THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGiAN DA1L. Closing Out Sale, to Make Room for Our Spring Stock. NECKWEAR... 6011 HOSE... SWEATERS... All $1.00 an(1 75c Ascots, - - 59c $2.25 Scotch .Hose, - - - - $1.75 $5.00 Pure Worsted, Puffs, 4-in-Hands, $2.00 Scotch Hose, - - - - 1.50 $4.50 Pore Worsted, Imperial Strings, - - - - - 39c $1.75 Scotch Hose,- - - - t. 25 $4.00 Pure Worsted, Adlor'm TFine English, Out-3oa= aves $1.33. We guarantee our stock and stand back of everything we sell. -- $4.0( ° -- 3.75 x .00 THIS WEEK MACK 8&.CO.; THIS WEEK --- S 0 ME beautiful bound collec~ions of vocal and instrumental music of the standard composers, suitable for library or gift books just received. ANN ARBOR MUSIC CO, 105-207 E. Washington St. ANN AR~BOR Time Table, Sunday, Sept. 5, 1807. TIME TABLE: Trains leave Ann Arbor by Central Standard Time. aNO. SOUTe, 8:41a. m. *7:30 a. m 112:15 a. mn. 01:25 a. in. 4:46pM, 8:40p. m. nRns. between Ann Arbor and Toledo only. E. S. eILMORtE, Agent W. B BENNETT e. F. A. Toledo 0. The Nagara Falls Roter" Central Standard Time. TRAINS AT ANN ARBOR. xEAST. WnES Mail and Ex.-347 B..N. YChi -0812 N" Special.00- 45 Mall .0______918 G. Kt. Expresn ._11 10 Pacific Exs- it--12 0 *N4 S Llmited...5 150rPsM. Eatern Es.0--- 47 Western En_. 1385 AM. tGt.&K.Ex... 55. DI. N. Express ....15 05 Chi. Nt. Ex.---7 47 Atlantic Es...7 30 *Northt Shore Limited is an extra fair train to be acharge ofS$2 50to New Yorks than on saber traiss. O.W RUoGLnS, 11. SW. HAYES, G. P. & T. Agt., Chicago. Aol., Ann Arbor THlE BUCKEYE ROUTE. COJLUMBUS, HJOCKING VALLEY 8AND 1TO.E00 0R1ILWAY ts the only line from the Toledo tUnion Station to Columbus and points beyond, using Union depot terminals at Comm busn and roes four cast express trains daily btwren the points namek, leo of them in the unprecedented limo or tihree hours. Parlor cars on day trais, seats 25 cents: Putman sleepers on night traine. Students dt siring unequaled faciities are invited loouse she Buckeye Boste ad oane obtain fhli particslars on Oppication to local tichet agents. E. H. DAVIDSON, Dint. Pass. Agent, Toledo; or" W. H. FISHIER, G. P. and T. A.,, Columbus, Ohio. CAN FUQNISH MUSIC OF FIRST-CLASS. Orders for all Fraternity parties, club dances. etc. Leave orders at Ann Arbor Music Co. orat Residence, 1710OGtddes ave. P. S.- Will late pupils on Piano and in ight reading at above named Places. A. T3V" Johnston. ENOCHI DiETERLE,1 EMIBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Cas nAtended DayyorNight. SNo. 16 East Liberty Street: Residence, 533 South Fourth Ave. Phone 12. RANDALL, THE' PHOTOGRAPHER WASHINGTON BLOCK ANN ARBOR KINDERGARTEN,X0E.Hrnt ¢4 CHFNDIES ICAl and See Us, i5,fJLO( RETGHETN P OT0GRAPHER TEA KETTLES, Telephone'sO0. ANN ARBOR)VV=- -& Old. LOAPIOSOLE I FULLER &BERANEK, ~TAILORS. Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing. Work called for ai~d delivered.. 7112 S. STATE ST.. nove lonres. Phone No. 28d, New State. I an Mr. and Mrs. Rfoss Granger tuske t abuisiness of teach- mo- in danicing. You can join the classes pit any time, the U term starting with your first lesson. Private lessons Dance given by appointment. Office, ground floor. GRANGER'S ACAD EM NOTICES. NOTICE TO SENORS LAWS. Suc: members of the '98 lawyclases as desire to entler the contest for class sca- ler must submit their orastion:s to the committee not later titan Maroch 18. The regulations adoptedi by the oratori- cat hoard will control this constest, ex- cept as to the numher of contestants, whsich has been increased to eight. Thse contest will take iplace in thse law lee- turce room on April 