I 4 'Tl;IE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DAILY. Not only the music did he write, butli lng near us will sooner or later tempt the book of his last and best opera is hither the old world's powers. when we' from the Marh King's pen. Every shall be forced either to abandon the line and every lyric, every verse of the Monroe doctrine, or else fight to uP- comedy songs, ond every scene and sit- hold it. Alliances will then be wel- uation, and th plot, detail and en- come even though they threaten to be semble he designed and evolved and 'entangling'; and before we are aware, joined together 'n a symmetrical, se- in spite of -ourselves, we shall become quential and harnonious whole. "The parties to the European system. Bride Elect" bok and music is a crea- "The original Monroe doctrine was tion of his brair." wise. From a re-imposition of the Miss Jennie Hyle, the young violin- Spanish yoke anywhere on this side late, who will appear as one of the the Atlantic nothing good was to be soloists with Sousa and His Band at hoped. That is my firm belief. But, the concert of that organization recent- viewing the negative results of freedom ly played in New York City before in the middle regions of Snanish Amer- Ysaye, the greatest living violinist, ca, I wonder that some historian does who expressed himself in the warmest not arise and try to make out that the terms of admiration at her perfc~rn- policy of the Holy Aliance was after ance. Ysaye also invited Miss Hoyle all kindly and wisely meant, and that, to come to Belgium next summer and x s could it have gone into effect and not study with him, which was probably been thwarted by our President Monroe the greatest compliment he could have with his cruel 'doctrine,' these states paid that young artiste and, naturally, would have been by this time much she accepted. Miss Maud Reese Davies, who is Mr. Sousa's soprano, has re- mreeprospeyuamrenemuhgmo free than. they are. One arguing so cently returned from Paris, where she won the approval of Massenet, Hem- m. Now, clearly, by whatever veri-simili- tude such a contention would have, in voice of that clear, bird-like quality, that degree the United States would which has made American sopranos the greatest singers of the day. appear as the actual foe of te repub- The prices for the concert will be 0 lies which by uttering the Monroe doc- cents for general admission and 75 tine we pretended to befriend. Should the power wishing to take hold of them cents and $1 for reserved seats. Re-beEgndnsadoSans snw served seats were placed on sale at 9 be England instead of Spain, as is now this morning, at Palmer's They can likely to be the case, our insistence on be reserved from 9 to 12 this morning, the Clayton-Bulwer treaty and the 9 to 12 tomorrow morning and all day Monroe doctrine would be morally in- Friday and Saturday. Season tickets defensible save on the conditloa that for the rest of the course have been we ourselves should undertake, in some placed at $1 with reserved seats at 25 friendly way to start upon an up grade cents extra. the almost desperate fortunes of these states. There seems to be no hope for WASHINGTON HONORED. mankind in that quarter of the world until some more powerful race shall (Continued from first page). take control of affairs there, openly, as hmanity. What is called conquest the English have done in India, or may be the choicest instrument of phil- silently, as they have done in Egypt. anthrophy as well as of wise statecraft. Only so, it would seem, can the Central Should we in some kind and conserva- Americans' resources be developed, tive way lift the stars and stripes near their institutions strengthened, justice enough to Cuba and Hawaii to put all among them established and the people Europe's national colors in the shade duly trained in the arts of industry and there, such act would have in no wise government. the immoral wranging that would have "In my belief, the Clayton-Bulwer attached to it at the time of John treaty and the Monroe doctrine to the Adam's presidency. To the Cubans contrary notwithstanding, England will and the Hawaiians control by us would in no very long time have possession of be life from the dead; while it would miost of the Central American countries secure us a pair of naval outposts sure if we do not anticipate her. To keep to be invaluable aids to us in keeping, her out we shall have to fight or else or, if broken, in restoring, the world's ourselves in some form occupy. And, peace, when the real condition of Central "To the objection that we could not America comes to be understood, our assimilate such peoples, I reply, first, people will not make war to prevent that the task would be no graver than progress there. The alternative clearly the one which England, France and being: the Union Jack shading our Germany are slowly but successfully southern border as it now does our working out in various parts of the northeen, or a more scientific southern world; and secondly, that it would be frontier for ourselves, the people of only the continuation of the process in these United States, sons of the sires which we ourselves have been success- who, in field and in legislative hall, fully engaged with negroes, Indians, helped the immortal Washington to Mexicans, Alaskans and European im- found the Republic of our love, sires migrants ever since our national life who boldly acquired Louisiana, Florida