tic of Von. VIII. No. 101. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 1898. PRICE-3 CENTS. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti'sx Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- 60o a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE!T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Jut received a fresh susply of Allegretti, and Williams and Werners Chocolates. Largest line tn the city.- Lunches a all hours. R. E.JOLLSY & CO. NiS South state Street. WARRANTED TOOTH BRUSHES if Some old story about the same good tooth brushes. If a'25 cent brush sheds its bristles we give you another brush. Glad to do it. We don't often have an opportunity. CAKINS' PHARMACY. WA HR'0 300EST OrE NEW AND SECOND-HAND Text BooksI. For every departmnent in the Uni- versity. Law and Medical Books a specialty. We can supply all your needs for the. Second Semester at lowest prices. Seond-hand.Books Bought, Sold aud Exchanged. Best Linen Writing Paper lc and 25 per pound. The A. A.Waterman Solid Gold Pountain Peatr i125. SUMMER SCHOOL Department of Literature, Science and the Arts. During the summer of 1898, from July 6 to August 17, the following courses of instruction will be offered by members of the faculty: Greek - Preparatory Greek, rapid reading of easy Greek. Two-fifths credit, by Dr. Dennison. Latin-Preparatory Latin, rapid read- ig. Two-fifths credit. Roman Public Institutions, two-fifths credit. Histor- ical Proseminary, two-fifths credit. Comparative Grammar of Greek and Latin, two-fifths credit, by Professor Rolfe and Assistant Professor Drake. French-Beginners Course. French Composition, two-fifths credit. Scien- tific Prose, two-fifths credit. Classic Drama, two:fifths credit, by Mr. Ef- finger. German-Reading of Modern Prose. two-fifths credit. German Grammar, two-fifths credit. Classic Drama, two- fifths credit, by Dr. Mensel. English-The Teaching of English Literature, two-fifths credit. American Literature, two-fifths credit, by Pro- fessor Demmon. Rhetoric-Analysis of English Prose, two-fifths credit. Methods of Teaching Rhetoric and English Ccmposition, two-fifths credit, by Mr. Gray. Philosophy-Logic, two-fifths credit, by Dr. Rebec. Introduction and Gen- eral Psychology, two-fifths credit. In- troductory Laboratory Course, two-' fifths credit, by Dr. Pillsbury. Science and Art of Teaching-Ancient Education and Educational Thought, two-fifths credit, by Dr. Rebec. Political Economy-Elements of Po- litical Economy, two-fifths credit. His- try of the Development of Industrial Society, two-fifths credit. Industrial Development of the United States since the Civil War, two-fifths credit, by Dr. Dixon. Mathematics-Geometry, Elementary Algebra, Trigonmetry and Algebra, three-fifths credit. Analytical Geome- try and Algebra, four-fifths credit. Theory of Equation, two-fifths credit. Elementary Mechanics. two-ifths credit. Projective Geometry, two-ifths credit. Theory of Infinite Series, two- fifths credit. . Geometry (teachers' course), two-fifths credit. Calculas, two-fifths credit. Differenttal Equa- tions, two-fifths credit, by Professor Beman, Messrs Lyman and Mall, and Dr. Glover. Physics-Physics for Admission to the University; General Physics, (teach- ers' course); Laboratory Work, two or three-fifths credit. Electrochemistry, Sound, three-fifths credit. Glass Blow- ing, by Assistant Professor Reed and Dr. Guthe. Chemistry-General Inorganic Chem itoy ,thr-fifths credit. Laboratory i six-fifths credit. Qualitative Analysis,' four to six-fifths credit. Beginning Qualitative Analysis, four to six-fifths credit. Advanced Inorganic Chemistry, Theoretical Chemistry, two-fifths cred- it. Physical Chemistry, credit arrang- ed. Advanced Qualitative Analysis, four to six-fifths credit. Spectroscopic Analysis, credit arranged. Organic Analysis, credit arranged. Research Work, credit arranged, by:Messrs. Hig- ley, Lichty, Trowbridge and Brown. Zoology-General Zoology, two or four-fifths credit. Typical Vertebrate, two-fifths credit (teachers' course), by Mr. Johnston, Botany-General Botany, two-fifths credit. Plant Histology, two-fifths credit. Plant Physiology, two-fifths credit. Botany for Admission to the University, by Professor Newcomb. Drawing-Geometrical Drawing, two- fifths credit. Freehand Drawing, three- fifths credit. Descriptive Geometry, four-fifths credit. Freehand Lettering, two-fifths credit, by Messrs. Wrent- more and Goulding. Surveying-Use of Instruments, ote- fifth credit. Geographical Analysis, two-fifths credit, by Mr. Wrentmore. Mechanical Engineering - Principles of Mechanism, three or two-fifths cred- it, by Mr. Wrentmore. Histology - Vertebrate Histology, two-fifths credit, by Mr. Orr. Bacteriology - Six-fifths credit, by Mr. Waite. . Physiological Chemistry - Six-fifths credit, by Mr. Bliss. Astronomy-General Astronomy, tw.