in gold and siver besides the 'Varsity, a second team it -will do much towards aiding the by the University students. Anson's which will practice against tieregular movement. first lessons in baseball were taken at players and be drawl upon for play- 8;. TL A..seasos tickets will be ex-; Notre Dame and he holds it at the ers on the 'Varsity as occasion de- changed for coupons at the door to- head of all colleges, although his visit mands. This team will probably be night. The fifty cent seats will be the there Tuesday was the first'since in the supplied with uniforms, etc., same as extremse side sections down staira, seventies. 1e -arsity - her is t seveoty-ire cents. . President and Mrs. Angell are now Candidates were requested to hand i The-Daly wilt be delivered the re- -enjoying a six weeks' vsation on the at once their names, position for which ainder of college year for $ 1.25. Nile.