began. and Texas, sires who, on yon blue Lake "I have remarked that the Monroe Erie water one day met the enemy and doctrine in Its real and solid ,part: he was ours-a victory repeated at 'America for Americans,' is one which New Orleans and, later, on a dozen all patriots wish maintained. But it fields from Vera Cruz to Mexico-sons cannot be permaanztly maintained save of those sires. i say, called to decide by a far bolder foreign policy than we between more British bunting before have heretofore dared avow. Territory our windows or a more spacious resi- dence for ourselves, will make quick and honorable choice." In ending Dr. Andrews said: "Well, then, has political liberalism seen its day? Has its sun gone down forever? Is there, for the common man no hope of securing progress or a decent life by reasonable and conserva- tive agitation, so that, for chance to better his lot, he must become some kind of a revolutionist? "I do not believe so. Pessimists and cynics, I know, are abroad. The bacil- lus 'croaker' is epidemic now. More- over, he is lively and of a malignant type. Fight him. Despair of the Re- public is akin to treason. If any man ttempts to haul down the American flag, shoot him on the spot. Make it dangerous even to approach the halli aids. Some cry that heartless pluto- cracy, others that brainless anarchy is our sure lot. Each of these fell spirits is no doubt within us and each is a kind that goeth not out save by prayer and fasting. But both of them can be and surely will be exercised by a due use of means. "I dare to predict a new age of politi- cal liberalism, renewed enthusiasm for humanity, to come from the insights, that the aim of social striving now, the weal of man, ls as hopeful as ever, and that a promising method of promoting it, neither radical, revolutionary, nor otherwise dangerous, is open to society and awaiting use. Society's infinite re- scurces for the uplift of its lowest he as good as untouched. Despair, so soon, is crininal. Shame on us, broth- ers of the Third Estate, if we let go the hands of our Fourth Estate kith and kin struggling to rise! We are no more deserving than they, only more fortunate, or, perhaps, less scrupulous. for myself, spite of the painful, stag- gering evidence contra, I still believe in men's brotherhood, in the essential nobility, by nature, of every man, wear- ing a crown, carrying a dinner pail, or begging his bread, and because I hail them all, without a single exception, as of my own blood, I cannot believe that the stronger will leave the weaker to perish. It must become manifest be- fore very long, that the sacrifice of liberalism's literal program need not in the least sacrifice liberalism's aims or, spirit; nay, that the program must be modified to realize the spirit. "Society's method of dealing with the economic sovereign ties now threaten- ing must be one of two, socialism or judicious regulation. But socialism, as usually understood, the masses them- selves do not want and will never tol- erate. Careful legal regulation remains -not promiscous law-making, not lev- elling, not war on wealth-for wealth is in itself perfectly legitimate, even in- dispensable, more of it is needed, not lss-not expropriation, not the dir- couragment of just enterprises in any way; but the redress and prevention of abuses, the casting off of those artifi- cial clogs which now handicap willing men and women desiring to compete for the prizes of life. Freedom's trail is often circuitous, but it nevertheless advances, not once returnJng upon itself, often as it may seem to do so. "This slowly but surely awakening Insight, that the firm intervention of law, if it is only not wholesale but dis- creet, may accomplish now, for the set- ting free of healthy individualism and the consequent furtherance of all high social interests, the identical good re- suits which the snubbing of officious law-makers once accomplished-this apereu, I say, is soon going to be the inspiration of liberal souls the world over. Those old battle-peals 'tie rights of man, liberty, relative equality, and fraternity,' will echo again. In re- Ism in theoffensive sense will not be enthroned, but all unsocialism, apper- tain to whatever class it may, will be dethroned forever." At the close of 'he address the aud- ience sang "America," the Glee Club leading, and Prof. Stanley presiding at the piano. At Wild's Spring selections just arrived from the East. Call and inspect our..... Suitings, Trouserings, Top-Coats. NO. 108 E. WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN Allegretti's Chocolates.... Fresh every week. Only in packages- We a pound. Lowney's if you prefer. PALMERS' PHARMACY. PIPE SALE T FOR THE NEXT WEEK. Just received a fresh supply of Alegretti, and Williams and Wersers Chclates. Largest line In Ike city, Lunches at all hours. R. E. JOLLY & 00. 08 South State Street. WARRANTED TOOTH BRUSHES Some old story about the same good tooth brushes. If a 25 cent brush sheds its bristles we give you another brush. Glad to do it. We don't often have an opportunity. CALKINS' PHARMACY. 3300KEST 0 RZ. NEW AND SECOND-HAND Text Booksi For every department in the Uni- versity. Law and Medical Books a specialty. We can supply all your needs for the Second Semester at lowest prices. Second-hand Books Bought, Sold and Exchanged. Best Linen Writing Paper l1e and 25c per pound. The A. A. Waterman Solid Gold Pountain Peas for $S.a.