- fifths credit. Prochical Course, three- fifths credit. Application of Spherical Trigonometry, two-fifths credit, by Dr. Townley. Pharmacy-Two-fifths credit, Assis- tant Professor Stevens. Photography - Two or four-fifths credit, Assistant Professor Stevens. An invitation from Stagg. The Ann Arbor High School has re- "Bucky- Hall Will Coach. At the meeting of the Athletic Board held last night, Manager Heald sub- mitted a contract with "Bucky" Hall, '96 L, of Butte Montana for football coach for the season of '98. The board approved this contract unanimously. Mr. Hall played on Princeton when a freshman there, and was one of our giant guards who did such execution against the Harvard line in 1895. He is thus familiar with both the Prince- ton and Michigan system. Manager Keith announced that the net was back, but owing to a misunder- standing in the manner of measuring, it was still short. He will retain it, however, till the end of the indoor sea- son, when he will have the necessary ccrrections made. Manager Campbell submitted a con- tract with Cox as baseball and track trainer, beginning March 1st. This was approved. The committee on a permanent grad- uate athletic managerrsubmitted a pre- liminary report, expressing tihe hope that the faculty and board of regents would take a hand in the matter and create a position on the faculty. The committee was instructed to draw up an amendment embodying their ideas to be submitted at the annual meeting in the spring. The committee was in- structed to submit an amendment pro- viding for a standing committee on Inter-High School Athletics. The meet- ing, commonly called Freshman-Sopho- more, is to be open to all first and second year men. Mr. Harold Em- mona, '99 L, was elected assistant base- ball manager. Junior Class Preliminary. The '99 literary class oratorical pre- liminary yas held last nigit in the law lecture room. The judges on thought and composition were Profes- sors Drake, Wait and Gray. Those on" delivery were Messrs. Saddler, Coler ceived an invitation from Prof. Stagg pn themontestnts and aol- to take part in the big athletic meet, Position the contestants ranked as fol- at Chicago, March 5th. This is given lows: Wistrand, 11; Johtson, 10; by Chicago University. The afternoon Rheinfrank, 9; Keitley, 9; Moe, 9; Me- of that day will be devoted to high Creery, 11. schools. In the evening it is for uni- In delivery the markings were as fol- versittes. The team will be the guests lows: Wistrand, 16; Johnson, 8; Rhein- of the University of Chicago from the frank, 5; Keitley, 17; Roe, 12; Mc- time they arrive until they return. On Creery, 5. Friday evening the teams will be given The final rank stood as follows: a grand reception, and on Saturday Rheinfrank, first; McCreery, second; morning a grand tally-ho ride around Johnson, third; Roe. fourth; Keitley, the city will be the program. fifth; Wistrand, sixth. Medics Go to Battle Creek. Will Talk to Woman's League. A party of seventy-five medical stu- Mrs. Emma Fox, a Well-known per- dents went to Battle Creek Monday to tiamentarian of Detroit, will speak on visit the Battle Creek Sanitarium. Parliamentary Law in the Woman's ' Most of the doctors at that institution Building, Saturday, Feb. 26, at 3:30 p. are graduates from the University and m. The talk will be under the aus- a very pleasant reception was given to pices of the Woman's League and will the students. They spent the entire be followed by a reception at which day being shown about the Sanitariui Mrs. Louis P. Hall, Mrs. Mechem and and the factory where the Sanitorium others will receive. All women who I health foods are prepared. are interested are invited to be present. L y Chemistry, three to