11. C. E. Thootald, 412 E. Huron st., is cha:irmasn of this comte. NOTICE. Prof. Craig wiii be in 1loon: 2, Tap- patn Hall, Th~ursda:y, 3 to 0, and Friday, 3 to 4, fronstsultation. On Thursdtay, 2%cd lnst., at 4 p. s., in Tapes: Hall, the class in Atcent Senitic History, Art and Archsaeology tSee Announce- muent First Semester) will be enrolled atnd the introductory lecture delivered. Studeents xv::oish to jolntshie ci:se in Arabic, atnd who have not yet en:- roiled, are requested lxo preseoi them- selves on Thursday or Friday, 3 to 4. The heast lectusre will be give:: Friday at 4 p. in. A tote book axnd pen and insk are all that is necessary at present. Attention is a:gain railed to toe value of a ksnowledge of this language to linsguistic studen~ts and tox those wise it- len~d to: take H-ebrewv. JAMES A. CRAtIG=. AIUSIC-SECOND SEMHESTER. Course 2-Elemnents of Hasrmon~y 000n- tissuatiosn of Co:urse Z), Tusdal:y and: Friday, 2 Vi. in., Rxom 24. Course 4-Scienc~e of Ifarmnosy teen- tinxuationssof Counrse 3), Mondctay :and: Thsursday, 2 s. s., Room 2 4. Course 5b-Simple Counterposnt tcon- tinuation of Cousrse 5a), Monday an~d Wednesday, 4 o. m., Itoon: A. Corse 9b-hiistxory of Music. Wag- necr's Msic lDram::s, Wednesdasy and Friday, 23to. mo., Rtoom 21. Special at- toetion will be giset-:oI:the FIy leg Dustchman~." Co:urse llb-Musical Criticiosu Lec- tures, Wednesda:y, 3 p. in., Rloom 24. ilustratinge prin~ciplesof styles on shsoxxn in thexo xxrks of the Leading Classic asnd Msoderxn Cosmposers. course 12-H::si ris: its Et~hical Rtela- tions, Monday, 3, 1700m 24. The hoxurs assigned foe Courses 5b, 11th ansi 12 are subject to change cs: suit the con~ven:ien:c'of studesnts elect- tog them. I will mes-t tisose desirious of taking the work at the hoses desig- nated above. Thse vespoer choir xiii meet prompttly at 2 p. Hall, Thursda:y, Fseb. 24. .tLBERIT STANLEY5. N. 1B.-Al gransd pi.anofo:rte is to: is provided for purpsesos illstrations. 0. M. MVARTIN, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. Embalmipg a Specialty. NO. "2O9 FOURTH AVENUE.- Ambulance eight or dsy. Residence. 102 Fifth Avenue. DROP IN AND GIRT ONE~.. SID W. MILLARD'S Football Calendars for 1898. WestLiberty Street. . of X. '1i g Priors and Btlh Rooms ,322 SOUTH STATE STREET. Ladles' artistic Hairs Dressing so stairs, Old friends call again. We welcome new ones, J. K, TROJANOWSKIt, Lowney's Chocolates - GO0 TO- W. W11, T 1ryUTT LE'S.tae su,. ALLEGLREITIS, if you wish. K AL!ADSO ItAN D, SOFT, CANNEL AND) SMAOO(RLLSS COA11jS ANt) COEFK. 113oW Wahngton Street.Phon S. AND BICYCLE.SUPLIS AND etUNORSs A. G. SPALDING & BROS. "The Name the Guarantee." -Official outfitters to the Leading Collegr, Ath- letic Club and-School Trains of the U. S. Every Requisite for Mono; Ball, Athletic Sports and Pastimes. The Spalding Official League Ball Adlopted by National, Minor, College ad School Leagues. Base Blall Uniforms, Bain, Gloysa, hits, Chess Protectors, Shoen, Etc.. TilE SPALDSING CHAINLESS BICYCLES 88 IRE SPALDINC BLUE RACER {Chain) OD t . TESADNRODHE 44Seed for Ilustrated Cataiogue of all Athletic Sports. A. 6. SPALDING & BROS. New York Philadelphia Chicago s Washington. MUSICIANS USE j ;Bessimer Steel Mandolin ad Guitar Strings; "Washburn and 4 Bohman Xandolins and Guitars;j ;John Church Co's Metronomea. For sale at ;SCHAEBERLE'S MUSIC STORE 114 West LUberly st , Ann Arbor. nLA' 0 (SECOND SEMESTER.) Meechems Cases on Agencies, Greenleaf on Evidence, Vol. 1, Cooley on Taxation, Holand's Elements of Jurisprudence, High's Extraordinary Legal Remedies. All the above hooks can be found ait SHEEH A-N'-S 320 South State Street.